Fall In Love With The Enemy

Magnus pov....

The ride was enjoyable.
Me and Alexander started talking about jeneral thoughts and other stuff .
I learned even more stuff about him and that made me happy.

" Magnus, how would you describe me with one word?"
Alec asked out of the blue.

"Well, Alexander I don't think I can."
I said simply.

He asked with frown eyebrows.

"Because you can't describe perfection with only one word.... Oh,I just did. "
I said and winked at him.

He immediately looked elsewhere, Propably to hide his emmberasment.
I chuckled.

"How would you describe me with one word Alexander?"
I asked with my playful tone.

He said and looked at me.

Only one word from his mouth was enough to make my heart skip a beat .

I was gazing at him not caring about my surrounding .

I felt.... Love for Alexander.
And... I want to be with him, despite the fact that that I am a Worlock and he a shadow hunter.
I had never felt that kind of love for anyone. Alexander was special. Alexander was the one who could heal my loneliness and feal my emptyness.

"Magnus..... I have to tell you samething."
Said Alec while he was leaning closer to me.

"What is it Alexander?"
I said calmly and started leaning closer to him.

We were lost at each other's eyes.
Alec then said
"I-I think t-that I-I li-"


We both snapped back to reality and relise how far we were from the others.
I looked at Jace angrily. I started thinking that he may doing this on purpose.

We reached the others. Alexander started talking with his sister about the mission while I was giving my death stare to Jace, something that I learned to do from chairmen meow.

Jace looked at me socked .
As I was staring into his eyes with my death stare not blinking, he started breathing heavier.

After a minute I could see a drop of sweat escaping from his forehead.

Then I smirked at him as I have made myself clear and snuggle my head on Alexander's back.

Then Alexander move the horse and started going faster and so did Izy.

Clary: Jace, are you okay?
Said worryed as she saw her boyfriend looking terrified.

Jace: I think that I have done a big mistake.
Said Jace still looking to were Magnus was.

Clary raised an eyebrow : What mistake?

Jace: I. Don't. Know..... But I must have done something.
Said Jace still looking at where Magnus was.

Clary: We will figure things out. But first let's catch up to the others.

Jace nodded and made his horse go faster.

After same time it started getting dark.

" Are we going to stay at the countryside tonight?"
Asked Clary with a pout.

Jace and Izy looked at Alec as he is the leader.

Alec sigh and started looking around.
He saw same lights a little further.

" I think I see samething.... Wait here.
I am going to check it out and come back. "
Said Alec and climb down of his horse.

" Why can't we go with you?"
Said Clary.

Alec rolled his eyes and with a sigh he turned to face Clary.

"Because we don't know what it is. If it is samething dangerous I can escape without worrying that I may leave sameone behind."
Said Alec.

" What if you can't escape? You won't have a back up."
Said Clary.

"I can protect myself."
Alec said and started walking away.

"And don't follow me."
Alec said and disappeared into the shadows.

"He can be so godamn annoying sametimes."
Said Jace.

Clary then climbed down her and Jace's horse and started heading at the direction Alec went.

"He said not to leave."
Said Izy.

"Since when you two are following orders and rules ?"
Said Clary with a raised eyebrow.

" I mean... She is right."
Said Jace and looked at Izy.

" Okey, we are going."
Said Izy and made her horse move.

Everyone looked at her.

"What? Do you expect me to walk on the mud with those hills?"
She said and took the lead.

Clary climbed at the same horse Jace was.

"Do you know how to ride a horse?"
Jace asked Magnus.

"Of course I know."
Said Magnus and made the horse move forward.

To be honest.... I have no idea how to ride a horse, I mean I never needed to. I can portal myself everywhere whenever I want. But if blonde can do it I can do it too.

Not even one minute has passed and I already found trouble. I didn't want to show that I actually have no idea of horses, so I end up using my magic to control the horse.

I looked around to see if anyone saw me "cheat" and at my surprise, everyone saw it.....oh well.

"What?! If I can use magic then I am going to use it."
I said with confidence.

Jace rolled his eyes.
We were now right in front of the building with lights coming out of the windows .

It was an old big wooden cabin.
It was like a wooden hotel. Not one of the best I have seen but.... It's Okey I guess.

