Chapter 33: The ice wolf
We see Y/n, Chole, Gray, Danielle and Leigh walking through the snowy and winter land of Mt. Hakobe as they were walking through the weather as they were sent here on a job request to talk to someone who lived in a village about a legendary creature spotted within the mountains. They were minding their step in case they trip and hurt themselves while they were wearing warm coats so they van protect themselves from the coat weather.
All except Gray who is walking through without a shirt on him which Leigh ask him in a surprised tone.
Leigh: How the hell are you not freezing?!
Gray: What do you mean, the weather isn't that bad.
Danielle: It's freezing! Disbite me wearing this coat I'm still freezing!
Chole: So you think this legendry creature is even real? I mean many people seen weird things while being out here too long.
Y/n: Maybe but we can't be sure once we get there. Maybe we can get more information about this creature and how to find it.
Chole: Hope so.
Y/n: Say Gray, why did you want to come?
Gray: Figured I join you guys instead of being around Natsu a lot.
Y/n: (smile) Guess that's true.
Danielle: Hey we're here!
They look over to see a village down the hill so they slide down and they walk through the village as they see village people also wearing coats and walking by like everything is normal to them.
Gray: Looks like these people been living here for a long time.
Y/n: Guess so.
They soon arrive what looks like an old house which Y/n knock on the door and seconds later an old man open the door and ask.
???: Hello? Who are you people?
Y/n: (smile) Hello sir, we're from Fairy Tail, we came here about this job request about this creature?
???: Ah yes, come on, come in, soo glad you came!
They all enter and once that they sat around at the living room by the fire as they look around to see this old man is a archaeology as they see many pictures of him on the walls around his living while he introduced himself to them.
Koen: (smile) Greetings, my name is Koen but people call me the Hill King due to all the mountains and have climbed throughout my years, hehehehe.
Gray: Yeah we can see that.
Y/n: So we came here just to get more information about this creature and what it is?
Koen: Ah yes the ice wolfs, legendary creatures. They once said they live up of these hills for billions of years, they survive very cold temperatures and can even disappeared within the massive snow cloud before anyone can see them.
Danielle: Sounds interesting. Tell us more about them.
Koen: (smile) Gladly! You see, Billions of years ago the ice wolfs were once tribes that live within the coldess weather's of Mt. Hakobe for one one job, to save anyone who were lost within the snowy weather's. They appear to look human to anyone who is lost but the only difference is that they have wolf like ears and a tail, they also howl whenever there is someone lost or hurt.
Gray: So they are not actual wolfs?
Koen: No, they are like us but with wolf like appearance. Unfortunately they were all wiped out by the Vulcans and at first, that was the end of them until I encounter one when I've gotten lost and I was close to death but I was saved by a female ice wolf who took me here and disappeared from sight.
Chole: So you think she is the last ice wold to live within Mt. Hakobe?
Koen: I believe so. I may fear that she might be alone and possible in trouble by other Vulcans so I want you all to go out and find her. I would like to do it myself but as you can see, I'm not in a right stage to do anything.
Y/n: (smile) Don't worry sir, we'll find this ice wolf and make sure she is alright.
Koen: (smile) Thank you. Now she moves around a lot but i believe she went east from here, you might have good luck finding here there.
Y/n: (smile) Thank you sir, we'll find her for sure.
Once that they left his home and make their leave from the village and headed south as they start their look. Hours gone by and we see Gray climb up a hill and search around but can't find her anywhere while the rest were below him as they look around.
Chole: This is gonna be impossible to find her. There's nothing but snow everywhere.
Danielle: What should we do?
Leigh: Well for one we gonna be careful of where we step on.
Y/n: Agree. We should probably be careful while walking through the snowy weather.
Then Y/n spotted something in the distances but it was covered by the snow but he can see it moving so he slowly walks towards it while Gray spotted Y/n walking towards the figure as he suddenly realised what it is and called out.
Gray: Y/n stop! Get out of the-!
But it was too late as Y/n gets close and a Vulcan turned to face him and let out a roar which cost Y/n to step back and quickly summon his shield but the Vulcan slammed onto hid shield and the impact sent him flying and then he rolled through the snow until the floor behind him disappeared and he fell into a canyon as Chole and Leigh rushed over while Gray lands on the ground and freezes a Vulcan in place as he and Danielle rushes over as the four look down at the canyon as they call out to Y/n.
Chole: Y/n! Y/n! Please call us! Y/n!
Gray: Damn it! I can't see him!
Danielle: What should we do?!
Leigh: If I use my Earth magic I could summon vines but its too cold to grow anything!
Gray: Maybe there is another to get into the canyon. Come on let's go!
They agree and they race to find another way inside the canyon and they hope Y/n is alright down there.
We see Y/n laying in snow as he slowly open his eyes and find himself at the bottom of the canyon as he look around and seeing that he is all alone.
He slowly try to get up but he felt extreme pain on his right leg as he lay back down and realised he has broken his left leg when he hit the ground as he look around to see nothing but ice around him.
Y/n: (thought) Well this is just great. I'm trapped within a icy canyon with a broken leg and it doesn't look like there is a way for Gray and the others to get in and help me. Okay think, what should I do?
He tries to think of a plan to escape when suddenly he heard something approaching him on his right. He turn around to see a figure slowly walking towards him. At first he thought it was either Gray, Danielle or anyone but he was surprised when he sees wolf like ears and a long white tail.
