Chapter 2 - Faith's First Mission / Murder Family

Dear people on my notes, today's beginning of the morning was.. unexpected! Yeah I was not expecting the seeing the imps are real things and knowing hell is real but even if I just got up and whenever I get out from there I just know that I'm gonna miss you all once I am back in my world. But anyways, can't wait for me to go home.

Chapter 2 - Faith's First Mission / Murder Family

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Faith's POV:

I started to yawn after the long rest from my world by waking up and other crap and then I smell Blitzo suddenly making pancakes and bacon for breakfast for him, Loona, and me myself while getting up. That is where I noticed Blitzo seeing me getting up and smiled.

"Hiiii miss Faith! Good morning! I made breakfast to start off the work day!"

He said while waving his hand while Loona is already eating her food and I got up from the couch and check if my stuff is okay from yesterday and thankfully it is. So I grab my phone hopefully it will have internet service but apparently it doesn't have it for me and I groaned so I decided to start eating the food first.

I decided to taste to food he made and surprisingly it tasted good like how my world does and Blitzo smiled how much I loved it. "Alright now finished it up before we started to go to work. And you, Faith, I know you wanted to stay home but how about you to apply on my job to be as a new employee in my world?"

I almost spit on my water after drinking it up and got nervous, "Wait... what?! You serious?! I have no idea how in a world your thing works and I never got a job before in my entire life!"

"You're gonna either gonna deal with it or else stay stuck in your home forever because we're payed for this, Faith." Loona replied my words after I got worried and sighed.

"Alright.. but I'm bringing my stuffs just in case before I go home!"

Blitzo smirks and gives me a sign that I know I'm hired and started to Speak again. "You're hired! Welcome to the I.M.P! Now let's get going and get Moxxie and Millie for work !"

"Ummm... what does I.M.P Means?" I look at Loona while grabbing my stuffs and she replied back.
"It means Immediate Murder Professionals. You're gonna hear that jingle someday once we get into work obviously."

"Oh... right." I replied back as I started to follow them and got into the car.
But as soon I was getting in, I saw a imp scared by seeing a Human out of no where and Blitz and Loona looks at what happened.

"Hmmm... well it looks like we don't wanna see a human following us or we'll be sent into jail for that buuut... okay new plan! I'm gonna give you something that you needed to blend in a store so let's go!" He said after we all got into the car and starts to drive fast while I put on the seatbelt unexpectedly.

Time skips as I suddenly got some clothes to put on by sneaking in quickly in the store to look like a Imp like the other demons in this world. I have to wear a blue hoodie with the demon horns and a tail to try my best to fit in like them. Of course I have to hide my wings too because of it and somehow as soon as I got out, Blitzo already payed in and I started to wear in as the imps doesn't noticed me I'm suddenly a human in disguise.

"Finally that took longer than I expected for the morning to find you good s//t to wear and now let's go get Moxxie and Millie!" Blitzo sighs in relief as he starts to drive again to find them to pick up to work at last.

While I was listening to the music when my phone is fully charged, Loona was trying to make sure this plan for Blitzo is okay for him. "Honestly Blitz do you think this disguise for Faith would work since imps are not noticing that she's a human?" Loona talks him while gets kinda strange out.

"Loony, she will be fine! After all what can the worse can happen?" He replied back after that as soon he keeps driving.

Time Skip...

Everyone's POV:

As Blitzo already got Moxxie and Millie, the job was about to begin as Faith starts relax on the couch with Loona and she doesn't know what to do after that and gets nervous.

Why? It's because it's her first actual time to be in a job and she starts to shake too much.

"I uhhh... I gotta use the bathroom or something guys! BRB-" Faith screams worrying Moxxie and Mille as she tried to find a room to calm herself down until she bump into a demon that looks mad but noticed that she's a Real Life human that hasn't been dead yet.

"AH! I'm so sorry please excuse my wordiness-"

She looks like a teacher who got killed easily but Faith's not sure who she is. "What the hell? I never seen a human in hell before that didn't do something sh/tty but... Blitzo who is she?"

"Oh Sh/t, Mrs. Mayberry before we get into the office to explain who you wanna kill? this is Faith! My newest employee and she's learning to commit die to people!" He said as Mayberry is giving trust on him and handshakes Faith.

"Alright but I'm trusting you Blitzo." She said as Faith was relieved that she's nice to her because she believed she did ended up in hell because of something.

"Okay now let's begin the talk and Faith? Please be careful next time also along with the eels." Blitzo said to her as he closed the door.

Faith was shocked but she doesn't wanted to disobey the rules so she came back to the room where Moxxie, Millie, and Loona is while Mayberry already explained her full on backstory when that day changed everything.

Blitzo's POV:

As I was hearing the whole story of how did she got killed by this woman who got cheated on his husband, she finally finished it and talks to me about that sh/t as always.

"You do everything right in life, play by all the rules... and still get sent down here with all the H*tlers and Epste*ns of the world! After one measly massacre propelled by blind rage. So that's why I'm here. To get my revenge."

