The start of being real

Izuku was coming back from his mom house which was very long because he missed her(be mindful him and his mom is very rich she had retire from the military because she had Izuku at the time and she wants to focus on him but she does have a good stable job which she is a nurse working at the hospital where Izuku was born at because she also did it at the military when it was needed) he spoke to her because he has a crush on a certain girl name Momo Yaoyourzu of course she was happy that he has a crush on her but it was close for her time and she had cancer last year before he got into UA it's not terminal but it's too the point where of something happens to either her or Izuku she would pass away so that's why he always visits her but she told him that he can always call her which he does he wanted to make it special and she was surprised by it and welcomed him. As he made it back he heard all lot of voices which was his class only people he didn't see was Momo shoto and kendo well he saw both Momo and kendo outside talking to eachother about what's to come next in the lesson and he didn't see shoto at all and thought he is with his family(which he was) the class was talking bad about him.

Ochako: I can't believe that Nezu let a nobody in this school let alone in Class1a

Tenya: I know he is just an asset to us bakugo was right he just a useless deku he can't do nothing right.

Jirou: he is just a crybaby actually I don't see anyone liking someone like him especially momo.

Izuku didn't hear that last part Bebe was filled with anger. Then that's when bakugo set the edge over the hill.

Bakugo: y'all finally see why I keep calling him that he should just jump over a roof and die.

After he heard that he went to the principle office and right before All might attacked him and made him unconscious.

All might: I can't believe I have someone so useless as him young Bakugo is right he is just a deku. Useless child I hope you die.

What All might didn't know is that momo and kendo saw that All might knocking out Izuku and taking something weird back by a strain of hair and worse part the #1 hero did it. They took him back to the infirmary and told RG what happened to him and she was pissed that All might did it and this left the girls even more confused.

In Izuku mind scape.

Izuku: why did this have ti happen to me what did I do wrong.

?????: where's your pride boy?

Izuku: huh who's there l?

????: relax it's just me I'm not here to hurt you.

Izuku: oh but who are you?

Vegeta: I'm glad you asked boy my name is Vegeta Briefs the prince of all sayians.

Izuku: oh I see also got the sayian and Prince privilege huh.

Vegeta smirked knowing that Izuku caught on quick.

Vegeta: you is smart as ever I like your attitude already but do you know why I'm here?

Izuku: I'm guessing I'm your protégé or that I'm the next you.

Vegeta: I'm very proud to have you as the next holder or my power you are right my boy I'm here to train you to hold my powers.

Izuku: but I have a quirk tho so why do I need this?

Vegeta: because that Baffon you call a hero took your power after he knocked you out.

Izuku grew more anger upon the mess that was being talked about and Vegeta can see that very clearly.

Izuku: how long will I be here?

Vegeta:80 years prior to 100years

Izuku: I'll be old by then.

Vegeta: don't worry my boy out there it's like hours like 8-10.

Izuku: oh my bad for freaking out then.

Vegeta: you go and be mindful you are a sayian if you didn't realize that.

Izuku: say less let's start.

Vegeta: I like that we shall start.

For 10 hours Vegeta trained Izuku every power that he has and now he started to fade away.

Izuku: father please don't leave you are the best thing other then my real friends and my mother.

Vegeta: I'm sorry my boy I gotta say you were like a son to me and sorry to say that your mother passed away after what had happen to you you should go see that rat or whatever he is he has something for you.

Izuku nodded knowing that he will beat some ass when he wakes up. As izuku woke up he saw momo and kendo there waiting for him but he blushed when he saw how cute momo was sleeping and sleep talked.

Momo: please be ok Izu (said while sleeping)


Izuku thought he said that in his mind but it woke them both up and Momo was happy to see that he woke up.

Momo: who are you and where's Izu?

Izuku: don't worry momo it's me and I know that my features changed but I'm still the same without mumbling and the writing.

Momo: aww I kinda liked that it made you cute.*whisper that but izuku and kendo heard her.

Izuku: thank you but old habits had to go away tho.

Momo: your not wrong in that but your mother .

Izuku: I know I knew this would happen.

Kendo: what you mean?

Izuku: my mom had cancer where if something happens to either me or her she would pass away and right now she left me with her fortune.

Girls: fortune?

Izuku: yea my and my mom is rich like loaded like you are momo it's just that we don't show it.

Momo: make sense since ochako is a gold digger she also said that you are poor anyways but I see why you hid it very well I didn't even know you were rich like I was. Also sorry about your lost.

Kendo: yea sorry about your lost.

Izuku: it's cool I maybe sad about it but she needs me to keep going forward and btw my last names changed.

Momo: what to exactly.

Izuku: Izuku briefs

Momo:(why do I find that so hot right now) oh is the last name coming from a Legendary Saiyan name Vegeta?

Izuku: yea how did you know?

Momo: I ready up on them before.

Izuku: make sense since you is one of the smart ones.

In this one Izuku is smarter then everyone but his it but momo knew he was smart because both of them are tied for first in every exam but Izuku told her to keep quiet and that's when she developed a crush on him. For him he developed it from the start and only told Shoto about it since he met him before the exam started. Shoto asked him is he All might secret love child Izuku told him no and they had the same quirk which he told him how it works and told him not to say anything and they became best friends even rivals.

Momo:*chuckles* oh stop you.

Kendo: are y'all forgetting that I'm here?

Izumomo: no we didn't sorry.

Kendo: it's ok (so momo and briefs got a crush on each other and they don't know that)

Momo: Rg said once you wake up you are free to go once you got up.

Izuku: ok let's go.

As they left Izuku went to nezu that was waiting for him.

Nezu: good to see you Mr.Midoriya

Izuku: actually it's briefs now sir sorry.

Nezu: oh I see you met Vegeta in your mind scape.

Izuku: yea there's a few things I would like to do and I'm sure that you want to tell me about my mother I know he told me.

Nezu: very well I'm sorry for you lost but what do you need Izuku?

Izuku: I need me momo kendo and shoto to go to 3A after 5 months of our training.

Nezu: May I ask why this request?

Izuku: class 1a think their the best because of what they have but they fail to realize that if it was for me they would be dead by now.

Nezu: valid reason I approve but shoto is on vacation so I'll give him 5 months and I'll tell Aizawa about this.

Aizawa: no need I heard everything and sorry for your lost and I approve of you going to 3A you deserve it along with the other 3 and tbh he's coming back this weekend.

Izuku: very well I'll be omw so see y'all in 5 months.

Aizawa: see you problem child

Nezu: see you Mr briefs.

Aizawa: so what about assmight what we gone do with him?

Nezu: what you think have Mr.Briefs give him the biggest L that assmight will get. And possible give him the #1 hero spot once he does that I'll expose assmight for what he is to the public and tell them about the new #1 hero.

Aizawa was so with the plan e of doing that.. that he gave a grin that can scare anyone if he wanted to.

Aizawa: I like that idea what about 1a?

Nezu being the world domination rat got a huge smile that scared Aizawa so bad he can runaway from him and hoping that he doesn't catch him gulped.

Nezu: once Mr.Briefs beat assmight and that he is somewhat behind bars or grace which ever comes first make sure they suffer and if you want me to help give the word you got a blank check make sure to use it wisely.

Once Aizawa heard he got a blank check class1a was in for a rude awakening for what's to come.

That's the end of this chapter till next time izumomo lover out

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