Chapter 8: Battle for Erza's smiles
At the top of the tower of heaven we see Jellal and with him was Noah as he was looking out of the view of the tower as Jellal smirks to himself and said.
Jellal: It seems the magic council made a vote.
Noah: And that vote be?
Jellal: (smirk) They are gonna use etherion to blast the tower the heaven just like a planed.
Noah: Yeah but I think Erza and Y/n will be here soon and try to stop your plan.
Jellal: Maybe, Do you mind to split them apart. I want to see Erza face to face.
Noah: (smirk) Will do.
Then Noah dissappear into darkness as Jellal lay back on his chair and smirks to himself as his plan is going as he suspected.
We see Y/n and Erza running through the halls nearly close to the top but then they stop as they felt something and Erza turn to Y/n.
Erza: You sense that?
Y/n nods and run over to the window and looks up and was shocked to see a large magic circle pointing down at the tower.
Erza: What is that?
Y/n: That's the magic council's Etherion cannon.
Erza: (shocked) What?! Why would they aiming at us?
Y/n: No clue but we gonna stop Jellal before-
Noah: Y/n!
They look around after they hear Noah's call and then a door in front of them opens and it was pretty dark inside as they hear Noah call out once more.
Noah: Come and face me, alone!
Y/n stare at the door not wanting to leave Erza to face Jellal alone.
Erza: Go.
Y/n: What?
Erza: You'll finish Noah while I deal Jellal.
Y/n: No we face Jellal together, I'm not gonna leave you alone.
Erza: Your right........but-
Then Erza pushes Y/n into the door and the door shut itself as Y/n runs over and slam the door while calling out to her.
Y/n: Erza! What are you doing?!
Erza: I'm sorry Y/n. But this is my fight. I-I have to face Jellal alone.
Y/n: Erza!
Erza walks back from the door and said before running off.
Erza: I'm sorry, Y/n.
She then runs off while Y/n continues banging at the door while Erza runs off to face Jellal alone.
We see Chole running around the halls after he gotten split up with Natsu and Happy as she looks around for anyone she could find but no such luck.
Chole: (thought) Damn can't believe I gotten split up with Natsu and Happy. This is just great. There's gonna be someone around here.
Chole turn a corner and stop to see Millianna and Willy carrying and weaken Lucy and Juvia as Chole gets into a battle stand and said.
Chole: Not you two again!
Willy: Wait hold up, you got this all wrong!
Chole: Oh yeah, you try to take your friends to Jellal, now you gonna get this!
She then shocks Willy with her lighting bolt that se t him falling to the ground and Chole was about to fore a bolt at Millianna but Lucy calls out.
Lucy: Wait they are good!
Chole: Wait what?
Juvia: They help us and explains that Simon told them about Jellal.
Chole: Wait? So they weren't kidnapping yous?
Lucy: No.
Chole: Whoops. Sorry about that.
Willy: No.....worries.
Millianna: Woah that is some bolt.
Juvia: Where's Y/n and the rest?
Chole: I got split up with Natsu and Happy while Grey, Erza and Y/n are unknown.
Willy: (standing up) Still we need to leave this place now.
Chole: What?!
Millianna: There is a huge magic cannon is gonna blast this place into dust.
Chole: (shocked) What? Your joking?!
Willy: Wish we were but we need to get out of here now.
Chole: What about everyone else?
Lucy: They're possible outside right now, let's go!
Chole nodes but hoped Y/n is outside but still they run through the halls so they can escape the tower before it's to late.
Y/n walls through the dark halls with a light up touch as he shine his way through the halls and looking for Noah.
He hear his laughters as he follows it. During the walk he nearly trip on something and stumbled forward and turns and shine his touch to see a skeletons arm which creeper him out but he turn back and continues on walking.
He turns a corner and see a room ahead with a light inside as Y/n walks over to it and peeks through the door and see it was some kind a torture room for prisoners in the past as Y/n steps inside and find it creepy and have the chills.
Y/n: (thought) This place is horrible. I never seen these kind of torture rooms in my life. I hope Erza wasn't torture in this room.
Noah: So like what your seeing?
Then Y/n draw out his sword and quickly turn and blocks a strike form Noah who appear out of the darkness. Their lock their blades for a bit before Y/n kicks Noah back and Noah stumbled back and looks up at Y/n.
The two circle around stare have their eyes locked at each other as they circle around before they stop and Noah fire dark fire balls at Y/n but Y/n summon his shield and blocks them before he fire magic beam with his shield but Noah dodges it by leaping over the beam and he draw out his twin sword and swing them back.
