Chapter 3 - Loo Loo Land (PT 1)

Well... todays the day I'm fully working with the I.M.P! Sure it's not what I was expecting but since I wanna make sure to make them smile, guess it still wouldn't hurt to be this hard! Also I'm going to this place called "Loo Loo Land" in hell soooo I can't wait see what it is!

Chapter 3 - Loo Loo Land

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Everyone's POV:
Today was already a new day for Faith herself, she already starts to wear her Imp hoodie to make sure she won't be caught and already ate breakfast to get going. Sure she's already nervous that she has to stay in hell to help her friends but I guess she shouldn't mind right?

After a long minute of driving and got into their job, Faith was talking to Moxxie and Millie about her relationship with her boyfriend and how much she misses him and hopefully he'll come to see her again and suddenly gives off a sad mood.

"Awww sweetie I promise you'll get a chance to find and see your boyfriend again! And if it does happen the next Day or week, I'm pretty sure all of us will say hello to him, make him a new employee if he's okay with it, and then bring you guys home until your time is ready!" Millie said hugging Faith that actually made her feel better.

"Thanks Millie. You definitely reminded me of my rl friends that I truly miss too hehehe." Faith smiled as Moxxie was still interested of knowing more of her boyfriend.

He finally started to speak after she felt better. "So what does he look like? A human like you or-"

"Actually he's a Hedgehog. A fast Hedgehog who can stand and actually makes me feel special as a girlfriend to him." Faith said while looking away embarrass knowing that they'll be shock by it.

"A hedgehog?! Never thought in my life I would see a literal Anthropomorphic Hedgehog dating a human! Is that a good thing?" Moxxie still gets shock but keeps his calm to not hurt her feelings.

"Moxxie, I'm pretty sure he's a nice guy and a sweetheart! Besides he runs fast like she said and might help us out to get the job more employees so I would like to see him now since she's happy to have him!" Millie relied and Moxxie sighs in relief knowing that he might be a nice one.

"Well in that case, that's a relief... also how long was your relationship for him?" Moxxie said to her and Faith looks up and smiled.

"Well it's a long story but if I finished it up before the job begins then let's start!" Faith smiled and she's mostly proud of it.

To Stolas's Place...


"I can't believe you slept with an Imp, IN OUR F*CKING BED!!"

A tired but Annoyed owl name Octavia was giving out a Long Groan from Stella's anger to Stolas.

"It was unexpected! I didn't have time to go to a motel!"

"A motel?! Like a f*cking PLEBIAN?!"

Octavia grabs her phone and puts in earbuds, playing "My World is Burning Down Around Me" to tune out the screaming as she strides down the halls of the Goetia estate, stepping over the smashed remains of a plant thrown in her path.
In the kitchen, Stella continues screaming at Stolas knowing that Stolas is still in very deep trouble for cheating on her.

"You want to f*ck this one, TOO?!" Stella says to him as she grabs an imp servant and violently tosses him in Stolas' direction.

"No! Of course not!" Stolas reply back while being shock by her rage still.

"You are a goddamn embarrassment! I'm not spending another moment looking at your pathetic, IMP-SUCKING FACE!!" Stella said very angry as she storms out of the room, shouting angrily the entire time, and smashing more potted plants.
Stolas sighs in exhausted exasperation before he notices his daughter has entered the kitchen.

Stolas POV:
"Good mooorning, Octavia! Did you sleep well, my owlet?" I said to my own daughter knowing that she heard everything from what's happening but at least it might cheer up my morning.

"Was that a serious question?" My daughter said to me as I open the refrigerator to retrieve a massive chunk of zebra meat.

"Mm-hmm... What's that you're listening to?" I keep talking to her until she replied back with the music she's listening too.
"This song is called "My World is Burning Down Around Me". It's by F*ck You Dad."

Ohhh... is she actually being serious on me on this..?

"It's a band."

...A Band? Well I hope she is thinking it's a band name not referring to me..

