Part 18

Alec was awoken by the sound of his phone rang. He blinked few times try to adjust his eyes but the light shone directly at his face. So he groaned and picked up his phone by the bed side without seeing who is the caller. "Hello!" He groaned in frustration answering the phone call.

"Well aren't you a sunshine." Alec sat up grasping his hair clearing his throat. "Magnus. S-s-sorry. I just woke up." Alec apologetic behavior earns Magnus a chuckle. "Its alright Alexander, I was to blamed for waking you up so early." Alec smiled cause nothing is better than to wake up hearing Magnus' voice. "So what's up?" He asked.

"I was wondering if you want to go together for our school trip this weekend? My parents insist to drop us. They would not stop bothering me till you said yes." Alec loves how Magnus' parents accept him as part of the family and more Magnus being his boyfriend and they will go to this class trip together as a couple.

"That actually sound lovely but I promise Izzy we drove together. Probably her new boyfriend would tag along." Alec rolled his eyes and Magnus could feel it through their phone. "Alexander, behave. Don't be so harsh on that boy." Alec smirked.

"I think you could squeeze them in our car. You don't want to drive 5 hours with the love birds. Come with me." Magnus persuaded him and to Alec it would be a lot easier cause he won't have to witness the puppy dog eyes from Magnus. "I-I don't know. I need to ask my parents first." Alec heard how Magnus sighed on the other end.

"Please babe, for me." Alec swore if Magnus was here in his room, he would failed miserably. He sighed pinching his nose before he nodded. "Fine, I'll meet you at your house around 7?" He could hear rumbles and movement on the other line and he smiled. Magnus was jumping in excitement and Alec has to wait for his response. "I'll see you then. I love you Alexander."

"I love you too Magnus." They both hanged up with a smile on their face. Alec got up to look for his sister and told her about the change of plan. He is looking forward to this weekend for him and his boyfriend to spend some time with each other. His excitement is beyond imaginable and he wish weekend would come sooner. 

Time skipped to the weekend.

"Izzy hurry up! We're gonna be late!" Alec shouted from the bottom of the stairs. Today is the day they will go on their school trip. He has been waiting since an hour ago and Izzy is no where being ready. Its really getting on his nerves cause he woke up early just to get out early but Izzy is taking her sweet precious time.

"I'm coming, would you please control your libido already?" Izzy huffed as she descend the stairs.

Alec keep his distance from his father and most of the time they see each other they barely said a word. The only time he spend longer than hour with his father was during the Sunday ritual. But most of the time, he would go out and hang out with Magnus and his family. To Alec he rather spend his time alone than being with Robert. A minute with him felt like an hour in hell. He managed to bring down Alec's mood and also making him felt like the most useless person in the world.

Alec was about to turn and ran out from their house before he was called out by a familiar voice behind him. "Alec, Izzy, a word?" He recognized the voice very well and for him, he would rather escape but unfortunately he wont be able to hear the end of it. So he just agreed to his father's request and went to the living room. He plopped on the couch followed by Izzy. Maryse is still in her room avoiding the family drama.

"Listen well and don't interrupt me." Robert was looking at Alec holding his finger at them. "I want you to behave, don't embarrassed me or our family. If you break the rules, prepare for my punishment." Alec scoffed and rolled his eyes at Robert which made him glanced back at Alec. "Something you wanna say boy?" Alec turned his glanced back at Robert. "Really dad? What you expect me to do? Fuck around?" Izzy and Robert was taken aback at what Alec just said but Alec didn't regret saying it. But he was aware that his father was angry at what he just said cause the next thing he knew he was on the floor next to his couch. His face reddened and a sting pain hits him. Robert smacked Alec's face so hard he fell off the couch. Robert crouched next to him and yanked the hem of his shirt in his fist. 

"You listen carefully Alec. I mean it when I said to behave. If I heard anything, I mean anything. I will drag your ass from there and sent you to my brother George." Upon hearing the name, Alec felt his body shudders and sudden cold wrapped around his heart to his spine. His uncle, Robert's brother was actually worst than his own father. He's abusive and not too mention a general homophobic person. He lives in New York while Alec lives in North Carolina. Alec stood while rubbing his cheek with his finger. He looked at Izzy and her eyes pleaded Alec for not making his dad more angry. He turned his gaze down on the floor and nodded weakly. His vision is getting blurred due to the tears build up. Robert smiled in victory cause he managed to made Alec scared and he knew how Alec fear of his brother. He nodded, letting go Alec's shirt before he left the two siblings at the living room.

