Chapter 5: Meet the king himself
At a different location far away from Magnolia we see a old castle were a group of bandits were at and Y/n, Chole and Natsu's team are there to stop them.
In the castle we see Y/n clashing his twin blades at two bandits before he knocked there weapons away and hits them on the back of his blades as they fall into the ground as Y/n looks around and see the area is clear.
Y/n: (thought) Alright I should check up with everyone else ans see how are they doing.
Y/n exit out of the room and run through the halls. He was about to turn the corner when a bandits was thrown across the room and slams into a wall. Y/n peeks over and see Natsu there along with Happy, Gray and Chole with piles of unconscious bandits as he walks up to them.
Y/n: I see yous have been busy.
Natsu: (smirk) Yep and I beat up the most bandits.
Gray: Yeah right, I beat up the most one, you beat up less.
Natsu: (anger) No you lair, I beat them all up while you were beat up less ice breath!
Gray: (anger) Oh yeah let's have a fight about it!
Natsu: (anger) Your on!
Happy: (sigh) Here we go again.
Chole: Yeah and I thought they would just shut up for once.
Y/n: (smirk) But guess not. Fire and Ice dose not mixed.
Erza: Enough both of yous!
Natsu and Gray jump back to see Erza and Lucy there as they walk up to them and Y/n asked.
Y/n: So how is things with you?
Erza: We managed to clear out the bandits, now we should leave so the solders would take them away.
Y/n: Sounds like a plan, let's get out of this castle.
Chole: Agree this castle give me the creeps when we first walk in.
Natsu: (smirk) I can't believe you screamed when you saw a small spider. It was funny.
Chole shot Natsu a lightning bolt and Natsu fell onto the ground.
Chole: (anger) Mentioned that to everyone else, I'll make sure I'll blast you like my brother, Go it!
Natsu: (scared) Um yes ma'am.
They were outside of the castle look at the castle while we see Juvia at the background starting at Y/n and Y/n saids.
Y/n: (smile) Woah that was some tough work. Lucky we didn't cost some damage to the castle.
Lucy: Yeah let us keep it that way.
Erza: Our mission is complete, we should head back to the guild.
Lucy: I don't know, what about we head to Balsam Village so we can relax.
Y/n: Balsam Village?
Chole: It's a great Village with some beautiful lighting, not to mention there is a great hotel with a hot bath with it.
Y/n: Huh I never been to that Village, maybe we head there to relax.
Lucy: Yeah what do you say Erza?
Erza: Lucy....
Lucy: (nervous) Um yeah?
Erza: (smile) I think it's a good idea.
Y/n: (smile) Sweet so let's head there before it hits dark.
So they head to Balsam Village were they could relax for the night. While they walk they noticed someone far ahead of them and its Loke.
Y/n: (surprised) Is that Loki?
Chole: (surprised) Yeah why is he he?
They run up to Loki and Loki see them and turn to them.
Loki: (smile) Hey guys how is things?
Natsu: Good, what are you up to?
Loke: Just having a walk that all. Finished your jobs.
Lucy: Yeah and we are going to......
Loke: (surprised) Woah Lucy I didn't know your here.
Y/n: (thought) Wait why was he surprised by Lucy?
Lucy: Yeah why?
Loke: (nervous) Well-I um Gonna go!
Then Loki runs off leaving them confused as Lucy asked.
Lucy: What the hell is his problem?
Natsu: No clue but he is scared of you for some reason.
Happy: Yeah I bet you did something to him that made him scared.
Lucy: Shut up! It's not my fault.
Chole: Lucy I right, he has been acting weird ever since he found out that she was a celestial wizard.
Y/n: Really why is that?
Chole: No clue but let's keep on moving, maybe he can tell us why once we arrive at the guild.
Y/n: Alright let's go.
They continue on but Y/n couldn't but help to think that something is odd about Loke in a way he reacted when he saw Lucy which made him suspicious.
It was night time as Y/n and the rest stay at a hotel at Balsam Village and we see Y/n, Natsu, Gray and Happy relax at the hot tubs while the girls were at the other side of the wall also relaxing.
Y/n: Woah this is very nice.
Natsu: You say it man.
