Chapter 9: A faraway to old friends (lemon)
Erza slowly opens her eyes and looks around to see brightness as she see no one around her just herself.
Erza: (thought) What is this? Did I die? I must of died to stop the tower from collapsing.
Erza looks at her hand and she have flashbacks to everyone she been through all these years. Natsu, Gray, Lucy, Happy, Chole and even everyone in the guild including once that were with her at the tower of heaven when she was a kid.
She gently makes a fist and tears run down her face as she thinks to herself.
Erza: (thought) Natsu, Happy, Lucy, Gray and everyone else, I'm sorry but this is my fate, this is how I will go down. I'm so sorry about this. Y/n.......I'm sorry as well, forgive me.
She was about to expect her fate when suddenly there was a bright like behind her and she turn and a hand reach through the light and reach out to Erza. Erza doesn't know why but she reach out her hand and then she grab it and then......she woke up.
Era slowly opens her eyes and see the full moon shining above her and hear the ocean gently splashing into shore as she was surprised she was alive.
Erza: (thought) Wait? I'm alive?
Lucy: (distance) Erza!
Erza looks over to see everyone running over to her as Erza looks at her hand and was still surprised that she was a alive.
Erza: I-I don't understand, how I'm I?
???: Hey Erza, your awake.
Erza looks and see Y/n as he was carrying her while she was unconscious which surprised her as Y/n carrys her into shore and then place her down onto the sand and then looks at Erza and smiles and said.
Y/n: (smile) Lucky your hand was sticking out so this give me a chance to save you before you were gone.
Erza was surprised that Y/n saved her and blushed a little as everyone else runs over and Lucy, Chole and Juiva hugs Y/n as they were glad he was alright.
Juvia: (smile) I thought you were gone my love.
Chole: Don't scare us like that.
Y/n: (chuckle) Don't worry, I won't.
They all let go and Natsu walks up and high fives Y/n and said.
Natsu: (smirk) Awesome job man, you managed to defeat that Jullal jerk.
Happy: Yeah you were awesome.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks guys but glad yous made it here just in time.
Sho: Yeah and thanks to you, we're free.
Willy: (smile) Yeah without Jullal and the tower of heaven we're free.
Millianna: (smile) Yeah moew.
Y/n: Well not all of us, Simon didn't make it.
Sho: (shocked) What?!
Erza: It's true. He sacrifice his own life to save the two of us.
Millianna: (shocked) Oh no.
Willy: (shock) Damn.
Gray: We're sorry for that.
Erza: It's alright, he did everything to protect us now he will in peace.
Lucy: So now what?
Chole: We head back to Akane Hotel and rest up for the night.
Natsu: Same I'm tired.
Happy: Your always tired Natsu.
Gray: Yeah probably being a idiot.
Natsu: (anger) What was that you jerk!
Then the two argue while they walk off. Y/n chuckles a little and Erza stands up and looks at Y/n and said.
Erza: Y/n?
Y/n turns to her and Erza looks at Y/n and then ask.
Erza: Why did you save me? I sacrifice my own life so you can live on and have a peaceful life along with everyone in the guild. I wanna know why?
Y/n was silent for a bit before he said.
Y/n: Because they will hurt if you were gone. Sacrifice is honourable by some warriors who may fight in a war or battle to save others. But there is a down side with that sacrifice, everyone in the guild and even the family and love once will felt sadden and upset that your gone. Simon sacrifice his own so you will have a happy life and I promise him I will fight for your happiness. If you die then I've broken that promise and everyone will be sad.
Erza didn't realise that. She never know if she was gone, everyone will be sadden by her death. Y/n see tears gonna to come out and Y/n walks over and hugs her which surprised Erza but Erza hugs Y/n back as Y/n also said.
Y/n: You've been through so much darkness and suffering and betrayala, it's not right to you to die with those things. You deserve more, you deserve to live on happy and be around with people that cared for you and help you with your problems.
Erza: (tears) Y/n I-I-I'm so so sorry, I didn't know I was.....(sniff).
Y/n: It's ok. You were just trying to protect us and I understand that. You don't have to be alone here, everyone in the guild will help you and I will also help you, I'll be with you no matter what ok?
Erza nods with tears in her eyes and Y/n looks at her and smiles as he wipe the tears off her eyes and said.
Y/n: (smile) Come on Erza, where is your smile? You look pretty nice with a smile.
Erza: Really?
Y/n: (smile) I'm not a guy who thinks your smiles is bad. I think your smiles are cute and wonderful.
Erza blushes and borrow her head to hide the blush but she then look back at Y/n and start to smile. Y/n also smiles and they let go and Y/n said.
