Chapter 7: The Tower of Heaven
In the middle of the ocean we see Y/n and the rest on a boat heading to save Erza and Happy from those dark wizards that attack them in Akane Resort. Natsu was suppose to track their sent by he have his motion sickness and lay on the boat feeling hell.
Chole: So much for Natsu tracking their sent.
Y/n: Come on Natsu, we need your noise to find them.
Juvia: (anger) I will not let you upset my Y/n for your weakness.
Y/n: Lucy what do they mean by home when they tooken Erza away?
Lucy: I'm not to sure but what ever they were on about, they sounded like they knew her.
Gray: That's odd. Why didn't Erza told us about them or who are they?
Y/n: No clue but that other guy named Noah, he said he is a bounty hunter and was hired to help them for some reason.
Chole: He is very strong but we'll get Erza and Happy and get out of here.
Gray: Hope we're not too late.
Then Natsu wakes up cause he smelled something and sat up and looks around the ocean.
Natsu: Something is wrong.
Y/n: What do you mean?
Natsu: The air has changed and its something I don't like.
Chole: (shocked) Guys look!
They all look where Chole was pointing and they were shocked to see dead seagulls floating on the ocean. Then they went pass destroyed military ships that were there for years. This shocked them and Y/n turns forward and then said.
Y/n: Guys. I think we're here.
They all look forward and they see a large tower in the middle of a small island in the middle of nowhere as they set off towards the island so they can saved Happy and Erza.
They got off of their small boat and set foot on the island. They were amazed the size of the tower. They huge the wall and sneak over to the path before Y/n stops them and peeks out to see guards there, too many with their dog like creatures with them.
Y/n: (whisper) Yep we're not going that way.
Gray: (whisper) It must be another way in?
Chole: Maybe there is a entrance underneath the ocean that can lead us inside.
Y/n: How are we gonna get their without drowing?
Juvia: I can make a air bubble that will keep us have air until we find the entrance and head in.
Y/n: (smile) That's a great idea Juvia, let's do that.
Juvia: (blush) Thank you Y/n.
After Juvia makes the air bubbles and hands them to everyone, they dive down into the ocean and looks around for a entrance to get in. After a while Natsu spotted a cave and they swam into the cave.
They swam through the cave for a long while until they exit out of the otherwise and swim up above and they were at underneath the tower as they exit out the water and into shore.
The air bubbles pop off and they look around and see now one is around which was a relief.
Natsu: Looks like no one hasn't noticed were here.
Gray: Let's keep it that way.
Y/n: Alright guys we gonna split up and find both Erza and Happy. Me and Chole go with Natsu and the rest will look for Erza.
Chole: Sounds like a plan.
Lucy: We can regroup at the diner Hall if this place has one.
Y/n: (smirk) Well where else are they gonna have their Christmas Dinner at? I'm sure there is a few around here, see you guys back.
Juvia: Take care my love.
Then Y/n, Chole and Natsu head off to find Happy while the rest looks for Erza but little did they know, Noah was watching them in the darkness as he smirks to himself and dissappear into the shadows.
We see Y/n, Chole and Natsu walking through the halls looking for Happy or possible Erza if they were lucky. Natsu's stomach growls with hunger as he sigh to himself and said.
Natsu: Man I'm soo hungry. Is there a nearby kitchen around here?
Chole: This isn't the time for eating Natsu. We need to find Happy or Erza and get out of here.
Y/n: This place gives me the creeps. Was this place were Erza and her "Brother and sister" used to live?
Chole: To be honest, I don't know whats up with her and her friends. If they say this is their home then maybe.
Y/n: Yeah but why didn't Erza told us about this and about her friends?
Natsu: Who cares as long we beat those jerks and rescue them.
Chole: Let's try on that door over there.
They spotted a door ahead of them and they walk over to it. Y/n grab the door handles the he swing it back. They were surprised to see cats....Cats......CATS everywhere. Cat mask, cat couch just cats everywhere as they step inside the room and look around.
Chole: Looks like someone is a fan of cats.
Y/n: Lucy did said there was one that hugs Happy with existed so this must be were she kept Happy.
Chole: Yeah but it appears he's not here.
Y/n: Wait where's Natsu?
Natsu: Hey guys check this out.
They turn and see Natsu wearing a cat helmet on him.
Natsu: Look at me, I'd make a good cat.
Chole: Stop messing around, we need to find Happy.
Y/n: Hey look at me.
Chole sigh to herself and turn to see Y/n wearing cute cat ears as he smiled at Chole and said.
Y/n: (smile) Meow.
Her faced blushes as she looks away for a minute and place both of her hands onto her face to hide the blush.
