Chapter 3.5 - A New Employee and a New Friend
Okay... after yesterday from that Loo Loo Land incident... everything is going out okay so far! After all it's been 2 weeks that I stayed here in hell surprisingly but I still miss home. But overall I hope something great will happen right now!
Chapter 3.5 - A New Employee and a New Friend
(NOTE: This TAKES PLACE AFTER Loo Loo Land Episode and for the Chapter itself! So this will be counting and a continuation of Chapter 3 that was supposed to be in this story but instead as a bonus chapter for more new story context!)
Faith's POV:
"Auuugghh... Blitzo... i think my body is sore.." I yawn and felt very tired from yesterday as I looked at the two plushies I got from Loo Loo land as Blitzo check on me feeling worned out still.
"Faith, no offense but do you have to keep the plushie of my enemy that I don't like?" Blitzo starts to talk to me as i nodded.
"Ooookaaaay I'm guessing your very tired from yesterday huh?"
I keep looking at him to nod as a yes due to how tired I was and he understands completely what I was saying and starts to change the subject to this situation.
"Alright let's change the subject to this. Now since you made friends with Stolas, apparently I got this from the mail and apparently this is for you surprisingly." Blitzo says to me and gives me the box as I open it and checked on the note he gave me.
"Huh? A note?" I said as I start to read it.
Hi! It's Stolas and I just wanna say thank you Blitzo for bringing your human friend on Loo Loo land today. She's pretty much a really nice friend to my daughter as as a reward for you IMPs, I'm giving her a HellPhone as a gift! The reason why I'm giving it to her because her human phone won't work on us Demons so instead this might help her out to call you guys and also to me too! Overall, tell my sexy Blitzy I say hi to read this note too and thanks for reading Faith!
Signed your friend: Stolas
(Ps: and also to my love Blitzy~)
"Oh Come on why with the flirting sh*t that Stolas has to write that down?!" Apparently Blitzo read that out too and I opened up the box to show it is actually a HellPhone which is different than my phone. Once I turn it on, apparently it already shows the things I have and learn the things I have to do from it.
"Okay Faith, I know this is your first time having one of those so before you'll use it completely we have a Job to do first and Loona can help you out on that phone. Okay?" Blitzo said to me as I was reading the instructions from the HellPhone and I got up from the things I have.
"Weeeeelll... Okay! That's fine for me!" I smiled at him as I saw Loona coming out of her room noticing I have a new phone which is basically the same thing she has.
"Oh Loony! Before we get the gang ready for our job again, can you help Faith to set up the HellPhone?" I heard Blitzo said to get out of his house fast as Loona sighs knowing that might already happen for me.
"Fine Blitz. I'm not surprised that you have a new phone expect it's only from Hell, Shortie." Loona said to me as a groan from that nickname she gave to me.
"Please stop calling me that..." I said as she smirked and we got out of the house finally.
Time Skip to the I.M.P HeadQuarters
Everyone's POV:
It was already almost afternoon time as Faith was already learning how the HellPhone works from Loona and Millie too. Sure she's confused that she's not used to that different phone but she's still learning as Faith already gotten Blitzo and her friends contacted for her Messages and phone to call for her newest phone in Hell to stay.
Faith also got internet here surprisingly but she is probably still gotta learn things from here.
"Okay now you get everything from this?" Millie said to Faith as she nodded as a yes as she continue to speak. "Great! Remember to ask Me or Loona for help still since we know that Blitzo is more busy with things already."
"Okay!" Faith replied back to her as she was sitting down on her chair next to her friend Moxxie.
Just when Blitzo came out from the door after calling someone for a quick check to not reveal who is it just yet, he finally starts to speak it out after I was done talking.
"Hey everyone! I want you all staying your *sses in the seat because we have a important thing to do right now!"
"Huh?" Faith gives out a confused look and Loona starts speaking back.
"Lemme guess, it's a meeting time just for something that you're gonna do right now?"
"You're correct, Loona! Now I wanted you staying there until I come out for like... maybe few minutes or longer because you might like him! So bye!" Just when Blitzo left the room to find his new friend to be as a new employee, Moxxie and Millie started to talk and Loona keeps texting as always and Faith continued to check on her HellPhone for other things to check.
Few minutes has pasted like 5 minutes and she turned off her other phone as she was bored but nervous, she looked at Loona still texting and starts to Look at Moxxie and Millie to chat and communicate more.
She finally starts to speak to them just to be prepared. "Say umm.. guys? How long will this meeting will take when it starts?"
Moxxie looked at faith after she was done talking and replied back to her, "Well whenever Blitzo comes out of the door knowing saying he has a announcement then-" All of a sudden a loud door opened noise shocked Moxxie as he scream a little. "AH!!"
Suddenly they all looked and it was Blitzo opening up the door to make that loud noise.
