Chapter 6: Old friends

We see Y/n and everyone else at the guild as Lucy and Y/n explained to them that Loke or Leo is actually a Celestrial spirt which surprised everyone.

Gray: (surprised) Wow so you were a Celestrial spirit this whole time?!

Chole: (surprised) Yeah and you haven't told us about that this whole time as well?

Leo: Yeah sorry about this secret, I didn't want any of yous to know who I really am.

Natsu: So that's why I felt weird when we swapped body's.

Y/n: Swap body's?

Lucy: It's a long story and it's best to not ask.

Y/n: OK but still now Leo is Lucy's new golden Celestrial spirit now.

Leo: (smirk) That's right and I'll make sure my princess will be protected with my fist.

Lucy: I wish you haven't said that.

Leo: Anyways here, this is a way to say thanks.

Leo hands Y/n six tickets and Y/n takes them and asked.

Y/n: What are these for?

Leo: These are tickets to the Akane Beach.

Chole: (shocked: Akane Beach, that amazing place with a lot of activities to be used.

Leo: (smile) Yep this is a way to say thanks for getting me back to the Celestrial world, hope yous have fun.

Y/n: (smile) We will and thanks.

Happy: So guess we start packing?

Natsu: Yeah this is gonna be awesome!

Gray: Yeah I heard the beach will be great.

Erza: Then get packing and let's go.

They turn to see many bags and luggage behind her which surprised Y/n as he asked Chole.

Y/n: Dose she always need a lot of luggage?

Chole: It's just her thing but let's head there before its to late.

Y/n: (smile) Right.

They head off to get packing and once that they head off to Akane Beach to enjoy there selfs, but little did they now one of them will face a group of people...from his or her past.


They finally arrived at Akane Beach were there is a roller coasters outside that hose into the the huge hotel were there is games and all for people to enjoy as we see Natsu, Happy, Y/n and Gray stand at the sand with their swim trunks as they over look the ocean in front of them.

Natsu: (smile) Man this Beach is great, is that right Happy.

Happy: Aye sir!

Gray: (smile) Yeah and it's pretty warm day.

Y/n: Yep and Gray, please try to keep your clothes on so we won't scare anyone.

Gray: Oh shut up I can't help it!

Natsu: (smile) Ha! You just got owned by Y/n.

Gray: Shut up!

Erza: You two stop fighting!

Natsu and Gray got scared as they turn to see the girl arrived with their swim clothes on as they walk over to the boys as Erza said.

Erza: We are here to enjoy ourselves, not to cost a fight. Is that understood?

Gray and Natsu: (scared) Y-Yes ma'am.

Y/n: They seem a scared of Erza a bit.

Chole: Yeah they always fight a lot and Erza always get in between them and break up the fight.

Y/n: Guess that's Erza for ya.

Chole: Yeah.

Lucy: Hey Y/n, wanna play with us in the ocean?

Y/n: (smile) Sure let's begin the fun!

They all cheered and they all have fun at the ocean as they swim around and relaxing at the sun before they play volley ball and the ball hits Y/n and he fell down onto the sea but he laughs along with everyone else.

They borrow a rubber board and Y/n and Natsu were on it while Lucy and Erza push it. Natsu gets motion sickness but Y/n have some fun and he takes Lucy's place and both Erza and Y/n push the rubber board while Lucy and Natsu were on top of it.

At the beach they build a few sand castles and Y/n made an impressive sand castle that amazed everyone. They have a lot of fun while Juvia hiding behind a tree with her swim suit on as she watches Y/n smile and having fun.

Juvia: (thought) Oh Y/n I wish I was there so we both have fun together, it would be romantic.

(Short while later)

It was sunset as we see Y/n standing at the balcony of his hotel room as he watches the beautiful view before he heard a nock of his door and he walks over and opens it to see Erza there.

Y/n: (smile) Hey Erza.

Erza: (smile) Hello to you too Y/n, mind if I come in?

Y/n: (smile) Sure come on in.

He let's Erza in and shuts the door and Erza walk out to the balcony while Y/n walks over to the cupboard and pull out some drinks and pour them to the glass while Erza said from the Balcony.

Erza: It sure is beautiful.

Y/n: Yeah no wonder there have been so many tortures coming here, Guess you can say this is the place were couples go for their honeymoons.

