Chapter 4: First job

It was a beautiful morning at Magnolia and everyone was getting back to normal after a civil war between two guild's as Fairy tail have won thanks for Y/n who arrived to help them.

Now we see Y/n laying in bed still asleep and staying at Chloe's house when he smell something good and that made him wake up and sat up on his bed.

Y/n: (thought) Mmm something must of smell good.

Y/n got out of bed and head into the bathroom and brush his teeth and after that he got his clothes on and then he exit out of his room and walk through the halls and peeks into the kitchen ans see Chole making breakfast as she is humming to hers before Y/n startled her by asking.

Y/n: Morning Chole, what's for breakfast?

Chole: (surprised) Jeez! Don't scare me like that.

Y/n: Whoops sorry, but still what are you making, it smells great.

Chole: (little blush) W-Well it's a special breakfast I made for my brother and I.

Y/n: Must be nice.

Chole: Yeah. You want some?

Y/n: (smile) Sure.

Y/n walks up to the table and sat down. After a while Chole walks over to the table and hands Y/n his breakfast and then she sat down with her own as Y/n grab a fork and stab it into the sausage and took the first bite and it was very delicious as he chew it and sallow it.

Y/n: Mmm this is very delicious Chole.

Chole: Thanks my brother used to like it before he changed.

Y/n: So how did your brother Laxus changed? Did something happen that cost him to be a jerk or what?

Chole: It's something I wather not talk about.

Y/n: Ok.

Chole:.....Still thanks for the help, it's possible Mirajane will open the job board very soon so we should head down and pick out a job.

Y/n: Right I be dieing to get out and have some adventure.

Chole: Yeah let's hurt things up so we can head down there.

Y/n: (smile) Ok.

Chole couldn't help but blush a little as she thinks they were a couple and she blushes even more when she thinks above it even more.

Chole: (thought) Please don't think above us as a country Chole. Your just letting him stay for a bit....but to be far he is kinda cute and all and.....OH HERE I GO AGEIN!


Chole and Y/n walk through the streets of Magnolia while Juvia Spy's on Y/n from a far as she hide by walls with jealous in her and soon Y/n and Chole arrived to a still constructed guild Hall as they walk in and see that the seats and tables were set up like a bar and even was piling up at the job board.

Y/n: (smirk) Seems that the job board is open.

Chole: Yeah but they beat us to it.

Y/n: Yeah.

Lucy: Hey Y/n and Chole.

They look over and see Lucy at the booth with Mirajane as they walks over and once there Y/n said.

Y/n: Seems that everyone over there is ready to get back to work.

Mirajane: After the war against the Phantom Lords, everyone is ready to get back to work.

Y/n: I won't blame them, I've been dieing to get back to work.

Lucy: Yeah even Natsu is getting impatient to get back to work.

Y/n: Really after he got his butt kicked by Gajeel?

Mirajane: That's Natsu alright.

Chole: Yeah he is very tough but he's also stupid as well. Anyways I'm gonna see what jobs are left so you and I can take it.

Y/n: Sure I'll wait here.

Choles nods and walks over and Y/n sta on the booth and Mirajane place down a beer in front of Y/n and Y/n turn to her as Mirajane said.

Mirajane: (smile) This is on the house. You did help us after all so this is on me.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks Mira.

Lucy: So Y/n how did you learn your magic and your requip?

Y/n: Actually I was given this power when I grab this sword in a cave. After that this tattoo appeared on my hand.

Y/n lifted his left hand and show Mirajane and Lucy the tattoo and they were surprised.

Mirajane: That's interesting, I never seen that mark.

Y/n: me too but these cloaked people said that I'm the chosen one that will destroy evil.

Lucy: (surprised) Woah that's awesome, lucky you join the best guild ever.

Y/n: Yeah actually they told me to come here, I don't even know why though but it must be something.

Lucy: Weird.

Y/n: So what magic do you use Lucy?

Lucy: I used Celestial keys to summon spirits from the spirit world.

Y/n: (surprised) Woah really, I never knew there was a wizard that can summons spirits from another world.

Lucy: Yeah but mine isn't that great. Like this one who....let just say never like her keys to be dropped onto the ground.

Lucy rubbed her butt as she still feel pain for being whipped by one of her Celestial spirits.