Y/n: (smile) Come on, let's meet up with the rest and get some rest.
Erza: (smile) Of course, let's go.
Then the two walked off to catch up with the rest as they head back to the hotel to rest up for tomorrow.
(Next day)
We see Y/n and Erza at front of the Hotel as they were with Willy, Millianna and Sho as they apologise for Erza for thinking she would betray her and kidnapped her.
Millianna: We're really sorry Erza.
Willy: Yeah so sorry.
Erza: No it's alright, I'm sorry for abandon yous all.
Sho: We don't blame you, it was Jullal who betrayed us all.
Erza: Yeah he did.
Y/n: So now all of yous are free Jullal and the tower of heaven so no more what should you do now?
Willy: No clue, we haven't thought about any plans of what to do?
Erza: You could join us in our guild if yous like?
Millianna: (surprised) Really?
Sho: You can let us in?
Y/n: (smile) Sure I think it be great for yous to be in Fariy Tail, yous will fit right in.
Millianna: I guess that's not a bad idea, after all I really wanna know more about you Y/n, Moew.
Y/n: (little blush) Wait what?
Chole: Hey guys.
Then Chole walls up to them and once there she ask.
Chole: Have any of yous seen Juvia anywhere, she wasn't at her hotel room?
Erza: No I haven't. She must of head off.
Y/n: (smile) Well we meet her one day.
Chole: Still we have time to enjoy the rest of our vacation before we head back to the guild.
Y/n: (smile) Then I'll say let's celebrate before we head back to the guild tomorrow.
Erza: (smile) I like the sound of that idea.
Millianna: (smile) Same to me, Moew!
Willy: (smile) Sounds fun, I'm in.
Sho: (smile) Same.
Chole: (smile) Great me and Lucy will set up the drinks and snacks at the party room, Erza do you mind you help us?
Erza: (smile) Sure and the rest head down the casino for a while until we call for yous.
Y/n: (smile) Awesome let's go!
So Chole and Erza head up to set up the snack while Y/n, Millianna, Willy and Sho hea to Casino to play a few games and after a while we see Y/n with Willy as they were shooting down some cans and Willy wins as Willy smirks and said.
Willy: (smirk) This is why you don't mess with the sharp shooter kid.
Y/n: (surprised) Woah you really are a good sharp shooter, how can you even shoot like that?
Willy: Well during out escape form the tower me and Millianna found this old TV at one of the boats and when we turn it on it show us a cowboy show and I enjoyed it and soon I learn who to shoot and that's why I'm a great shooter around.
Y/n: That's pretty cool.
Willy: (smirk) I know, I'm the best.
Millianna: Moew.
Y/n turn to see Millianna and Y/n was kinda startled but then Millianna asked.
Millianna: So Y/n, do you like cute little kitty's.
Y/n: Sure they are cute and pretty nice to be around.
Millianna: (smile) Do you have a kitten or a cat?
Y/n: Nope never have one although back in my village there have been several cats following me a lot.
Millianna: (smile) Woah that's so cute.
Y/n: Yeah guess you can say that. By away where is Natsu and the rest of the guys?
Millianna: There at this bingo machine and Nastu is losing badly.
Y/n: Huh I see.
They walk over and see Natsu and Happy getting angry by this bingo machine while Gray and Sho watched as Y/n walsk over and ask.
Y/n: Natsu have some bad luck on a game huh?
Gray: Yep and it's kinda funny to watch.
Natsu: (anger) Oh shut up gray!
Y/n: (smile) Come on guys, I don't think it's not that hard.
Natsu: (anger) Oh yeah! Then what about you give it a try!
Y/n: OK I'll give it a try.
Natsu and Happy move out of the way and Y/n set up to the machine and then press the red button and the numbers roll and then the numbers all landed on three sevens and Y/n wins.
Natsu and Happy were stuned by this while Gray was laughing his ass off.
Gray: (laughter) Woah can't beat a machine but Y/n beats it! How hilarious!
Natsu: (anger) Shut up ice breath!
Happy: (anger) Yeah shut up, this machine has been a pain to us before cute face attack us.
Willy: (anger) Hey I'm standing right here jerks!
Millianna laughs as they argue while Y/n smiles before Lucy came down and calls out to everyone and they head up and arrived at the party room with a lot of food there as they walk in and they start the party.
Natsu and Happy were eating the food while Gray walks around without a shirt on while we see Y/n at the balcony looking at the stars until Lucy walks up to him and ask.
Lucy: (smile) Hey you alright?
Y/n: Yeah I'm good, just wished I would have saved Simon's life.
Lucy: I know but he did what he did to save you and Erza.
