Chapter 32: Guildarts arrival

Within the high mountains that is located somewhere far away from any civilisation from miles we can hear what sounded like a roar of a monster followed by an explosion that shook the earth. We then cut to see the monstee roaring into the air only to fell and slammed onto the ground.

It moved lifeless once hit the ground and we then see another monster rushing towards something only for the monster to immediately get killed within seconds and fell onto the ground and join with the other monsters that were killed by a unknown figure.

We then see a few flying monsters flying down and was about to strike at the person when suddenly their bodies  turned into cubes and was spread all over the floor.

There was only dust but we can hear footsteps and then we see a cloak figure walking out from the dust, walking away from the monsters that he head defeated when he got here as he make his walk away from the dead monster and make a long journey through the mountains, the forest and the open field.

Then he stop and look on to a town which is his home as he finally make his return after all these years. We see the town of Magnolia as the cloaked man enters Magnolia and see how everyone else has been since he was gone.


We see Y/n, Aira, Dalila, Macao and Romeo at the game room as we see Dalila and Macao playing some darts and getting some points while Y/n, Aira and Romeo watched them play.

Dalila: Bullseye!

Macao: (smirk) Nice shot. Hey Y/n you wanna go next?

Y/n: I'm good Macao, thanks.

Romeo: (smile) So what was the most strongest thing you have defeated?

Y/n: That's hard to say. There have been a lot of strong threats that I've managed to defeat.

Aira: What about that one time you fought Zero and Nirvana?

Y/n: Yeah that was tough especially when I blocked Nirvana's blast. I used up some magic to block that shot.

Romeo: (surprised) Wow that's soo cool!

Dalila: Say I've been thinking about something that I should have asked a long time ago.

Macao: What's that?

Dalila: Well it's about the S-Class wizards. There is Erza, Laxus and Mystogan but since Laxus is kicked out while Mystogan return back to Edolas to lead them as king....there is now only one which is Erza. But there has to be more still out there right?

Macao: Hhhhmmmm Well there is one still out there.

Y/n: Really? Who is it?

Macao: His name is Guildarts and he's a powerful wizard before you came and join the guild. He's a powerful wizard who can take on anything and walk away like it was nothing.

Y/n: (surprised) Really so he's as powerful as I am?

Macao: Yeah.

Aira: So where is he now?

Macao: Hmm if I remember correctly he's taking on the 100 year quest.

Dalila: The 100 year quest?

Macao: It's a quest that many guild members across the world partake as a way to proof themselves stronger. You see once your permission is granted by the guild master then you must take a long journey to see someone who will asigned you on a job that will take you 100 years.

Dalila: (shocked) That's a long time!

Macao: (smile) Yeah but that's part od the quest. Once that is accepted they must complete the quest without fail.

Y/n: What do they get if they complete it?

Macao: That's the thing, we don't know. All we do know is that no one hasn't completed it for years. It's been around for more then a 100 years and wizards who took part of it comes back with a fail. Apparently Guildarts is trying to complete it in hopes he can get something if he completed it.

Y/n: So how long was this?

Macao: Maybe 30 or 35 years ago maybe. I don't know it was a long time ago.

Romeo: (smile) My dad told me stories about Guildarts and how cool he is.

Aira: (smirk) That's cute.

Dalila: Hey maybe Y/n might complete it!

Y/n: I think I'll wait when the time is right alright.

Suddenly they heard a lot of noise upstairs that sounded like people running around so they make their way up the step and sees a lot of people running around and moving some tables and chairs away while the rest were a bit confused.

Warren: He's coming! He's coming!

Then Warren sees Y/n and the others and rushed over to them which Y/n ask him.

Y/n: Wow Warren what's going on? Why is everyone in a panic?

Warren: He's coming! Guildarts is coming here!

Y/n: (surprised) Wait seriously?!

Macao: (surprised) No way! Has it been 100 years already?!

Warren: Well we're about to find out!

The guild doors open and once that the whole guild stopped what they were doing and watched as a cloaked figure make his way inside the guild and then step inside the guild. He look around the guild and the members as Makarov, Erza and Chole apoorches him.

Y/n: (thought) Wow he seems like a powerful wizard. Wonder what magic he use that makes him powerful.