Chole: (thought) I can't stop blushing, Y/n's is just too adorable as a cat.
Y/n giggles a little but behind him was Willy who smirks and aim his block hand gun at Y/n behind his back. Before he could pull the trigger Y/n backwards kicked Willy that cost him to be slamed into a wall as Y/n turns and said.
Y/n: (smirk) Do you know cats have five senses specially if someone is behind them.
Willy: (smirk) Smart one kid, but this ain't gonna stop me from killing you.
Natsu: Wait is that block head again!? Oh I'm ready for some action.
Natsu trys to pull the cat helmet off but it wasn't working and trys it again but it was stuck.
Natsu: Oh no, I thinks this things is stuck.
Chole: You seriously?
Y/n: Don't worry Chole, I'll handle this guy while you get that helmet off him.
Chole: Alright.
Willy: Times up kid, time for you to die.
Y/n: I have nine lives man so I think I can handle this.
Y/n summons his twin swords and gets into a battle stands.
Y/n: (smirk) Time for this kitty to play.
Willy fires his shots at Y/n but he dodges and Charges at Willy while dodging the shots. Y/n jumps up in the air and was about to strike Wily with his twin blades but Willy dodged and fire a few more shots.
Y/n slice the blast and then he throw his twin blades at Willy. He dodges them quickly and the twin blades returned back to Y/n and Y/n summons a hammer and slams it onto the ground costing a large shake within the building.
Willy stumbled around and this give Y/n a chance to charge at Willy and wrack him with his hammer but Willy dodges and fire more shots. Y/n blocks them with his large hammer but another blast knocks the hammer off Y/n's hand and it disappeared.
Y/n turns back at Willy and Willy runs up and kicks Y/n. Y/n stumbled backwards and looks up and see a gun aimed right at his face as Willy points it at Y/n.
Willy: (smirk) Looks like times up kid.
Y/n: (smirk) Come on Willy, I know how this plays out. You about to pull the trigger and then someone runs up and stops you, it's kinda a cliche situation.
Willy: (smirk) Wel'll see about that.
Willy squeeze on the trigger and was about to fire when someone runs up and pushes Willy out of the way that cost him to fire at a wall near Y/n. Y/n see a woman with cat like ears as Willy sat up and turns to her.
Willy: What was that for Millianna?!
Millianna: You meany. You were about to kill the little cute kitty.
Willy: You serious he doesn't ever look like a cat look!
Y/, Meow?
Millianna: (smile) Aw he's such a cute kitty!
Willy: (anger) I wise guy huh? I'll show you.
He aims his gun at Y/n but Millianna grabs a hold of him trying to stop him. Then Willy pushes Millianna away and aims it gun at Y/n but see he was gone.
Y/n: Don't you know it's rude to push a girl like that?
Then Willy turns and Y/n straight up punches Willy in the face and knocks him out cold as Y/n claps his hands together for a job well done and walks up to Millianna and lands out a hand.
Y/n: Need a Paw?
Millianna giggled a little while blushing and grabs Y/n's hand and Y/n helps her up.
Y/n: Thanks for the assist. Thought that Chole or Natsu would come and help me.
Millianna: (smile) No problem kitty I......wait? Are you Erzas friends?
Y/n: Yeah wh.....Oh wait.
Millianna: (anger) Your not a real kitty after all. I'LL MAKE YOU PAY!
Y/n: (thought) Maybe I shouldn't said that.
She then throws her wipe at Y/n and Y/n got tangled up with it as he fell to his knees.
Y/n: (smirk) You think this will keep me?
He try to use his magic but it wasn't working.
Y/n: What the hell?
Millianna: My robe can block any magic so bad kittys like you will not use.
Y/n: That's kinda useful power. So what are you gonna do with me?
Millianna: Hmmm sense your my prisoner I suppose I play some kitten games with you sense you were cute as a kitten before you spoiled it.
Y/n: Cool and ask me this question. How do you know Erza and why you call her sister?
Millianna: So she didn't tell you huh? How typical of her never tell her NEW friends about us.
Y/n: What do you mean by that?
Millianna: Well you see Erza was actually living here sense she was a-
Then suddenly Happy came out behind her and wrackes her on one of those cat bots and she fell on the ground unconscious as her robe comes loose and Y/n was free.
Happy: Glad to see you here Y/n, where is everyone else?
Y/n: Natsu and Chole are in Millianna's room getting that cat hat off of Natsu.
Happy: That's help them.
Y/n nods and they run back and see Chole tired out of trying to get the cat helmet off him.
Happy: Natsu you ok?
Natsu: Happy is that you?