" I told you to wait. "
A voice said from behind us.

There was Alexander with his arms crossed, looking at us with one of his hot death stares.

Clary gulped. Although she was the one who had the idea, she knew how scary Alec can be.

Jace went in front of her.
" Come on Alec! It doesn't matter. We are here and that's all that matters!"
Said Jace while trying to convince Alec that it was a good idea and doesn't need to overthink it.

Then Alec took a glance of Magnus who was giving him a small smile.
" Okey. This time I will let it go.... But next time I won't show mercy."
Said Alec and gave a last glare before walking forward.

Clary and Jace let out a big sigh of relief .

Izy: You almost got your ass in trouble.

Clary: I forgot how scary Alec can be.

Jace: Let's tie the horses.

Jace ended up tieing the horses alone as we were waiting for him.

Jace: Okey all done. Let's go.

Alexander was waiting for us inside.
I was walking with a smile wich desapeard shortly after I saw Alexander.... MY ALEXANDER was getting hit on by a girl.
She was tall, blond, pretty and was wearing a short red dress.
I could feel magic coming out of her so she must be a Worlock.

She was getting all touchy with MY shadow hunter... Am I jealous?
This boy has drove me crazy.

We finally reached them, Alexander was looking at her with one of his adorable annoying expressions.
Witch changed when he layed eyes on me.
He saw me and a small smile appeared on his face.
The girl must have noticed that and she glared at me.
Excuse me what? You dare to glare at me!? She is already on my black list.

Izy: Hello big bro.... Did you get rooms?

Alec passed the blonde girl and went to talk with his sister and the others , living me alone with her.

Blond girl: So is the big guy yours?

I looked at her with my smag face.
" And who are you?"

"I am Seri. Are you free?"
She said and winked at me.

" Even if I am I would never ever turn to watch you."
I said keeping my calm proud tone .

She rolled her eyes.

I saw Alexander and the others leave.
So I turned one last time to face her before I follow them and said.
" Oh, and the 'big guy' is mine. So don't you dare go close to him. "
I said and made my cat eyes to appear for a moment .

She gusped.

I chuckled and headed to where the others were.

We were now at the hallway.

Alec: This room is ours and that is Izy and Clary's room.

Said Alec and handed the key to Izy.

Izy: I saw a small club downstairs. We should go.
Said Izy excitedly.

Alec: Izy, we are on a mission.

Izy: Common Alec.

Alec sigh.
" If you get drunk I am going to put you at cleaning duty for a month."

Izy : Okey then, get ready. I will pass by your room when me and Clary are ready .

Said Izy and enter the room.
Alec rolled his eyes and entered the room, I followed.

Jace went to the bathroom and Alec had collapsed on his bed.

" Aren't you coming? "
I asked Alec with consered.

"I am not a party guy."
Alec mumbled.

" I know."
I said.

"I am also very sleepy."
He said and snaggled his head to the pillow. He was being once again adorable.

I gave out a small smile and sat beside him.

" Are you going to be Okey? With the nightmare thing I mean."
I said consered.

He mumbled samething that i didn't anderstan nor hear.
I was about to ask him again when a small snore escaped from him.
How cute.

I then started raning my fingers through his soft hair with a smile .
I stopped when I heard a knock at the door.
I opened excepting to be Izy and Clary but it was the blond worlock.
When I opened the door her face drop.

" Y-you are the one who lives there?"
She said a little socked.

" Did you expected someone else?"
I said.
I already know why she is here, to see MY Alexander.

She shaked her head terrified and I slammed the door right at her face.

Alec: What happened?
Alec said with a sleepy voice.
I looked at the sleepy Alexander.
How can he be adorable 24/24!?

"Nothing darling, just a prank."
I said never leaving my eyes off him.

He then nodded and putted the pillow
above his head.
I was about to go sit beside him and pet him when the door burst open and Izy walked in with Clary following behind.

Izy: Alec!? What are you doing!?
Come on! We are going to the bar!

Alec: No.

Izy: Yes.

Alec: No.

Izy: Yes.

Alec: No.

Izy: YES!

Alec: ....Let me sleep.

Izy rolled her eyes.

Jace then walked outside the bathroom and looked at Alec.