Of course Mrs. Mayberry demon form is basically well your normal typical demon in hell basically but her face is partially shadowed by blinds and She's holding a cigarette in her hand so I can understand why she hates that Wh/re.

"I mean, was she hotter?" I said to her as she glares at me with an "excuse me?" look on her face. "I'm just saying, I had a hard time understanding the unprompted melodrama you just spat at me, t*ts."
I keep saying more words until Mrs. Mayberry seethes in anger, her aura glowing red at me so I already stands up and Mrs. Mayberry glares at me for obvious reasons.

"Anywayyyy, I don't think you quite understand how we're operating down here. See, we take revenge out on the living, and it sounds like the core cast of your sitcom of death frankly are all probably down here in Hell with you. Boop!"

I boop her on the nose while she still clenched her claws and she keeps continuing the story of what the hell happened next to that woman she tried to kill.

"Not... all of them. That wh*re survived. Now they all call her a hero." Mrs. Mayberry said to me as she fully explains more about that woman name Martha was the one who survived the Gun Shot from Mayberry.

Now can you imagine this readers and people? Imagine that she's in a hospital bed with a bandaged blonde woman recovering. The room is filled with colorful bouquets of flowers. The woman's children and husband are by her bedside. Yup! That's basically Her!

FlashBack From Martha:

Woman reporter: How does it feel to have survived such a crazy b*tch?

Martha: I just hope that sick woman finally found peace.

Woman reporter: You are so brave. Here's two million dollars!

[A golden check slowly moves toward her.]

Martha: [innocently] Ohhhh! Thank you!

[Cameras flash as Martha smiles by her husband.]

"Between the talk shows and the donation bullsh*t, she made so much goddamn cash... getting shot was the best thing to happen to her!" Mayberry explains more of the story basically as we can see Martha stands with her husband Ralphie and their two children in front of a house by a lake, surrounded by a picket fence.

Now let's cut to next one with Martha to imagine that! Martha is standing at a podium with "VNN" on it. A news reporter holds out a microphone among several other microphones. And basically saying this for what The lady told me.

More Flashbacks from Mathra:

Reporter: You're a hero!

[Martha is then seen jogging with a dark-skinned woman with blonde hair.]

Jogger: You're a hero, girl!

[In a grocery store, a boy wearing a beaver-skin cap talks with a cashier lady named Brook.]

Boy: My mama's a hero!

Brook: She is a hero!

[An old priest is seen with his hands folded in prayer by church doors. Martha stands next to him with her hands folded.]

Priest: You're a herooooo!

[Martha is then seen standing at the front of Mrs. Mayberry's old classroom. Another teacher introduces Martha to the class. "How to deal with trauma 101" is written on the board.]

Class: You're a hero!

As the flashbacks ends to my world... this happens when Mrs. Mayberry's purple fists create cracks on MY desk as she smashes down on it and JUST LIKE THAT-


She leans in close to my face, her face red with anger and I get frightened.
"Mm-hmm. Yeah, okay, yeah, my thoughts exactly."

I rapidly presses a red button from underneath my desk trying to get a attention to my friends knowing that this is a serious thing to do.

Everyone's POV:

As Faith keeps checking on to things for see if her friends are okay In her world, it looks like her internet isn't the best place for her still and she gets worried on a different spot while Loona is laying down on the couch holding a picture of a human family.

Moxxie was shaking while holding a crossbow as Millie noticed him getting scared to shot it and might mess up.

"Moxxie, stop shakin'! You're gonna shoot our only hellhound!" Millie said as Loona was still holding the pic while using the phone.

"Wow. I feel soooo loved here." Loona said sarcastically while still texting on her phone.

Faith gets up and noticed what's Moxxie is doing. "Wait uhhh... what's he doing?"

"Oh he's just practice shooting a family that are bad people of course that he's afraid of, Faith! And don't worry it's not your family. I do believe Blitzo said it's someone else. Now I was saying Just take a deep breath, [inhales] and let it out!" She said as Faith looks at Moxxie still concerned about the family thing to shoot.

"But... it's a family! Under what circumstances would we ever need to kill a human family?" Moxxie said as Millie replied to him back.

"I mean, if that's what the client wants." She said as She noticed Faith coming up to them and wanted to calm Moxxie down too.

"Yeah she looks nice at first when I first saw her but I have no idea why she wanted to oof that family up basically!" Faith talks to him but she's kinda concerned about that.

"Maybe like a sh*tty dad. Or a mob family. [he speaking with a stereotypical Italian accent] That's understandable. [he speaks normally] But to eradicate an entire innocent—seemingly in this instance—upper middle class family bloodline?" Moxxie still gets worried as Loona looks at the picture as she thinks for a moment until she got one.

"Hey! You don't know they're innocent! [points to the boy] This kid probably sets dogs on fire, [points to the girl] maybe this girl gets off to bullying Australian kids online, [points to the father] and this guy... This guy definitely watches." Loona told both Faith and Moxxie as Faith understands why.

