Stilled in His(SWT) love

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم


Asweera watched the purple domes of Sheikh Zayed Mosque shine under the moonlight and smiled sweetly at them. The breeze was slow and warm. She began to follow her family towards the section deserved for the females so that they could pray in congregation the Salah of Maghrib, before doing anything else. It was almost time for the Salah.

On the way to this mosque, Asweera had plugged in her earphones and heard another lecture for her assignment. It was all about the shade of the Arsh of Allah on the day of judgement. One of the most beautiful and merciful topics of the day of resurrection. Rubdha used to speak about this topic with passion and because of her sister's passion the choice was made to write her assignment on it.

To understand what exactly is special about the shade of Allah's arsh on the day of judgement, to understand why the seven who will be shaded on that day are so special and under special mercy, let us start with another hadith.

'On the Day of Resurrection, the sun would draw so close to the people that there would be left a distance of only one mile. The people will be submerged in perspiration according to their deeds, some up to their ankles, some up to their knees, some up to the waist and some would have the bridle of perspiration and, while saying this, the Messenger of Allah put his hand towards his mouth.' (al Miqdaad ibn Aswad & collected in Saheeh Muslim (Eng. trans) vol.4, p.1487-8, no. 6852}.

Now imagine an ocean of people, all submerged in their sins, to ankles or to heads, due to the harshness of the sun and it's terrible heat. That day would be difficult on it's own without the added heat too, but this is an added trouble. And then imagine seven types of people shaded from this harshness and heat by the Shade of Arsh of Allah. They are under it's coolness. In other words they are under Allah RahmanuRraheem's mercy. He loves them because of what they used to do in this world. He loves them because there was something special about them amongst millions. And that's why this hadith is a mercy from Allah. Because it tells us a way through which we can become beloved to Allah al Wadood. This Hadith tells us how we can come under his shade and mercy on the day when there will be no other shade or mercy.

"The Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) said: "There are seven whom Allah will shade in His Shade on the Day when there is no shade except His Shade: a just ruler; a youth who grew up in the worship of Allah, the Mighty and Majestic; a man whose heart is attached to the mosques; two men who love each other for Allah's sake, meeting for that and parting upon that; a man who is called by a woman of beauty and position (for illegal intercourse), but he says: 'I fear Allah', a man who gives in charity and hides it, such that his left hand does not know what his right hand gives in charity; and a man who remembered Allah in private and so his eyes shed tears.'"

(Abu Hurairah & collected in Saheeh al-Bukhari (English trans.) vol.1, p.356, no.629 & Saheeh Muslim (English trans.) vol.2, p.493, no.2248)

The above hadith tells us about seven kind of people. Allah is merciful to everyone. And he showers his mercy upon all. But what is so special about the seven kind of people mentioned? Why are they getting special treatment? We need to keep in our mind that we were specially created for one purpose. That purpose was to do ibadah of Allah. Every single action we do in this world must be done keeping in our mind that one day you will meet your Maker. And that day there will be no curtain between Him and you. You will be answerable to the Most High. The seven categories mentioned above has actions to be done that may sound easy but will be the most difficult of things to do without actually loving Rabb. And the people who actually fulfill these actions become beloved to Rabb because they strove to fulfill these good deeds. They have followed the normal obligations of being a muslim and now going forward with following the voluntary acts which Allah himself loves so that they can become nearer to Him, who is the only one that matters, every second. They are thinking about every detail so that on the day of judgement where we have to present our deeds to Our Beloved Rabb, when there is no gold or silver thats going to work for us, there will be these beautiful, thoughtful aamaal that will be presented to our Lord humbly because he doesn't need it and yet he will be merciful enough to accept it. These people are thinking ahead about not this world but the aakhirah. And that's the reason why Allah loves them, because they are giving something extra with piety. Believe me, the deeds mentioned in this hadith aren't as easy as they sound. Taqwa is a must to fulfill these deeds.