Happy: Aye.
Gray: So Y/n, Chole told us you used to be a black Smith before you join us is that right?
Y/n: (smirk) Yep I was great at making weapons and armor and everything knew me and cone around to my shop so I can fix there weapons and armor.
Natsu: That's awesome but why did you left that job before?
Y/n:......well the truth Village was attacked and no one survived escape for me.
They were shocked as Y/n continues on saying.
Y/n: I was in the mountains just getting some materials to make new weapons when I stumbled upon a secret room with the sword. During that a dark guild came and burn my town to the ground. After they left I came back and see that my Village is destroyed and no one survived. With no were else to go I moved to Magnolia so I can fight to keep many Village and towns safe, so they won't suffer the same fate as mine did.
Happy: Woah that must be hard on you to lose everything.
Gray: Yeah We're sorry for your lose.
Y/n: That's ok guys, at least I saved your before it was destroyed.
Natsu: Hold on, what about the dark guild that destroy your town, have you ever find them and make them pay?
Y/n: No. They were a unknown dark guild that I've never seen. They maybe a new dark guild that gose around and destroy anything that standing against there way.
Natsu: Damn, I wish I could have been there to stop them.
Y/n: Yeah but we can't change the past Natsu. We just have to move on but even if I find them, I'm gonna asked them one question......Why?
We see ethr girls having a relaxing time at the hot tub as Lucy said while stretching her arms forward.
Lucy: (smile) Man this is very relaxing.
Chole: (smile) You could say that again girl, this is the best hot bath ever.
Erza: (smile) Yes it is relaxing.
Erza stands up and Lucy and Chole that Erza was still wearing are armor
Chole: Um Erza? Are you wearing your armor?
Erza: Yeah, why do you ask?
Lucy: Well is it not relaxing for you to wear armor like that?
Erza: Huh you may have a point.
Then Erza's armor disappeared and now she is naked now with Lucy surprised.
Lucy: (surprised) Wow you pretty cool without your armor?
Erza: (smirk) Well maybe I can walk around the guild like this?
Lucy: Eh?
Erza: (smile) That's just a joke.
Chole: (giggled) Nice one Erza.
Erza: So Chole how is Y/n staying at your place?
Chole: Oh he's actually pretty nice and always make me laugh when I'm bothered by something. I even teach him how to cook for him in case he finds a place to stay.
Lucy: Qnd how that turn out?
Chole: Well let's just say you gonna smell cheese for at least 5 weeks.
Lucy: (giggled) That is funny.
Erza: (smile) Yeah and very interesting with his magic. I maybe a requip wizard but his is very different to mine.
Lucy: (smile) Yeah he's even cool as well and nice to everyone.
Chole: (smile) Yeah and cute as well.
Lucy and Erza: Yeah.
Then they realised what they said and they blush a little bit can't stop thinking about Y/n which made then blush even more.
We see Y/n and Gray at there hotel rooms as Gray was laying in his sleeping bed trying to get some sleep while Y/n stand next to the door reading a book when Natsu and Happy came to there room with pillows and said.
Natsu: Time for a pillow fight!
Happy: Yeah it's pillow fighting time!
Gray: Come on Natsu I'm trying to get some sleep.
Y/n: Yeah and are you sure it's a good idea to have a pillow fight in this hotel?
Natsu: Oh come on we are a team so we could have some fun.
Happy: Yeah and having a Pillow fight is a best way to do it.
Y/n: Yeah I don't know about that?
Erza: Well we'll join in!
Then Erza and she girls enter with also pillows as well as Y/n knew this may get worse so he said to them.
Y/n: Well I'm gonna have a walk, see you guys back.
Natsu: Oh come on Y/n let have some fun!
Y/n: Um Maybe next time.
Then Y/n left and Natsu was kinda disappointing but Chole said.
Chole: I won't actually blame him, if I were him I'll stay away from any competition between you and......
Then a pillow hits on Chole in the face as Natsu and Happy laugh as Chole gets mad and said.
Chole: (anger) Alright let's go for it.
The Chole throws a pillow at Natsu but he missed and hits Gray instead which made Gray want to join in and they all have a pillow fight while Y/n wants off for a walk around the village.