"...Okay she does have a point there when it comes to stupid family." Faith suddenly agreed on that and Millie nods on her. "Exactly! Humans are full of secret nasties except Faith here. It's why so many of them end up here."

"But—" Moxxie tried to reply but gets interrupted by her wife.
"Guilty and innocent aren't our business, Mox. Killin' who we're paid to is our business. Choose a target." She kisses him as Moxxie aims his crossbow.

Faith kindly cheered him on as a Thumbs up and Moxxie starts to be prepared to shoot.
"I just think it's a bit excessive, and we could be a bit more selective, is all." Just as soon he gonna do it, Blitzo barges into the room followed by Mrs. Mayberry OUT OF No where.
"Guys! I want you to meet—"

Moxxie accidentally fires his arrow getting startled and it ricochets around the room. Millie jumps into Moxxie's arms as the arrow hits a computer. Faith hides under the Office table for safety to not get killed while The arrow then flies and creates a hole in the family picture that a stunned Loona is holding. The arrow hits the bottom of a tank with eels and the tank starts to wobble dangerously snd The arrow flies toward Mrs. Mayberry, but Blitzo catches it with one hand as Blitzo finally finally continues his words.

"...our newest client!"

"Uhhhh The Eel tank?!" Faith gets nervous as The eel tank falls down. Glass and water spill on the floor. The eels fall out and bursts into electricity, setting the room on fire.

"Dammit, Moxxie! I just BOUGHT those eels!" He said angrily to Moxxie


Outside the building, imp firefighters carry the eels away and head into a red fire truck. Mrs. Mayberry handshakes Faith to hope she will get good luck to kill that woman as she drives off in a yellow taxi cab as Blitzo waves goodbye.

"Byyyyye! And don't worry, we'll get that skank in less than twenty-four hours or your first kill is freeeeeeee!" He said while waving as the car drives away.

Faith was still worried about what happened as Blitzo pats her on the back. "Ah don't worry you're fine, Faith! In fact your stuff is also safe from the fire so-"

"When did we start implementing that deal?" Moxxie said as Blitzo turns with a glare to Moxxie.

"When you set fire to my office in front of a CLIENT, YOU F*CKIN' DIPSH*T!!" Blitzo grabs Moxxie's face and pushes him away while still getting mad and Faith cover her ears knowing that it's gonna happen to Blitzo yelling at Moxxie when he goofed up. "Now someone PLEASE tell me that fancy book is still intact!"

"The book?!" Faith gets shocked knowing that book was her thing to go home while she heard Loona typing on her phone and she still has it thankfully to speak.
"You mean... our only ticket to the other side? [Pulls out a blue book from behind her] Yeah. Got it."

Blitzo came up to her and gets happy to her. "And that's why you're my favorite, Loonie. [In baby talk voice] You get a tweat now!" Blitzo holds up a dog treat to her as Loona looks at him in disgust.
"Ew. Stop."

Blitzo throws the treat into the air and catches it with his tongue, like a frog. He pulls it into his mouth and chews. Both me and Loona gets grossed out from what he did and Faith gagged from that.

"Guah! Blitz that's disgusting!" Faith said while trying not to get sick.

"You're so gross!" Loona said to him with a disgusted face still while Millie draws a pentagram with chalk on the wall and it glows red and creates a portal to the human world.

"Awwww, stop it. I get enough of that from my therapist."

Loona rolls her eyes and leaves but she smiles at Faith for also good luck and Faith follows Blitzo and he puts his hand on Moxxie's face, who struggles to walk to Millie.

"Now, let's go lick some *ss!" He said in his most proudest way to start his next job to kill this person.

"The expression is "kick some *ss"... Blitzo." Mille replies as she snaps her fingers at Blitzo as she walks through the portal while Blitzo replies back to her. "Mine's better."

Blitzo walks through the portal as I looked at Moxxie.
"Wish you luck to uhhh.. Moxxie! And I hope the world I miss living in has service!"

Moxie sighs as he saw her going into the portal. "Aww, ffff*ck..."

Moxxie walks last through the portal and All three imps with the human girl stand in front of a small red house by the lake as the sun sets. He noticed that Faith doesn't have something to fight over to a human while she was happy she got service on her phone again to text on her friends again about where she's been as he taps her for Attention.

"Huh what?" Faith noticed a look from the three imps and Blitzo starts to say something.

"Okay Faith before we actually do this you needed something to kill that family like what can YOU do despite the flying wings thing." Blitzo said to her as her mind clicked after that.

"Oh! Right Ummm, Just watch this guys! This is basically one way I transform whenever there's danger in my hometown!" Faith starts to bring out her Magical Pact from her bag and puts on the piece to make her transform into her own magical girl form quickly and fast for them as Blitzo, Moxxie, and Mille were impressed by the form she's wearing and grabbing her weapon like a Magical Stick to stop villains.