"[bemusedly] Ohhhh! How charming..."

I grabbed the zebra meat and feeds it to a massive potted plant situated in a small alcove off the kitchen as I pet it. Sated, it falls dormant, closing its three eyes.

So, you two done screaming for the day?" Octavia continues to talk to me while sipping her coffee.


Right until I was about to continue speaking, Stella lets out another scream of anger and an object is heard shattering in the distance.
Man I gotta have a plan to make my daughter feel happy again... what to think what to think... Oh I got one! I start to walk to her after knowing the place I haven't done in a very long time.
"You know what I haven't done in a long, loooong time? I haven't taken you to your favorite place in all of Hell! Why don't we go to Loo Loo Land?"

"I'm not five anymore." She replied back knowing that she's getting older because she's only 17 years old.

"You always were so happy when I took you to Loo Loo Land! What do you say we go there again, have a day, just the two of us?"

After saying it to my daughter, this was her response to it. "I'd... rather kill myself."

"There we go! Anything but staying in this house. Now, I'll arrange our security." I started to get the phone from my servant who's mostly bruised from Stella throwing.

"Security for a theme park?" She said to me confused about who's gonna watch over us.

"We are rich, and we're hot. People want our money and our bodies!"

"[under her breath] Our money, maybe." She speaks as i keep smiling knowing which person to call the most.

"Speak for yourself, Princess. Now... I'm calling the only man who can f*** me!"

"[drops a handful of cereal, disgusted] What...?" She noticed what I said and I hurriedly backpedaling my words to her.

"Who can protect me! Us! Being part of the Goetia family is rather valuable, you know."

Octavia groans and pulls her hat down over her eyes knowing that her return to the theme park trip is going to be long for her to Handle.

At The I.M.P Headquarters...

Blitzo's POV:

"Alright, Faith, you know what to do right now for the work of the job and other sh*t right?" I started to talk to faith after going to leave my office.

"Yeah I'll try to keep remembering!" Faith said to me as a reply and I smiled at her.
"Good! Now start doing your things while I'm doing mines!"

"Okay see ya Blitz!" Faith waved at me as she close the door while smiling back.

Okay now it's time for me to have my fun time~!
I grabbed my own puppets of Moxxie and Millie right next to my picture of my hot self and I start to play with them for my alone time.

"[impersonating Millie] "Oh, Blitzo! You're such a good boss!" [impersonating Moxxie] "Yeah, I really want you, sir." [Impersonating Millie] "Me too!" [As himself] Let's three-way!"

I lowered my "employees" below his desk to my crotch level, looking momentarily pleasured before being interrupted by the ringing of my Hellphone.
...God DAMN IT I Couldn't have a single moment doing my own thing without a innocent girl looking at what I'm doing here! I grab my phone to answer someone on the phone and spoke to it angrily.


Not knowing from the call it was... him.
"Why, hello, my big-d*cked Blitzy~."

Both Me and Octavia from the call spit out their coffee in sheer surprise knowing as I slams my mug onto my desk knowing this is getting more damn Serious.


Octavia: "the—"

Blitzo: "F*CK--"

Octavia: "Dad?!"

Stolas gets shocked by our language because god damn it why you have to say it to someone on the damn phone?!
"Language, everyone! [into the phone] I have a special request~"

"Aw... G- Look, I just had a chemical peel, so you'll have to find someone else's face to plant that feathered *ss." I started to talk To him because you know how much this mother f*cker wants me.

"It's for my daughter." Stolas said as I continue to talk back.
"Ah. Well, make sure she washes it."

Stolas taken aback from my words as I put my smol crown in my head, "No! No, no-no-no. I'm taking my daughter to Loo Loo Land, and I was hoping you brave little Imps would accompany us!"

The hell? Accompany us?! I reply from his question and saying this, "We're assassins, not bodyguards, 'kay? Don't invite us to shit unless someone's gonna die."

Just as I didn't know, Stolas replied me back with this. "I'll pay you~"

"Pay me what?" I said confused.


