Chapter 1

[Underground Nazi Facility, Wilmersdorf, Berlin: 3rd of January 1939, 10:32 AM]

" Er scheint ein männlicher Humanoid mit spitzen Ohren und blauer Haut zu sein.(He appears to be male humanoid with a pair of pointed ears and a blue skin.) " a scientist spoke when he and his other colleagues made observations to the extraterrestrial.

" Sollten wir ein paar Labortests bei ihm durchführen, beispielsweise eine Blut-, Urin- oder Stuhlprobe? (Should we do a couple of laboratory tests on him like taking his blood, urine, or stool sample?) " a female fellow curiously queried.

" Ja, wir beginnen zunächst mit der Blutentnahme zur Untersuchung. (Yes, we'll start taking the blood first for examination.) "

The other male doctor picked up a syringe and jabbed on the unconscious Azurean man's left arm. He started to extracting the 50 milliliters of blue blood into the syringe. Then, he walked away a bit, removed the needle, and carefully dropped the blood sample into the petridish. Suddenly, the blue space alien frowned and slowly opened his eyes seeing strange people in white laboratory coats as the others were wearing grey and black uniforms. He moved his head around and became surprised in what he was seeing and hearing.

" Doktor Miller, das blaue humanoide Subjekt erlangt das Bewusstsein! (Doctor Miller, the blue humanoid subject is gaining consciousness!) " the female scientist shockingly spoke.

" Gut, wir bringen ihn zum Verhör zu Oberst Fetzer. (Good, we'll bring him to Oberst Fetzer for interrogation.) " the head scientist Miller responded.

The Azurean man slowly sat up and asked the people around him, " [Where in the universe am I? Who are you?! Why am I here?!] "

The scientists and guarding soldiers looked at the blue extraterrestrial subject which they didn't understand his strange unearthly language. For them, it sounded like a combination of a whale and dolphin call. They exchanged glances and became clueless in what to respond.

" [Why are you all not answering to me? Do I need to repeat the same question?] " he asked them again.

" Spricht er mit uns? (Is he talking to us?) " the guarding Nazi soldier looked at his fellow.

" Ich glaube schon. Wenn er spricht, klingt er wie ein Delphin! (I think so. He sounds like a dolphin when he speaks!) " the other soldier laughed looking at him.

" [Come on, speak up!] "

Still lost in translation, the German scientists didn't know what to do with him and exchanged glances. For Miller, he nervously gulped and heavily sighed, thinking to consult with Oberst Fetzer, the high official in this facility.

" Doktor Miller, er scheint uns zu fragen. Er zeigt keine Bedrohung, aber wir können ihn nicht verstehen. (Doctor Miller, he seems to be asking us. He doesn't display any threat, but we can't understand him.) " the female scientist looked concerned at the Azurean man.

"  Doktor Miller, wir sind uns nicht sicher, ob dieser blaue Mann uns Schaden zufügen kann. Vielleicht wäre es besser, wenn wir ihn erschießen. (Doctor Miller, we are  uncertain if this blue man can harm us. It might be better if we shoot him.) "  the soldier sternly reminded.

" Aber er ist nur ein Laborobjekt, keine Tötungsmaschine! Wir verstehen im Moment nicht ganz, was er sagt! (But he's just a laboratory subject, not a killing machine! We don't fully comprehend what he is saying right now!) " Miller angrily spat at the soldier.

" [What are you talking about?! I don't understand what you're saying!] " the Azurean loudly exclaimed calling their attention, becoming more lost in translation than ever. " [Why can't you all answer my question here?!] "

The people inside the observation room were still fearful and clueless which the blue man was ranting. A young man looked at the scientists and his fellow soldiers. They nodded at him as he went off.

Rushing to the hallway, he saw a taller moustached man in his late thirties with a short reddish-brown locks and a pair of emerald green irises in his eyes. He was wearing a grey uniform. His subordinate saluted him in greeting.

" Was ist, Schmidt? (What is it, Schmidt?) "  he sternly asked.

" Herr Oberst, das unbekannte blaue Subjekt ist aufgewacht. Wir brauchen Ihre Absicht, bevor er nach Süden kommt! (Colonel, the unknown blue subject has awakened. We need your intenvention before he gets south!) " Schmidt anxiously replied. " Er könnte Dr. Miller und seine Kollegen bedrohen, mein Herr. (He might threaten Dr. Miller and his colleagues, sir.) "

The colonel shot a serious glare at his subordinate and crossed his arms. Schmidt looked anxiously and gulped at his superior. Oberst Reinhard Fetzer found it too ridiculous and heavily sighed.

" Um laut zu schreien! Warum können Sie und Goebbels diesen [-] aus der Luft nicht besiegen?! (For crying out loud! Why can't you and Goebbels defeat that [-] from the skies?!) "  Fetzer indignantly spat.