Y/n: Guess your right. Still he was the only person that doesn't believe that Erza didn't betray them.
Lucy: By away what happened to this dark wizard they were with?
Y/n: You mean Noah?
Lucy: Yeah him.
Y/n: Well the last thing I saw him he leap off the windows and splash into the water. I don't know he survive the fall and if so, it's impossible for him to swim to shore.
Lucy: Yeah but still, it's good thing you and Erza are safe.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah and same to you Lucy and to the rest. I was worried yous be trapped in the tower or killed.
Lucy: (smile) Nope we managed to got out thanks to Millianna and Willy.
Y/n: (smile) That's good, glad yous are safe.
Lucy: (smile) Yep.
The two smiled before they join back to the party as the sunset for night time as the party ends and they head to their rooms to get some rest.
(Short while later)
We see Millianna, Willy and Sho have a boat with them as they were pushing it into the ocean so they could leave.
Millianna: Come on.
Sho: It's too heavy.
Willy: We don't have time before they will find out.
Y/n: I see your going on a fishing trip?
They turn to see Y/n there which surprised them as Y/n said once more.
Y/n: It's kinda late to go out fishing right?
Willy: Oh look kid, we thankful for invited us to your guild but.....we refuse.
Sho: It's not for any wrong reason it's just that....we.
Millianna: We wanna go to our own path, find our own way. You understand right?
Y/n: Yeah I understand. It's your life and you need paths to go to. But as least we pull over a faraway fireworks.
They were confused but then lighting from Chole, fire balls from Natsu and Licy summons Sagittarius and he shot out explosion arrow and make explosion in the air to make fireworks which they were surprised.
Erza: It's a very nice meeting yous for a long while.
Then Erza came out of the bushes and they were about to explain but the Erza smiles and said.
Erza: (smile) It's alright. No matter how far we go, we always together until the very end.
Willy, Millianna and Sho start to cry with those words and they set off while fireworks are happening as they ceiling away.
millianna: (tears) Goodbye big sis!
Willy: (tears) Your always with us no matter what!
Sho: (tears) Goodbye big sis!
They head ofd while Erza have tears in her eyes as she watches them leave but Y/n place a hand on her shoulder Erza turn sto him as Y/n smiles and said.
Y/n: (smile) You'll meet them once again, I know it.
Erza: (smile) Right.
Y/n nods with a smile as after Millianna, Willy and Sho vanished they all head back to the hotel to rest up for tomorrow to head back to the guild Hall.
(Short while later)
We see Y/n at the bathroom of his hotel room brushing his teeth and once that he exit out of the bathroom and was about to craw into bed and he heard a knock at the door.
Y/n walks over and opens the door to see Erza as Erza smiles and ask.
Erza: (smile) hey Y/n, I know this is late but mind I come in?
Y/n: (smile) Sure come in.
Erza nods and comes in. Y/n shuts the door and walks over to get some drinks while Erza sat on the bed and soon Y/n walks over and hand her a wine and Y/n sat on the bed next to her as Erza and Y/n sip their wine and Y/n ask.
Y/n: So what brings you here Erza?
Erza: I came here to say thank you. You not only free me from the nightmares from the tower but help me fight Jullal, I wasn't sure I would have defeated him and when he did, I lose all hope until to came and save me.
Y/n: (smile) It's no problem but to no offence but I would have saved you either way if you hadn't pushed me towards that door so I have to face Noah.
Erza: (nervous chuckle) Yeah that was my bad I'm sorry about that.
Y/n: (chuckle) That's alright but I'm just glad your all fine and everyone as well.
Erza: (smirk) Yeah and since everyone is asleep.
She then pkace down her wined and then gently grab Y/n cheeks and turn his head towards her as Erza smirks while Y/n was blushing a little and asked.
Y/n: (blush) um Erza? What are you-
Then Erza lend in and kissed Y/n in the lips. Y/n's cheeks was blushing bright red as Erza continues to kiss Y/n on the lips before she pulled Y/n onto the bed and after a while she stops kissing and she was on top of Y/n while Y/n looks at her still blushing bright red as Erza giggles and said.
Erza: (smirk) You're really cute blushing Y/n.
Y/n: (blush) E-E-Erza?
Erza: (smirk) I figured you deserve some kind a reward for risking your life to save me. I figured this may do since your too cute and think I be first to do it with you.
Y/n was speechless still blushing also as Erza lend in close to Y/n and said.
Erza: (smirk) Come on Y/n, I wanna feel what your tongue feels like.
(Lemon start)
Then Erza kisses Y/n on the lips once more but this time Y/n feels turned on as he looks at Erza kissing him on the lips before he opens her mouth and her tongue was through and Y/n kissed Erza back while rapping his arms around her as they kissed.
