Chapter 30: She's back (Lemon)

We see the aftermath of the battle at the capital of Edolas as we see citizens rebuilding after the battle and life is starring over again. With Edolas Jellal know the new king of Edolas he banished the Edolas King out of the land as his punishment for ruling a kingdom in fear.

The Edolas King agrees and leaves. It was over, Edolas and everyone will be free from his rain of terror once and for all. We then see Edolas Y/n standing at the same spot where Y/n and his dragon slayer friends were at before they were pulled away back to their world as he look up at the sky as he stare up a bit and then Coco walks up next to him as he turn to her.

Edolas Y/n: You okay Coco?

Coco: Yeah I'm okay. The King didn't punished use for everything we done.

Edolas Y/n: That's good.

Coco: You think we ever gonna see them again?

Edolas Y/n turns away with a smile on his face while he tells Coco.

Edolas Y/n: (smile) Maybe Coco, maybe one day. Now come, let's head to the guild.

Edolas Y/n and Coco walk through town while many citizens sees Edolas Y/n and rather being feared or angry by him. They instead cheered and clapped, realising that he risk his own life to stop a corrupt King and all his works were paid off and now the citizens including the world of Edolas thanks him and his guild for his heroic action.

Soon the two arrive back to the guild as they see the guys pulling the guild while the girls watched as Edolas Y/n calls out to them.

Edolas Y/n: (smile) We're back.

They turn as Edolas Y/n walks over then Edolas Lucy rush up and hugs him while a smile on her face.

Edolas Lucy: (smile) Hey Y/n. Welcome home.

The two smiled and then they kissed on the lips. They stopped with Edolas Lucy giggled a bit while Edolas Y/n smiled and ask her and the other girls.

Edolas Y/n: Guess I'll join the guys on the pulling?

Edolas Juvia: (smirk) No there is something else we have for you.

Edolas Levy: (smirk) Somewhere....Private.

Edolas Y/n: (smile) Sure thing. Coco, stay here with Mirajane and the rest okay?

Coco: (smile) Sure thing.

Edolas Y/n, Edolas Lucy, Edolas, Juvia, Edolas Levy and Edolas Wendy head off to do something private while Coco just smiled and looks up in the sky while she thinks to herself.

Coco: (thought) Thank you for everything Earthlander's. I hope we can see each other soon in thr future.


We see a forest as rain drops fell down from the skynas we see Y/n, Natsu, Happy, Lucy, Gray, Erza, Wendy, Carla, Leigh, Gajeel and Chole in the middle of the woods as they look around and wonder they are back on Earthland.

Natsu: Are we back?

Y/n: I think so. I can feel a lot of magic engery around me so that means we are home.

Lucy: (smile) Finally! We're home!

Chole: As soon we get to the guild, I'm getting a spar bath as soon as possible.

Y/n: (smile) Don't blame you.

???: There you are.

They all turn and they were surprised to see the Exceeds flying over them which surprised them that they follow them here to Earthland.

Gajeel: (surprised) Did they follow us here?!

Leigh: Seems like it.

Shagotte: Indeed. We were sucked into anima and now we have a new home thanks to you all.

They smiled glad that they found a new home but then Carla asked Shagotte a question.

Carla: Listen I wanna know. Why did you really sent us to Earthland? Did you really want to kill all the dragon slayers or what?

Shagotte gone silent as she looked down and then explains to them.

Shagotte: Your mission to destroy the dragon slayers was not your mission. The real mission is to find a new home for us Exceeds to live. You see, I can forsee the future and I have seen the fall of our home. In order to find a new home without panicking our people, we made up a fale mission of sending our young children into Earthland to kill the Dragon slayers.

Natsu: Well that's nice for you to do.

Shagotte: I must apologise for the confusion I have put apon you and Happy there. Please, accept my apology.

Carla:.....Of course. I'm glad you all find a new home.

Shagotte: (smile) Indeed and thank you all for your help. Now, goodbye.

The Exceeds also wave to them goodbye and then they fly off to find a place they can call home within Earthland as they watch them go before they were out of site.

Leigh: (smile) So should we head back to the guild?

Y/n: Yeah let's g-

Suddenly there was something moving instead bushes and they turn and a small black Exceed came out of the bushes while holding a rope as they stood there a bit.

Y/n: Um Lily? Is that you?

Lily: Yeah that me.

Happy: (surprised) Huh?! But you were so big the last time we saw you!

Lily: I'm able to change my appearance and size as I want.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow I never know Exceeds can do that.

Chole: (surprised) Same. Here I thought they can only fly and talk.

Lily: I can fly as well but anyways, I've captured someone that was following me.