1) A just ruler. Now don't think that as the monarchy has been dissolved almost everywhere, this deed has ceased. Absolutely not. In fact as the conditions have become more trying, I believe that this deed if done with piety today will be a hundred times more effective just because of all the temptations this world will throw at us. This deed is done by a person of power and position. But it need not be just for a king or a ruler of a vast country. No. It could also mean a person who is appointed to judge or lead even two people and he does it with the utmost sincerity with his Lord's fear and love reigning supreme in his heart. Many times it so happens that the leaders are corrupt while they rule. They favour relationships over the truth, or maybe they favour their own gain, or maybe they favour the power or money someone offers to them. But the position of a leader you acquired is due to the grace of your Rabb, your Maula. And when he appointed you as a ruler over someone he presented you with a vast responsibility. Your power could become your noose on the day of judgement my reader. Or it could become your crown. So choose well what you would want it to become on that day. When He Subhanahuwata'ala chose you for this position, you are supposed to cut your ties with everything in the matter of judgement and decisions and rule according to the truth. No relationships, gains, money, power or the other temptations should stop you from Haq (the truth). Every action you perform in this position should reflect your impartiality in the favour of truth. And that's when this deed is fulfilled and counted on that day. That's when you earn that beloved shade on that fearsome harsh and hot daymy reader. Consider yourself warned. Even if you are appointed as a leader over two, you are responsible for being just to them and maybe just maybe Allah will love the deed so much that he will bless you with the coolness of His mercy on that day. So next time you become a leader remember these words.

2) A youth who grew up in the worship of Allah. When you hit the teens and Iblees who is really patient and sly, start throwing massive temptations in your way, remember this hadith and say Audhubillahi minasshaytaanir rajeem and pray two rakah. Believe me my reader, the teenage years then the twenties and even the thirties are counted in the youthful years and all of you who are in this age group, each worship you do while growing up, you will be just pleasing you Rabb. You will be doing tour ibadah in your youthand your Rabb, the ever merciful, will love it. Do you know why? Because this is the age when Shaytaan lures people by tempting them and if you could just push them all away and pray your Tahajjud and make effort for Fajr, then thats Falah, success. And thats how you will earn the shade through this deed. By spending your youth in his remembrance and ibadah. So are you strong enough to throw away the shackles of temptations that bind your youth and enter the worship of Rabb that could book your place under his mercy on that day? Then do so without delay because this is one deed which He loves.

3) A man whose heart is attached to the mosque. If you have missed the second one or even if you haven't... because it never hurts to be extra sure regarding your place under that shade, then think of this one. A man (or a woman) whose heart is attached to the mosque. Simple isn't it? Just try it. After salah, make sure to remember about the next salah and run to pray it the moment the adhan starts. Am hundred percent sure, you yourself will fall in love with this deed, due to the peace it carries. You are running and waiting anxiously to meet Rabb, you are making Him your beloved and how could he not love someone who loves Him so much that they miss conversing with Him, right after their meeting? He gave you life and He graced you with His graces, then He just loved you. You did injustice with him and went against his prescribed rules and He? He forgave you. Tell me how many times have you gone against Him? How many times did He punish you? You will notice that the number of your sins will always be higher than his punishments if any. And the sin you committed will always be bigger than the punishment doled out. He graced tou by fulfilling your duas even after so many sins and sometimes He graced you by not fulfilling your desires. He knows whats better for you than yourself. And even when unknowingly you would want to harm yourself by asking for something thats not beneficial for you, He regulated your duas and accepted the ones that is actually better for you. He is all this and more. Tell me who is more deserving of love, of ibadah than He Zuljalalah? So now that you know that He is so beautiful don't you want to love him? Don't you want to keep talking to him? When you realise this, you will realise that you want to keep praying and going to His home, the mosque, to meet Him. Each time a Salah is finished you will be waiting for the next Salah. And that's what it means by attaching your heart to His home. It means that you fall in love with Him so He could make a place for you under His Arsh's shade. For woman too it means getting attached to your salah and praying it before doing all your chores, right after the adhan. A woman doesn't need to rush to the mosques but you do need to rush to your prayer. Because this is a way throughput which you show Him that you wait to meet him. That you love him and cant bear the distance. And that's why this deed is a guaranteed way to enter His mercy. Because He wouldn't not love a person who love him so much.

(There are four more and will be continued In sha Allahu Ta'ala in the next chapter.)

Asweera had stopped the lecture when they reached the mosque and now as she walked towards the female section and entered it behind her sister in law, Shamaila. The kids preferred to follow their Father. She stopped suddenly and turned towards Shamaila, who watched her in confusion.

"Bhabhi I forgot to do my ablutions!" She exclaimed. Shamaila smiled doftly and shook her head.

"To jao (then go)! You still have time to complete your ablutions and return before the adhan." Shamaila had told her to hasten back and went inside taking her place amidst the women who were already sitting in rows. Asweera had turned back and ran towards the toilets, in the opposite direction.

She had reached the corridor, just when the adhan started and began to run towards the end of the empty corridor, where the toilets were situated. She lifted her niqaab, to hasten the whole process and right when she reached the end, someone suddenly cut her way and she clshed with the person and shreiked as she fell down flat on her bottom. Her shreik was swallowed by the sound of adhan. She gasped at the sudden pain in her hip and kept her hand on it as she bit her lip from crying out loud. Her eyes were already moist with unshed tears.