Y/n rest his head on the bed while they make out as both of them share a few moans as they make out and play around with their tongue. Erza feels Y/n soft and warm lips and tongue as she couldn't help and kiss him harder which made Y/n moan a bit.
Y/n can't handle himself but reach down and grab Erza's butt which made Erza moan and Erza likes it and kissed Y/n even harder and so dose Y/n as they make out for a long while before they stop kissing and they pulled away with their tongue sticking out as they were catching their breaths.
Then Erza reach her hand down to Y/n trousers and took them off and took off Y/n underwear and Y/n asked.
Y/n: Erza what are you- oh! Oh~ god!
Erza was gently stroking Y/n's private part as Y/n lay his head down and gets turned on by this as he grabs the blanket as Erza continues this and Y/n private park gets bigger and bigger and Y/n felt he's gonna exploded any moment now.
Erza see this and took off her top and she was now on her bra as she crawled down and slide Y/n's private part between Erza's breast and Y/n made a little moan as he grab hold the blanket tightly as Erza moves her breast as Y/n's private part gets bigger and bigger.
Y/n: Erza I'm gonna exploded, here it comes!
Then white liquid exploded out of Y/n's private part and Erza was covered with it including her bra was covered with it as well. Y/n was catching his breath as Erza licks off the liquid with a smirk and said.
Erza: (smirk) Seems like I'm all wet, care to take my bra off Y/n?
Y/n nods and sats up and take off her bra and was surprised how large Erza's breast were and Erza giggles a little.
Erza: (smirk) You can touch them if you want.
Y/n can't handle himself and touch her breast as they jiggle a bit and then he grabs them and start to squeeze them as Erza gasp a little with pleasure as Y/n continues squeezing her breast until he stick his mouth and start to suck Erza's right breast while squeezing the other breast and Y/n even squeeze the nipple of it.
Erza cries out with pleasure and it felt soo wonderful as Y/n continues sucking and squeezing her breast until she felt she is gonna to exploded and she did as white liquid exploded into Y/n's mouth and Y/n drinks it all and pulls away and lick the last bit of it before saying.
Y/n: (smirk) That was delicious Erza.
Erza: (breathing) Y-y-Yeah but I wanna more.
Y/n: Sam were Erza.
Erza: Come here!
Then the two kissed before laying onto the bed as they kissed even harder and fast as they move around the bed as they share a few moans as they continue this. Y/n was now on top of Erza as they break away form the kissing and looks down at Erza and Erza looks at him as well as the two smiled with love in them.
Erza: Wanna finish this up?
Y/n: You ready for it?
Erza: (smirk) I'm ready for anything hot stuff.
Y/n smiles and Erza took off her underwear while Y/n took out a condom and stick it into his private part. And Y/n stick his private part into Erza's and Erza gasp but it felt good. Then Y/n start to thurst in and out as Erza grabs hold on the blanket as Y/n continues thrusting in and out as Erza share a few moans before calling out.
Erza: Go faster! Please! Oh yeah~!
Y/n nods and dose it faster and harder which made Erza cry out with pleasure as Y/n continue this until Y/n said.
Y/n: Here is a big finisher Erza!
Erza: Do it! I'm-Im Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh~!
The two cry out with pleasure as Y/n pulls out his private part and took off the condom and throws it away and lay onto the bed and shut the lights off while Erza rap her arms around him and cuddles with him as Y/n pulls over the blankets over them.
(Lemon ends)
The two were catching their breath after that and felt extremely tired as Rrza nuzzled with Y/n and said while her eyes were closed.
Erza: (smile) That was wonderful, you are a wonderful kisser Y/n.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks, your not so bad as well.
Erza: (smile) You better watch out, more girls may wanna taste of you.
Y/n: And you don't mind?
Erza: (giggle) I don't blame them that wanna have a taste with you, we shown to love you and we wanna be with you.
Y/n: Well as long I make yous happy and keep yous and everyone safe, I'm fine by that.
Erza: (smile) I love you Y/n.
Y/n: (smile) Love you to Erza.
The two cuddle before they fast asleep for the night and so they can ehafback to the guild Hall for tomorrow morning.
(Next day)
They returned back to Magnolia and they arrived back to the Fairy tail guild Hall only to see it was all repaired and it was all new which shocked them as they look at it. It was a lathe castle like gate with a large wall around it.
Y/n: (surprised) Woah it's so big!
Gray: (surprised) Yeah it's all new.
Chole: (smile) But at least we have our guild Hall back.
Natsu: It's not the same.
Lucy: Oh don't be upset, let's head inside and check it out.