Erza blushes a bit after thinking of her and Y/n on a honeymoon before Y/n walks out to the balcony and hands one glass to Erza and she takes it.

Erza: Thanks I never actually have this relaxed in all my life.

Y/n: You never take some day off of jobs and go on a vacation?

Erza: No, the guild always get in trouble and I have to come and put things straight.

Y/n: No wonder everyone is afraid of you.

Erza: Yeah but you don't think I'm scary.

Y/n: (smile) No I don't think of you as scary at all. Your just a guild member with a good heart towards everyone in the guild.

Erza: (blush) Th-Thank you Y/n. I guess your not like many man that always drinks and fights a lot.

Y/n: Yeah I'm more of training and weapons making.

Erza: Speaking of that I've beening to ask you about your past job as a black smith, is that true about you making and repair weapons?

Y/n: Yeah it runs with the family.

Erza: Then do you mind check about my sword? It has been lacking a bit and I want to know if needs sharpened.

Y/n: (smile) Sure I can give it a look.

Erza summon her sword and hands it to Y/n and he sat down on chair and so as Erza as Y/n summon his tools and start to sharpening Erza's sword as he said.

Y/n: Yeah it seems that your sword needs sharpened, bet you've been swinging it a bit too much.

Erza: (smile) Yeah guess you can say that. So how interested are you with swords?

Y/n: Well I used to have a full collection of fancy and good swords at my shop in display so people will see them, but when the village was destroyed the swords were gone. They must be taking who ever destroy my village.

Erza: I see I apologise for your lost Y/n.

Y/n: It's alright, besides I have yous as people I can consider as family along with everyone else in the guild.

Erza: (smile) What ever happens we will help each other until the battle is over.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah and here you go.

Y/n hands the sword back to Erza and she looks at it and was surprised how sharp it was and said.

Erza: Thank you Y/n, mind if I use you sometimes to fix my weapons once we return at the guild?

Y/n: (smile) Of course at least I have something to do wather sat around in the guild and do nothing.

Erza: (smile) Yeah.

Y/n: We should join the others at the casino at the bottom floor.

Erza: That's right, we should head there.

Y/n nods and they stand up and Erza transform into her beautiful red dress that she has been saving as she asked Y/n.

Erza: How do I look?

Y/n: (little blush) You look beautiful, the red suit you.

Erza: (blush) Thanks, you soo sweet now let's join the others.

Y/n: Right.


Erza and Y/n arrived at the casino as they step in with Y/n wearing his fancy outfit and they were amazed the size of the room and see many people playing many games within the room.

Lucy: Erza, Y/n!

They turn and Lucy walks up to them with her fancy dress as once there Lucy said.

Lucy: (smile) Glad yous make it Chole and the rest are having around here but dose one of yous want to come with me to the second floor?

Erza: I'll join you, your in Y/n?

Y/n: Maybe later, I'll stay down here and look for the guys. Catch yous later.

Then Y/n walks away as they watch him leave.

Lucy: His outfit is pretty nice.

Erza: Yeah, let's enjoy ourselves.

Lucy: Right.

They head up to the second floor while Y/n walks through and see Chole there with Gray playing cards as Chole smirks to see Natsu and Happy lots a game and they were have a argument with a worker as Y/n walks up to Chole and asked.

Y/n: Guess they lost a game?

Chole: Yeah they should say the number before they spin it.

Y/n: Yeah. Your going next?

Chole I'm not much to gambling other wise I may shut down electricity with my magic if I get mad.

Y/n: Yeah won't let that happen huh?

Chole: (smile) Yeah. What about you?

Y/n: I may try a few games before I check on Erza and Lucy at the second floor.

Chole: Ok, hey Y/n?

Y/n: Yeah?

Chole: What type of girl do you like?

Y/n: (blush) Why do you ask me that question?

Chole: I was wondering what type of girls you like, it's just a wonder I've been thinking.

Y/n: Well nothing special just a girl that always around me and have fun with me.

Chole: Guess your not like some guys that only cares about women's breast or body?

Y/n: Nope I'm nothing like that.

Chole: (smirk) Well that's good.

???: Um excuse me Y/n?

They turn and they were surprised to see Juvia there with her blue fancy dress along with the golden fairy tail logo necklace around her neck.

Y/n: (surprised) Juvia, I never know you be here as well?

Juvia: (smile) Yeah and I'm grateful you remember me.