"Done!" I smirked after what he said as I hang up and accidentally slam my phone down on the desk hard enough to smash it to pieces. After a brief annoyed glance at it, i pull out a megaphone to announce this new thing that we are going to go for Stolas.
"M n' M, get in here! We're goin' to Loo Loo Land!"

Just as soon they heard what I said, Moxxie opens the door to respond to be first, "Loo Loo Land?"

Faith came in peaking in with that adorable look knowing she doesn't know what kind of theme park we have in hell.
"Wait a Minute. What in a world is a Loo Loo- LAAUGGH!!"
Just when she's about to finished her sentence, Millie excitedly smashes her head straight through the office door's glass, accidentally knocking her down from her horns and the smashed office doors glass that she probably got hurt from it.
"[excitedly] Loo Loo Land?!"

"Loo Loo Land!"

After saying it, Loona was p*ssed from our excitement and then says this, "SHUT THE F*CK UP!!"

Time Skip...

As we already got into the van to get Stolas and her daughter, Faith's head was bandaged by Millie because she apologized for her excitement from the place she likes and give her a snack to calm her down again.

"Are you sure Faith will be okay with Stolas and her daughter Boss?" Moxxie said to me as we are about to be here in his place.

"Trust me Moxxie if he does any nasty Sh*t words right close to her he needs to be F*cking careful right in front of a Innocent woman that her innocence has not been destroyed!" After saying that to Moxxie, we finally arrived to his place As Stolas comes in the van with his daughter to bring. And of course Stolas knows he gets too excited for me obviously smh..

"Why Hello Blitz~! Oh this is going to be so much fun to go back to Loo Loo Land for the very first time in years!" Stolas said while getting in my van and noticing Faith the human girl I was talking about.
"Oh! Is this the human girl you're talking about Blitz?"

"Yes that is Her! Her name is Faith, she's Autistic and she's ACTUALLY Innocent so please do not F*cking creep her out also with your own daughter!" I said to him after both Stolas and his daughter getting in and I start to drive to Loo Loo Land.

Faith's POV:

I started to shake a little knowing that I was sitting next to his daughter and a rich owl and just I was about to speak, Stolas starts to talk to his daughter first and then into me.

"Hi Faith! The name is Stolas! And this is my daughter, Octavia! You already know that I'm rich coming from Blitzo and I wasn't a human like you be in hell still alive here." Stolas said to me as I tried to calm down from seeing them.

"H-Hi there! And h-hi m-miss-"

"Octavia. Why are you stammering?" Octavia said to me while knowing I was very nervous because of how taller they were.

"Sorry!! I wasn't expecting you guys to be this tall and such but I'll try to keep talking if you like and I can tell you my interest depending if it's you Stolas or Octavia!" I said to her while knowing Stolas is still smiling at me that he may think Octavia might be friends with me soon.

"Ooooo~! I would love to hear that! Now, come on Octavia! She might be your first human friend to make you smile again!" Stolas said to her daughter and she groans and looks at me.

"So... what Do you even like... Faith?" Octavia said still not in a happy mood as I grabbed my stuffs to try to make her happy.

"Well I have my phone for humans only, a drawing notebook that Blitzo gave to me because he knows how much I love to draw, ummmm... oh! And this is my stuffed childhood plushie which is piggy!" I said to her to try to get her interested but she knows she's confused from the first part I said.
She starts to reply after Stolas was looking at the road and speaks. "Okay then... but even if our phones is different than ours, why did you bring a stuff animal to the trip?"

I sighed knowing she might poke fun about me bringing my plushie to a theme park to make me feel safe along with the other stuffs I have and started to talk about it. "...Well it's the only plushie i wanna keep and make sure I won't feel lonely to stay here in hell for where you guys lived.. and you already know that it's the very old plush that I grew up with. Now you may be thinking... Faith! I know I'm a young adult and you're not supposed to bring stuff animals to somewhere like a movie theater or just that! But the problem is that the reason why I wanna bring it it's because I wanna feel safe and not feel alone... I Don't like being called a Child or my parents claiming I whined when my voice still goes through that but yeah..."