"Am really sorry!" She heard a deep voice and lifted her head to see her culprit, immediately freezing when her eyes connected with him. Ma'arij couldn't believe his eyes as he gazed at the woman before him. He stared at her face as she stared back at him with an open mouth. His heart increased it's rhythm as it beat. Asweera Shams was sprawled out on the floor with her Abaya, haphazardly spread out around her. She was breathing irregularly due to her shock or her prior accident. He controlled his urge to gather her up to himself safely and smirked annoyingly at her.

"Singer? In the mosque? Masha Allah!" He exclaimed antagonizingly. "Are you here for the recital of Hamd?" His tone brought her back to the reality and she exhaled sharply. She curbed her urge to cry out in pain as she got up and faced him angrily, smoking through her ears.

"Are you really blind or do you do this just to hurt me?" She fired at him.

"Why would I hurt you?" He questioned her innocently and she huffed as she dusted her abaya.

"Maybe it's your new hobby! Hurting innocent women when they are alone and then following them around! You are a creepy stalker!" She whisper shouted to him. He chuckled at her and the sound made Asweera miss a beat. She shuffled her feet uncomfortably as he took one step forward towards her and stared at her with something akin to fondness, confusing her. How could he be fond of her? She took a step back and gulped as she saw his gaze change from fondness to predatory. 

"Maybe it's just you I stalk and you I hurt, because your pain pleases me to no limit?" He commented noncommittaly. She gasped at this and narrowed her eyes at him. "Or maybe it's actually you who are a stalker because you like me!" She growled at him. He smiled at that. He loved how riled up he could get her.

"I don't like you! I hate you! Brat!" She hissed at him with fire in her eyes. "Stay away from me!" She said and turned away, stopping in her tracks at his next words.

"You will never be able to run away from me..." He whispered to her. She stiffened as her heart went in overdrive due toan unknown fear that had instanly enveloped her heart. She turned only to see him swagger away towards the masjid and stood there watching him disappear from her sight. She had felt an unknown excitement along with her fear and she couldn't make sense of that feeling at all. This stranger made her feel emotions with just some words. His words, as creepy as they were, made her heart thud because of the way he spoke them, with conviction and... reverence? What was that? She sighed, unable to move. She started when she heard the iqamah and turned towards the bathroom hastily.



Ma'arij finished his salah and stood there in the mosque as it began to empty. The chandelier overhead sparkled and laughed at him humorously. He couldn't make any sense of his haywire feelings due to his prior meeting with the object of his revenge. His heart had been thudding wildly in his chest and he had to escape from there to stop himself from pulling her in his arms and never letting her go. She had evoked a protectiveness and possessiveness inside him that had eluded him before. How he had walked away from her, only he knew. He was quite confused at himsef. Iqra was so beautiful that you could write poems on her beauty. Asweera wasn't as beautiful as her. And yet what he felt for this girl, he didn't feel even a single percent of it for his soon to be fiancée. He had to control himsef or he would be in deep trouble.

He watched the wall of the mosque that had the Asma Ul Husna built on it. He read each of the name with care and marvelled at it's beauty. He had just reached the name Al Hafiz (the preserver), when he heard her voice. A lull in the visitors and the empty mosque echoed her already loud voice and he frowned at it. His heart lurched possessively. Someone else listening to her voice made him feel a bit furious. She was chattering excitedly with her brother and sister in law. He began watching her discreetly.

She was marvelling at the beautiful cut, marble leaves and flowers at the entrance of the main mosque. Her brother was telling her about them.

"They are soooo pretty! The leaves and the flowers look real don't they Bhabhi?" She asked loudly. Her niqaab was now back in place. Her sister in law answered her with something and she laughed. Her laughter was like a gushing waterfall. It was loud and boisterous and there was no restraint.

They entered the mosque and her brother showed her the colorful swarovski crystal chandelier. She gushed about it for another five minutes before her brother started telling her about the carpet of the mosque whose pattern was so vastly different that you wouldn't find any of it repeating. Each flower and each leaf of that carpet differed from each other. Asweera took ten minutes to try and find one similarity in the caroet pattern and then gave up when her nephews started pulling at her arms.

At last they had circled the whole mosque amidst Asweera's chatters and exclamations. She had been clicking pictures of the whole mosque while continuing her commentary on it. Her brother had been equally responsive as he answered her various questions or explained her various interiors of the mosque. She had a close equation with her brother and his wife, Ma'arij noticed.

