Getting Married Soon
She smiled as she heard her sister in law and brother talk to her parents about the upcoming nuptials. Her heart was beating crazily. Farhan had pushed for an early marriage a month ago, after he proposed to her. And today they had two days to go for her wedding. Her parents had arrived as soon as Farhan's parents had put forth the dates for their wedding. Zinneera had come along with them. They had immediately began their wedding shopping. Her sisters in law and sister were really happy to go about shopping and planning all day. She was over the moon and dreamy too, but somewhere a feeling of incompleteness engulfed her heart, when it realised that her Rubdha di was missing. She had pleaded to her Jeeju to bring her back, but he had understandably refused as she was in her last month of pregnancy and there was no way she could travel in her condition.
She watched the whole house come alive with guests and smiled shyly. A month ago, she had wanted to stop messaging Farhan as there was just a month left for their wedding but he had adamantly refused to let go. So they had ended up messaging each other day and night. It had increased to such an extent that her mother had almost caught her red handed. But somehow she had escaped her enquiring eyes. Zinneera had caught on to her truth but had remained mum about it. She didn't exactly approve of it though. Once before, they had witnessed their sister crash due to the same path. And now she was traveling down the same lane. She shuddered and stopped herself from thinking about that.
They had been messaging each other through out their wedding shopping and also through all the small rituals that his parents wanted to complete. They had color coordinated their clothes and also ended up sharing their hopes for this marriage. They had become more closer and she had started sending him clicks of her and her clothes that she had purchased. Unlike the first time, sending him her pictures hadn't been difficult exactly. Yet, she observed that he had refused to send her pictures.
Her joint family weren't exactly expected to be there but if they wanted to attend the wedding then they were welcome too. Their relationship had understandably soured after the episode with Rubdha. She didn't even want them there if she was honest. Unlike her Rubdha di, she wasn't the most forgiving type and she hadn't forgotten their behavior with her sister.
Everything was packed into bags and the guests were invited. The hall was booked and caterers contacted. The wedding was ready to take place. And in her heart there was finally peace for the arrival of the most awaited day of her life. Her eyes were now shining with dreams of her future.
She picked up her assignment on IbaaduRrahmaan and browsed through it with a smile. She had received full marks on this one assignment, rest all of them had lost her some marks here and there. She placed her fingers on the words and caressed them lovingly.
5) And those who do not invoke with Allah another deity or kill the soul which Allah has forbidden [to be killed], except by right, and do not commit unlawful sexual intercourse. And whoever should do that will meet a penalty. (25:68)
Multiplied for him is the punishment on the Day of Resurrection, and he will abide therein humiliated. (25:69)
Except for those who repent, believe and do righteous work. For them Allah will replace their evil deeds with good. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful. (25:70)
And he who repents and does righteousness does indeed turn to Allah with [accepted] repentance. (25:71)
(Category one had been discussed in the previous chapter. This is the second category of people mentioned.)
b) Those people who do not kill anyone unlawfully.
Why is this category even mentioned? Its pretty easy right? Anyone who do not kill other unlawfully, has earn a spot amongst the IbaaduRrahmaan. So why would Rabb mention this? Suddenly from categories that require quite an effort, Allah brings this category to light where you just need to be a basic Muslim and a good human being. The specialty my dear readers is that this category is quite difficult to follow for some. There are some places in our world, where killing others has become just a child's play. Everyone are killing people left and right. It's almost a sport. And it's too easy to become one of these people and join into the killing revelry. But someone refuses to be one of them because Allah dislikes such a person and hence joins this category instead and becomes IbaaduRrahmaan. They refuse to harm others and hence become beloved to Allah. Or maybe the person in question is from such a place where you either join these killers or be killed instead and the person refuse, because Allah doesn't like it. He is putting his whole existence in jeopardy by going against such masses and yet the person is more concerned with what Allah likes and not what his life depends on. And such a person earns his place in this beloved group through this way.
c) Zina. Unlawful sexual intercourse. Adultery.