But Y/n blocks Noah's strikes and Noah leaps behind Y/n and turn to strike but Y/n turn and blocks it and then Y/n kicks Noah on the waist that cost Noah to stumbled to the side and Y/n summon his hammer and charge it up with lightning and throws it at Noah.
But Noah see this and dodges it and the hammer crash through a wall making a hole behind Noah. Noah stands up straight and fire dark fire balls but Y/n copy his magic and fire same dark fire ball back and the blast collided but this didn't stop Noah to summon a large ghostly like hand and it try to slam Y/n but Y/n dodges it and Y/n charges at Noah and tackle him through the hole as the two roll out of the floor and Noah kicks Y/n off and the two stand up and looks at it each catching their breath as the Etherion charging up out through the window as Noah smirks.
Noah: (smirk) Soon this job will be done and I will get paid.
Y/n: Tell me! What is Jellal's full plan and why is all this have to do with the sacrifice?!
Noah: (smirk) The sacrifice is only the second step of the ritual.
Y/n And this is his first step? To blow this place up?!
Noah: (smirk) Yep.
Then the Etherion fires that blast the tower of heaven and sent Chole and the rest that were in boats oving about but Juvia use her water bubble to shield them as Y/n was coving his eyes and once the blast was gone Y/n opens and see he was still alive but the place was different.
He looks around and see the halls were filled with lacrima as Y/n was shocked while Noah chuckles and Y/n ask.
Y/n: (shock) This hole place.
Noah: Is filled with Lacrima. With all of this power Jellal will complete is job to bring back Zeref once and for all.
Y/n: Tell me, how did Jellal convince the magic Council to fire Etherion cannon?
Noah: (smirk) I shouldn't tell you think but the mission is complete so I guess I would tell you. Jellal have a special magic that can split is body apart so while he stay here, his other half works with the magic Council and ranks up to be a full on member. The othe really is posed as Jellal's brother by the name of Siegrain and Erza has been capture, Siegrain will return back to Jellal and the plan is settled.
Y/n: So he ticked the magic Council to fire the Etherion! Is he mad!?
Noah: (smirk) maybe but either way the ritual will be complete soon.
Y/n: (thought) Oh no, Erza!
Noah: Time to end this Y/n.
Noah rais his hand to the air and charge up his dark fire ball as he focused hard to finish it. Y/ see this and summon his sword and gets ready for it.
The large dark fire ball gets bigger and bigger until it was enough and Noah throws it at Y/n and it heads towards Y/n. Y/n ready his sword and he swing it downwards and slice it in half as the dark fire balls split into half and exploded behind him as Y/n looks up at Noah and Noah was surprised bit Noah charges at Y/n and try to land a strike at Y/n.
Y/n blocks it with his sword and they enter a blade lock before Y/n head butt's Noah and kicks him. Noah stumbled backwards and nearly fell off the tower as he looks back to see the sea below him.
He turns back to Y/n and smirks before saying.
Noah: See you soon, Y/n.
Then Noah leaps off the towers windows and Y/n runs up to try to save him but it was too late as he sees Noah falling and splashing into the sea.
A fall like that would have killed him and there was nothing Y/n could do as he steps away from the window and looks over to the stair case and knows Erza needs help so he races over to the stairs so he can help Erza and end Jellal for good.
Erza was having a hard time facing Jellal on her own as she skidded backwards but stop herself and slowly stands up to look up at Jellal as he smirks.
Jellal: There is no way you can't be me Erza. Even if you are strong I am even more stronger.
Erza summons a large lance and charges at Jellal and try to land a few strikes but Jellal dodges it and Jellal place his hand onto Erza's stomach and fire a blast that set Erza flying back and crash into a wall as Erza fell onto the ground defeated.
Jellal walks over to her while Erza lays there for a second before trying to stand up but Jellal grabs her by the neck and lift her in the air as he stare at her for a bit before smirks as he said.
Jellal: I let you escape the towe of heaven but you could never escape your nightmares of coming back here. Your maybe one of the strongest Fairy Tail members but you'll never strong enough to destroy your own nightmares.
Erza glares at him before Jellal drags her to a large chunkc of lacrima and throws her into it and it starts to pull her into the Lacrima.
Erza screams out in pain while Jellal steps back to see her in pain as he said.
Jellal: I'm gonna miss you Erza but it all be over soon enough.
Erza: (anger) Jellal!