Y/n: I see but still I wish I could see them one day, it sounds pretty cool.

Lucy: (blush) R-Really? My magic isn't that great.

Y/n: (smile) Don't be silly your man sounds pretty cool.

Lucy blush even more and then Natsu and Happy walks up to the booth and Natsu asked.

Natsu: (smirk) Hey Y/n I finally found you. Now we must fight?

Y/n: Huh for what?

Natsu: I saw you beating up both Gajeel and Jose so I want to see uow strong you really are by fighting.

Happy: Natsu likes to fight others who are over him and he has been waiting for you to come.

Lucy: Natsu he's just new to our guild and besides we don't want this guild to be destroyed once more!

Y/n: Yeah and besides I'm going on a job with Chole so maybe next time.

Natsu: Aw man, that sucks. But still you were badass during that fight heck you can even beat.....

Then a barrel was thrown and hits Natsu by the heart and heart Erza scream at someone. They look over and see Erza glaring at Laxus who is sitting down with a smirk in his face.

Y/n: (thought) Crap this isn't gonna end well.

Laxus: (smirk) This guild is just pathetic with a bunch of weak idiots. Looks at Jet and Droy, they were Phantom's punching bags, I'm glad I not bothered to invite them to any of my jobs.

Jet and Droy looks down as Laxus turn to Lucy and said.

Laxus: (smirk) And the one who start this all, the Princess that cost this guilds destruction, this is all your fault.

Chole: Laxus!

Everyone turn as Chole walks up to Laxus and she yelled at Laxus.

Chole: (anger) It's not everyone's fault but it's your own fault. I asked you to come back and help us but you turn your back on us and your own sister!

Laxus: Oh shut it sis, you have it under control when I was away with my jobs so you would handle a bunch of Phantom Lords. I thought you want to be like me bit I guess you won't if you gonna be weak as those idiots around this guild.

Choles looks down upset and then Y/n step up and said to Laxus.

Y/n: How can you said that to your own sister! The member of your family and you said that to your younger sister!

Chole: Y/n.

Laxus: And who are you kid? I never know we have a new member here?

Y/n: I'm Y/n and I know this is not my business but you need to treat everyone including your own sister some respect.

Laxus: (laughter) Are you serious kid? I'm not gonna show anyone respect, I fact once I became leader of this guild, I'll kick every one of yous out and I'll form a better guild that no one will fear us.

Laxus turn and then lighting strikes at Laxus and he disappeared. Y/n couldn't believe how Laxus was and Y/n turns to Chole and asked.

Y/n: You ok Chole?

Chole: Yeah....I'm fine, let's pick a job and get put of here.

Y/n: Right.

Chole walks up to the job board and Erza walks up next to Y/n and Y/n aksed.

Y/n: There's no way Laxus can't be chosen as guild master right?

Erza: Its likely or maybe Chole will be the roll.

Y/n: Why is that?

Erza: Because they are Makarov's grand kids, they used to get along as kids but when they grow up things changed. Laxus acts like a jerk and Chole is trying to make him good but he doesn't care. Chole thinks that everyone blames her for Laxus changed but we don't.

Y/n: She looks upset as well.

Erza: Yeah...keep an eye on her will you?

Y/n: Sure maybe I can make her feel better as well.

Erza: (smile) Thank you and good luck on your first job.

Y/n: (smile) Will do.


Chole and Y/n arrives at an village for there first job and they walk through the town as Y/n looks at many shops and he turn sto Chole and asked.

Y/n: So what job have you chosen?

Chole: Well sense your new, we can take a simple jobs.

Y/n: Really no taking out bandits camps or defeating a monster?

Chole: Well there are in the job but I'll go down to easy to hard so you can get used to the things we do in our guild.

Y/n: Woah you are organised by this.

Chole: (blush) It's not that surprising, I just do things by order.

Y/n: Far enough.

Chole: Lucky you are not with Natsu's team.

Y/n: How so, they seem fun?

Chole: They may be fun but when they go and do a job, they have a reputation for going Overboard.

Y/n: Ok?

Chole and Y/n arrived at the middle of the town where they look at a beautiful fountain as it spits out water out of the sky as they look at it in amazement.

Y/n: (surprised) Woah there beautiful.