Say what you want to call it. It's haram. My dear readers. This is a vast subject and I am going to mention only the gist of this subject. Zina is not just related to sex my dear readers. It's related to every part pf your body. The eyes that feast upon wrong is doing zina. The limbs doing such acts is committing zina. Zina doesn't need to be going full way. But nowadays people count only the last stage of this process as zina. What comes before is taken too lightly. We live in a society where interactions between the genders are common. And to a certain extent Islam has given us a free reign in this subject. It's only when the lines begin to blur and unnecessary interactions begin when Islam puts its foot down. Nowadays its very rare that you do not have male friends or female friends. But desi people usually justify it as 'Hey he is like my brother!', dear readers, your brother is your own and hence some other na mahram guy cannot become your brother even if you think as such. Same goes vice versa. So it's better you draw a line and take a step back. The next stage is boyfriend/girlfriend stage where you are a step ahead of the male/female friend stage. Nowadays this stage is completely done in the open and is not hidden like some years back, where people used to store the numbers with other names on their cellphones. Nowadays the people think this is kind of a justified stage. It's all a part of growing up. No! It's not. Speaking with the namahrams, touching them, flirting with them is not done. And I know how attractive this lure of the Shaytaan can be dear readers. Its one of his most successful ones nowadays. This leads to higher zina. This is just the initial steps to the major sin. And you do not want to go there. And that's why this category is special. Because you stop yourself, your heart and your helplessness towards this attraction and take a step back in the protection of your Lord. Do not count your sins as small. Fear them. Unnecessary chatter with namahram is not done. So stop and be careful because even though it looks really romantic and sweet, it's a trap. This becomes your addiction and you lose your control. Remember dear readers, a Zaani (the committer) of Zina is not a believer while he commits zina. So beware. Because for a short while you will exit the folds of Islam with this sin. A dangerous place to be in. May Allah save us. Aameen.
And if the person still do shirk or kill a person or commit zina, they will get punished for sure. There is no doubt about that. These three are the major sins. And they wouldn't just be punished, their punishment will be multiplied for them. And these sins are humiliating sins. The sins in themselves are a humiliation for the ones who commit them. And these humiliations will continue in the hereafter.
But... my readers, if by any chance you have committed any of the above sins, please please listen carefully. Do not lose hope in your Rabb. Allah is ARrahmaan and He loves His slaves a lot. He says that if by any chance you have committed these sins then do not lose hope, take a step back and repent. Ask for forgiveness. And then with a renewed vigor do more righteous deeds. Do more goodness and Allah Zuljalalah will do you one better. He will replace your mountain of sins with a mountain of good deeds. He won't just erase your sins, he will convert them into goodness. And this last condition isn't just for the doers of major sins, even if you have been doing sins which are not major but still are heavy, you need to repent and do good deeds and Allah will replace the bad deeds with the good ones. This is his mercy.
6) And [they are] those who do not testify to falsehood, and when they pass near ill speech, they pass by with dignity. (25:72)
The people who avoid useless companies and not be a part of unwanted actions. They do not sit amongst the people who are smoking hookah at two in the morning. Nor do they hang out in the malls with their friends doing unlawful things or talking unlawful talks. They do not binge watch movies with friends because that's actually not beneficial. Why? Because they have already repented. Sometimes small sins leads to bigger ones and then when the pinnacle of sin is achieved people realise that bad company was one of the reasons for committing the sins. And suppose, you want to change yourself and not want to hang out around such people, you do not embarrass them, you do it inconspicuously, in such a way that they do not get any wiser about your distance and yet you do not entertain them either. You do it in a dignified way without hurting anyone.
7) And those who, when reminded of the verses of their Lord, do not fall upon them deaf and blind. (25:73)
These are the people who are conscious of their Rabb's reminders. Their Master's signs changes their whole lives. These are the people who are not left unaffected by things they hear or see from their Lord. Allah guides people through different means. Some of us may change due to a lecture, or maybe an incident or something else. So when some people go through these Ayahs, signs... They do not continue to live their life as they were living before. Instead... they choose to imply goodness to their lives and strive towards their Master. They choose to read a speech on IbaaduRrahmaan and then instead of forgetting it, they choose to become one.
8) And those who say, "Our Lord, grant us from among our wives and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us an example for the righteous." (25:74)
This verse tells us the importance of families. It tells us that to reach the pinnacle of faith and become IbaaduRrahmaan, we need to strive to achieve a family which prays their Rabb in unity. They do not need to earn in lakhs, they do not need to be famous, they just beed to become beloved to each other and become the coolness of each other's eyes. They need to become righteous. The husbands and wives need to become the best to each other in whatever they do. The parents need to raise their children right and instill fear and love of Allah in their heart. And in the end utter this prayer to Allah. The duty of raising our children right, the duty of giving the most beautiful tarbiyah to kids, is the most important duty in today's world of westernization. Today you cannot dictate your children on how to live life. That culture has long gone. This generation is different. You are supposed to be friends and authorities to your children. Because if you do not give them the love and care they deserve, if you do not become their friend and listen to what they have to say... The world is wide... They will find other friends, who do listen to them. They will find friends who may or may not be a good influence over them. They will be more harmed than benefitted.
Husbands be nice to your wives. They need to feel loved and appreciated. And wives... Make your husbands happy. Make sure they smile. Make sure you do everything they like. Not because you ate lower than him and you are his equal or because your status will reduce if you begin the goodness from your side. Don't thing why can't he do it? Don't think that! Sisters... beware of the feminism of today's world. That is nothing but a way to raise your egos and snatch your haya, your modesty. Please Sisters, instead of dressing up for weddings and outings, dress for your husbands. Attract your husbands so they do not get attracted outside. There is a duty on you too about these stuff, even if a righteous man fo not falter, you make sure their eyes stay glued to you and not some na mahram woman outside.