We see Y/n walking around the village just exploring around when he stumbled upon a bar ahead of him. He walks to the bar and once there he enter inside and see no one there escaped the bar guy with a huge head that points into the sky.
Y/n walks to the front desk and order a drink which the bar guy walks off to get his drink.
Loke: Huh didn't knew you be here.
Y/n looks over and see Loki just walk in as Loki walks over to Y/n and sat down next to him.
Y/n: Yeah never knew you come here as well after our last encounter.
Loke: Yeah so where Natsu and the rest?
Y/n: Back at the hotel playing a pillow fight, I decided to escape the chaos before it gets worse.
Loke: Yeah it's best not to get involved between Natsu and Gray when they do something together.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah agree.
Then the bar guy hands Y/n his drink and he drinks it and after that he set his mug down and he asked Loke.
Y/n: Hey Loke, why are you scared of Lucy? Better yet Celestial wizard's?
Loki: Oh no reason just some bad luck with them that's all.
Y/n: Alright but you don't have to fear of Lucy, she is nice to everyone and she has been through a lot during the Phantom Lords attack and her father.
Loke: I know and I felt bad for that. Hey mind telling Lucy that I'm sorry the way I acted to her.
Y/n: (smile) Sure.
Y/n: (thought) Something is odd about Loke? He looks kinda pail and look like he seen something.
Y/n: Well I best go my way and make sure Natsu and the rest hasn't trash the hotel or anything like that, see you back at the guild tomorrow.
Y/n stands up and was about to leave the bar when Loki said.
Loke: I won't be there tomorrow.
Y/n stop and turn to Loke which he stands up and walks beside Y/n not facing him and then said.
Loke: I'm going to die.
Y/n: (shocked) What?
Y/n step back a bit and stare at Loki for a bit and asked.
Y/n: (shocked) What are you saying?
Loke stares at Y/n for a short while until he start to laugh which made Y/n confused and Loki said.
Loke: (smile) Oh man I got you good with that joke. You shouldn't seen your face.
Y/n: Huh?
Loki: (smile) Well I be best leaving now, see you at the guild man.
Then Lokie walks out of the bar as Y/n watch him leave still confused yo what happened and find that very weird as he also exit put of the bar and walks off back to the hotel while Loke walks off to the darkness.
(At Magnolia)
Natsu and Gray were having a argument about a pillow fight they have while everyone else watched as we see Chole, Mirajane, Lucy and Y/n at the bar as they watch on but Y/ was facing away and was thinking about something.
Chole: Jeez would they just shut up for once.
Lucy: Guess not, they are not gonna stop until Erza or Makarov would stop them.
Mirajane: (smile) But at least yous have some relaxing time before yous head back yo the guild.
Chole: Yeah we have. Hey Y/n what about you?
Lucy: Y/n?
Y/n Huh? Oh yeah I'm ok just something that happened last night.
Lucy: Really what happened?
Y/n: It's Loke, he is acting a bit weirder now and tell me a joke that shocked me and kinda dark.
Chole: (surprised) Seriously? That's not like him for saying some jokes like that?
Lucy: What was the joke?
Y/n: I'm going to die.
Mirajane: (surprised) Woah that is a dark joke, that is not like him to say that.
Y/n: Yeah and I believe something is bothering him but I don't know why?
Mirajane: Well now you think about that before yous came back a group of Loke's girls asked me about Loke because they say he broke up with them and Mysteriously disappeared.
Lucy: (surprised) Really? I thought he likes to date them?
Chole: Yeah why did he broke up on them?
Y/n: No clue but something isn't adding up here and I'm gonna find out.
Lucy: Yeah I'll help you and see whats going on with him.
Y/n: Right.
Chole: I think I may know of something that has been bothering me for a long time.
Y/n: Alright show us.
Y/n and Lucy arrived back to Choles house as Chole was getting something from her room and then came out and set down a magazine with a female wizard with long green hair on it.
Y/n: Who's she?
Lucy: (surprised) That's Karen Lilica, she was a member of the Blue Pegasus guild before she died years ago.