Makarov: Welcome back to Fairy Tail Guildarts. Nice to see you after all these years.

Erza: Agree, it's good to have you back.

Guildart: (smirk) Well glad to be back. Seems things have changed since I've left.

Chole: It's a long story but good to have you back Guildarts.

Then he turn to her and he look at her while Chole was a bit nervous while the others were watching as Guildarts open his mouth and said.

Guildarts: Hey......whose this blonde chick?

Everyone fell onto the ground, dumbfounded by his question as Chole gets up and tells him.

Chole: I'm Chole! Don't you remember me?!

Guildarts: Wait you are? Oh yeah I remember you now. Sorry but its been a long time since I've seen you.

Chole: Thanks.

Y/n: He's a bit clueless isn't he?

Warren: Yeah but he's still powerful.

Gray: He can turn a table into piles of cubes including a house.

Y/n: (surprised) For real!? Whoa.

Makarov: So why are you back here so early? Thought you took on the 100 year quest?

Guildarts: Oh yeah that well it's a long story but say where is Natsu?

Natsu: Right here Guildarts!

Then Natsu leaps out from the crowd and try to land him a iron drain fist but Guildarts just smirked and knock out Natsu within seconds.

Y/n: (shocked) What was that for?

Happy: Natsu always challenged Guildarts to a fight and ended up with Natsu getting knocked out.

Lucy: So basically fights anyone who is the strongest then?

Wendy: Seems like it.

Guildarts: Oh yeah I forgot to ask. I've heard many stories about a chosen one in this guild.

Makarov: (smile) Ah your talking to Y/n, he joined the guild a while ago after you left.

Then Y/n moved through the crowd and walk up to Guildarts and once he walked up to him and said.

Y/n: It's very nice to meet you Guildarts.

Guildarts: Ah so your the kid that replaced me?

Y/n: Um yeah but you see-

Guildarts: (chuckle) Your pretty are powerful I can tell! Say let's have a drink together shall we?

Y/n: Um sure thing.

Guildarts laugh once more while we can see Cana looking at Guildarts and not a bit happy for some reason. Soon we see Y/n and Guildarts at the bar as Mirajane served them drinks which Guildarts take and have a drink and then ask Y/n.

Guildarts: (smirk) So i heard you got some girls all over you ever since you join the guild, is that true?

Y/n: (little nervous) Yeah I do.

Guildarts: (smirk) Your one lucky kid, when I was your age I never have as many girls as you have! Your one lucky guy I can tell you that.

Y/n: Thanks. So Guildarts what magic do you use that makes you powerful?

Guildarts: (smile) Let's just say a lot but what aboit you kid?

Y/n: Well I have a special type of requip that's kinda like forms and I have some powerful weapons and a lot of magic spells as well.

Guildarts: (smile) Is that so? Man your one cool wizard.

Y/n: Thanks.

We then see other guild members watching them talking and sharing their magic.

Lily: So he's stronger just like Y/n?

Happy: (smile) Yeah I've heard many stories about him.

Carla: He's a bit loud.

Lisanna: (smile) But he is funny. Been a while since I've seen him laugh.

Levy: Say dose this mean we have both strongest wizards within Fairy Tail?

Fried: It seems so. The two are equally strong.

Evergreen: (smirk) I bet Y/n is fair stronger then Guildarts.

Bickslow: Oh man just imagine if they fight!

Dalila: That would be awesome!

Chole: Or might destroy Magnolia within seconds.

Danielle: Probably not let that happen.

The rest of the guild agrees and then Guildarts ask Y/n.

Guildarts: So Y/n where do you live before you came here?

Y/n: Oh.....Well I used to live a village where I worked as a blacksmith. One day I found this sword that made me a chosen one but when I return back to the was all destroyed and no one survived.

Guildarts: Wait......I think I went pass that destruction before.

Y/n: You did?

Guildarts: Hang on a minute here. Your this boy from this picture I found.

He then pulled out a small picture and shows it to Y/n. It was a bit burned however he can see Y/n and his family while Y/n is shocked by this and asked.

Y/n: (shocked) How?!

Guildarts: Well I enter this destroyed village and decided to explore it a bit. In one of the buildings was what it looks like a blacksmith shop and I found this picture buried within the rubble.

