Fall In Love With The Enemy
Alec pove______
I was at my bedroom preparing my bag for the mission.
Aperently me, Jace, Izy, Clary and Magnus are going to seal the portal of hell. Which will take us around a week to arrive....
I have to admit that I am kinda excited. Not only because I am going far from the institute for a week, especially now that my mother want me to hook up with someone that I just met.But also a little nervous. A week with Magnus... I don't know... I am interested in him and he into me... I think.
But its just that I havent dated or flirted since..... him....
Just thinking of him sets me off.
... Even IF Magnus is interested in me, doesn't he deslikes shadow hunters?
My thoughts were interapted by an appearance at my door.
"Hello, beautiful"
I knew this voice, I look up surprisingly.It was Magnus.
A small pink blush covered my chicks.
Alec: Magnus...
Magnus walked in and stood some feet away from me.
Magnus: You propably wonder what I am doing here.
Alec: Actually my sister told me that you are going to seal the portal.
He chuckled and started slowly to walk towards me.
Magnus: No, no, no I meant to why I am in your room.
Alec:Because you...???
Magnus walked same steps closer to me.
Alec: Emm.....
I backed away a little.
Magnus : Why are you running away from me are you scared?
Said with a smirk this time.
Alec: No.
Magnus: No?
He was walking toward me and I was walking slowly backward. Until my back hit the wall. I wasn't scared of him, I just didn't want him to notice that I am blashing... No its not that... I am scared that he may hear my loud heart beating.
Magnus stops right in front of me and leaned towards me. He put his hand around me at the wall.
Magnus: You are more than a pretty face aren't you?
Alec: What is that suppose to mean.
(said with a low voice)
??? : Alec are you re-
We both turn to see who it was. It was Izy. Magnus let go and started walking away with a smile.
Magnus: I am going to let you two alone.
Izy was staring at him until he left the room. Then she turned to me.
Before I could say anything she smiled at me.
Izy: I knew something was going on!
I rolled my eyes as she was attacking me with her questions.
Magnus pove _______________________
After the small visit I went to the exit where I saw Clary.
Clary: Oh my God Magnus where were you!?
Magnus: You know just walking around.... Where is blonde?
Clary: Jace went to bring the carriage.
I just nodded..... After some minutes I saw him coming.
He was wearing all black and his hair were messy. He looked adorable.
Alec's pove____________
And there he was staring at me. Although I was looking down I could feel his eyes on me. I could feel my heart beating faster every time I took a step. I was about to look up when I heard. "Alec wait!" from behind me.
I knew who it was.
I rolled my eyes and turned.
It was Sebastian.
Sebastian: You are leaving for a mission?! now?!
Alec: Yea, and didn't I tell you not to-
Sebastian: Why didn't you tell me!?
Alec: Why would I.
(said while trying to keep calm)
Sebastian: Aren't we dating?
Alec:..... No, What?! No we aren't!
Sebastian: You are right..... Not yet at least.
Sebastian crossed the line.
Alec looked at him pissed and said with an angry /cold tone.
Alec: We.Will. Never. Ever. Date. Got it!?
Sebastian: I am going to miss you.
Said with a smile.
Alec turned to leave and said " I won't" and started walking outside.
He was angry that he passed Magnus without realizing it.
Magnus pove________
I don't know why but every time I see Alec I smile.
And when I saw him coming I felt my heart skip a beat. It's more than a flirt isn't it?
I was about to greet him when someone called his name.
It's the first time I see Alec's annoying expression. He surely didn't like the guy.
They started talking, I barely could understand what they were saying but one thing is for sure Alec hated him.
Magnus: Who is that?
Izy: I don't know, but I don't like him. He gives me an off vibe.
Then I realized my surroundings. Izy and I were beside eachother staring at Alec and the other guy. Clary is no where to be seen.
Then I heard.
" I will miss you"
"I won't"
Alec walked past me. When he left I chuckled.
Sebastian: Why are you laughing?
I looked at him and walked towards him with a smirk.
Magnus: It's funny, really.
Sabestian: What is so funny?!
Magnus: You think that you have him when in reality you don't.
Sebastian: What is that suppose to mean!?
Magnus: I bet he hasn't smiled at you once.
Sebastian: We just met. He hasnt open up yet.
Magnus: - chuckle- When he saw me, he smiled.
Said Magnus and walked outside.
Izy was smiling while following Magnus.
There was the carriage. Alec was behind on a black horse. Clary was inside and Jace was riding the carriage which had two horses infront.
Izy went in and Magnus followed.
Jace: This is going to be a long trip...
Said and started the carriage.
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