Chole: Yeah when I heard the news about her death I try to figure out how she died because no one didn't know how she died. Some say that she was killed by a monster during a job or a dark Wizard. But she's not just a wizard.....she's actually a Celestial wizard as well.
Lucy: (surprised) Wow seriously she was a Celestial wizard as well!?
Y/n: How many Celestial keys dose she have?
Chole: I've learned that she has two golden keys. One was Aries, she is the white lamb Celestial spirit who can summon soft like clouds to attack enemies but it doesn't damage them just make them comfortable and warm.
Y/n: That sounds very nice. What about teh second key?
Chole: The other key is named Leo the lion, A lion Celestial key, the two keys were Mysteriously disappeared after Karen's deaths but there was a rumour that Karen actually abuse one of her Celestial spirit and one of them have enough and they refuse to be sent back to the Celestial world.
Lucy: (shocked) That's crazy, Celestial spirit can't even survive the human world, they will die!
Y/n: Do you think Loke has something to do with Karen. Maybe they were a couple back then until Karen's death?
Chole: Its a highly possibility but who knows, maybe they used to be friends until something happened to them and cost Loke to break off with her.
Lucy: But still, why would Loki said that he is going to die?
Y/n: No clue but maybe we go look for him so we can......
Then suddenly Gray burst into Choles door as the jump back and turn to him.
Gray: Guys have you seen Loke?!
Chole: No what the hell is going on?
Gray: Loke just left the guild without telling us why.
Y/n: (shocked) You seriously?!
Gray: Yeah we're all looking around for him right now.
Y/n and the rest went out to look for him but Y/n grabs the magazine just in case and follows them as everyone looks around town for Loke. We see Lucy and Y/n also looking around and after a few calls Lucy said.
Lucy: Where is he? Why did he decided to leave the guild?
Y/n decided to look through the magazine for anything when he finds a page and said to Lucy.
Y/n: Lucy I think I know where he maybe at, follow me.
Lucy nods and follows Y/n to find Loke get get answers.
We see Loke look down at a huge hole near a waterfall when he turns to see the grave of Karen as he walks over and place his hand on her grave. Then Y/n and Lucy arrived and see Loke and Lucy calls out to him.
Lucy: Loki we're glad we find you.
Loke turn and was surprised to see them and asked.
Loke: (surprised: How did yous find me?
Y/n: Let's just say magazine's help us to find someone's grave.
Loke: Oh so you knew about her, didn't you?
Y/n: Yeah and while we were coming here I have a thought and figured out something. Your name Loke isn't your true name right?
Loke: What do you mean?
Y/n: Your name is kinda odd to me when I first met you but I don't know why and your magic is also odd unlike everyone else in the guild. When Chole told us about Karen's other Celestial spirit named Leo the lion I put two together and figured out.
Lucy: What is it?
Y/n: Loke isn't your real name and Karen was not your friend, girlfriend or even wife......Karen is your master and.....your real name is Leo the Lion.
Lucy was shocked and so as Loke as he turns away and said.
Leo: That's right, I am Leo and Lion and I am a Celestial spirit.
Lucy: (shocked) Seriously? Why didn't you tell us?!
Leo: Because I knew this will shock yous both and I have to tell the truth about my past.
Y/n: Then that means you know how Karen died then? What happened to you two and how did this all happen?
Leo: Well....maybe years ago me and Arise were contracting to Karen and at first we thought things we be great. But we were wrong as she used Aries in battle ans she get hurt, she even abuse her so she can get her anger out of her way.
Lucy: (shocked) That's horrible.
Leo: It was, one day I have enough and stop her from ever hurting Aries. I told her if she not gonna change then I'll stay at the human world until she realised what she has done.
Y/n: I'm not Knowledgeable about Celestial rules but If a spirit stays in a human world the wizard won't be able to summon any spirits unless and spirit is back to there key.
Leo: Correct. I stayed at abandoned castle so I can wait for Karen to change, of course she try to tell me that she has changed and she promised that she would never abuse Aries again. I thought she was lying like usual and refused until one day.....she went out and got herself killed by a dark Wizard ans Aries was taking.
Y/n and Lucy were shocked by this as Leo walks up to Karen's grave and said to them.
Leo: The Celestial King punished me by exile me to the human world where I will die and now the day has come for me to die.