Chole: Yeah they are.

Y/n turn to see Chole still a bit upset so Y/n thinks of a way to cheer her up and he has one as he walks over to the fountain and claims up the edge and stands up straight.

Chole: What are you doing?

Y/n: Nothing just gonna cheer you up.

Chole: What?

Then Y/n dose a funny dance as he dance along the edge of the fountain while people looks at Y/n oddly as Chole shake her head and as Y/n continued on until he slip on the wet part and the fell onto the fountain.

Chole rush over and looks over and see Y/n all wet including his clothes as he looks up at Chole and asked with a smile.

Y/n: (smile) Need a little help?

Chole couldn't help but giggled a bit because of Y/n stupidly and she reach out her hand and Y/n grab her hand and she help him out of the fountain. Y/n's clothes were all wet but he used his requip magic to change his clothes and he was all done as he turn sto Chole.

Chole: Did you meant to drop yourself into the fountain?

Y/n: (smirk) Kinda it wasn't part of my plan but it works right?

Chole just shake her head while smiling as they continue to do some jobs on the job paper.

(Very soon)

They have to help a old man run his shop while he gose out and visit his sick wife. They start working as Chole hands weapons to people while Y/n was at the back and making some weapons.

It was at this moments Chole peeks out and was surprised tonsee many weapons already hang ans ready for used just quickly while Y/n was cooling the hot sword by dumping the switch onto the bucket of water.

Chole: (Surprised) Woah your very good making weapons.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks I actually own a shop before I got this power.

Chole: Really on your own?

Y/n: Yep. I used to live a small town that I was know to making many fancy swords to passing adventurours.

Chole: That's awesome, how did you own your own shop?

Y/n: It actually was passing down to family by family and after my father passed away I took over. Its a family tradition.

Chole: So how come you left and join the guild?

Y/n: Oh....It's a long story but maybe next time.

Chole: Alright. Mind you teaching me things about making weapons?

Y/n: (smile) Sure.

After Y/n hang the sword he teach Chole how to make her first sword. There have been many errors along the way but Y/n never give up and soon they finally completed Choles first sword and she actually find it a hit fun.

She looks at Y/n and see him smile which made her blush a little as she never felt such joy for a long while and she felt much better.

After the blacksmith guy returned back an informed them that his wife will be ok and they left and they do several othe jobs until they have a break as they sat on the bench and they sigh on relief of the hard work they did.

Y/n: Man never knew doing jobs could be this long.

Chole: Yeah but at least we help people.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah. So mind if I can asked what is your magic?

Chole: Well its kinda similar to Laxus but it's weaker then his.

Y/n: Huh guess that's why your the younger sister to him. I heard that Laxus will be guild master.

Chole: Yeah which is bad, if Laxus is named Guild master, he would kick everyone who is weak out.

Y/n: Yeah but your also Makarov's grand daughter so you may take leadership as Guild master, things would be different.

Chole: I don't know about that.

Y/n: What do you mean?

Chole: I'm not like Laxton or Erza. I'm not even a S Class wizard and I don't think I can take this responsibility. After all everyone hates me.

Y/n: Don't say that, they do care about you and I believe they would be glad that you will be guild master.

Chole: But how would they listen to a sister who is related to a meanest S-Class wizard ever in our guild.

Y/n: Well I don't believe your mean or cruel. I see you as a kind perspective who cares for others and your like the opposite to Laxus in every way. I know you can be guild master one day and I'll be with you until then.

Chole (blush) You.....You mean it?

Y/n: (smile) Of course, what are friends for.

Chole: (thought) He's soo kind and doesn't care about if I'm siblings to Laxus. Maybe he's not soo bad after all.

Chole felt a bit happier as she is around with Y/n and Y/n picks up and Job request and looks over it and saids.

Y/n: Looks like we are gonna take out a ground of bandits at a nearby camp.

Chole: That's the last job so let's do it and get paid and then home.

Y/n: Right.

They stand up and walks away while at the backgrounds Juvia peeks out and shake her fist in anger.

Juvia: (thought) My love is going out with another girl! I swear to you my love, you'll be mine!


We see Y/n and Chole on top of the hill as they look over the bandits camp site as  they see many bandits there looking around and making sure no one is there.

