Part 34

Alec was finally discharged few days back and Dr Barnes are more than happy to see Alec up and moving around. He had his difficulties on his first few days of waking up especially getting back on his feet but Magnus never leaves his side and helped him with everything. The bathing, the walking, the feeding. Alec hated being treated like a child but Magnus somehow convinced him that not everyday he get to do this and if the role is reversed he would sure Alec would have done the same thing within a heartbeat.

Alec has been asking his father to let him see Sebastian for one last time since he needed the closure but he declined not wanting him to get hurt again. Even though he is in the cell locked and hand cuffed, he didn't trust Alec being there but Jack had somehow convinced him and promised he would take care of him. His face lighted with joy and eagerness but he had to be chaperon inside.

After Alec had gone through the security and had his body checked, he went to the booth that had a huge glass wall separated them from the convicts. He stood and few minutes later Sebastian came with his inmates uniform. He was wearing a white shirts and an orange-colored pants. He took a seat in front of Alec and he could see his face is not the usual Sebastian Atler. He looked beat up, his eyes are swollen and dark circles are forming underneath it. His lips are pale and dry and his skin is pallor than ever. They both took the phone by the side and placed on their ears.

"Thank you for agreeing to see me. I thought you would be too proud to face me." Alec started and he huffed. He looked down tracing his finger before he looked up to Alec who waited for his sarcastic answers. "You win Alexander. Well played." He said and Alec noticed his gripped on the handset are tighter as he exhaled his breath.

"I just want closure. I won't forget what you did to me but I forgive you. I forgive you for everything that you did to me, your tortured, your harsh words and most of all for trying to kill me. But I just want to know one thing before I leave. I just want to know why? Why did you put my life in misery since the day you met me? Why did you tortured me making my life a living hell for years. I just want to know." Alec couldn't help stoping his tears from flowing on his cheek. He sat and stared waiting for an answer but all he gets was Sebastian head looking down staring at his dirty fingernails.

"I never meant to hurt you." He started and Alec scoffed in disbelief. "Do you really think I believed that shit?" Alec raised his voice and he still hasn't look into his eyes which angered him the most. He nodded before he continued. "I am possessive. I get really possessive on things I loved the most. When you rejected me, I thought you had someone else. I never thought of the fear you had for your father finding out the truth. So loves turned to possession and it became hatred over the years. I don't deserve your apology but I do wish you and Magnus happiness."

He finally looked up and their eyes locked into each other. "I know now what money can't buy. Friendship, love and future. Goodbye Alexander." He stood up and placed the handset back in its place before he left disappeared into the other metal door.

Alec was stunt on what he just said and he tried his best to keep his emotions in but tears of remorse groomed and he wished he could turned back the event and make things right with Sebastian but there are things in this world that is beyond human capability which is age, time and fate of your being. He knew this is what he is fated for and he couldn't turned back the time to fix things. As he aged, experienced he gained is the one he will carry and passed on to the younger generation.

Jack dropped Alec home that day and the whole car ride is awkward silence. Jack didn't know whether he should say something or he should let Alec be in his thoughts. After he pulled up at his house, he looked at Alec whom still strapped under the seatbelts and staring out the window. "Alec. We're here." He lightly tapped him on the shoulder and he gasped in shock. He turned his head to his side and face Jack. "Thank you." He murmured unbuckling his seatbelts.

"Alec wait." He said before Alec could open the car door. He turned back and looked at Jack with a questioned look. "I want to tell you that everything will be alright from now on. I promised." Alec smiled weakly, nodding his head in agreement. He thanked him before headed towards his house.

As he entered, the house is empty. His parents at work and Izzy probably with Simon since they are still in school break. Alec was lucky he was sick during their winter break and he don't have to skip school or miss graduation. He climbed the stairs rubbing his neck, exhaling in exhaustion. He entered his room and was startle by none the less, his glittery idiot.

"You fucking scared me." He pushed him on his chest and went to bed to lie down. "How did it go?" Magnus asked him and he didn't exactly answered properly. He had his face on the pillow while lying face down. His voice muffled with the pillow and Magnus groaned in his frustrations. He took the chances to climb the bed and lay down on Alec's body resting his heaviness on him. "Ahhh, such a nice mattress." He commented wiggling himself on Alec's body.

Alec lifted his head up trying to get him off, "Magnus you're so heavy! Get off me." He wiggled but Magnus caught his wrist and locked his legs with Alec's so he couldn't escaped. "Tell me what happened?" He didn't followed Alec to see Sebastian cause Alec didn't want him too. Although he protested and arguments were heated, he respected Alec's wishes and allowed him. He supposed to wait at his house and Alec would joined him for dinner later but he couldn't wait but to see him earlier.