Y/n: (smirk) Need a little help Natsu?
Natsu: Yeah will you.
Y/n summon his sword and slice the helmet and the helmet cuts in half and Natsu's was free as it fell onto the ground. Happy flys up and hugs Natsu as Chole walks up and asked Y/n.
Chole: So you got anything out from those two?
Y/n: One of them was about to tell me about Erza when Happy knocks her out.
Chole: Still we need to find her and she needs to tell us what's going on.
Y/n: Bet Lucy and the rest find her.
Chole: Let's hope so.
Y/n: Natsu, Happy Let's go.
They nod and they rush out of Millianna's room and heads to the diner halls to see if Lucy and the rest find Erza yet.
We see Jellal sitting at his throne chair when Noah walks into his throne room and Jellal stands up and said.
Jellal: Glad to see you Noah. You did a great job retrieving Erza for me. This sacrifice will be complete.
Noah: Well your sacrifice is about to be ruined. Y/n and his friends are here and planed to free Erza.
Jellal: I see. Well they will not stands a chance once they can handle them.
Noah turns around and see the Trinity raven, A team of the deadlines dark wizard's ever within Earthland. Noah smirks and turns back to Jellal.
Noah: (smirk) Never knew you hired more to stop her.
Jellal: I figured you needed some back up and this is what I can do. Besides I can tell that your speaking to Challenge this boy named Y/n.
Noah: Yeah I am.
Jellal: Mind telling me why?
Noah: Y/n is the chosen one who can end all darkness within Earthland. My Mercenary guild master think this would be a problem for us so ie placed a bounty on him for anyone within or anyone that can kill him.
Jellal: (smirk) I see. If I kill him, would I get a reward?
Noah: (smirk) Guess you have to kill him yourself.
Jellal smirks as Noah and the Trinity Raven head out to track down Y/n and his friends and kill them and take Erza to Jellal for her sacrifice.
Jellal: (smir) Soon Erza, Your sacrifice will fulfill our destiny.
Natsu: Erza!
They enter the diner Hall to see Erza there with Lucy and the rest. Erza turns and was surprised to see Y/n and the rest.
Erza: (surprised) Why are yous here?
Y/n: (smirk) Here to save you of course. That's what friends are for.
Erza: Yous all need to leave now. This please isn't save.
Lucy: But why though. Why do you want us to leave.
Erza: I just don't want to loses yous as well just leave now!
She then looks away form them. Y/n and the rest were confused by this and Y/n walks up and plase his hand on Erza's shoulder and asked.
Y/n: Please Erza. We want to know why you want us to leave after we come this way to saved you. But tell use why you know this place.
Erza: Y/n.....I.....I.
Y/n: What ever is bothering you we can help, all of us. Just please.....what is this place?
Then Erza turns to Y/n and teh rest with one tear running down her eyes which shocked Y/n and the rest. Erza wipes her tear away and said.
Erza: OK....I'll tell you but'll understand.
Y/n: We promise.
She takes a beep breath and out and then she start to explain about this place.
Erza: The place your standing right now is called the Tower of Heaven. It's function is to bring someone from the dead. I know this because......I was slaved to build it.
Y/n: (shocked) What?
Everyone else were shocked by this and Erza nods and continues.
Erza: When I was a little girl. I was adopted by a family within a town called Rosemary Village. It was peaceful and I was happy there. Until they came and killed everyone and imprison me and the rest of children to this tower were we work to build it. It was a cruel place. Many man, women and even children died here. Those who tried to escape were captured and killed.
Lucy: (shocked) Oh my god.
Erza: I made a family within the tower though. Millianna, Simon, Shô, Willy and Rob. Rob told me about magic and that magic is everywhere and I just have to believe in it. There was another boy that I used to like years ago, his name was Jellal. We were like a family until one day, we try to escape but we were caught and I was taking. Jellal try to save me but he was taking as well and I was sent back to my cell. But I start a prison break and we fight back against the dark wizards. During the fight Rob sacrifice his life to save me.......
She still remember how he died and this upsets her down yo her heart. Y/n see what she has been and can't believe she was a slaved all through her childhood which sickening him to think about it.
Erza: After his death I unlocked my first requip magic and lead everyone to battle. I managed to find Jellal I try to get him to the boat but......but he betrayed me and sent me out of the island and into the beach far away for my friends family.
Y/n: (shocked) Erza.
Then Y/n hugs Erza which Erza hugs back. They broke apart and Y/n said.
Y/n: We're very sorry what you've been through. No one and I mean NO ONE doesn't deserve this, not one bit.
Happy: Yeah.
Chole: All of us.
Erza: Thanks but this place is still dangerous and-
Shô: That's not true.