"Ta da! I call this, a Magical Girl Form! I am Lady Light!" Faith said excited as Millie Awwws in happiness while Millie suddenly approved her form knowing that she's innocent.

Blitzo came next to her looking at the form and trying to get used to what it looks like. "Okay I am not used to seeing bright *ss colors on your fighting form and sh*t but Lady Light just almost remind me of that word for Christian's to say-"

"Actually I'm a former Christian, Blitz.." She said as Blitzo chucked to tease her.

"I'm just messing with you Faith! Besides that Stick is definitely going to stop humans or crazy demons for a great teamwork. Now anyways let's go gang!" Blitzo winks at her as he start walking to the house.

Faith still gets nervous after hearing that it can hurt humans someday but Millie grab her to not leave her be.

Faith's POV:

As we got into the house, Blitzo and Moxxie lean against the side of the house, rising from bushes as Blitzo stands up and peers into the window while I take a look of what it looks like.

I checked and it apparently what I saw is Martha just getting ready for dinner to eat and Blitzo noticed it too as he speaks. "That's gotta be her. [chuckles darkly] This is too easy. Now before Faith gets them... Moxxie, do you want this one?"

Moxxie looks pleasantly surprised and gets happy. "Me??

"Yeaaaah, this one's simple enough for you to handle. It's just a happy mother who just got out of the hospital." Blitzo said to him as Moxxie stands up and peers through the window as His faces falls as he looks at the family having dinner

Martha and Ralphie affectionately rub each other's noses while she holds a dinner platter in her hand. Moxxie hesitates at the window and I noticed that Moxxie couldn't handle this crap anymore.

"Uhhh Boss? Can I take this battling Martha instead or-" I tried to say something to Blitzo but he might knows that I might mess up this shot and puts his hand in my mouth to shush.

"You snooze, you lose, Mox! And Fai- (Clears throat) Lady Light, I don't know how your power works to stop those human people but I suggest you to wait and stop her other family too okay?" He talks to me that I feel like he doesn't wanted me to screw up too like how Moxxie did hours ago and I sigh and wait until something happens as Blitzo starts to pull out his rifle while seeing Martha's face is seen in a reflector, her doe eyes wide and blinking innocently. "Aaaand I've got ya, b*tch."

Moxxie still gets nervous and speaks again while scared knowing the actual family is gonna get commit die. "Wait... Are we actually killing a family?!"

"No, don't be a puss. We're just killing a mother." He said to him as he positions his rifle as it clicks. "We're ruining a family!"

"But... Ho- Hold on, hold on! Let's just think about it." Moxxie lifts up Blitzo's gun as I noticed it's gonna shot in few seconds and I yelled out to him, "No wait MOXXIE DON'T-" As Blitzo fires. The bullet hits a glass mirror inside the house and All four family members gasp in fear.

"What was that, Ralphie?" Martha said to his husband.

Ralphie Shakes his head as he replies back. "I don't know, Martha! But whatever it is... [Grins evilly as he stands up holding a rifle in his hands.] ...they're gonna be tomorrow night's dinner!"

I looked at Ralphie holding a gun and get nervous completely. "Oh Crap." I got down fast before they also noticed me too.

Martha sets the platter on the table and pulls out another rifle while She drinks a glass of wine and smashes it onto the floor.
"Alright, kids! Guns out!"

The boy pulls out a small gun from his beaver-skin hat and The girl pulls out another rifle. All of them have evil grins of sharp teeth. As Ralphie is starting to get a lot of fun time about to shoot us "Looks like we got some rabbits to catch, young'uns! [chuckles darkly]"

As I breath in and out to calm down that these people are crazy as if, I noticed Blitzo fumes in anger to Moxxie while his breathing is anxiously and his eyes was twitching. "What the F*CK was that, Moxxie?!"

Moxxie lets out a croak with his snake-like tongue outa and then He then falls to his knees, hands over his face. "I'm sorry. They just seemed so wholesome and happy. [Tears fall from Moxxie's eyes as he takes more breaths] I panicked!"

Blitzo facepalms as he was about to say something bad until I came out to him taking this situation seriously. "Moxxie, I understand that you panicked but this is Life or Death situation because by looked of it, MARTHA IS CRAZY! Nobody from this family is innocent coming from me who IS INNOCENT And by any second now either Martha, Ralphie, or the kids are gonna kill us so please we better think of a plan or fight those CRAZY BUTT PEOPLE, Moxxie!!"

I said very loudly almost getting upset and Blitzo just saw me getting almost very upset and finally speaks. "Wow... I was about to say the same thing... also I'm super sorry if this is happening Faith if Moxxie wasn't being a complete baby d*ck prune!"

My anger issues finally began as I yelled at him, "Blitzo!"

He gets mad at me suddenly with a yell too, "What?! I'm just saying-"

Suddenly Blitzo heard something again from the house and grabs me and pushed me away to not get shot. "Oh Sh*t! Save your anger later Faith look out!"

A blast shoots through the wall and hits Blitzo in the arm, black blood flying out and I scream in fear.
"AAAAH! A new hole! SCATTER!"