Jellal turns and walks away while Erza screams out in pain as she was pulled into the lacrima while Jellal walks away.
Jellal: (thought) So long Erza.
But then Jellal stops and turns his head to see Y/n grabbing Erza and pulling her our of the lacrima and once that they fell onto the ground as Y/n was catching his breath and said to Erza with a chuckle.
Y/n: See, this is the reason why I don't leave you alone.
Erza: Note it (chuckle).
Jellal: So your this "Chosen one".
Y/n looks at Jellal and stands up as Erza said.
Erza: Y/n don't. He's too strong.
Y/n: That maybe true Erza......but you can't face your demons alone.
Erza was shocked by Y/n strong will to help Erza as Y/n step forward as the two stare at each other for a while before Jellal said.
Jellal: Judging by your magic you are pretty strong.
Y/n: Jellal I'm gonna make you pay for what you did to Erza.
Jellal: (smirk) And what are you, her Knight?
Y/n: If I'm gonna use my armor and skills to protect Erza by the likes of you......then yeah, I will be her Knight.
He requip into his base armour form which surprises Jellal for a bit cause how strong it is. Y/n summon both his sword and shield and gets into a battle stand while Erza watch this.
Erza: (thought) Y/n please, don't get hurt.
The two wizard's stands there for a long while before Jellal starts this fight by firming a blast but Y/n put his shield in front of him and blocks the attack. Then Y/n swings his sword to make a slash wave toward Jellal but Jellal dodges it and turns and Y/n was in for the of Jellal raising his sword back, ready to strike at him.
But Jellal dodges it and fires a huge magic beam that hits Y/n and set him backwards. Y/n was kn his knees and looks up as Jellal was in the air and was about to strike at Y/n with a magic blast but Y/n dodges it.
Y/n summon his bow and fire a few arrows at Jellal but Jellal destroys them with his dark magic and he launches at Y/n and there was a huge explosion as Erza cover herself from the blast.
Then Jellal jumps back as Y/n exit out of the smoke and he change his amour to his wind amour form.
Y/n fired a large wind blast towards Jellal but Jellal dodges it and Y/n control firming his wind blast at Jellal but Jellal dodges it and Jellal fired his dark magic at Y/n but Y/n summon a large wind wlal to block Jellal's attacks but it broken through and hits Y/n that sent him flying back and crash onto the wall and into the floor.
Erza: Y/n!
Y/n slowly stands up as Jellal chuckles as he land on his feet and said to Y/n.
Jellal: There is no use of trying hero, you can't stop me!
Y/n: Try me!
Then Y/n dashes towards Jellal and summon his spear and try to land quick slashes at Jellal but Jellal's dodges it with very quick speed and then Jellal kicks Y/n in the chest and then he fired a magic blast that sent Y/n far back and Y/n stop himself as he looks back up to see Jellal as he looks at Y/n and rais his hand towards Y/n and said.
Jellal: Time to end this.
Then he charge up his dark Magic as Y/n slowly stands up and Erza see he can't let Y/n die so she rushes over and got in between them.
Y/n: Erza get out of the way!
Erza: I won't! I Can't let you die Y/n. I will sacrifice my own to save you!
Y/n: Erza!
Jellal: You dare try to sacrifice your own to save the other?
Erza: That's right! If you kill me, you'll lose your only sacrifice to bring Zeref to life!
There was silence as Jellal was holding up his dark magic as Erza stands put while Y/n slowly stands up and then Jellal starts to laugh and then said.
Jellal: That's fine by me. I will find a new candidate to take your place. There is many other strong warriors and heroic wizard that will replace you. So long Erza!
He then fired his dark magic as it head towards Erza.
Y/n: ERZA!!!!!!!!!
Erza closes her eyes ready for her fate. But the someone got in front of her and the person gets hit of the blast and there was a large explosion that cost Y/n to look away as he protect himself form the blast.
He then looks back and his eyes widen as Erza also opens her eyes and looks up and her eyes were widen in horror to see Simon that took the blast an she fell onto the ground as Erza was horrified that Simon would have sacrifice his own to save both of them.
Erza: Simon!
Erza runs up along with Y/n as they aid him while Jellal smirks, knowing Simon would be around as Simon coughing as he looks at both of them.
Erza: Hang in there Simon, just hang in there!
Y/n: Damn it Simon what were you thinking!?
Simon: I'm.....sorry but.....I can't let Jellal kills yous both. (Coughing)
Y/n: Just hang in there Simon, I can heal you right up!
Simon: No. That blast was critical, there is no way you can't heal me.