Izzy went to Alec's side and hugged his arm stroking his cheek. "1 more year Alec, and you can escape this. Please stay strong. I don't want you to move to New York. I need you here." Alec nodded and blinked, his tears rolls down his cheek and Izzy wiped it dry. "Lets go. We don't want Magnus to wait now do we." He looked down to his arm and his eyes met his sister. He nodded as he can't perform any words as he is afraid he will burst out in tears. They took their bags and placed in the trunk before head to Magnus'.

Magnus was loading his bag in the trunk when he saw Alec's car pulled over to their driveway. He will leave his car at Magnus' house as they will go together to the ranch. The school always made a year end trip to a private ranch for all of the students, but mostly the richest one. The trip might be for the students but as always only few will showed up cause the trip is costly. The trip is supposed to let the students enjoyed carefree life and release stress from all of the exams before they will start a new year. Magnus was smiling ear to ear when he saw Alec came out from the car and his smile turned to a frown. His eyebrow crooked upon seeing his beautiful boyfriend's face, reddened cheek and a red swollen eyes like he just cried. He did.

"What's wrong?" He tried to cupped Alec's cheek but he moved it out the way and headed for their bags. He looked at Izzy seeking for answers but Izzy's face tells it more than enough. So he decided to hold it for a while before ruining this trip. He followed Alec and tried to help with his bag but he shoved it out of his way and headed to Magnus' open trunk. He placed both his and Izzy's neatly before he was greeted by Magnus' parents.

"Morning Alec. Not a morning person are you?" Jack patted his back but only to be earned by a small smiled curled by his lips. He looked at Magnus and Magnus shrugged his shoulder not aware of what is happening. Soon they were joined by Mary who came out rather cheery. She held her bag and a Tupperware of sandwiches inside. She handed it to her husband and went to the siblings. "Alec, Izzy! You guys are here finally." She hugged Izzy before she went to Alec. As she hugged him, she noticed the red marks still visible on Alec's cheek. She placed her small hands caressing it. Her eyes looked up at Alec but he couldn't made eye contact as his was filled with tears.

She didn't have to wait for Alec to open his mouth and she pulled Alec for a tightening hug. To Magnus' surprised he hugged her back. "Whatever happens before, I want you to forget it. Enjoy this weekend and don't think of anything from home." She whispered it in Alec's ear. Alec nodded surprised by her gesture.

"Magnus can you show me the bathroom please. I need to touch up my make up before my boyfriend got here." She pulled Magnus away and entered the house. Magnus had no clue on what is happening but as soon as he was inside, Izzy let go of his hand and looked at him with a concern look.

"You love my brother right?" She asked and Magnus was retracted on the question. "Of course I do, why would you asked me that." Izzy sighed rubbing her temple.

"Because dad and Alec had a fight this morning before we left. If anything happens during the weekend, he will sent Alec away to my uncle in New York. Please Magnus, Alec is so upset and his mind is not to be mess with. I need you to be with him no matter what happened."

Magnus looked at Izzy's face and his frown grew even more. Her explanation only adding more questions than answers. But he decided to let it go for now. They both heard a commotion outside and headed to the door. Izzy's face grew to a smile upon seeing her nerdy boyfriend shaking hands with the Bane's and her brother. Oh god, Alec is gonna kill him. She thought. She ran to Simon's side and pulled him for a kiss.

"Good morning gorgeous." He smiled and fixing his glasses and Alec again rolled his eyes at them. "So shall we move on now people?" Jack said as he fling his keys signing to move. Izzy and Simon moved to sit at the further back while Magnus and Alec sat behind the driver and passengers seat. Magnus's family car is a black Range Rover 4WD that could fit at least 8 people. As they closed their car door, Mary locking the house, they drove out for their 5 hours drive to the private ranch.

Its after an hour drive, Jack already driving on the freeway, occasionally getting to a conversation with his wife and Simon and Izzy engaged with their. Magnus turned to Alec and saw he was zoning out. He looked out to the window not moving at all, his eyes didn't even changed direction and Magnus getting more worried. So he scooted closer whispering to Alec's ear. "What's so interesting out there? I'm right over here." Alec looked to his left and his eyes was met with Magnus. Magnus thought he will pushed him back to his seat but to his surprised their lips crashed to each other. Alec pulled back resting their forehead into each other breathing in and out.

"I miss you. I'm sorry I acted like a jerk earlier. My mind is a mess and I hope you forgive me" Alec's frowned looking down at his hand. Magnus lifted his chin back to face his and their eyes met again. "I might not know what is going on but please Alec, don't pushed me away." Alec nodded before sealed their lips with another kiss. Magnus smiled and rested his head on Alec's shoulder. Their hand tangled with each other. Soon both of them fell asleep. 

Hey lovelies, sorry for not updating, hope you guys still enjoyed reading this story. More drama soon. Don't hate me.

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