Blitzo used his other arm to grab me and Millie flee and Moxxie hides in the bushes. Another hole appears and part of the wall explodes as Ralphie and Martha grin and leap through the large hole with guns drawn. Moxxie peers out from the bushes and rapidly looks around until A child's hand grabs Moxxie by his tail and he yelps.

I get worried as we ran and still getting scraped from what just happened. "Blitz you okay?! I can use my-"

"No, No! It's okay! save your powers until that crazy B*tch shows up! I'll be fine!" Blitzo reply back to me as I still get worried for him.

Millie's POV:

Sh*t! It looks like they screwed up on shooting Martha and the family! While that crazy Ralphie fires at me, I flips backwards and dives into the lake so he wouldn't find me and I have to be very quite from him.

"Where'd you go, little critter?! Y'all can't hide long from me!" He said very loud as my head was showing above the water under the dock while A knife is in my mouth. I break through the dock and lands on it, with my knife and a grin.
So the fight was on as Ralphie swings a glass bottle and i run behind him out of the way. I jump up in the air, knife in both hands. Until Ralphie swings his bottle upwards, knocking me in the head. I cried out and falls to the ground. I really struggle to stand, but then collapses onto the dock while my eyes twitches. Ralphie smiles evilly down at her as the cloudy sky spirals red as my vision goes black.

Moxxie's POV:

My eyes finally open and then I suddenly gasp realized that i find myself tied to a stitched up dead thing in a chair. My face falls in fear as i look at the girl and boy. Both their eyes are red and devious sharp grins form on their faces and apparently Faith and Blitzo was right about this... so I tried to defuse the situation and by saying this!
"Oh! Well, hello there, little ones. Aren't you cute?"

Right until Both kids speak in low creepy tones, speaking instantly out of no where..
"It's nice to have a new critter to play with."

So I glanced up in fear from a red light above me. The light reveals a A LOT AND I MEAN A LOT OF several Body parts, Blood, and other things that this family and kids made! My eyes couldn't believe what they did and as soon I saw that...

"Ohhhhh... crumbs."
I'm screwed.

Blitzo's POV:

Me and Faith keep running for our lives as four gunshots ringing out in the woods. I dash through a bush and tried to keep holding Faith's hand. She can still hear Martha's evil laughter follows as we run through the forest. We slides down a hill and catches his breath at the bottom.

"Please catch a breathe! Just let me use my powers still because I somehow still have some healing powers left!" Faith said me while I was taking my breath and looked at her. It looks like it wouldn't hurt... right?

"Alright just please do and fast!" I said to her very quietly and she tried her best to focused on my arm for like seconds and somehow it recovered almost until we both heard Martha again on her in a sing-song voice.

"I know you're hurtin', little devil!"

"F*ck! Come on!" I said to her again as I take deep breaths as we both lean against a tree. I tried my best to cover my mouth while Faith takes a peak just to see a silhouette of Martha is shown walking through the woods.

"I promise, that I can make that pain go real quick! Just come let Mama Martha put a bullet in your pretty little skull!"

I sigh in relief before I heard a voice from Faith. "Blitz! Do you still need to get your arm recovered?"

"Faith... I'm okay with the first healing power but I just... I just wanna say thanks for doing that. Also sorry if I yelled at you because I know you said that you hated the loud *ss noises but I never seen you this mad." I looked at her just suddenly giving her the sad smile look thought he's being bad at this to a actual woman as she gave smiled.

"It's okay... I accidentally got into a fight with my friends before and accidentally with my boyfriend and it wasn't easy... but I have a thing to try our best to fix things up for a apology and next time please be careful to say something next time to either your friends too, Blitz." She said to me kindly as it somehow made me calm down too.

Suddenly this idea came up to my head and I started to speak while I don't hear Martha thankfully, "Also Faith? Do give me a favor And-"

My phone suddenly lets out a yelling ringtone. And Faith yelps and I shush her while i pull out the yellow cell phone and it flips through the air.

"Oh F*ck! Not on a wrong timing! Faith, distract or fight That crazy Woman from me while I'm gonna talk to my other friend that is going to ruin this moment! I'm counting on you!" I said to her a lil loud as she nods and starts to find Martha before she hears me and I finally got my phone told it in my ear.

"Damn it, Stolas! This is a really bad time."

Now you again viewers don't know who Stolas is, he's the ruler of that Imp city place and oh god it's a loooonng story.

So Stolas is shown in his palace relaxing in a bathtub and There are candles with blue flames around the tub, The floor has glowing astrological symbols on it, The curtains look like the starry night sky, Glowing constellations float around the room. And you know what's he's going to do next as always..
"Mmmmm, when isn't it a bad time, Blitzy?"

I get frustrated and spoke out, "What is it?!

Stolas starts to speak at me, "I've been meaning to follow up on our last little conversation regarding my Grimoire?"

I still get mad what he said and spoke again, "What did you just call me?!"