???: Ow I'm not a threat! Let go!

Then suddenly everyone was shocked to see Lisanna came out of the bushes and they all froze there a bit whioe Lisanna looks at them.

Natsu: (shocked) No way.

Happy: (shocked) Is that?

Chole: (shocked) Holy crap. No way.

Lisanna: (smile) Hey guys. It's been a while hasn't it?

Erza: Wait! There's no way your not our Lisanna! Right, it can't be!

Lisanna: Actually.....I am.

They were even more shocked and confused so Lisanna explains what happened to her.

Lisanna: You see.....After I fall unconscious, I end up in front of the Edolas version of Fairy Tail. When I enter, everyone was happy to see me alive and well. I know I can't tell them I wasn't their Lisanna so I decided to be their Lisanna for a bit until you guys came. I was scared if one of yous ever found out but whne Anima was sucking all of you back to Earthland, it also sucked me as well but before I go, Edolas Mirajane and Elfman knew I belong back to Earthland and be with my really big brother and sister. And that's how I end up here.

They were all shocked by this and have no idea what to say. Lisanna looks down feel a bit ashamed but then someone walks up to her and cut the rope from her hands as she looked up to see Y/n as he stood up and gives her a smile and reach out his hand towards her.

Y/n: (smile) Don't feel ashamed Lisanna. I may not know what you did while on Edolas with the rest but what Natsu or the rest told me. You made them happy even in their darkness time until the end.

Lisanna stare up at Y/n and then smiled as she takes Y/n's hand and Y/n tells her.

Y/n: (smile) Let's go home Lisanna, time to surprise your family of your return.

She agrees and then we cut to Magnolia and at the graveyard we see Mirajane and Elfman visits Lisanna's grave as they sat around while the rain pours over them as they stand in front of her grave in silence until they heard.

Lisanna: Elfman, Mira!

The two were shocked and turn around and they were even more shocked to see Lisanna. They couldn't believe their eyes as they start to cry while Lisanna also cry as well and rushed over and all three hugger as they burst out crying, happy to have a family back together again.

At the background we see Y/n and the rest smile with some in tears to see them together as Y/n smiled to see them happy whne flashes of his family and the people in his village appear in his head as he lower his head down and a sinagl tear came down from his cheek.


The sun is shown up in the sky as we look at the Fairy Tail guild Hall as we see the other guild members were shocked of Lisanna's return from the dead but at the sametime they were glad so they pull up a party to celebrate Lisanna's return.

Everyone was enjoying the party with a few guild members talking to Lisanna and sharing some laughs while we see Aira, Dalila, Carla and Y/n sat around the table as Dalila slammed on the table on shock as she ask Carla.

Dalila: (shocked) Wow so you can now see the future?!

Carla: (smirk) Indeed. It seems I can feel it within me right now.

Aira: That could be useful.

Y/n: (smile) Agree and awesome as well!

Carla: (smile) Indeed.

Dalila: Say I notice your a bit happier and you seems to get along more to other guild members then usual.

Aira: Agree. What a change?

Carla and Y/n look at each other with a smile and Carla tells them.

Carla: (smile) Let's just say.....we been through an adventure that you all didn't know.

The two were confused while Y/n smiled and then Wendy walks over to theie table and ask Y/n.

Wendy: (nervous) H-Hey Y/n? I-If your free, do you mind follow me to the storage room?

Y/n turns to Carla and she smiled and node which Y/n turns to Wendy and said.

Y/n: (smile) Sure. Let me speak to Lisanna and I'll meet you there.

Wendy nodes all nervous and walks off as Y/n leaves the table and heads off to find Lisanna. Soon he finds Lisanna talking to Deliliah, Emery and Julia and after the trio walk off Lisanna turn to Y/n as Y/n ask her.

Y/n: You doing alright Lisanna?

Lisanna: (smile) Yep. It's feels great to be back. I missed everyone while I can see everything has changed. Especially this guild.

Y/n: Oh....Well let's just say-

Lisanna: Phantom destroyed the last one? Yeah, they told me that but they also told me how you showed up and help them. I just wanna thank you for helping them and protecting them.

Y/n: (smile) It's no problem Lisanna.

Lisanna: (smile) Hey. Maybe tomorrow you and I can go out and I can get to know more about you. After all, Mirajane and the rest the girls are right, your too handsome and cute.

Y/n: (blush) Th-Thanks I-

Then Lisanna lend over and kissed him in the lips which surprised Y/n and then she lend back and give him a cute smile and then heads while before she calls out.

Lisanna: See ya Y/n~!

She disappeared from the crowd as Y/n was surprised of the kiss and how soft her lips are. But she smiled and heads off to find Wendy as the party continues on.