"Hey everyone! I have a announcement to give out to ya!"
Millie got interested from what he said as she spoke out. "A Announcement?"
"Get to the point, Blitz" Loona said doesn't care but still listening to know what's up.
Blitzo smiles as he walked to his friends and looks at them, "Well believe me or not, we have a new employee to be in the I.M.P!!"
Moxxie got shocked after hearing what Blitzo said. "Wait, A new employee?!"
"Yay! I knew we will get more ever since Faith became a Employee too Like few weeks ago! Sighs times change huh?" Millie gives out a happy smile as usual as Faith looks interested for this new employee that she still gotta prepare for.
"Hmmm... quick question Blitzo! How is this new employee will be looking like? Like how tall is he going to be and What's his species? And if this new employee will be shorter than me than I'm glad I'm not the only one who's short." She said as Blitzo came up to her and smiled knowing that she might be wrong on the "Short" height of his new employee.
"Good question, Faith! ...You will be seeing him right now but you'll get shock if I actually told you that." He smirks at her as he starts to walk back to his spot as usual to look at his employees as Faith gives out a kinda concerned look.
"Wait what?"
Moxxie sighed as a lil annoyed as he doesn't wanna wait any longer "Classic F*cking Blitzo, Just show us who it is!"
"Yeah we don't have all day." Loona looked at Blitzo after finally stop looking at her phone for a second and then looks back to her phone to text again.
Blitzo smiled as the time is about to begin for a big reveal as he whispers to himself. "Oh he's coming in There... two... One!"
The door Opens finally, Faith, looked and then out it came.. a Hellhound!
"Uh, Hey!"
"...Holy hell he's taller than me..." Faith whimpers in a lil bit of fear but a lil disappointed that it's someone that's taller than her for her thoughts as her wings pop up and she tries to hide it.
Loona looked at the new employee as she Sees and thinks about him. "Huh, another hellhound."
"So uh how's yall day going..." Hellhound Brian looks around the meeting to see the employees right until when he was staring at Faith with her wings open. "Is.. Is that an Angel?"
Just as the IMPs and Loona looked around him and then at Faith, she gulps in fear as she was just about to speak to try to explain about her wings until Hellhound Brian gotten really Angry and was ready to attack after staring and noticing her wings.
Faith screams in fear legitimately prepared to get hit from the attack and almost about to run from him as Loona scoffs after seeing that moment. "Well this guy is an idiot.."
"You're not helping to say that on his first day, LoonaaaAAAAAHHH!! DON'T KILL ME DON'T KILL ME-!!" Faith continued to scream as Brian came closer to her to almost start to attack her until Blitzo back up him a little to fix things up about her to not actually kill her on the meeting.
"HEY HEY! Brian! She's literally one of us ever since she joined in!" He said to Brian as Moxxie check on Her while shaking in fear.
"Yeah and she's not a actual Angel from Heaven and also not a damn fallen Angel! She's probably gotten it from her own powers or her magical form that I don't know how it works." Moxxie said to Hellhound Brian as Millie joined in to help him out with context too.
"And for more context, She got here by accident because she followed us when we just got done killing someone." Millie also said as Hellhound Brian understands completely and calms down.
"Oh? you are sure? Then Ok, I am sorry. now.." Just as Faith expected, Hellhound Brian then went to faith going down to her level and says this to her, "What is your name? Tiny person?"
This nickname that Faith already deal with from Loona from this morning gotten her a lil mad. "Tiny?! I AM NOT TINY YOU-"
Blitzo grab her softly to calm her too and he still smiled at her due to her finding her being mad is somehow cute to him. "Okay, Faithy I understand your still short and you're the least shortest despite you being 5'2 but you gotta have to live with that nickname."
Blizt winks at Faith as she Pouts and blushed from embarrassment due to the nickname that she has to hear through again until he starts to speak again finally.
"Anyways this small human girl right there is Faith! She's basically nice human being and not a idiot like other humans Once you get to know her better. Now we haven't gotten your name for the other friends who are here right?"
Hellhound Brian heard what Blitzo said to remember her name and replied back for his answer. "Huh, well.. The name's Brian Sawao.. Just call me Brian.. pleased to meet you faith."
After she heard his name and looking at her friends still listening what Brian said while Loona is still texting as usual, Faith finally continue to speak but little did she know what she said Was a big mistake to say. "Well nice to meet you Brian! And thank goodness you didn't kill me or else I'm gone forever. And I must say you are a good doggy after all!"
Mille noticed his sudden anger from that Triggered word and warns Faith after hearing the "Doggy" word out of her mouth, "Uh, Faith? I think he hates that nickna-"
"... Excuse me but.. Care to repeat that last part again?" Hellhound Brian looked pissed off at heating the word dog again as Faith gets back to be afraid and quickly apologized to him.