Jace: I expected that to happen to be honest.

Izy: Fine!

Said Izy and stormed out.
Jace grabbed Clary by her waist and left the room. I was walking to the door not taking my eyes off him.
I felt sad that I had to leave him.
It would sound weard if I tell the others that I don't want to go, as I am known to be a little addicted to alcohol, so I decided to go for an hour and then leave.

I sigh while taking a last glance at my beautiful Alexander.

I closed the door behind me and joined the others at the club.

Alec's pove __________________________

I cant believe that I almost confess to Magnus.
What am I doing!?
He is a downworlder....
This is just an excuse. It didn't stop me then why now.
Not every downworlder is the same, I know that.
But Magnus is just so different from every other guy I have met. He is just everything I want.... He is the person who can feal my emptyness.
He is the person who can make me happy. He is the person I want to spend the rest of my life with.
I know it's weard.
I only know him for what? Same days almost a week. But I feel..... I feel like he is the one.
I can't believe what I am saying!
Even if I do have all those feelings, what about him?
Does he like me back?
What if he doesn't?
Izy has told that he does but... Still....

I must clear my mind.
The others left an hour ago and I still haven't fall asleep. It's not because I am not sleepy, it's because Magnus Bane has take over my head .

I sigh and tryed to fall asleep.
It dint work so I reached my hand in my backpack and took out same sleeping pills.

I putted one on my mouth and gulped.
After same minutes a fall asleep.




I was once again underwater.
I was falling deeper and deeper to the darkness a lot faster then usuall .
I couldn't move, think or breath.
I was literary drowning.
I felt depressed , presured and scared.
Scared that this time I won't be able to wake up, scared that I am going to die in my dream and in my real life.
I wanted to scream but I couldn't.
I wanted to breath but I couldn't.
I wanted sameone to save me!

The only person I could think of was Magnus.
The moment I first saw him under the light of the moon at his party.
The moment I saw him at the institute.
The moment I saw him smiling, flirting, sleeping..... The moment I see him when I wake up.
All this moments went on and on on my head. I felt lighter.
I saw the light of the surface going closer and closer. I was no longer drowning .
I was able to move. Not much but it was better than not being able to move at all.
I felt that if I reach my hand out, I will go to the surface and be safe.
As I my arm was an inch away from the surface I felt sameone dragging me down.



I couldn't see who it was but one thing is for sure, he was killing me.
I could feel the oxygen leave my body.
I felt like I was dieing.

I was dieing and couldn't do nothing about it.
I give up.
I can't deal with this anymore.
Being scared to fall asleep more than to go to deadly mission isn't normal.
I was ready to accept my fate.
I slowly started closing my eyes when I heard a voice calling my name.

" Alexander?"




It was Magnus's voice.

I woke up immediately.
Everything was blurry and I had a panic attack .
I knew Magnus was right in front of me talking to me, trying to calm me down but I couldn't hear him .
I was panicking.
I didn't feel safe, I needed to ran.
I needed oxygen, I was gasping air.
I felt myself being wet by cold sweat which made me feel like I was indeed underwater. That the nightmare was indeed real.
I felt lost, depressed and scared.
I could feel my cold sweat all over my body and my warm tears rolling down to my chicks .
I was trampling like I was naked at a cold forest.

Magnus was still talking to me but I still couldn't hear him.
Then I felt his warm hands on my chicks.
He then pulled my face towards his and kissed me.

His soft, warm lips that I desired to kiss the past days were now kissing me.
It was rether a soft and sweet kiss than a passionate one. It was still so good though.
I didn't realized it at first but the moment he kissed me I stopped trempling and crying.
He stopped my panic attack and even my fear by a simple kiss.

I was looking at him socked.
Did he do that to calm me down or becaouse he does like me?

" I-I..... I am sorry, I shouldn't have done that."
Said Magnus and looked at the ground.

" Just forget I did that."
He said with a low voice.

He was about to get up and leave when I said "No." and grabbed him and kissed him.

I was surprised by my own actions but I couldnt control myself.
That moment everything cleared up.
I knew what I wanted. I wanted Magnus.