After I was done saying it, Octavia suddenly respects my safe space for the the doll I have and suddenly smiled at me very rare whenever her dad is not looking.
"It's okay. I'll get used to that and for you. Overall I just hope you'll get used to my taste of things than what my dad is doing."

I looked at Octavia knowing that she might be friends with me from our talk and then we started to continue talking as I grabbed my phone to show what's different here. Stolas was peaking at us knowing that he's seeing his daughter finally happy for once.

After a long minute drive, we finally arrived at Loo Loo Land. Blizto parked at the empty space as Moxxie exits the van and opens the side door for Stolas and Octavia to get out while Me and Millie was out of the Van. I saw a very cramped Stolas extracts himself excitedly while His daughter exits the van far less excitedly. Stolas dons an apple-themed hat and gestures toward the park gate and Octavia groans and pulls her hat low over her face. Man it does look like she doesn't wanna be here from this place.

I grabbed my hoodie on to blend in with demons and imps as I heard some music coming out of the park and looked around the place while grabbing my own money hoping I might get a souvenir if I'm not broke and keep walking with Blitzo and Stolas.

"Now, remember: this is work and work only. Me and my crew are not here to satisfy your perverted bird needs and do not hurt Faith's moment to be here for the first time, alright?" Blitzo said to Stolas as I saw Octavia again.

"[disgustedly] Hey... Dad... Do we have to--?"

Blitzo talks to Octavia before turning into Stolas to keep talking. "Okay, yeah, hold on right there, sweetie. [turns to Stolas] If you try fuckin' my little *ss in that park, I swear to--"

"You are so cute when you are serious!" Stolas said to him as I started to get a lil weird out from Stolas.

"Yeaaah I think I'll get used to it." I said while Octavia was next tor me.
"I'm literally gonna be sick."

She said as Moxxie was very worried while fishes around in a fanny pack and throws out several pill bottles as he lists off his inventory. "Oh, crumbs! I knew today would be a lot! What do you need? Antacids? Ibuprofen? Morphine?"

Apparently Moxxie was showing Octavia several hypodermic needles of a glowing, acid green substance that got me shocked out of no where.

"That was figurative, old man." Octavia replied from his question.

"Oh, right." Moxxie chuckles sheepishly as he discards the needles into a nearby baby carriage, where a baby imp happily reaches out to play with its dangerous new "toys."
"[under his breath] But she said it was literal."

"Hey Octavia? Do you have any specific memories from this place? You grew up and went there?" I started to talk to her to make sure to communicate to her more.

"Long story. Don't care. What about yours for your human world?" Octavia talks to me as I got shocked when she didn't feel like talking about her memories from the theme park itself.

"Well there's a lot of popular rides in my world and also for the country I'm in like-" Just when I was about to say what and which, I heard Millie excitedly talking to Moxxie that she knows she's back at her childhood theme park she's in.

"Wooooow! I haven't been to this place since I was a tot! It hasn't changed a bit. Ohhh! LOOK! It's Big Woobly!" Millie gestures toward a hideously malformed animatronic dinosaur, which opens its mouth and lets out a terrifying, demonic shriek.

"Y-You know what... I'll save it for later once we chat more Octavia." I said after getting disturbed by the animatronic.

Octavia replied thinking I'm not going to be used to be here for the first time. "Huh. That's understandable. Now you know my pain from being back here."

"That is... deeply upsetting." Moxxie said to her wife as Millie is still excited for this place.

"Oh, come on! It's fun! You've never been here?" She said to her while Moxxie starts to get uncomfortable.

"No. Theme parks always disturbed me. Especially the mascots." After he was done talking, I was about going to him to say something.

"Why are you afraid of a single-"

Just when I was about to say something again, The park's mascot, Loo Loo appears out of nowhere behind me and Moxxie, scaring the living CRAP out of us.