They go through the gates and they enter the guild hall and was surprised how huge it was in the inside with many guild members walking about and talking to their friends.
Chole: (surprised) Woah it's so awesome.
Lucy: (surprised) Your telling me.
Mirajane: (smile) Hey guys, I see you return safely.
Then Mirajane walks up with Makarov as Makarov asked them.
Makarov: So how was your vacation?
Y/n: (smile) It was great and I see the guild is all done.
Mirajane: (smile) Yep and we even allowe to go the second floor. We also added in a few things like a spare bath, a game room and many others.
Lucy: (smile) That's awesome.
Nastu: Still not the same.
Makarov: We also have a new members here, allow me to introduce one.
Then to their shock Juiva walks over with the fairy tail logo on her left shoulder as Makarov said.
Makarov: This is Juiva, she came here yesterday and ask to join us.
Juvia: (smile) Hey guys.
Y/n: (smile) Hey Juvia glad we see you here.
Juvia: Yeah I wanna apologise for leaving so sooner without saying goodbye.
Y/n: (smile) That's alright, just glad your here and finally join us.
Juvia: (thought) My love is so nice and so cute. I wanted him to be my husband one day!
Makarov: And another one over there.
Happy: Who is it?
They all look over and they were shocked to see Gajeel there sat on the table and glares at them.
Natsu: (anger) Gajeel!
Gray: (anger) Why letting him in gramps!
Y/n: Gray, Natsu calm down!
Erza: (anger) I don't mind Juvia but he was the one who trashed our guild Hall.
Y/n: Look I know all of yous are mad and I understand that but Gajeel is not here to trash this guild no more, he's moved on.
Makarov: Y/n's right, an enemy from yesterday is a friend today.
Y/n walsm over to Gajeel and Gajeel looks up at him and Y/n reach out his hand and said with a smile.
Y/n: (smile) Hey I know we met before when Phantom Lords attack our guild but I hope we put that aside and work together.
Gajeel just looks at him before he stands up and said.
Gajeel: Listen kid I'm not here to make friends, I'm here to get a job. I don't like this guild or yous so beat it.
The Gajeel walks off while Y/n watch him go and thought to himself.
Y/n: (thought) Geez he really doesn't like to make friends. Must be a loner.
While in the background Jet and Droy were glaring at Gajeel before the lights turn off and another light shine on the stage and Mirajane was on stage with a mic in front of her as the rest of the guild start to cheer for her as she start to sign.
Her signing were smooth and beautiful as her voice make everyone more relaxed and calm as Y/n sat down and listen her sign before he felt a tap on his shoulder and turn to see three girls with cat like ears and a tail as one ask.
???: Are you Y/n L/n, a wizard that token down The Phantom Lords.
Y/n: Yeah and yous must be new here?
Delilah: (smile) Yep names Delilah and these are my friends.
Emery: (smile) I'm Ermery nice to meet you.
Julia: (smile) And I'm Julia, nice to meet you.
Delilah: We heard a lot of things about you taking down the Phantom Lords when we join here and we were waiting to see you after so long.
Y/n: (smile) Well I'm here now, it's very nice to meet you girls.
Delilah, Emery and Julia: (thought) He is soo adorable.
All three sat down with him as the listen to Mirajane beautiful signing before she stop signing and everyone claps while Mirajane winks at Y/n before she get off stage.
Delilah: (smile) Woah she has a beautiful voice.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah guess this guild is not that bad after all.
Then the light the stage turns back on and Gajeel was there wearing some kind a musical like guy with a guitar as he start to sign his more horrible music and signing that is horrible to everyone as they throw stuff at him.
While just sat and watch all this but was surprised that Gajeel likes music.
Y/n: (thought) Woah never knew he enjoys music even if his music kinda sucks.
Natsu: Man this is the most horrible song alive!
Then Gajeel throws his guitar at him and then the two fight and trash the whole guild and soon everyone was fighting while some like Lucy, Happy and Chole take cover not wanted to get involved.
Y/n, Delilah, Emery and Julia were at the second floor as they watched all the guild members brawl out as Delilah asked.
Delilah: So dose this happen here a lot?
Y/n: Yeah, you'll get use to it.
Delilah: (smile) Still it's a great guild to join.
Emery: (smile) Yeah and it's great to meet the chosen one here.
Julia: (smile) Yeah same here.
Y/n: (smile) That's good, I'm glad for it.
Outside of the guild we see Laxus staring at the fairy tail guild Hall as he makes a fist in anger as he turns and walks off and has enough of this and he thinks it's time for a change to the Fairy Tail guild, once and for all.
To be continued...........
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