" Oberst, Doktor Miller möchte, dass Sie zuerst die Person befragen, bevor sie den nächsten Schritt für ihn ausführen. (Oberst, Doctor Miller needs you to interrogate the subject first before they will execute the next step for him.) " 

" Gut, ich brauche Updates, um nach ihm zu sehen. (Fine, I need updates to check on him.) "

" Ja wohl. "

The two officers returned to the observation room and saw the Azurean man kept talking at the baffled scientists. Fetzer and Schmidt also heard the cetacean like sound from the blue extraterrestrial. The other soldier instantly opened the door and saluted the high ranking officer. Fetzer sternly turned to the scientists and gestured them to leave the room. They nodded and followed at his instructions. Schmidt and his fellow watched and anticipated on what the stone cold colonel would do.

" [Who the [—] are you?! What are you doing here?!] " the fearful Azurean asked.

Fetzer ignored the alien man's query and loudly laughed. He walked around in circles and intently eyed at him. The blue alien became nervous and gulped as he was uncomfortable and sweating with the looks of the Nazi German officer.

" Möglicherweise verstehe ich nicht, wovon Sie sprechen. Der Führer wird Sie als Waffe des Todes und der Zerstörung einsetzen. Sie sind absolut eine Bereicherung der Nazi-Deutschen Republik. (I may not understand what you're talking about. The Führer shall use you as a weapon of death and destruction. You are absolutely an asset of the Nazi German Republic.) "  Fetzer grinned and calmly broke his silence. " Erzähl mir von dir, Fremder. Was bist du, ich meine, wer bist du? Wo kommst du her? (Tell me about yourself, stranger. What are you, I mean, who are you? Where do you come from?) "

The Azurean man still couldn't understand the Oberst's response. He got intimidated by the officer's looks which he was sweating in fear. He didn't know what to say since he realised that he was on a different planet and hearing an interestingly difficult Terran language. Fetzer became impatient and crossed his arms. Instead, he picked up his pistol and pointed at the subject's neck, threatening him. The alien remained silent and sweating in fear.

Suddenly, there were flashbacks in his mind which he saw a brutish Voturnite soldier intimidating and killing an elderly blue man on the streets. This time, he was seeing the same scenario, but he wanted to escape from a possible gunshot of the sinister German high-ranking official. He could feel his blood and adrenaline rushing in instantaneous speeds within his body. He was hyperventilating and shakingly raising his hands, but he had to play along first before he could escape.

" Also keine Antworten! Du kapitulierst?! Oh, das ist sehr gut! Wenn das der Fall ist, wird der Große Führer Sie sehr bald treffen wollen, nicht wahr? (No answers, then! You are surrendering?! Oh, that's very good! If that's the case, the Great Führer will want to meet you very soon, yes?) " Fetzer sadistically grinned and lowered his weapon, giving him a hardy and loud laugh.

" [Sir, I don't know what you're talking about! You don't really make sense to me at all! I'd better leave this planet and proceed my journey around the cosmos!] " the Azurean man anxiously spoke and instantly walked away from the room, running.

"[ -]! Schmidt, Kohler! Hol ihn dir! ([-]! Schmidt, Kohler! Get him!) " 

Seeing the fleeing alien, the Fetzer and his subordinates chased him. The blue skinned man hurriedly ran as he could. Just then, the bullets fired around the hallway when he quickly dodged into safety and reached into a corner where he could hide away from his shooting detractors. He sighed in relief, but he was spotted by Oberst Fetzer himself.

" Glaubst du überhaupt, dass du entkommen kannst, du blauer [-]?! (Do you even think you can escape, you blue [-]?!) " the officer sternly retorted and pointed his pistol to the subject.

" [Please don't hurt me! I don't have any intentions to harm you and your people! I don't want any of these! Just leave me alone!] " he pleaded and bitterly wept in fear.

Fetzer mercilessly glared, ignored the Azurean man's discourse, and quickly pulled the trigger on his pistol. In a matter of seconds, two bullets flew off and struck at the alien's left leg. He was loudly and excruciatingly yelling in pain. Schmidt and Köhler walked over to their superior and saw the alien wounded with gunshots.

Fetzer lowered his pistol, turned to his subordinates, and ordered, " Rufen Sie die Ärzte und lassen Sie ihn heilen, bevor Sie weitere Experimente und Verhöre durchführen. Wir lassen ihn Deutsch lernen. (Call the doctors and have him healed before further experimentations and interrogations. We'll let him learn to speak German.) "

" Sind Sie sicher, dass das eine gute Idee ist, Herr Oberst? (Are you sure this is a good idea, Herr Oberst?) " Schmidt queried with concern. " Was ist, wenn er erneut entkommt? (What if he escapes again?) "

" Wenn er es noch einmal tut, werden wir ihm die [—] bereiten! Verstanden? (If he does it again, we'll introduce [ —] to him! Understood?) "

" Ja wohl. "

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