"Well, hey there!" Loo Loo said as I yelp myself from hearing the mascot while Moxxie jumps back in terror in front of his wife.

"I'm Loo Loo! Welcome to Loo Loo Land! If y'all get hurt here, just try and sue us!"

"Jesus Christ you scared me man!" I said to Loo Loo while being a lil mad as Stolas gasp knowing it's him.
"Look! Via! It's Loo Loo!"

Octavia saws Loo Loo and starts to asks a question to him. "I have a question."

"Well, ask away, little girlie! A-hyuk a-hyuk a-hyuk!" Loo Loo gives out a laugh while she starts to speak it out."

"Is it true this park is just a really shameless spin-off of Lucifer's far more popular Lu Lu World?" She said as Loo Loo gives off a beat.


"This place reeks of insecure corporate shame." She said as I saw Stolas chuckles in slight embarrassment, as he leads Octavia away to say something else, "Why don't we go check out the rides?"

The rides? I hope it won't hurt me if Blitzo allows me too after thinking it on my king.

Loo Loo starts to speak at himself about her. "That chick's creepy, huh?"

"Eh, wait till her dad tries to diddle your holes." Blitzo said to continue walking with them and grabs my arm not to let me continue seeing more of this mascot guy.

"[to Millie and Moxxie] What's that mean?" Loo Loo looks at Millie and Moxxie about that.

"Don't talk to me! I know you're a pervert under there!" Moxxie said to post things out from him as he leaves, leading Millie off with him. Loo Loo hangs his body dejectedly.


After more and more walking from the theme park I started to Look at the money I have and all I have was only 99 dollars. I know that my money can't fit in their world because it's different and I still wanna get something from there as I saw Blitzo looking at me from the things I wanna get.
"Lemme guess you wanna buy something from this place?"

I heard him saying it while keep getting shock about it. "Yeah? How do you know about that?"

"I don't know you're probably that type of woman who loves dolls or something that I can't complain for you to collect." He smiled as I saw him looking at a cute Demon cat plushie with demon wings and a lil bow tie in Loo Loo land.

"Buuut I can buy it for you if tell you the thing I like~." He continues to speak to me as I nodded my head.
"Okay promise not to laugh but I like Horses to collect! I always love to ride at one of them and it has been my favorite when I was very young." Blitzo said as he noticed my eyes begin to shine remembering my past from riding one.

"Ooohh! I'm guessing that you like horses too huh?" He got excited at me as I keep nodding my head.
"Yeah! I used to ride one when I was young and remembered a tv show I used to love and grow up about ponies! Well despite of me being a dog person but you get it!"

"HAH! Thank you for agreeing how amazing horses are! Now lemme get the doll for you and lemme buy myself a drink since I'm starting to like you more and more!" Blitzo starts to walk inside to get me that doll inside and get a drink as I grabbed my phone to take pictures save it for memories as I actually feel more happy with Blitzo than I expected.

"There you are Faith! What are you trying to get?" Stolas walked up to me as I pointed out Blitzo getting the doll for me as notice my smile.
"Just getting a new doll that he's getting for me and getting a drink for us."

"Well I'm glad you're getting a hang with it! Now tell Blitzy I'll be right here before he comes out!" Stolas winks at me while waiting got him as I saw Moxxie and Millie head down a pathway, and Moxxie, sweating profusely, stops to catch his composure.

"You really like this place, huh?" Moxxie said to her as she replied back to him.

"I love this place! My parents would bring me and my siblings here when they could swing it. Money-wise."

Moxxie looks over to see a worker wheeling a wheelbarrow piled to the brim with money into a nearby giftshop. The two approach the window, where novelty cups and stuffed apples are for sale. The cups appear to cost at least 29 souls per. I came to them looking how much it cost making me shock.

He starts to notice more from those things and continues to speak. "Yeaaaah. The prices do seem rather criminal. I mean, that much for a novelty cup that you use one time?"