He realised its the ice wolf as she apoorches him and stare at him and sees that he fell and broken his left leg.
Y/n: Um hi there. Its soo "ice" to see you down here.
She walk up to him, getting closer and then being down to check his broken leg as she gently touch it which cost Y/n to groan a bit while she spoke.
???: My apologies. It seems bad.
Y/n: Yeah it is. Think you can heal it?
???: Unfortunately no but I can get you out of here as best I can.
Y/n: You found a way out?
???: Not yet but judging by the wind travel, I think we should go right. Hopefully that will take us to our exit.
Y/n: (smile) Great, let's get going!
Once that she pick up Y/n and then start carrying him as they follow the wind travelling through the canyon. It was slince between the two as they walked so Y/n decided to start tehie conversation with her.
Y/n: So what's your name?
???: I don't have one.
Y/n: You don't have a name?
???: I was never given a name by my parents. They disappeared on me when I turn 8.
Y/n: That's awful, I'm sorry. Well how's about I give you one?
???: (little surprised) Really?
Y/n: (smile) Sure. How's about........Ashley, Ashley Smith.
Ashley: (small smile) I like it, thank you.
Y/n: (smile) No problem. I can tell you don't talk to any humans do you?
Ashley: Not really. I rather to be alone and help others that are needed.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah I heard about you and your tribes. Must be honourable and kind race.
Ashley: They were and I wish all humans think that as well.
Y/n: What do you mean?
Ashley: You see, disbite our kindness to humans and saving their lives, they deemed us as beast who only after their food and their supplies when ever they passed out within the snow, they even accused us of stealing them disbite of us not stealing it. So they hired a guild to destroy our home and kill our people and that was it.
Y/n: (shocked) That can't be right? An old man by the name of Koen told us that Vulcan were the once that destroyed your homes and your people?
Ashley: I see. Well whoever that human was mysterious be lying because that's not how it happen.
Y/n was confused for a bit and wonder if Koen was telling the truth of not. Still he tells Ashley.
Y/n: Listen i don't know what to believe but what I can say that I trust you and I hope you can do the same to me.
Ashley: But why? Not to be rude but you don't know how it feels to watch your people die within one day.
Y/n: Actually I do. I lost everyone I knew in a village and everyone was killed and.....I was too late to save anyone.
Ashley: Oh......I'm sorry then. Guess we both are similar.
Y/n: Yeah seems like it. But hey, if you have friends by your side, your never alone.
Ashley cracks a small smile and soon they see a hill that will take them out of the canyon. They climb up the hill and soon they made it out of the canyon as Ashley place Y/n down as Y/n said to Ashley.
Y/n: Thanks Ashley. Your the best.
She smiled to him when suddenly she senses something and look over and to their shock, the whole village people were there holding spears, swords and nets while Koen is in front of them and given Y/n ans Ashley a smirk.
Koen: (smirk) Finally. The last ice wolf has come out and now we can finally finish this once and for all.
Y/n: (shocked) What is this?! And also, didn't you say what happened to her people?!
Koen: (smirk) It was all a lie. I just told you that story so you can go out and find her and now we can end this for sure.
Y/n: But why?! Her and her tribe are not evil! They are good people!
Koen: (smirk) We don't care how good their tribes are or how they help other fools lost in the woods. You see we wanted to get rid of them a long time because they ruin our hunting season. Always taking the food they have found and taking them to their home while leaving us with nothing! We try to request the magic council to kick them out but due to the fact they haven't done anything they leave them be so we hired a dark guild to wipe them all out! All except one.
Y/n: So your just gonna kill her?! That's messed up!
Koen: (smirk) Doesn't matter who is messed up, now we can end this once and for all.
Y/n slowly stood up and limps in front of Ashley as he stood in front of her and then summon his sword while he tells them.
Y/n: If you want to get her, you have to get pass me.
Ashley is surprised to see Y/n protecting her while Koen smirked and then he and the other village people charge towards them but they take onky three steps when they were suddenly frozen in ice which surprised Ashley and Y/n.
Gray: Hey Y/n!
Then Gray, Danielle, Chole and Leigh rushed over to them as Y/n collapse and fell back onto the floor as they rushed up to him.
Chole: You okay?! We overheard what Koen was saying while walking here!
Y/n: Well glad you guys came, oh my left leg is kinda broken due to the fall. Luckily Ashley found me and help me out of here.
Danielle: Ashley?
Ashley: (smile) Hi. Y/n named me.
Danielle: (smile) Well it's nice to meet you.
Ashley node and then turn to make hee leave when Gray called out to her.
Gray: You know those village people ain't gonna stop searching for you.
Ashley: I know. I might as well hide for them as best I can.
Y/n: Maybe you don't have to.
Chole and Leigh help Y/n up while Ashley turn to him as Y/n tells him.
Y/n: (smile) You can come with us and join Fairy Tail.
Ashley: You sure? What if they don't accept me?
Y/n: (smile) They will accept you no matter what you are. Everyone is welcome to Fairy Tail and feel like a family there.
Ashley is surprised by this offer she was given and without a second thought she accept which they smiled and once that they head back to Fairy Tail with Ashley coming with them as a new member of Fairy Tail.
To be continued............................................
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