Chapter 36: The history of Tenrou Island

It was another extremely hot day out at sea where we see Y/n and the S-class wizard and those who are taking part of the trail are within a ship qns sailing off to Tenrou Island to begin their trail.

While they were sailing we see everyone is sweating from the extreme hot, so much so they changed into their swim shorts and bikinis since the first part of the trail will involve around swimming.

They sat on the boat, trying to find ways to cool off while Natsu is laying on the ship amd dying while we see Y/n at the front of the boat and looking at the sea.

He was staring off at the ocean and lost to his own thoughts and that's when he got a tap on his shoulder which startled him and turn to see Guildart as he hands him a water bottle.

Guildart: (smirk) Here. Figured you need something to drink.

Y/n: Oh thanks. Sorry I was lost to my thoughts, that's all.

Guildart: (smirk) No problems. It's nice to have some thoughts while sailing towards are location.

Y/n: I guess so.

The two turn to the ocean with Y/n drink some water and then he ask Guildart.

Y/n: So Guildart, can I ask you something?

Guildart: (smile) Of course. Ask away.

Y/n: The job you've took. What was it about?

Guildart: Well, have you ever heard of the 100-year quest?

Y/n: I don't think I have no.

Guildart: It's a impossible job that is rarely be completed by even the most strongest guild members that ever has. No one has never completed it Heck, not even myself.

Y/n: Why? What happened during the quest?

Guildart: Let's just say.....I've encountered something that I'm lucky to survive. After that I just return from the guild and I never know I was gone for 100 years.

Y/n: Yeah no kidding.

Guildart: (smirk) But who knows, you could completed it if you have a shot at it.

Y/n: I don't know. What do you get if you completed it?

Guildart: Not too sure. Maybe it was a wish or something? Nah, either way the reward is pretty good and yo have to be stupid to refuse it.

Y/n: So guess very important Huh?

Guildart: (smirk) Yep. Pretty much.

We see Cana at the background watching Guildart and Y/n talking which Canan turn and walk away qs they soon arrived to the island. They were amazed by the island and how it looked like a tree.

Wendy: (surprised) Amazing!

Lucy: (surprised) Yeah no kidding, it's so cool!

Natsu: (smirk) Who cares, we're finally here so let the trail begin!

Then Makarov is seen standing on to the second deck as everyone turns to him as he tells them.

Makarov: Listen up! The first trail will involve around battling other wizards in hopes to reach the second trail. Those who lost will be taking to camp to have their wounds healed and treated. I wish you all good luck and take care.

With that everyone started diven in while Y/n and the other S-Class wizards take the ship inro shore and they start to set up camp.


They arrived into shore and head into the forest and arrived at a spot where they meet up to those who will win the first trail as they start setting up camp. Y/n help out Mirajane and Erza setting up the camp and supplies and once that was done they take a break.

Mirajane: (smile) All done~! Thanks for the help Y/n.

Y/n: (smile) No problem. You know, this place is pretty mysterious. But it also feels very peaceful.

Erza: (smile) Indeed. Its a very peaceful place.

Guildart: Too bad this place is abandon for all these years.

Y/n: Abandon? Did people use to live here?

Guildart: Yeah. There was a small town with a guild that has been here for years. There used to be people living on this island but now, there was no more.

Y/n: I see. Well, I'm gonna find somewhere to do my business.

They node and Y/n head into the forest and finds a spot to do his business. He does it and while he was doing it he started humming to himself as everything seems nice and calm. It was soo quiet he thought he heard someone humming until he stop and then he does hear it.

He finished his business and look around only to catch a foot running into the bushes.

Y/n: (thought) Did I just say someone running into the bushes? Better investigate it.

He trace the foot as he came out of the bushes and look around. Then he spotted a women running away and facing away from him as he start chasing her.

Y/n: Hey you lady, wait!

He chases after her as he rushes through the forest and soon he burst through the bushes and then slowly down and was in shock to see what looked like an abandon town. He looked around and then step into town as he look around and seeing that everything is in ruins.

There was no sign of life around him as he walk through town and then he climbed up the steps. When he reach the last step he heard a girl giggle behind him which made him turn around but there was no one. He gotten the chills qs he turn to a large building and walks over to it.

He then opens the twin doors and sees that it is a guild. Everything was also in ruins, no sign of life and the tables and chairs looked to be flipped over like this place was attacked.