"Mags, I can't breathe." He gasped and Magnus jumped out from his positioned, resting himself next to Alec. "Oh shit!" He pushed Alec's body so he could lay on his back and he was greeted by Alec's hysterical laugh. He took a pillow and slammed it on Alec's abdomen causing him to groan. They both shared a laugh before Magnus joined Alec in a cuddle.

Alec lay on his chest and he enjoyed the rising of Magnus chest and his steady heartbeats. Magnus kissed his forehead and rested his chin on Alec's head. They lay in silenced and no one says anything. Only voices of birds chirping outside Alec's window and cars roaring passing by his house.

"I can't remember the last time I dreamt of being with you like this. The only time I spared lying down with you, all I heard was your breathing through the respirator and the beeping of monitor. Sometimes at night, in my room I could hear the beeping continuously, even though I'm not there beside you." Alec looked up and stared into Magnus' eyes, their gaze met and Magnus leaned down to kiss his lips.

Their kiss weren't erotic or sloppy but rather soft and comforting. Alec rested his head on the crook of Magnus' neck inhaling his scent. "I miss you too. I miss this most." He wrapped his arm around Magnus' torso and pulling him tightly in his embraced, Magnus imitate the same act only he had his one arm around Alec's shoulder instead of his torso. "I love you Alexander. Always and forever." He mumbled and somehow they both fall asleep in that positioned.