Chole: What are you doing here, aren't you a member of Phantom?

Juvia: I was but after the battle the magic council disbanded the Phantom Lords and now I wonder without a guild to join.

Y/n: I see, what about your Element four team, were are they at now?

Juvia: I don't know, they split apart after the Phantom Lords were disbanded.

Y/n: Well what about you join us in Fairy tail?

Chole: (shocked) Huh?!

Juvia: (surprised) You wanted me to join your guild?

Y/n: (smile) Why not, you be a great member with your water magic. I'm sure you'll fit right in.

Chole: Um Y/n can I talk to you a second?

Before Y/n could as Chole pulls Y/n away of Juvia and once in a private spot Chole asked.

Chole: Are you nuts! She was the one that kidnapped Lucy and destroy our guild.

Y/n: But she didn't actually cost any damage. All the work was cost by Jose who just wanted power.

Chole: Still how can you trust her after what she did.

Y/n: Look its not her fault for join Phantom from the beginning. She was all alone for years and Phantom was the only place so she can fit in. If she joins Fairy Tail, she won't have to be alone again.

Chole: I don't know.

Y/n: (smile) It be fine Chole trust me, I'm sure Juvia will not cost any trouble to the guild I promise.

Chole: (sigh) Fine I trust you but I don't know about the rest.

Y/n: It be fine, I'm sure they-

Then suddenly the lights turn off and there was a bang of a gun shot as they turn to hear many people exit out of the casino. They race back inside and it was dark as they can't see but Chole summon a small lightning ball of her hand to shine the light on the place.

Y/n: Natsu, Gray, Happy, Juvia are yous ok? What happened?

???: It's best you two will also go to sleep.

Y/n turn to see a dark figure behind them and Y/n pushes Chole out of a way and jump back as the guy slam his fist onto the ground and make a large crack on the ground as Y/n lands on his feet and stands up and face the dark figure.

Y/n: (smirk) Ok Mister who ever you are, you gonna pay for ruining our day off.

Simon: The name is Simon and we will not allow yous to ruin our plan.

Y/n: (smirk) Like to see you try.

Y/n fires two lighting bolts at Simon but he dodges and dissappear into the darkness before he reappear behind Y/n and he quickly turn and didge just in time and lands on a table and then Hammer and jump off the table as he swing back his Hammer and was about to hit Simon.

But he disappeared just as he missed and land his Hammer onto the ground and pulls it off and looks around him before her another person said.

???: You are tough kid but not against these.

Y/n hears a cock of a gun as he turn and quickly blocks the first bullet with his Hammer and a few more shots before Y/n throws away the Hammer and summon a lance and charge at the guy but the guy dodge his swings and the gun was at Y/n's face but Y/n jumps back and lands on his feet just as the light turn on and see the guy with a cube like body and face.

Y/n: So who are you supposed to be, Dr Blocky or Cube face?

Wally: The Name is Wally and you should respect me kid.

Y/n: (smirk) Sorry but I can't help that you look like a block guy, have you look at yourself in the mirror?

Wally: (anger) Why you little.

Wally fires more shots but Y/n summon his shield and blocks the bullets and soon Chole shots Wally with her lighting bolt and Wally stumbled backwards as Y/n turn to Chole and give her a thumps up while a smile. Chole nods before also blushes a little as Y/n walks over to Wally but then a sword nearly hits Y/n but he jumps back and lands on his feet and see a guy with a large sword as he blocks Y/n's way to Wally.

Y/n: Great another guy I have to fight.

???: Go get Erza while I deal with him.

Wally: Righy.

Wally runs off as the guy walks slowly towards Y/n and Y/n charge at the guy and they clash blades in the casino while Chole watches and realise what Wally said and runs off while Y/n and the guy gets to a sword lock and Y/n asked.

Y/n: So I have a few questions I must know, first off who are you and why going after Erza?

Then the guy kicks Y/n and Y/n skidding backwards of the casino but he stop himself as the guy introduces himself.

Noah: My name is Noah and I am a mercenary hired to take on dangerous jobs for the right price.

Y/n: Right so you work for blocky and shadow guy?

Noah: Correct, their master hired me to capture Erza for a sacrifice and he told me to watch out of you.

Y/n: I see, mind telling me who is their master is?

Noah: I'll never tell.