Y/n takes the picture and looked at it for a bit while Guildarts finished up his drink and stood up while he said.

Guildarts: Well I better make my leave now, gonna head home. Oh yeah one more then, hey Natsu!

Then Natsu rushes up to him with his fist bursting into flames while he said.

Natsu: (smirk) Ready to get beaten Guildarts?

Everyone: (thought) Isn't not beaten the last time not enough?!

Guildarts: I wanna talk to you about something important.

Natsu: Um sure thing?

Guildarts and make his leave but he walked through the wall as the wall break and fell apart while everyone was in shock.

Makarov: So much for keeping the guild attached.

Mirajane giggles a bit while Y/n is still looking at the picture and never thought nothing would survived the destruction of his home.


We see Y/n at the beach and looking at the ocean just to clear his head. He stood there a bit when Chole apoorches him and stood next to him and ask him.

Chole: You okay?

Y/n: I just.....never thought this picture would survive.

Chole: Well it's a good thing Guildarts find it and return it to you.

Y/n: Yeah........but still.

Chole: Huh?

Y/n: My home and everyone I know is still dead and the once who destroyed it is not found. They will pay for destroying my home.

Chole: That would be hard since we have no idea who they are.

Y/n: Yeah......your right.

He was lying. He knows who done it but he can't tell Chole or anyone what he know otherwise they will end up dead just like his village. Still he tug the picture into his pocket and stare at the ocean with Chole in peace.


We see Dalila, Aira and Carla inside the guild and sitting down as Dalila asked Carla something.

Dalila: Please Carla please show us what you can see in the future? Please! Just for a bit?

Carla: Well I don't see why not.

Dalila: Yes!

Aira: (smile) Well let's see what you can forseen?

Carla nodes and closes her eyes and starts to forced. After a while she start to see things whoch Dalila and Aira sees her reaction and they ask her.

Dalila: Well what do you see?

Carla: I island......just an island with another on top for it like a tree.

Dalila: So an island with another on top of a island? That's kinda weird?

Aira: To be fair we've also been through weird things ever since we joined Fairy Tail.

Dalila: Yeah that's true. So what else do you see?

Carla: I see......a grave stone......just a grave stone in the.....wait.....there's something else.

Dalila: What is it?

Carla: I......I see.....I see.

Dalila: Carla?

Then flashes can be seen as the first was the forest dying including the wildlife. The other was a fleet of unknown ships sailing towards the island like they are invading the island. Then there was Cana crying which was soon changed to a large black armor person with glowing red eyes within its helmet and letting out a loud roar that echo throughout the island. The last was Natsu, Lucy, Erza, Wendy, Gray and Chole on their knees as a huge army of monsters were making their way towards them and one od them gets close and then bites them.

Then Carla open hee eyes very fast and step back a bit while Dalila and Aira were a bit worried and asked.

Dalila: Are you okay?

Aira: What did you see?

Carla: Something.......terrible. I wasn't sure if some were your but I'm getting a feeling that something bad will happen soon in thr future.

Dalila amd Aira look at each other and to Carla as they wonder what Carla ment by that and what terrible things that will happen in the future.


Someone in the forest while the fog surrounds the place, we see the three cloaked figures gather around as they look at each other and then said.

Cloak figure 1: Have you all have feel it?

Cloak figure 2: Indeed.

Cloak figure 3: I have felt it as well. Its no doubt that it is him.

Cloak figure 1: Indeed. Soon he will be found and the world will be turned into darkness.

Cloak figure 3: This will be Y/n's chance to defeat the darkness of this world and bring peace to this world.

Cloak figure 2: What about the dragon of Chaos Acnologia? I have senses that he is awaken somehow and now he is somewhere within the world.

All of sudden there was a mighty roar and they all quickly look up and see what seems like a massive dragon within the cloaks and have spotted them. The thing roared at them and then start to charge up it's magic while the three Cloak figures see that their time has come.

Cloak figure 1: Our time has finally come.'s up the chosen one that will save thid world now.

Then there was a huge beem followed by a huge explosion that destroyed all life within the forest, leaving a huge creater with no life what so ever as the dragon roared at its victory and disappeared into the clouds and now it's up to Y/n of saving the world before this world will fall into darkness and destruction.

To be continued.....................................................

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