Days passed and things has turned back better than Alec would have hoped for. Robert being as supportive as he could and pays more attention to his family. They celebrated Christmas and New Year together with the Bane family. Nothing could be more perfect than having family sticks together. Celebrating the joy of each others company, smiles on everyones faces instead of mourned and gloom.

~~~Years later~~~

Alec and Magnus had moved to New York together. Magnus pursuing his doctorate as a neurosurgeon and Alec as a lawyer most specific in child abused cases. It was the time for thanksgiving and they both finally had the holidays off together. Usually they would miss on the occasion and apologized since they are busy with their outstanding career. This year is different. This year is special. For both of them.

Izzy and Simon got married right after college and now they have two beautiful baby girls while Jace and Clary finally tied down last year since Clary had her career in Italy for her art gallery. She came back last year and told Jace she's reassigned herself here back home to teach art and Jace didn't think twice to propose to her. She is now six months pregnant with their first baby and Jace were on the roof when the doctor said its a boy.

Magnus and Alec on the other hand had tied the knot a year after they were employed and were happier than ever. Both of their parents were happy when they told them that they are coming home with a surprised and delighted to see them since its been almost a year since he came home.

They all promised to meet in Bane's house since its bigger than the Lightwood and better kitchen as Maryse would say. They were all enjoying themselves preparing dinner when the doorbell rung. "They're here! My boys are here!" She shouted and they all hustled to the door including Clary with her swollen tummy. They all fought to open the door and Izzy managed to grab the door handle. She twisted it open and saw Magnus by the door alone. She crooked her eyebrow searching for anything that looks like a surprised but nothing.

"What's the surprised?" Mary asked and they all nodded in agreement. Magnus couldn't help but feel rather amused on their behavior. He held back his laughed pretending to be offended. He crossed his arm against his chest and scowled. "Aren't you guys glad we managed to come home in one piece? At least a hug or a kiss for my come back?" Mary laughed and hugged her son before kissing his scowled face. "I miss you baby. Where's Alec?" She asked and as she was looking around Alec came out from the car.

"I'm here." He stepped out from the car looking as charming as always. But it wasn't him they had their eyes on but the one he carried in his arm. "Everyone, meet Gabriel." He removed the covers that hide his face and shown the bundle of cuteness in his arm. He is covered with a blue wrapped with a head covers. His face is is filled with joy of newborn and his chubby cheeks invites kisses from anyone who looks at him. His cute button nose that scrunched when he dreamt earns cooing from all the females populations.

The ladies squealed in a shrieking high pitched sound as they tried to reach for the baby Alec pulls back and held out his arm. "Ah, Ah. You don't get to touch him unless you want to handle his tantrum." Magnus snorted in laughter as both Clary and Izzy hand falls with a pout on their faces and their mothers joined the laughed. "I'll take him, I handled boys before I know I can handle this one." Mary took Gabriel from Alec and he sighed rubbing his neck before entering inside the house.

They all seated in the living room after all the hugs and greets. They shared their progress in all aspect in their lives before the topic changed to the sweetness in Clary's arm. yeah, they had passed him like a football which Alec worries they would drop him but Magnus assured him nothing will harm a hair on his son as long as he is surrounded by his family.

"How long did you guys adopted him? I can't believe you didn't tell us about him. He is so cute." Isabelle pinched his chubby cheeks and a smile crept up on his face showing his dimple and they cooed in the cuteness. "Yeah, we've been meaning to tell you guys but things just got harder after we have him." Alec and Magnus looked at each other before returned the gaze back at them.

Magnus sat on the arm rest beside Alec and rubbed his shoulder. The look on his face showed he is neither kidding or joking when he said hard. They all had and intense look on each faces before they had been startled by a small cry. Clary tried to soothe him and failed so Isabelle took him away but failed even. Mary and Maryse did the same but failed and Alec took him away from them. Just a mere seconds and he already snuggled into his chest and wide awake. His eyes are purest blue-gray colored and his long lashes makes it even more beautiful. His cried earlier had him small drops of tears pooling on his eyes and his cheeks. Alec wiped them away with his long fingers as he sobs calming down. They all witnessed the maternal care Alec had given to him before placing him on his lap and he smiled looking at all the person in front of him.

Isabelle was tempted by his cuteness and want to grab him away from Alec but his loud cries stopping her and she sat back down. "Woah, couldn't stay away for a seconds huh?" She commented and they all laughed. "Its because Alec saves him. He had latched on his scent and its getting used to latch on mine but six months is worth the wait." Magnus rubbed his chubby cheeks from the side before he held his hand up for him to carry, Magnus did gladly and kissed him on the cheeks. "What happened?" Jack asked.

"The mother went crazy with drugs. Overdose and left him hungry and cried for hours maybe days, I don't know. I found him when I went to see my client. That kid lives in some sort of a crackhouse and I managed to get him out which happens to heard Gabriel's voice. Weak as a kitten, dirty, wet, cold and shivering. Not too mentioned lay besides his dead mother's searching for her." Alec rubbed his eyes from his tears and Magnus held him closer for comfort. He took Gabriel from Magnus and held him on his chest before he kissed his head.

"Poor kid. How could anyone do that." Mary muttered shaking her head. "Alec had gone through so much in taking care of him. He got sick after we took him. Due to the cold and hunger, he was malnourished and his antibody weakened since no breast feeding." Magnus continued. "We almost lost him." Alec interrupted and he looked at Gabriel who played with his collar with his small fingers.

"They put tubes all over him, in his mouth, his arm, his legs, his abdomen, my heart breaks and I couldn't leave the hospital knowing he might not survived the night. Our marriage were hanging by a thread since I wasn't paying attention to Magnus and put priorities on Gabriel till I got sick." Maryse gasped and all the years she's been taking care of Alec not once Alec got sick further away from her. She always have him by her side and keeping him safe. So hearing Alec got sick while she knows nothing about it hurts her the most.

"Alec got sick pretty bad since he spend most of his time at the hospitals. He barely eat, he didn't rest and I knew I had to do something. I saw how important Gabriel for him and decided to adopt him. He survived all the horrid procedures and grew remarkably and became our little light." Magnus explained and they all listen quietly. None of them spoke a word for few minutes and looked at Alec cuddling into Gabriel.

"I'm so proud of you Alec. He needs a good family and you guys can showed him better than anyone else. No matter what, he is part of the family." Robert added and with a smile he had, Gabriel looked at him and answered with most cheekiest voice and smiles. Alec and Magnus snickered in a laugh since its hard to get him to greet stranger. He might be too young too remember but he remembers well being neglected and abandoned.

"Welcome to the family Gabriel Lightwood-Bane." Jack raised his wine glass which was handed on the table and they all raised the glass of their own except for Clary while repeating his words. Gabriel laughed echoed in the house and they continued laughing at his adorable behaviors.

After few hours spend with the family, Gabriel finally opened up to them since they had the same scent as Alec and he felt comfortable but once in a while he needed Alec scent back and he would cried for him or Magnus

They couldn't be anymore happier even the most tragic event that happened to someone life, somehow the wheels will turned back around and you will get back on top. Just like Alec's life. Before he met Magnus, he always at the bottom. He remembers hiding away his face so that Magnus won't noticed he checking him out. How he asked him for a date multiple times, earning a few punches here and there. How terrified Magnus were when he thought he almost lost Alec too many times. But things had finally worked out for them and they couldn't thanked the Lord for giving him such bliss in their lives and a family to live for.



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