She hides at Moxxie's back to pray that her apology is acceptable and never says the word ever again as Moxxie gives out a lil disappointment look and sighs knowing that some nickname can trigger someones Heath. "Yep he totally does... next time just be careful alright?"
Faith nods as Brian still looks at her. "Don't call me a dog or a wolf Alright? Alright now.. Anyways Pleasure to meet you all.." While speaking, he noticed Loona. Loona was still playing on her phone and his tail began to wag suddenly actually liking her. "Well uh.. Hi there!" Brian went to Loona to get her attention. "what's your name?"
"Loona. New guy?" Loona said while hearing what He said to talk and chat.
"Hehe yeah.. My name is Brian Sawao, Just call me Brian for short!" He said to her as Loona looked at him for a second and then came back looking on her own phone to reply back.
"Uh yeah"
Suddenly Blitzo noticed Brian talking to Loona and gets shocked and starts getting into his overprotective side to protect his Adoptive daughter as always. "Alright Brian let's not try to get crushing over to my adopted daughter because I don't wanted nothing bad f*cking happened to her!"
Faith got shocked by his overprotective self and gotten a lil worried if it might ended up into a fight and she speaks finally to remind him. "Blitzo, He just only wagged his tail and saying hi tho? Like I'm guessing he founded a new hellhound friend to chat."
Blitzo calms down and actually understand what Faith was saying. "...Yeah alright Anyways Clears throat to back on his cheery side after hearing Faith's words you can sit down now, Brian!"
"Uh.. Ok?" He said confusingly but sits down in a chair.
Millie keeps looking at him and gives him smile for hope. "You'll get used to him, Brian."
"So ya want the job eh?" Blitzo said to him as he nods as a yes.
"Well congratulations, Brian because you are now apart of the I.M.P! I hope you enjoy your work here and have fun killing the Sh*t out of those humans!" Blitzo encourages Hellhound Brian as He got happy to finally get the job to fit him well.
"YES! I won't let you down!" Brian says to Blitzo.
Millie came close to him along with his wife and also congrats him to getting apart of the job too as Millie Speaks to Brian. "I know you're gonna be a amazing new friend to us!"
"And Just remember the rules everyone... Do NOT Call him that word!" He said to Faith and to everyone to remind it.
Before Faith can apologize to Brian after saying that work, she poke Loona's arm for Attention to try to talk to her that she gotten a new hellhound like him.
"Hey! Aren't you glad you gotten a hellhound member on the job or something?"
Faith said to her while Loona is busy on her phone but still talks to her even if she's busy. "Yeah? Why?"
"Weeeelllll... I don't know anymore to say about it since I'm still learning more and more if you have friends miss.. ehehehe.." She looked down trying to not embarrass that moment but Loona smiled.
"Go on Faith, start talking to Brian. I'm pretty sure you're gonna be a good friend to him." Loona said to her and Faith looked at Brian and starts walking up to him. Sadly Loona sighs knowing that this talk about the friends thing might give her a hard time so she has to keep focused what she's doing.
She finally sees Brian again and starts to speak. "So uhhh.. my apologies for saying that but I hope for you to be the best at killing bad people, Brian!"
"Well thank Faith," Brian softly smiled as She smiled back.
"Well job well done! Now let's get to the business guys! Oh and another thing! By next week as far as I remembered, there will be some fun time for the break that I won't spoil so make sure to remember everyone!" Blitzo gladly explains to everyone as they all smiled (except Loona while she's busy as always) knowing this day gotten great for everyone itself.
Okay... so this day is wasn't that I was expecting to see a tall Fricken HellHound to give me the same nickname like Loona did (smh) but at least my new friend is giving me a good new hope for new friends in hell! I just hope nothing can go wrong for next time for the new day by the time I'm writing this down.
Overall... welcome to the Imp Brian!
Hi! This is Faith writing this down! I just wanted to say thank you for reading this bonus chapter which is 3.5 to continue off the au story!
In case if you didn't knew, that half part of the story for what you just read was a roleplay part that was added in the story to hopefully help me to introduce you to Hellhound Brian finally and make me try to remember how he acts and such.
Now please do keep in mind that it will take longer for me to finish off the next chapters once a another character shows in which is Chapter 4 (Aka Episode 3 when Verosika shows in) but please do wait a lil longer for next week when it's ready or whenever I have time to save it up since next week is the official day when Season 2 of Helluva Boss finally comes out so yeah...
Overall, thanks for reading this bonus chapter and hope you loved it! Stay tune for the next chapter and I'll see you there! ^^ 💙
(Chapter being worked on: July 18th)
(Bonus Chapter Finished Around: July 22nd)
Words In This Part ~ 3,059
©Helluva Boss ~ VivziePop
©Hellhound!Brian ~ BRIANL50
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