Noah charge at Y/n and they clash blades once more. Y/n jumps back and summon a thunder wall and push it towards Noah but his sword glows out purple as he slash the thunder wall upwards and charge at Y/n.

Y/n summon his sword and he blocks the first strike and they clash blades before Y/n jumps over Noah and lands behind him and he quickly turn and swing his sword upwards and a large blue wave heads towards Noa but he blocks it with his sword as he was skidding back but he breaks through and charge at Y/n and they swing their swords at each other before Noah elbows Y/n in the stomach and slash his sword onto Y/n's arm which cost Y/n to stumbled backwards.

Blood pours out of his left shoulder as he cover it for a second before Noah charge at Y/n once more and swing his sword back before a large water blast hits Noah and he was sent crashing to a wall.

Y/n turn and Juvia runs over to Y/n and Y/n cover the blood with his right hand as Juvia asked.

Juvia: Are you alright my love?!

Y/n: Yeah I'm fine, just a cut.

Juvia: (sigh of relief) Oh thank goodness.

Noah stands up and Juvia and Y/n turn to him and Noah looks at them before he smirks and said.

Noah: It doesn't matter anymore, we got what we need.

Then Noah disappeared before Y/n race over to get him but he was gone just before he was gone.

Y/n: Damn he got away.

Juvia: What dose he mean by "We got what we need"?

Y/n: No clue but I think it's something to do with Erza.

Lucy: Y/n!

They turn to see Lucy and Chole run up to them and once there Lucy was surprised to see Juvia and she was about to pull out her keys but Y/n said.

Y/n: No wait, it's ok Juvia saved me from that guy.

Juvia: That is right, I shown no harm to yous.

Lucy: You sure?

Y/n: Yeah I'm sure.

Lucy: OK but Erza has been taking by those people at the second floor.

Y/n: (shocked) Are those the two guys that attack me and Chole?

Lucy: Yeah and there were two more were Erza and I were and I think they know Erza calling her sister.

Y/n: Sister? I never knew she have siblings?

Chole: This is not the time to make jokes, we need to find the guys and-

Then suddenly there was a large fire blast form where Happy and Natsu were at and they run over and see Gray standing up while Natsu got off of the machine and shake his head.

Natsu: Ow who in a bright idea shot a guy through my mouth.

Gray: Yeah what the hell just happened?

Y/n: Let's just say we were ambushed out of the bloom.

Natsu: Wait where is Happy?!

Chole: They must of taking Happy as well.

Natsu: (anger) How dare they taking Happy, I'm gonna to beat their asses once I get my hands on them!

Then Natsu rushes out of the casnio and outside to search for them while Gray asked.

Gray: So who were those guys?

Lucy: No clue but they gonna take Happy and Erza some where.

Chole: Natsu can track down their smell, maybe we can follow them and see where they are taking Erza and Happy.

Y/n: Yeah and we need to find Erza as soon as possible.

Gray: Why? What are they gonna do to Erza?

Y/n: I believe they are gonna sacrifice her for their master but that's what Noah said before he disappeared.

Lucy: (shocked) What?! That's crazy, we need to find her before it's too late.

Y/n: Right let's go.

So they race after Natsu so they can get a boat and seal off to rescue Erza and Happy before it's too late.


On a boat we see Erza opening her eyes as she was tied up by a special rob that blocks her magic and Erza struggle to take it off before someone said.

???: There is no use, Millianna's robs will not come off.

Erza looks over and was shocked to see Sho there as he turn to her with a smirk on his face.

Erza: (shocked) Sho, I thought you were-

Sho: Dead? Yeah that's what you thought didn't you? How you abandon us for all these years.

Erza: But I didn't I swear.

Sho: Stop lying! You destroy the boats just before we were about to escape. But I want to know something....why did you abandon us, aren't we family?

Erza doesn't say anything as she looks down and there was a moment of silence before Noah enter the room and said.

Noah: We're almost there, I hope your boss give me some money for this.

Sho: Don't worry, he will give anything you want once we arrive.

Erza: Arrive? Sho where are you taking me?

Sho: Where else Erza? We are taking you home, taking you to see Jullal.

Erza's eyes widen in fear as we cut to the boat arriving at a large tower in the middle of the ocean.

On top of the tower we see a short blue hair man as he watches the boat arriving through his magic crystal as he made a evil smirk before saying.

???: (smirk) Welcome home Erza.

To be continued..........

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