He look around and then sees a book at the far end of the guild as he walk over to it, seeing that the book looks clean and normal as he look around and slowly reach his hand towards the book and then he touched.

Suddenly there was a flash and then he opem his eyes to see flames around him as he gasp in shock and then he race out of the burning guild and leap out just as there was an explosion behind him. The explosion sent him flying and he fell onto the ground as he slowly gets up and his eyes widen in shock to see the town in flames.

Screams can be heard as he race into town only to turn a corner to see dead bodies which made him shock as he slowly walks backwards and then heard.

???: Give up Zeeself, your finished!

Zeeself: NEVER!!!

He turn to see two wizards fighting only for Zeeself to be slain as he falls onto thr ground. Then cloak figure turns to face Y/n as he try to summon a weapon but it didn't work.

Y/n: (thought) What is this?

Soon more dark cloak figures appear behind him as they walk towards him only for their bodies to phase through him like ghosts.

He turn and walk them leave as he decided to leave town and return to everyone else. He race through the forest and calling out to Erza or anyone only to stop to hear a child crying. He turn to see child crying over of something so he came over and once close he was shocked to see a dead little girl as he stood there shocked.

Y/n: (thought) Those savages.....they.......they came here and kill everyone. Including the children for For fun? That's........That's disgusting.

Them dark orbs appear around his body as he continues watching the child crying in front of her friend as Y/n couldn't believe what he is seeing as he shut his eyes and then he open his eyes and everything was back to normal.

He look around seeing everything was back to normal qs he was breathing heavily as he grab his head and lend his back against the wall and sat down as he couldn't believe what he saw.

Makarov: What did you see?

He turn to see Makarov there as Makarov can tell that Y/n have seen something which Y/n tells him.

Y/n: I'm sorry I just.......I saw a women and I thought she is lost or stranded so I follow her and it live me to this town. I enter a guild and found this book only for it to show me a vision of the past. Makarov......that town was massacred.

Makarov:........I know.

Then Makarov came up and sat next to him as Makarov looks up at the trees and explain.

Makarov: Many years ago this island used to have people. They live far away from the magic council and any other threats. They lived in peace and this.....this was the birth place of the first guild master named Mavis. As a child she worked in a guild that treated her badly. One day, their rivals came and cost a huge massacre, killing everyone Including the guild members of Red Lizard guild.

Y/n: Was that the guild I've entered?

Makarov: That is correct. The only one who survived on that day was Mavis herself. She live alone on this island, made up a imagination that one of her friend named Zera was still alive and have been living with her for years. When she finally left the island and started to build Fairy Tail, she move on of her past and focused on forming Fairy Tail.

Y/n: I......I have no idea.

Makarov: She been through the same way you have. A llst of home only to find a new family to protect and help. (Smirk) It's ironic don't you think?

Y/n doesn't say anything as Makarov gets up and tells Y/n.

Makarov: Let's go back shall we.

He starts to walk away but then Y/n ask him after he stand up.

Y/n: Then....what was the reason for that vision? Was there a reason for that vision because......I feel like its suppose to mean something but what.

Makarov: Perhaps your still sticking with the past. I know that you have gotten along with us but deep down you seek vengeance apon those who destroyed your home. You wanted to know who they are and give justice to those who were lost, is that right?

Y/n was slinet for a moment as Makarov give him a look which Y/n sigh and tells him.

Y/n: Yes. I do. I.....I just want to find him and make them pay for what they done. All I ever wanted is to find them and make them pay.

Makarov:...........Vengeance will lead to a dark path for you. You must understand that vengeance isn't always the way. True you wish to seek justice but tell me, what kind of justice are you thinking about? Because if I is something I am thinking about then that's not like you.

Y/n: You know i would never take a life.

Makarov: Your right, you don't. But at the end of the day your still human, and humans tend to unleash their rage against those who wronged them. You must understand that if your continue to move on from the past, then bad things will happen in the future. For now let's go back and relax for the time being, okay?

Y/n:.......Yes master.

Makarov nodes and then leaves while Y/n follows him but then turne back and spotted the some women from before  peeking over the tree and then hide behind which creep him out a bit but he keep on going as he return back to camp with the other as we see the mysterious women as he smiles and then disappeared into the forest.

To be continued.............................................

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