"'Cause it's Loo Loo Land!" She said happily as Blitzo walks up, having loaded up on merch, including a novelty cup, as well as a hat with attached can holders and straws. I also saw him grabbing the cute Demon cat plushie to me as I hold it and hug it.

"Listen to your hoe, Mox. How 'bout I take the first watch while you two have a little [winks] fun?" He was done sipping on his drink while talking and Millie gets excited to actually get allowed to ride on the rides again.

"OOOOOH! We gotta do my favorite ride!"

Moxxie saws her happiness as she picks Him up. "Oh yeah? Wh- which one?"

Just as he expected, he saw a lone imp riding a roller coaster named "The Lawsuit" that suddenly plunges off a sheer 90-degree drop at incredible speed while also on fire and with its rider hanging on for dear life. The coaster violently plunges into a tunnel in the ground as He terrified speaks,  "Oh, crumbs!"

Minutes later, Moxxie vomiting into a trash can after having left the ride while A vomit-covered family walks by in the background, glaring disapprovingly at Moxxie and A massive dragon-like creature from the nearby petting zoo looms overhead, also glaring at Moxxie.

"Hey Blitz? When can I ride the rides too?" I speak to him after coming with him like he said.

"Well... the rides might be too tough for you to handle for our world so... skip that for today." He said as I keep walking giving a lil "Oh" Word.

Blitzo's POV:
In another part of the park, Stolas and Octavia walk along the path with Faith, as i take up positions all around them with my rifle, on the lookout for any danger. A group of imps creep up behind the booths, ropes, knives, and pitchforks at the ready but They quickly scatter as i look in their direction.

Stupid imps knowing that there going to kill him soon...

"You know, it's quite thrilling to see you on the job, Blitzy." Stolas said to me as I grabbed her headphones to make her listen some music on her human phone to make sure she won't hear any Sh*t from Stolas.

"Save it, bitch. I'm working. And don't forget that she's right behind you!" I reply again to him as I heard Octavia saying this to both of us.
"You both need to get a room."

"Hey, I am not a day-hooker!" After I said that, that woman walking nearby with her baby glares at me before continuing on in a huff and flipping her off. "What? I just said I'm not one, prude!"

As Faith looks at me confused, I taken off her headphones on her ears and apologized for it.

After apologizing, I heard Stolas gasps from what he saw and Stolas points excitedly at the circus tent. "Oh, look, Via! You used to cry such tears of joy at this show!"

Me and Faith saw Octavia really panicked after seeing the tent as she speaks, "Oh no..."

flashback from Octavia

Octavia was young in this memory as she is pushed against the stage by an excited crowd of imp children, as Robo Fizz sparks and cackles maniacally leering over Octavia, who soon breaks into tears. A younger Blitzo is seen in the background tending to a food cart, dressed and painted as a clown, scowling.

Cut back to the present

Me & Octavia knows we both hated that clown from the start as we both speak this, "I hate that f*cking clown."

"Wait? What's wrong with that clown? Is that bad for children and parents?" Faith said to both of us as Octavia scoffs.
"Surprisingly that this your first time seeing that damn clown huh..?"

"Oh that's Fizzarolli or aka Robo Fizz that us IMPs used to like or hate on. And I'll tell you later about this Fizzarolli guy, Faith. Because he's that clown you don't wanna F*cking Trust!" I said to her to make sure to remember who's this Fizzarolli guy is right until We both heard Stolas who has been captured and hoisted aloft by the crew of imps from earlier. Stolas' arms are bound and his head is covered by a cloth sack, and the imps are pointing various weapons at him and One has stolen Stolas' wallet.

"Oh, Blitzy! I need my bodyguard, please!" He said to me while unconcerned while One imp jumps, to try and skewer Stolas with a pitchfork as i quickly brings my rifle to bear, shooting the imp in the torso, splattering Stolas's head with blood and The other imps quickly scatter.