Y/n: Looks like there is a lot.

Chole: Yeah and I don't see any prisoners so this will be a piece of cake.

Y/n: That's good, so how strong is your thunder magic?

Chole: (smirk) Watch and learn.

She rise her hand into the air and Y/n could hear rumbing thunder in the sky including the bandits in the camp and then she pulls her hand down and a few lighting strikes hits the camp and a few barrels exploded and fire spread around the camp as Y/n was amazed by her magic.

Y/n: (surprised) Woah you have some spell, remind me to not piss you off.

Chole: (smirk) Thanks now let's take care those bandits.

Y/n: (smile) Right.

Y/n summon his twin swords and they jump off the hill and landed onto the camp as a few bandits turn to them and charge at them.

Choles summon thunder balls at the bandits and they were gets hit and lay on the ground stunned as Y/n dash over to the other bandits and slash them with his quick sword skills and the bandits fell onto the ground.

Then a few more bandits fired there bows at Y/n but Y/n summon his sheild and blocks there arrows and then Y/n summon his axe and throw the axe towards the bandits and hits the ground between them and they suddenly turn into ice.

Y/n smirks to himself as an bandit was about to attack from behind and Y/n quickly turn and was about to summon his other weapon when a huge wave of water hits the bandit included other bandits behind him.

Y/n: (thought) What the hell?

Y/n looks over and see nothing and find it weird but he shrugged it off and continues on fighting while Juvia peeks out as she watch Y/n fighting the bandits with his sword and sheild as she brushed a little.

Juvia: (thought) Keep on fighting my love.

Chole was shocking the bandits around her and she then getting overwhelmed as they get close to her and blocking her attacks with there magic shields.

One was about to strike at Chole but then Y/n jump over her and kicks the bandit away and lands in front of her and turn to her.

Y/n: You ok?

Chole: Yeah thanks.

Y/n: Looks like things are get out of hand.

Chole: Yeah.

Y/n: How much magic you have?

Chole: Not much, why?

Y/n touch Choles shoulder and that cost her to blush a little but then she felt like she was getting her magic back and after that Y/n lets go and Y/n stand behind Y/n facing towards the bandits from the back as he said to Chole.

Y/n: fire you same magic from before and I'll copy your and then we do it together.

Chole: Right.

She reach out her hand to the sky and so as Y/n as multiple thunder was heard and then they pull there hands down and a massive lightning hits the camp including the bandits and after a while the lightning disappeared and the bandits around them were taking out.

Y/n and Chole looks around and Y/n stumbled forward and fell onto his knee and Chole turns and bend down to him.

Chole: You ok?

Y/n: Yeah....just used up tok much magic that's all.

Chole: (smirk) Your really are stupid are you?

Y/n (smile) Something like that.

Chole giggled and the magic Council came and arrested the bandits and they got there pay and now they walk back to Magnolia for a job well done.

Y/n: (smile) That was actually pretty fun, I'm glad I join your guild. Fairy tail is fun after all.

Chole: (smile) Yeah but it not just that it's also about us being a family. Sure we may fight but that's what family dose and that draw us closer together.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah. Hey Chole?

Chole: Yeah?

Y/n: I'm thinking I'll join Natsu's team and see how they like. I'm sure they can't be that bad.

Chole: Alright but I'll be with you in case Natsu may try to challenge you to a fight.

Y/n: (smirk) You don't have to worry about me, I can handle him.

Chole: (blush) Still I don't you to get hurt so that's that.

Y/n: Alright. Hey can you do me a favour?

Chole: Yeah what is it?

Y/n: Sense I teach you how to make swords can you teach me how to cook?

Chole: (surprised) Seriously you don't know how to cook?!

Y/n: (smile) I usually go to my favourite restaurant in my village and get some food or make something that not required me to cook. And your a great cook so you must teach me how to cook with your skills.

Chole blush a little when Y/n said that and thinks about it and then she said.

Chole: (Blush) A-Alright I guess I can teach you how to cook.

Y/n: (smile) Woah thanks Chole, your the best.

Chole: (blush) S-Surs no problem.

Chole actually felt happy now as she was glad she's is with someone that not only cares about the guild but also her as well as they walk back to Magnolia and yo the guild for the next job tomorrow.

To be continue........

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