Men! Stop treating your wives like they are solely for the purpose of household chores or your personal assistance. They are not! Respect them and show them you care. Tell them how important they are to you. Keep them happy. Women love words. It's like you can win the biggest wars with women if you know to speak sweetly.
Remember, dua is important but the actions to fulfill that dua need to come from your side too. And when you do that and become the type of husband and wife or parents that Allah love you will become the leader of your household on your own.
These are the qualities of IbaaduRrahmaan. But what of them? What will they get after they follow these qualities? The Ayah continue in the Qur'an.
Those will be awarded the Chamber for what they patiently endured, and they will be received therein with greetings and [words of] peace.
Abiding eternally therein. Good is the settlement and residence.
They will be given lofty palaces and mansions in the paradise in exchange of their patience, with which they followed these points. And they will remain there forever.
She read the points once more and turned towards the skies through the open window, breathing deeply and smiled in gratefulness to her Rabb. Soon she was going to get the coolness of her eyes. A 'beep' from the phone had her hastily rush to get it and she opened the message in record time.
'Teri soorat ko jab se dekha hai,
Meri aankhon pe log marte hain..."
(Since I saw your face people love my eyes)
She chuckled at his way of appreciation and was about to reply when her friends and sister ran inside along with her sisters in law and pulled her towards the hall. The hall was decorated with yellow and green dupattas draping it along with flowers. She smiled at the enthusiasm surrounding her and settled down on the low wooden table in the hall.
Her friends made her wear jewelry made of flowers and giggled while cracking jokes, while she smiled shyly at their antics. They danced and sang songs, while applying mehendi to her. She watched everything with eyes filled with happiness and hope. Everything was falling in place for her.
She spoke to Rubdha over the phone and complained about her absence. She heard her sister give her small lecture on marriage, losing interest in it halfway through, making Rubdha to chuckle and let her go. Zinneera fed her food with tearful eyes and she shook her head at her sentimentality.
Her mother was happily attending to guests along with her sisters in law, making small talk here and there. The men of the family remained in the rooms or outside for the ritual. The children ran around throughout the house with loud laughter.
Somewhere in between the whole thing, she suddenly realised that her time with her family is now limited. She was perhaps guest of some hours. There would be no more parents and their incessant advices and care. There would be no more brothers and their mischiefs. There wouldn't be her sisters in law trying to protect her from her brothers' teasing. There would be no more Rubdha di and her beautiful words. There wouldn't be her nieces and nephews cheering any situation up and there would be no more Zinneera, her soul mate, her twin sister. She will have to leave them here. The realization did something to her, as her heart missed it's beat and went into an overdrive of sadness. Will she able to live without being in the presence of her family? Will she be able to trudge on in their absence from her day to day activities? A sudden nervousness engulfed her heart. She bit her lips in order to stop the avalanche of tears from falling down her cheeks but her twin caught notice and sat down beside her, holding her hand in her own and smiling sadly. They would talk about it in the privacy of their room, but for now she had the silent support of her sister. She sniffled discreetly and pasted a smile on her face as the rituals continued.
"Why even are you in this mood?" Iqra enquired irritatedly. Ma'arij clenched his jaw and looked away. He had been snapping at everything and everyone since the morning and now finally Iqra had mustered enough courage to ask him this. If it was his singer, his heart whispered, only to be startled to notice what he had even thought about. His singer? Since when? Since when did she come so close to him, that he declared her as his'? She was just a revenge plan and here he was getting attached to her. He huffed. True that she would have snapped at his mood the second he would have shown her attitude. She wasn't scared to confront anyone, was she? He mused. A small smile gracing his face confusing Iqra into silence once more. She was getting wary of his mood.
The plan was all in motion. The wedding was in two days. His heart lurched at the thought of the plan but he had to go through with it. He had been waiting for months to see this leg of his plan come true. He wasn't going to back down now. This was going to be his very own piece of heaven. The heartbreak that it would cause them, was going to grant him immense peace. Or would it? He shooed away stray thoughts and concentrated on the lunch before him.
His mother had made him take Iqra for lunch in a restaurant, because she wanted them to sort out the last minute details between them, before announcing their soon to be new relationship to the world. He was going to get engaged to her in a week. But somewhere within him was a voice calling out to another woman who had somehow affected him enough to snatch away his peace at the thought of her impending wedding.
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.
Hey guys. Busy life and so am so sorry for the delay in this chapter.
I won't keep u long. Just wanted to know-
Ma'arij or Farhan? And why.
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