Lucy: (shocked) Leo.
Y/n: I call that bullshit!
Y/n step up and tells Leo.
Y/n: It wasn't your fault that Karen died, she was reckless and she shouldn't have listened to you like a good master instead just go out and get herself killed and she shouldn't have abuse Aries like that and I totally agreed with you so you try to save Aries!
Leo: Still I have to accept my punishment for my crimes against the Celestial world.
Y/n: Who gives a hell about that, you were trying to keep Aries safe and I will do the same if Lucy or anyone eho is abuse by someone! Who ever this Celestial king is he has no right just kicking you out like that!
Lucy: (surprised) Lucy.
???: He must face crimes against our world.
Then suddenly the whole area start to shake and they look up to see a massive portal and a huge Celestial spirit with a huge moustache as he floats near the water fall and said.
Celestial king: Leo the Lion has done a terrible crime to the Celestial world. He was responsible of killing his own master and must be punished for his crims.
Lucy: And you think death will do even through he try to help one of his friends!?
Celestial king: Its is a rule to all spirits that all Celestial spirits are sigh up to do and if anyone breaks the contract between human and Celestial spirit then they should be punished.
Y/n: And you call yourself the king of all Celestial spirits but in reality your just just a stupid spirit with a stupid moustache!
Leo: (nervous) Um maybe try not to call him that ok?
Y/n: (anger) Scrow that he needs to understand that what you and Aries has been through and you stand up to her.
Celestial King: Why do you want to protect Leo after the crime he has done?
Y/n: Because I know that he did something right but he didn't know that Karen would go out and get herself killed. It wasn't Leo's fault and Aries will proof his innocent by telling you that he tried to protect her.
Celestial King: She has said that before.
Y/n: But you still kick Leo out after what he tried to do!?
Celestial King: Yes.
Lucy: How could you do that! You shouldn't just kick Leo out of his Celestial world just because he killed someone, it wasn't his fault and its not far that he has to get punished.
Leo: (surprised) Lucy, Y/n.
Y/n: You may not see him in our world but he shown to be a loyal member to our guild. Sure he maybe go on dates and flirt with many women but dose that not proof that he still cares about everyone and even his own guild!?
Lucy: What Karen did was wrong and she has no rightbto abuse Celestial spirits like that. Celestial wizard's and spirits are supposed to help each other and treat like family and never abuse each other no matter what!
Y/n: Leo is a good friend to Aries and we respect that and if you don't see it the your not only a fool but blind as well because Leo will sacrifice everything to keep Aries or anyone safe! Because that what he is.
Leo was surprised by there words at the Celestial king looks at them both and then saids.
Celestial king: Your words have.......confidence me to realise that Leo the Lion has saved one of our kind and hasn't known about Karen's death. Leo the Lion rise up.
Leo stands up and looks up at the Celestial King as he said.
Celestial King: I must apologise for exile yoh to the human world without your word or Aries, I here by you Leo the Lion allowed to come back to the Celestial world as much as you want.
Leo: (surprised) Your....Your serious?
Y/n: (smile) Yep thanks Moustache guy.
The Celestial King smiles which kinda surprised both Lucy and Leo as the Celestial king summons another portal to the Celestial world and he was gone.
Then Leo see a glow in his pocket and pulls it out and it was his key as Lucy and Y/n turn and Leo said to them.
Leo: Thank you for everything you two, I thought is was gonna die.
Y/n: (smile) Well rest easy buddy and tomorrow we tell everyone what happen.
Leo: (smile) Alright, and thanks for everything.
Then Leo get into his Celestial key and Y/n grabs it and feel the power within it. He then turn to Lucy and hand it to her.
Y/n: Here you take it.
Lucy: (surprised) Wait why me?
Y/n: Because you truly care about Celestial spirits more then everyone else and I respect that.
Lucy blush a little and Lucy takes Leo's key and they walk back to town to explain everyone what happened. But on top of a small mountain we see a mysterious cloaked figure watching Y/n and Lucy walking back to Magnolia and the mysterious cloaked figure said.
???: There you are Y/n, it's time that your journey to save Earthland....ends.
To be continued.........
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