(Lemon start)

At the far back storage room we can see some light follow by some moans and some clothes laying on the ground as around the corner we see Y/n and Wendy laying on what seems like soft pillows with a blanket over it as the two were completely naked while Wendy was above Y/n ad the two made out together.

The two share some moans while Y/n wrap his arms around Wendy while Wendy dose the same as they continue making smoke moans and groans and after a long while or making out, the two stop and look at each other with love in their eyes as Wendy sat up as she breaths heavily as she feels really turned on.

Wendy: (panting) Whoa....that felt.....wonderful.

Y/n: (panting) Y-Yeah. That was a lot longer then I can imagine.

Wendy: (panting) I feel really turned on Y/n. Really I do, i want more. I wanna go to the next level.

Before Y/n could say anything Wendy slide her vagina through Y/n's dick and she theust it forward and back while the two share some light moans as Wendy never felt something like this before and it felt really good as they continue a few while and after a while they lend out a loud moan once I was done.

Then we see the two turn around and now Y/n was ln tol of Wendy as the two made out while Y/n grabs one of her breast and after they were done making out Y/n lower his body down and start sucking on her breast which she lend out a cute gasp when she felt Y/n's mouth is sucking on one of her breast.

She wishes they were a bit bigger but it seems Y/n doesn't care what size they are which is why she love him as this gose on for a while until her milk exploded into Y/n's mouth and he drank it up.

Then we see Y/n pinned Wendy against the wall and making out while Y/n reach his hand down and stick his finger into her which she lend out a cute light moan and then Y/n kissed her neck which made her moan even more while she breaths heavily while Y/n sticks two fingers into her vagina which lend her moan even more and can't take it anymore and let it out fo her.

Then we see Wendy grab hold on the shelf in front of her and make sure it doesn't fall. As soon they see it is stable, Y/n sticks his dick into her butt and start thrusting in and out while Wendy lend out some moans.

Wendy: (moaning) That it! That feels great! Don't stop! Don't stop!

Y/n gose on even more as he gose a bit faster and harder while Wendy lend out some moans even more and before she know it the two lend out some loud moans and breath heavily. The two breath heavily and then the two fell onto the soft pillow like bed as they panting as Wendy cuddle Y/n as she smiled gently and soon she passed out while Y/n turns to her while breathing heavily and then kiss he'd on the forhead as he can't hold it any longer and then he too fell asleep as well.

(Lemon ends)
(A few hours later)

It was night as Y/n woke up and exit out of the storage room for a bit just to check on the party and looks over to see everybody is asleep.

Y/n: (thought) Damn we must have party hard. Well....they were.

He chuckle himself and looks over to see Elfman, Mirajane and Lisanna sleeping together as he smiled to see the trio back together after for soo long.

He looks around to see everyone happy and sleeping but then when his eyes lend on the guild entrance he sees three mask figures standing at the entrance and then he realise that those are the same cloaked figures that he have met in the first place so he rushes over to them.

Y/n: (shocked) It's you three! I didn't know I would get to see you three again.

Cloak figure 1: I have seen that you have return from Edolas.

Y/n: Yeah I have. Man it was crazy but we finally made it back safely and sound.

Cloak figure 2: We can tell that you are getting stronger throughout the months and we are glad for that.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks. So why are you here?

Cloak figure 3: We are here because we have decade to tell you the truth.

Y/n: The truth? About what?

Cloak figure 1: Your village destruction. Have you ever found out who destroyed your village and kill everyone you loved?

Y/n: N-No I haven't. Why?

The three cloaked figures look to each other, not sure they should tell him but after a while they node and turn back to Y/n.

Cloak figure 1: Your village was destroyed by a guild that wanted the prophecy to not be fulfilled.

Cloak figure 2: They wanted to bring the darkness apon Earthland so they have locate where the ancient sword was and destroyed the village in hopes to find it and eliminate. Unfortunately they couldn't find it and they escape before the magic council would come.

Y/n was shocked by this and flashes of his destroyed village and bones appear in his head as he lower his head down and then looks back up at the three cloaked figures and then ask one question.

Y/n: Who destroyed my village and everyone I care for?

The first cloaked figure step forward and tells Y/n as his eyes widen in shock.

Cloak figure 1: They are the ones that destroyed your village and kill everyone you care for. Soon....they will learn the Chosen one still lives and they will find you and your guild. You must be ready for them to come.

Once that the three turn and leave the guild, leaving standing there speechless as the doors slowly closes as Y/n looks up at the three cloaked figures as they disappeared from his site once the guild doors closes in front of him.

To be continued...................................

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