"Hey I wonder if I'm gonna shoot the gang too Blitzo?" Faith said to me after seeing a dead Imp.

"Oh you'll get one if Stolas allows that." I said to her while getting in the Tent where that damn clown is. Octavia enters the big top and finds a seat while I carried Stolas in, head still covered in the blood-soaked sack, sets him down, and walks off to take position. Stolas makes no move to remove the sack, until Octavia annoyedly rips it off her father's head.

"Hey Blitz, Stolas, and Octavia? Am I the only one to say this that I wasn't afraid of clowns when I was young?" I heard Faith saying while trying to take a seat.
"Oh we'll be glad you aren't Because I'm not having with the damn clown talk right now."

Everyone's POV:
After Blitzo spoke to her, Faith looks at Octavia and tried to say something again to her as she already knows.
"Let me guess... you haven't saw a single horror movie of Clowns huh?" Octavia said to Faith as she got surprised after what she knows.

"Weeeellll..." Faith confusingly says a after knowing she got exposed by horror movies at a young age to see horror clown movies and such as all of them hear a Glitching talk from the Robot himself Non other than Robo Fizz.

"[glitching and sparking] Hey-hey-hey-hey-heyyyy, Implings! It's me, the Robotic Fizzarolli! Shipped from Big Ozzie's factory to bring you a wonderful show celebrating Loo Loo Land, spelled with 'O's, to avoid lawsuits! H-H-H-H-H-Hit it!"

As Robo Fizz snap his fingers and the children get excited from the background, Stage lights turn on and point at Robo Fizz as he begins to dance and sing a song of the same name as the park as the curtain reveals Robo Fizz's band, FizzaRolli 'n Friends, composed of various hideously decrepit animatronics, including Big Woobly on guitar and he starts to sing.


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Robo Fizz: Loo Loo Land, Loo Loo Land! Everybody sing along with the Loo Loo band!

Robo Fizz goes around pointing and gesturing at various demons in the audience. Stolas looks excited when Robo Fizz gets to him and also to see Faith to excite her too, but this is short-lived as Blitzo pops up and points his rifle at Robo Fizz, who dashes back to the stage.

Ev'ry boy, ev'ry girl, ev'ry woman, ev'ry man loves Loo Loo Laaaaaand!

[Platforms in the stage rise up in time with the music.]

Loo Loo Land, Loo Loo Land! Everything is beautiful at Loo Loo Land! Ugly children holdin' hands in Loo Loo Laaaaand!

Robo Fizz grabs various Imp children out of the audience and wraps them up in a big hug, before jumping up and tossing them away. Most of the children slam into the bleachers, while one soars behind them.

Everybody's friendly,

[Robo Fizz hugs Big Woobly so hard that Big Woobly's neck breaks a bit more than it already had been.]

And nobody is mean

[Robo Fizz dashes over to the two-headed, banjo-playing bear animatronic and slaps it in the back. The animatronic then squirts a stream of oil from its bigger head at the face of an Imp in the bleachers attempting to drown out the song with music from his phone.]

No copyright infringement's ever seeeeeeen

[Robo Fizz dumps a gasoline canister onto a large stack of cease-and-desist papers, lights a match, and throws the match and the canister at the stack, setting the whole thing ablaze.]

I have a dream...

Backup Singer: (He has a dream)

Robo Fizz: I'm here to tell...

Backup Singer: (He's here to tell)

Robo Fizz: About a magical, fantastic place called Loo Loo Laaaaand!

Octavia is sitting and absorbing the musical with disgusted boredom while Faith is liking the music out of Fizzarolli.

Little did they know that this will take much longer than I they'll excepted for this song and this day...

To Be Continuted...
(Read Chapter 3 Part 2 to continue the rest of this story since I can't do the whole story for very long reading reasons!)

(Chapter being worked on: July 18th)

(First half of Chapter Finished Around: July 18th)

Words In This Part ~ 5,637

©Helluva Boss ~ VivziePop

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