They turn to see Shô stepping into the room as Natsu and Gray got in front of him but he said.
Shô: Erza betrayed us. She destroyed our only change to escape and if it wasn't for Jellal. We be dead.
Lucy: But that's not Erza. She would never do such a thing.
Y/n: Listen I think Jellal lied to you. Leid to you and the rest to believing that she betrayed you.
???: Not all of us.
Then suddenly Simon appeared behind Shô.
Gray: You again!
Simon: Wait I'm not here as your enemy. I'm on your side.
Natsu: Yeah right, you try to attack Y/n.
Simon: I was playing along. If I were trying to take out Y/n then I would have down it quickly.
They can't fully trust him but Y/n steps up and said.
Y/n: I think he's cool. Besides if he was trying to take me out, he would have kept light off and take me and Chole out easily.
Simon: Correct.
Shô: (shocked) Wait so Jellal did lie to us this whole time?
Simon: I knew Erza wouldn't betray us but I wasn't gonna risk being killed so I have to keep it to myself until the time is right.
Erza: So all this time, you still believe that I didn't betray you?
Simon: (smile) Of course not Erza. I will never think that you betray us.
Erza smiles at Simon but Shô fell to his knees and can't believe he has been lied to try to capture Erza for Jellal sick plan.
Shô: (shocked) I can't believe Jellal lead to us all. I thought we were a family but now I don't know who can trust no more.
She then start to cry of this betrayal from Jellal. But he felt a hand on his shoulder and looks up to see Y/n as he bend down and said to him.
Y/n: It's not your fault, don't blame yourself for all this. This is Jellal's fault and he will pay for this.
Shô: what?
Y/n: (smirk) Is it obvious. We're gonna show Jellal that not to mess both you and Erza's past traumas as a kid and kick his ass.
Natsu: (smirk) I like the sound of that.
Juvia: Y/n is soo brave.
Erza: Bit Jellal is too strong. I don't think any of yous can't handle him.
Y/n: (smirk) Sure we can. As long as we're together nothing can't stop us not even Jellal himself.
Jellal: I see your planning to attack me huh?
They were surprised to hear Jellal but looks around and can't find him.
Simon: Me must be using his magic to contact us.
Chole: Judging by his voice he dose sound like a villain to me.
Jellal: I must say it is a honour seeing the chosen one within my tower.
Y/n: Well you know. We were picking up someone when we decided to come up to your office and kick you sorry little butt.
Jellal: (chuckle) Try as you wish but in the end, you and your friends will never defeat me and Erza will be mine.
Natsu: OK jerk tell us what are you gonna do to Erza!?
Jellal: This tower can only bring someone to life if someone as a strong warrior heart. I was thinking I sent them to capture you Y/n but I figured why not Erza. She will be grateful to see her old friends after soo many years.
Erza: (anger) I'll make you pay Jellal!
Jellal: If you wanna face me then come to the top and fight me. But you will not make it, you can't even get pass my new team that will show you mercy.
Y/n: (thought) Crap. I knew he would say something like that.
Jellal: If one of yous be able to defeat them all then come and face me....if your strong enough.
Then Jellal cuts off and Shô doesn't want Erza hurt so he pulls out his card and sucked Erza into the card as the rest turn and saw it happen.
Y/n: Erza!
Simon: What are you doing?!
Shô: I won't let him get to Erza. I won't!
Then he ran off out of the room and Y/n heads out and said to the rest.
Y/n: I'll get him and Erza, yous find the way to the top so we can beat Jellal together.
Natsu: Right.
Chole: Be safe.
Y/n nods and chase after Shô to try to get Erza back from him.
(A hour later)
Shô arrives at a Chinese style like hallway as he catches he breath and Y/n runs up behind him and he turns to him.
Y/n: Shô please let Erza go. We can defeat Jellal together.
Shô: No I won't! I can't let him hurt her, I can't lose another one again!
Y/n: She won't. I'll protect her from Jellal.
Shô: Why? Why can I trust you?!
Y/n see Shô has lost his trust to everyone and he was about to tell him but then someone behind Shô said.
???: Oh may, it seems.
They turn to see a woman wearing a Chinese style like white clothes with her blade as she points it at Shô and said.
???: Hand me the card boy.
Shô: No I won't.
???: To bad.
She then dashes over and kicks Shô in the stomach that sent him flying back towards Y/n but he caught Y/n and set him down. He looks back at the women and see she holds a card with Erza still trapped inside.
Ikaruga: My name is Ikargua and I am a Head leader of the trinity raven.
Y/n: Ooohh so I'm facing the big boss of the team. This will be great.