"My book, Blitzy. The book I was given to do my job? That I have allowed you to use to do yours?" Stolas replied back until I heard fighting in the background which is Faith and Martha fighting and the second time I saw her using her power right until i heard a Rifle Click and I got scared while the bullet flies through the tree where i was moments before. A shadow of Martha with red eyes and mouth appears through the hole.

"I can HEAR you, darlin'! And get over here you unholy demon supporter!"

I heard Faith getting mad and keeps distracting her and going to fight again to not get shot and my look was never been so worried for a actual human before.

"Anywhoooo, I have been thinking. You know, I have been... permitting you to access the mortal realm less than... legally for quite some time now, but I do need it back to fulfill my duties. I was thinking, what if we worked out some kind of exchange? Favors for favors?"

Stolas Keeps talking to me as I keep running through the woods. A bullet hits a tree and i duck behind another one because god damn it Stolas won't shut up!

"Doesn't that sound... [speaks in a seductive voice] enticing?"

"You gotta stop using your fancy *ss rich-people talk, okay? I'm trying to concentrate on not getting f*cked in my A!" I almost yelled again as A bullet and suddenly her powers hits the tree that i was hiding behind.

God damn her powers are strong...

"Then let me keep it simple: Once a month, on the full moon, you return the book to me, followed by a night of... ...paaaaassionate fornication~" Stolas says while leans slightly over the edge and talking on the phone still. "Aaaaaaaand you get to keep it all the rest of the time, hmm? Sound fair, my little Imp?"

I finally lost it and spoke out to Stolas. "Fine! Whatever! And before you make S*xual talk to me I have a one new employee who's not a Imp and she's basically a human and she's innocent so if you ever make those talks I will-"

Stolas heard what he said about a human and suddenly gets calm. "[through the phone] A Human? To join in your job? Well... I'll try to be calm with this... Innocent human girl. Well whenever she's here I'll show her ways how it works and how she can improve herself with the job you're in and act like a demon like you guys. But anyways~ Ohhh, Blitzo! I'm so excited! I cannot wait to feel your slimy c**k inside of my ****. To ***** the—"

Oh good I already cringes and my eyes closes as Stolas rambles on about his lust for me. That's the first thing I don't wanted Faith to hear!!

Right until My phone was drop as I saw Faith getting hit right into the tree and was Hurt by that woman like she was almost shot or beaten by her.

I tried to run to her until I was pinned to the tree by the butt of Martha's gun while Stolas continues talking on the phone through censored bleeps.

"B-Blitz! I'm a-alright!" She smiled at me as she know she tried her best to stop her and tried to keep her vision steady and I was noticing blood was coming out a little from her arms when she was shot and bruises did got into her which she knows she's very scared as Martha the mad woman speaks..

"Gotcha! So, you're a little devil, huh? Along with your Human friend who's religion is messed up because of you! Come to drag me and my kin to Hell? Well... NOT TODAY, SATAN!"

She presses the gun harder into me and speaks to me again and Jesus f*cking Christ Faith was right that's she's Crazy! "Gonna send y'all back where ya came from!"

Back to Moxxie's POV:

I was very struggles to free myself from the rope because my hands are tied behind my back. This is very bad... but until I look up and gasps as i see fires being lit from outside.

Both kids stare at me with wide evil grins andI grunts and struggles again. I notice the girl pull out a sharp knife and then I glare with determination. The girl raises the knife but i push the chair backwards, knocking her to the ground and I frees myself with the knife.
I breaks through the window, holding a gun and then racing myself outside through the forest, where red symbols hang from tree branches and seeing torches in rows and tents.

I gotta save them fast still! Hang on Millie, Blitz, and Faith!!

Everyone's POV:

As the full moon appears in the sky, Millie and Blitzo was tied to a stake decorated with spikes at the top. Ralphie laughs as he pours gasoline on the ground under their feet and a grinning Martha holds a torch in her left hand. While for Faith she's tied too but only on the ground to see her friends get hurt badly while her magical girl form is almost gone from the effect since it will possibly last for the fight she gotten.

"I had that f*cking shot. God dammit, Moxxie!" Blitzo still gets mad at Moxxie for what he did and we all heard Martha laugh Evilly and she was very acting different.
With her skull earrings, jeans and a low-cut shirt with polka dots. And Her eyes are red and her hair is thick and blonde, you can tell she's going nuts about this situation.

Faith was trying to get rid of the tightness of the rope that's tied to her and wanted to get her stuff that Martha stole from her until Martha came close to her knowing her plan is working. "Now now you stupid woman! You know you shouldn't support the devil because you gonna regret your sins young one!"

"I am not in a Devil Religion! I'm an former Christian and these demons aren't that ba-" Poor Faith was saying something for the truth in her life until I got interrupted by her.

"SHUT UP. (She sings in her sing song voice again) Thank you!" She chucked at her as Faith was really mad about this and she looked at Blitzo and Millie struggle to free themselves and while rising her torch. "Satan! We return your FILTHY creatures back to the pits of Hell! May the root of evil remain honored as we continue thy WORK!"