I started kissing him more passionet and slowly but at the time forcefully puted my tongue on his mouth.
He wasnt doing anything wich made me worryed that I made a mistake, that he didn't want me after all.
So I slowly started pulling away but at my surprise he immediately grabbed me and started kissing me with a passionate and strong kiss.
I kissed back. I don't know how long we have been kissing each other but it felt like hours.
We kissed again and again until we couldn't breath anymore.

We took a break from kissing and started gasping air.

" That.... Was..... Great.... You are.... A.... Grear kisser.... Alexander."
Said Magnus while trying to catch his breath.

" I.... Thank you...."
I said while trying to catch my breath.

" Now what?"
I asked him facing him.

He putted his hands on my chicks and gave me a small smile .

" I want to be with you Alexander. "
He said and give a peck to the lips.

I couldn't stop myself from smiling.
" I want to be with you too."

Then he jumped on me making me fall on the bed.
He was now laying beside me and hugging me.
I returned the hug.
We stayed like that for a moment.

" Alexander. Do you want to be with me even though I am a Worlock? A downworlder. "
Said Magnus with a low voice.

" Magnus, it's not the first time that I am in a relationship with a downworlder."
Said Alec with a little hesitation.

Magnus looked at me.
He looked socked, surprised and well.... Socked.

Magnus then blinked twice.
" Aaaaand........ Emmmm...."
He shaked his head and grabbed my chicks.

" What do you mean!? Explain! "

" I... Well...."
Alec took a breath.

"It didn't end well."

iad Alec with a sigh.

Magnus seems to calm down.
Magnus made Alec to sit on the bed.
He sat in front of him and putted his head to Alec's neck .
Then he started rubbing small circles on Alec's back.

" Alexander -"

"I want to tell you. To be honest I don't feel nothing about him, only shame."

Magnus went silent, waiting for Alexander to speak up.

" His name was Jonathan. He was half demon half human. I wasn't allowed to be with him but I loved him and that was enough to make me try.
I used to follow every single rule without thinking about it. I was a machine that the clave and my family wanted me to be. But he showed me what love can make you do.
We were together for two years.
He was kind and lovable at first but after a year he started become.... Cruel.
He started doing crimes, like kill mandeins or shadow hunters because it was fun.
I didn't know that person anymore.
By the time I lost the love I felt for him but I kept on going becaouse I.... I wanted to feel love. That feeling was something important to me. It was the first time I felt alive.
But the only feeling that I felt for him anymore was discast .
One day I decided to put an end to this.
I told him to met me at an abandoned building. When he arrived he had blood in his hands. I asked him what or who did he kill.
He just smiled at me.
I felt betrayed. Betrayed of the person I fell in love with.
I putted myself in danger for this relationship but he just continued his crimes, without caring what would happen to me if they catch us.
He told me that he killed a baby and his mom. He said that they were outside too late and needed to be punished.
I lost it and killed him. I grabbed my seraph blade and stab him right through his heart. He transformed into dust.
After that I walked to the institute.
Everyone was looking at me but I just kept walking. I entered my mom's office and told her everything.
The clave showed mercy and didn't kill me. "

After same minutes Magnus said.
" Is it allowed for shadow hunters to be in a relationship with a downworlder? "

" Yes.... It's just that I was with HIM.
He was a criminal, hiding him from the clave is a crime. "
Alec simple putted.

" Well, you have me now."
Said Magnus and started kissing Alec.

They were making out quite a while now.
They stopped when Alec said.

" Where is Jace? Isn't he going to come any minute now? "
Alec whispered to Magnus's ear.

" Don't worry darling, I took care of it."

Before Alec could say anything Magnus started kissing Alec to the neck.
Alec let out a small moan which made Magnus to stop.
Alec hide himself on Magnus's neck.
He had become red like a tomato.
Magnus smirked.

" Alexander?"

"......... "

" Alexander, let me hear your voice."

He said with a vary low voice.

" Have you done IT with anyone? "
Magnus asked with a raised eyebrow.

Alec shook his head.

Magnus smiled a little and started petting Alec on his head.

" We can do it when you are ready."
Magnus said calmly.

There was a comfortable silence when Magnus asked.
" Do you mind telling me about your  nightmare."
Asked Magnus consered.

Alec nodded.

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