They reached right where Ma'arij stood infront of the Asma Ul Husna wall and suddenly Asweera's chatter came to a halt. Ma'arij watched as she lifted the hand, carrying her cellphone, lift for clicking a picture of the wall and then lower down without clicking any picture. She just gaped at the wall. Silence had enveloped her being. Beside her, her brother still talked about the wall and his wife occasionally added her opinions, but Asweera remained hushed. Her eyes were tearful as she watched the wall and then her head bowed down. For someone who proclaimed hatred and revenge towards her, Ma'arij was doing a loudy job of it, as his being stilled at her silence. Suddenly what mattered were wiping her tears. He had to get his haywire emotions under a leash or everything would go downhill. She was supposed to be married to another. HE was supposed to marry someone else. These feelings had no place in his heart. He sighed and shook his head ro clear his thoughts and then with a last look at her bowed form, Ma'arij made his way out of the mosque.



Asweera had seen the wall and her immediate response? She wanted to click it's picture to capture it forever on the screen of her cellphone. And then an incident from long ago emerged in her head and her hand had lowered on it's own.

Asweera and both her sisters had gone to Umrah long before Rubdha had married Umar. Asweera and Zinneera had been chattery throughout their walk from the sahan of the haram towards the Ka'aba, but Rubdha had remained silent. Her eyes had been roving towards the direction of the Ka'aba, like she couldn't wait anymore. She was fidgety and her palms were sweating. She looked like she was meeting a beloved over there. Asweera and her twin had smiled at their sister's behaviour.

They had crossed a stretch of the Haram and just when they began the next stretch, the Ka'aba came into view. They smiled at it and clicked a picture of it before they started walking. They walked long ahead, before they even realised that Rubdha wasn't beside them. They started turning everywhere to find her and at last when they turned the way they came, they saw her. Their sister. She had been stilled into stiffness as she watched the Ka'aba. She looked like a black marble statue as she gazed at the house of her beloved. Her niqaab had been lifted by her. Everything in her had been stilled into submission, to her awe towards the house of Her Rabb, except her lips. They moved. In Dhikr. They moved in dua. The tears were falling from her eyes like a stream. But the most beautiful thing about her at that moment were her eyes. They ached. In happiness and gratitude. In pain of the separation she had endured from it for so long. Her sister looked lovelorn as she gazed at the Ka'aba.

Her sister's sight had shook them both into silence along with their parents. They had lowered their cellphones and stuffed it back in their purses. Zubair had walked towards Rubdha and brought her towards them. They had observed that Rubdha hadn't moved her eyes from the Ka'aba. She didn't move it for the whole tawaf. She didn't move it as they completed the tawaf. For a slight time she moved her gaze two complete the nawafil. Then her eyes had connected back to it in an instant. They had completed the Umrah and their sister had not spoken a word to them. She had remained under the trance. And finally when they exited the Haram to go and rest for a while, Rubdha had looked longingly at the Ka'aba and turned away.

Long at night when they had made multiple trips to the haram for Salah and then wanted to rest before tahajjud, everyone had fallen asleep but Asweera and Rubdha, then Asweera had quietly enquired from her sister.

"Di? You didn't click any picture of the Ka'aba. Don't you want something to remember it by? Something to capture the moment?" Her sister had gazed at her lovingly for a few seconds before she had sweetly smiled at her.

"I did. I clicked the picture in my heart. It stays on the screen of my eyes as I close it. None of the cameras of the world can capture the image more thoroughly than my eyes. Can it? For me, anything that moves me needs to be captured theough the eyes and not the camera. I want to thoroughly enjoy it's view instead of spoiling the moment through a screen or various angles and clicks. Something that moves you, should be enjoyed without an urge to capture it. Then you wouldn't need a camera to remember it by." Asweera had pondered upon her words for so many moments before she had shrugged her shoulders without understand it's depth. She had smiled at her sister and moved towards her bed to sleep.

Right then, standing before the wall of Asma Ul Husna, Asweera's being had stilled. The memory had resurfaced in her head and she had lowered her hand automatically and she had savored her sister's words as they rang in her head, while her heart moved. At that moment she had understood what her sister had spoken about. Rubdha loved her Rabb and she didn't need anything to remember her Rabb by. She stayed in his Dhikr even when she forgot to breath. For her it seemed natural like breathing. So why would she even need a picture to remind her? She would just look at it to her heart's fill and it would stay in front of her eyes even when she would go away from it. And she would enjoy each moment she spent near something commemorating her Rabb, without wanting to bring the technology of today to help her capture it in her heart. Today as she gazed at His names, she understood what her sister was speaking about that long back. And that was the moment she had fallen in love with her Rabb's names. She tearfully read His names and remembered their meaning, stilling at each one as her heart found peace.

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