Martha grunts as she tosses the torch to the ground, where it lands under Blitzo and Millie. Evil laughter follows. The flames rise up around Blitzo and Millie. Faith's look got shocked but until she noticed that they are remain unharmed.

"Yeah, that's not exactly how it works, lady. Sorry, your fire doesn't really hurt us, but I mean, I could fake it if that'll get your d*ck hard." Blitzo said as both Millie and Blitzo smirk and Martha stares confused.

"Oh. Sh*t..."

"Now that's a close one." Faith smile at them until I heard that she ain't giving up.
"Well... [she rolls her eyes.] I'll just shoot you in your smart-*ss mouth!" Martha grins and pulls out her rifle.

"That would be more effective." He give out a random smile and Millie got angry at him. "Blitz!"

Faith saw Martha laughs evilly again as she aims her rifle at the imps as she really tried her best to escape the rope being tied but the grip is too strong for her as she is going to witness a actual demon murder and Both imps close their eyes and flinch. Right until Martha then yelps as a gunshot is heard.


Her eye flies from her s*cket and she collapses to the ground and the one who shot her was none other than Moxxie.

"Moxxie!" Faith and Millie both got happy that Moxxie saved the day as he runs over and unties the rope, freeing Faith, Blitzo and Millie.

"You're not gettin' your goddamn paycheck for this one, Mox!" Blitzo falls down after saying that and Moxxie and Millie smile at each other and embrace while They both move their heads.

"Awwww~" Faith smile and awed until she saw  Ralphie and grab her weapon that can get him next and Ralphie trips backwards on Martha's body before fleeing away.

"Oh, yeah, thanks! I'm fiiiiiiine!" Blitzo said while sarcastically as Moxxie helps Blitzo up and supports him.

"I'm sorry, sir. I compromised our objective and put us in harm's way. It won't happen again. I promise." Moxxie said to him as I nod him for forgiveness as Moxxie smiled at her until  Blitzo pulls Moxxie into a hug.

"Apology accepted." Blitzo said smiling until he speaks in a low voice, "But if you ever pull a stunt like this agaaaaain, I will f*ck you and your wife." He lets go as Moxxie looks fearfully. Millie raises her arms in a cheer.

"Alrighty! Job well done! Now let's get off. And Faith? Thanks for helping me off! Also does your healing powers sh*t still work or-" Blitzo said to her and she nods while smiling to be flustered a little.

"Y-Yeah but right now I'm gonna give half of it so far to you, Blitzo." She said as Blitzo got worried shockingly.

"No heal your wounds first and then do mines! You may be a human with some random power from something but you needed a break from your first mission before coming back for more help sweetheart!" He said to her and he noticed lil tears on her that she's proud of helping her out.

"Now that's so sweet of you!" Millie talks to Blitzo as he pulls a gray and black horse toy from his chest while smiling and puts it back and retrieves his cell phone.

"Ehhhh, yeah. Give me a moment. I need to get something I left at the house." Moxxie talks to him too before they all leave.

"Okay, fine, but hurry up. Loonaaaa! We're ready to come home, dear!" He speaks loudly as Moxxie starts to run.

"Huh... I wonder where's he going." Faith said as she followed Blitzo and Millie.

Moxxie's POV:

I ran through the woods with a determined look on my face. Mostly ignoring Stolas words after Blitzo always forgets or destroyed his phone as always and as soon I got into the house with The father and the kids being cornered, I pointed my rifle at them. They looked scared but you know it's my job to do it.

Don't move!

Ralphie chuckles and speaks to me, "What are you gonna do little guy? Kill us?"

"I should! You people are monsters! But... you should have a chance at a life and a purpose. Look at your children. They have their whole future ahead of them! You are going to face your crimes justly! I will call your earthly authorities, and they will make sure you are dealt with fairly. I'm handling this... my way."

I talked to him and pressed a button but until i realized it's a TV remote and not a phone. "Oh, sh*t." I keep glancing at the TV remote, the buttons looking like eyes and a face until I have to get help from the human itself. "Uh... do you, uh... Do you have a phone to summon 911?"

Ralphie replied back to me for help, "Yeah, it's in the kitchen."

"Then... what is this for?" I said to him.

"It's a universal remote. Got it for the kids. Ralphie hugs them as Moxxie smiles, eyes shining as I awed to them

After the calling 911, I finally arrived at the portal with Blitzo, Faith, and Millie and they saw me came back.
"There he is. Have a good wank-off session, Moxxie?"

"Excuse me?" I got weirded out for what he said until Faith speaks.

"What's a-" She tried to speak until Blitzo interrupted her not to ruined her innocence. "Look, I don't care where you did in the living world. Just come to your job on time, alright?See you at the office!"

After Blitzo pokes me several times for emphasis goes through the portal while Faith joined in too, my wife Millie places her hand on my cheek.
"You doing okay, sweetie?"