Erza: Simon.
Simon: Erza.........Th-thank you for being a big sister to us. I-I'm proud for what you have become.
Tears start to run down from Erza's eyes as he looks at Simon dying in front of him.
Erza: (tears) Simon.
Then Simon turns to Y/n and slowly reach out his hand and ask him.
Simon: Promise (coughing) promise you'll protect Erza and make her smile, no matter what.
Y/n can't believe this. He lost his village and now he is gonna lose one of Erza's childhood friends or more importantly....her brother. Y/n grabs Simon's hand and nods.
Y/n: I......I promise.
Simon: (smile) Th-thank you......Y/ her.....shinning Knight.
Then Simon took his last breath and dies as Erza bust into tears and hugs the dead Simon as she crys while Y/n rest his arm down and stands up and hear Jellal's laughter as he said.
Jellal: (smirk) What a fool of him! Dose he really think sacrificing his own life will save yous both! It won't matter once I will defeat you, you two will never get out of this tower alive!
Then without a second Y/n dissappear and reappear in front of a jellal and kicks Jellal that set Jellal crashes into a wall.
Jellal lands onto his knees and looks back up to see Y/n slowly lower his metal feet onto the ground while Erza looks up at Y/n with tears in her eyes as Y/n looks at his hand and makes a fist.
Y/n: I'll be Erza's shinning Knight. NO MATTER WHAT?!
Then a bust of light appears that made Erza and Jellal cover their eyes as Y/n change into a new armour form as the flash of light vanished and they look back and were shocked to see Y/n new armour form.
Erza: (shocked) His magic power!
Jellal: (shocked) What the?!
Y/n: You dare mock Simon's sacrifice! I WILL NOT FORGIVE YOU!
Then Y/n's feet cracks the floor and Y/n dashes towards Jellal and Jellal try to launch a magic attack but Y/n got in for the of Jellal and lands a few punches at Jellal's stomach extremely fast and then Y/n head butt's Jellal with his helmet and then thtow him across the room.
Jellal crashes onto the ground but quickly stands up and fire his magic blast at Y/n but Y/n summons his sword and slice it in half with his sword glow bight with pure magic as Y/n rais it to the air and circle it around before he grabs the handle blade with two of his hands.
Jellal charge up his dark magic one last time and once that they fire their attacks at each other and their attacks collided at each other and the Y/n's attack breaks through and lands Jellal as he was sent flying back.
Then Y/n dashes over and grabs Jellal by the back fo the shirt and then spone him back down onto the ground that made a huge crack as Y/n continues to punch Jellal repeatedly in the face while saying.
Y/n: This for betraying Erza! This is for bring Erza bad memories! This is for tricking her old friends against her! And this......!
He then grabs Jellal by the front shirt and throws him into the air and Y/n leaps up into the air above Jellal and he lands a double kick that sent the two down onto the ground that cost a huge shake followed by an explosion as Y/n cried out.
Erza looks back up to see Y/n stand up straight and changing back to his normal form as Y/n looks down at Jellal and see him unconscious and defeated as Y/n take a sigh while Erza happy for the first time as she stare at Y/n as she thought to herself.
Erza: (thought) I don't believe it. My nightmares are over, all thanks to you Y/n. Thank you.
Erza was glad by all this and glad that everything is over. Then suddenly the whole place starts to shake and bits of lacrima start to fall as the tower was about to collapse around them.
Y/n see all this includes Erza and Y/n try to race over to save Erza but then a piece of Lacrima fall between them and block Y/n way as Y/n see this and try to lift it but it wasn't working.
Y/n: Erza hold on! I'll get you out of here!
Y/n took out his sword and try to slice it but it was a small cut. Y/n continues slicing his blade while Erza staps back for a bit. She the turn back to the chuncks of Lacrima and walks over to it.
Y/n: Erza! What are you doing?!
Erza: I can stop all this. I will sacrifice my life so you can be safe.
Y/n: No! I get you out I promise, I'm not losing you!
Erza: I'm sorry is the only way.
Then she was close to the lacrima and she gets pulled into it while was close to cut the lacrima in half.
Y/n: Erza no! ERZA!!!
Erza: (thought) Goodbye Y/n....take care the guild for me. You really are my shinning Knight.
Then Y/n managed to cut the lacrima and races over to Erza as Erza was almost exorbed into the lacrima as her hand was sticking out as Y/n reach out his hand to grab Erza and save her before she is gone for good.
Y/n: ERZA!!!!!!!
To be continued...........
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