Ikaruga: (smirk) So your the chosen one that Jellal and Noah had told us about. Your nothing but a small boy.
Y/n: (smirk) I'm maybe a boy but a wise old man told me "Size doesn't matter in the art of battle."
Then Y/n summon his lance and spons around before he dose a battle stand. Ikaruga smirks and draw out her blade and also gets to a battle stands.
Ikaruga: Let's see how strong you really are boy.
Y/n: (smirk) You'll first.
The two doesn't move as cherry blosson falls from the ground as they stare at each other for a while before Ikaruga makes her move and charge at Y/n. She swing her blade but Y/n blocks it with his lance as they clash blades at each other with quite speed.
Y/n jumps back and made five lighting balls and fired it at Ikaruga. She deflected them so Y/n throw his lance and Ikaruga blocks it an few times as Y/n rush towards her and jumps into the air and double kicks it in the stomach.
Ikaruga skidded backwards as Y/n grabs his lance and dash over to her and they continued to clash their blades at each other. Shô slowly wakes up and looks over and see Y/n fighting Ikaruga with quick speed which surprised him.
Ikaruga try to swing at him but Y/n jumps into the air and lands behind her. She try to land a strike at her but she turns and blocks it. The two get into a blade lock before Ikaruga manage to knock Y/n's lance away and charge at him.
Y/n quickly use his magic to turn himself immortal as Ikaruga lands anstrike at Y/n but this surprised both her and Shô as Y/n kicks Ikaruga far back and summon his sword and charge at Ikaruga.
Ikaruga charge at Y/n and they clash blades once more as they do it faster, faster and faster until the two swing their blades at each other as they stand away from each other with their blades pointing in front of them.
The two stands up straight but Y/n kneeled down and grab his stomach while Ikaruga chuckles and walks over and puts a blade on Y/n's neck.
Shô: (thought) Oh no Y/n!
Ikaruga: (smirk) Do you actually think you can stop me? Your nothing more but a weak boy.
Y/n turns to her and........smirked which caught Ikaruga off guard as Y/n said.
Y/n: (smirk) Yeah guess I can't handle the greatest sword man by myself. But I think I know who.
He then pulls out a card were Erza is which surprised Ikaruga and Shô. Then Y/n throws the car towards Y/n and shout.
Y/n: Shô now!
Shô nods and use his magic to set Erza free and she requip into her Clear heart clothes and turn to face Ikaruga. Y/n smirks once more and stands up as Ikaruga said in anger.
Ikaruga: (anger) How dare you.
Y/n: (smirk) Sorry ladie but I think times up for you.
He kicks Ikaruga back as she stumbled backwards and Erza walks up next to Y/n as she turns to him and nods. Y/n nods back and the two charge at Ikaruga and the two clash their blades at Ikaruga.
Ikaruga was getting overwhelmed by the two speeds as Y/n jumps over Ikaruga and she turn and blocks Y/n's blade which leaves to Erza kicking Ikaruga far and lands onto the ground.
Y/n charge up his sword while Ikaruga was standing up and Y/n launch his slash wave towards Ikaruga and she try to block it with her blade but once on impact it shattered into pieces and the blast cost her to be thrown back into the air.
Erza rush up towards and finish her withdrew slashes and Ikaruga splash into the lake as she was out as she floated unconscious as Erza looks down at her and Y/n walks up next to her and asked her.
Y/n: You alright Erza?
Erza: Yeah I'm fine. Thanks for saving me and Shô.
Y/n: No worries.
Y/n turn to see Shô standing up and walking up to them and said.
Shô: I'm...sorry. I wasn't thinking and....and.
Then Erza hugs Shô which surprised Shô and Erza said.
Erza: I forgive you and I'm so sorry for abandon you for all these years. This time I will never abandon yous again.
Shô: (tears) Erza.
Shô hugs her back which Y/n smiled and they let go and Shô turns to Y/n and said.
Shô: Thank you......for saving big sis.
Y/n: (smile) No worries man.
Erza: But we're out on the woods yet. We gonna head up and stop Jellal.
Shô: I'll find us a boat so we can escape.
Y/n: OK, good luck Shô.
Shô: You too.
Then Shô runs off as Erza stares at the black void of the hall and Y/n walks up behind her and places a hand on her shoulder and said.
Y/n: We will make Jellal pay. I promise you that.
Erza smiles while she blushes a little and holds Y/n's hand and feels his warm hand and said.
Erza: (smile) Yeah....your right.
Y/n: (smile) Ready?
Erza: (smile) Yes.
So they run off to find Jellal and put a stop to his evil plans once and for all.
To be continued.........
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