"Better now, honey. I think I just needed a minute to process." I said while she touched my Chest.

"You have a goooood heart, honey." Millie playfully pinches my nose and being my best wife as always. "Just a fuzzy head!" Millie kisses me and i always smiles lovingly to her as Millie walks through the portal.

Right when I was about to get into the portal, I  turn around and notices two police cars and a helicopter outside the house. What's going on-

"We got em', boys!"

A helicopter fires a missile through the roof and the house explodes in an massive inferno. Something hits my in the head. While looking down to see what is left of the teddy bear head. I was very stunned.... Just witnessing all of that as Blitzo grabs my neck and pulls me through the portal.

Faith's POV:

After the time skip for what I did and telling my friends what I legitimately did,  me, Mayberry and the imps celebrating our victory.  There is a A white banner reads "killed the b*tch" in red letters. Loona and Mrs. Mayberry are holding pieces of cake on their plates. "We did it! :)" is written on the cake in light blue icing. Blitzo has his arm in a sling. I was taking pictures and smiling at our biggest day yet and Everyone is wearing party hats. Everyone laughs and cheers but sadly except Moxxie, who sits with a distressed look on his face.

"Hooray for the I.M.P!!" I said excitedly and hugging Blitzo gently to not hurt his arm.

Mrs. Mayberry gives out a "Yaaaaaay!" Knowing that she's gone for good.

And for Blitzo give out a "Ohhhh, yeah!" Knowing he's proud of his job.

"Ahhh, did you see my little Mox-Mox? We did it! Oh, Moxxie!" Millie said to his husband and hugs him.

"Well, here's to another mission accomplished! And Moxxie finally learned not to f*ck up." He said while Millie rubs Moxxie's head. "And for Faith herself did a amazing job to stop that Crazy woman!"

"Awww shucks..!" I smile and blushed.

"And killin' people isn't that big of a deal if they try to kill you back!" Millie's also replied back.

"That's messed up. But I paid for it! Mrs. Mayberry Also replied to that talk.

Everyone except Moxxie laughs knowing this talk was fun and Blitzo raises a fist. "Yeah, fuck that family!"

I stop giggling forgetting that I needed to back in my world and got nervous. "AAH! My home! Guys I totally forgot about the place i lived that I wanna go home like you promised..."

They all noticed I started to get worried knowing my parents thought i suddenly got kidnapped or something but Loona grab the book already knowing that she's gonna have a breakdown to not see her parents again.

"Well we do remember like we promise, shortie." Loona said smiling and i got shocked and still pouting from the nickname that she liked.

"Well at least you have fun adventuring with us!" Millie said to me knowing the time is up for me and Loona opens up the portal to see my home and they all waved at me while grabbing my stuff but then I noticed Blitzo was kinda actually sad knowing that he thought a strong innocent woman could save his job and himself from harm and i started to look at him along with us too.

"W-What? I'm not sad that she's gonna leave!" He was this close from being into crying mood until I got an idea.

In my mind: Hmmm... I don't wanted to make them feel sad once I leave but... I have no choice. Maybe this world is better than the world I'm in despite it's hell but hey! I'm gonna do it for the I.M.P!

I started to look back at them knowing my adventure isn't over yet. "Okay... I know the first thing I saw Blitzo's arm got hurt and we started some kind of hiding and defending ourselves from that Martha woman, but this was the most fun I ever had!"

Blitzo stops being sad and all of them looked at me I'm shocked as I continue to speak.
"I don't know if I have time to go back home just yet, and you don't fit in my world too, if I stay we could not fit in together!"

I looked my home and knowing that I don't wanna go through hell from fighting and such from what I grow up with. "I am not ready to go home. I'm gonna wait until the time is ready and I want to stay to be like you!"

Millie got excited and talks to Blitzo "Let her stay! She can be a great backup helper still!"

Blitzo smiles knowing that his day keeps getting better and better. "Well it looks like you're definitely deciding to stay and I'll teach you to be like us but you have to work for me before you learn any attacks. Deal?"

He reached his and I hugged all of the imps as they groan from my tight happy hug.

As one last time skip hits by, I'm back at Blitzo's home and it was getting dark and we are all going to sleep despite my phone doesn't have internet service her even if it's hell basically.
I laid in the couch to rest until Blitzo came in knowing he wants to check on me.

"Hey uhh, I know it's dark and late but do you wanna watch some hellish movies to enjoy our night? I promise I'll find a good one for you to like!" Blitzo wink at me as I smiled at him as a nod and putting my stuff down along with my phone and he sits down in the couch to turn on the tv to find the right channel to watch.

Suddenly Loona came in to support them knowing that she doesn't care and crap. "Don't mind me I just wanna support you two."

I giggled and we both watched a movie from his world and let's just say...

Well... guess I have to work there for now on without my parents noticing. It is one hell of a ride.

(Chapter being worked on: July 3rd)

(Chapter Finished Around: July 9th)

Words In This Part ~ 8,355

©Helluva Boss ~ VivziePop

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