Chapter 3: Guild war ends now
We see piles of unconscious Phantom Lords members as we see Y/n at the other side as he turn and see the mess he made.
Y/n: (smirk) Jeez even they are weak or I'm just getting stronger. Still need to reach Lucy before........
Then he turn to the window and was shocked to see a huge ghost like Phantom pinching the damage fairy tail guild enter one single punch it comes falling down into the green and completely destroyed.
Y/n could feel everyone's sadness and lost as they lost there guild or home. Y/n was angered by the Phantom Lords for what they did and he rush through thw halls while saying to himself.
Y/n: (thought) Ok, now there crossing the line, its time to end this war once and for all...for fairy tail.
Gajeel laughs out load as Natsu, Lucy and Happy just saw there guild have been destroyed and Natsu see this and remembers all his childhood days when I join the guild and met many new friends. Nastu slowly stood up and also remembered Makarov defeat and Lucys tears and he turn and walks over to Gajeel while both Lucy and Happy have tears in there eyes.
Lucy: (tears) Plenty Natsu, don't do this. Just let them take me and this will be all over.
Happy: (tears) Lucy. You know he won't let that happen.
Lucy realised that Happy is right and couldn't do nothing but stand there as Natsu walks up to Gajeel while Gajeel smirks.
Gajeel: (smirk) How dose it feel to lose your guild. It must be a shame.
Natsu was about to punch Gajeel but Gajeel hits Natsu to the side and crash into a machine were Nastu fell onto his knees and fell onto the ground while Lucy cover her face as she don't want to see it.
Gajeel have a evil smirk in his face as he walks up to Natsu and once there he grab Natsu by the stuff and lift him into the air and said.
Gajeel: (smirk) It over kid, you lost.
Gajeel was about to finish Natsu off when suddenly a spear was thrown and hits Gajeel and met Natsu fell onto the ground as Gajeel stumbled backwards and teh spear comes back to Gajeel but he hits it with his metal arm and the spear spine upwards and comes down and was caught by Y/n as he saids.
Y/n: This isn't over on my watch.
Happy: (surprised) It's Y/n!
Lucy: Y/n?
Gajeel face Y/n as the two stare at each other for a while until Gajeel chuckles adn said.
Gajeel: And your here to stop me kid? You don't stand a chance!
Y/n: You may think of me as a boy, but I won't rest until your guild is lost and Lucy is safe.
Gajeel: (smirk) What are you a hero? You never defeat us you stupid kid.
Gajeel charge at Y/n and turn his left arm into a blade and jump into the air and was about to strike at Y/n but Y/n summon his sword and block Gajeel's attack. Gajeel suddenly feel massive power inside the sword and jumps back and Y/n smirks and noticed Gajeel's shock and said.
Y/n: (smirk) I see your shocked about this sword huh? Well I've found this sword in a cave and only I could use it. Its very powerful and can stand against to any strong dark magic powers.
Gajeel: I don't care you have that sword, your still just a weak fool.
Y/n: (smirk) Alright I guess its time to show you my armor or I like to call forms.
Then Y/n tattoo mark start to glow and it was a burst of light that blinds everyone in the room for a second until the light was gone.
Gajeel: What the hell was......
Gajeel's eyes were open including Lucy, Happy and Natsu as they see Y/n's has changed into his base armor form and couod feel all the magic energy within the armor.
Lucy: (shocked) No way, He's magic energy.
Happy: (shocked) Its over the roof, I never sense this massive power ever in my life.
Natsu: (shocked) Woah.
Gajeel was shocked as well but stay calm and said to Y/n.
Gajeel: (smirk) If you really wanna proof yourself to be strong then take your best shot.
Y/n: Gladly.
Y/n suddenly disappeared and reappeared behind Gajeel and smack Gajeel into a wall with full force that make a huge hole in the wall. Gajeel exit otut of the wall and launch at Y/n with his arm blade but Y/n clash it with his sword and the two clash blades at each other until Y/n dodge a stab from Gajeel and he elbowed Gajeel in the stomach and grab him on the back of his shirt and throw him away.
Gajeel crash into one of the machines as he looks up and see Y/n rushing towards him and Y/n jump up into the air and was about to strike on Gajeel but Gajeel move out of the way and Y/n slash his sword onto a machine which it exploded and fire spread everywhere while Gajeel smirks once again and said.
Gajeel: (Smirk) I guess that it for you then.
Y/n: Not yet.
Gajeel: (shocked) What?!
Then flames circled around Y/n and it burst out and Y/n has changed int his fire armor form.
Y/n reach out his right arm and fire a huge flame at Gajeel and Gajeel takes the hit and was sent flying back. Then Y/n spone fire like disk and throw it at Gajeel. Gajeel see this and dodge them but Y/n dash towards Gajeel and punch Gajeel in the face and while in mide air Y/n jump up and kicks Gajeel down into the ground and made a huge shake to the room.
Gajeel slowly stood up and could feel burns on his body as he shake in anger and turn to Y/n.
Gajeel: (anger) Do you think you could beat me! No one beats the Iron dragon slayer!
Gajeel fired a massive iron dragon roar towards Y/n but Y/n reach out one hand and blocks the attack with one arm and after Gajeel stop and see Y/n is unhurt Y/n said.
Y/n: Ok time to end this.
Y/n quickly dash towards Gajeel and quickly punch Gajeel so many times with incredible speed and then Y/n left arm burst into flames and one more punch into Gajeel's face sent him flying and crash through a wall and he was knock out as Gajeel is defeated.
Lucy, Happy and Natsu were shocked and Y/n turns Lucy and Happy and said.
Y/n: Take Nastu out of here and get yourself out of here.
Happy: Ok.
Lucy: But what about you?
Y/n: I'm going after Jose and end this fight once and for all.
Happy: But he's too powerful to beat.
Y/n: (smirk) Don't worry I can beat him, I just gonna have faith.
Y/n turn and walks away but Lucy calls out to Y/n.
Lucy: Y/n wait!
Y/n turn and turn and Lucy said
Lucy: Thank you and I'm sorry.
Y/n stare at Lucy and he gives her a thumps up and said.
Y/n: No problem and don't blame yourself for this mess. If anyone should be to blame its Jose and his Phantom Lords, don't blame yourself ok?
Lucy: (blush) Y-Yeah thank you Y/n.
Y/n nods and walks off to face Jose and end this for good.
We see Jose at the halls as he just defeated Erza, Elfman and Mirajane as we see them laying on the ground and injured.
Jose: (smirk) Yous are fools to face me, your all will be sent into the dark void were you will face darkness.
Erza slowly stood up and Jose fired his dark magic and was about to kill Erza, Mirajane and Elfman but then an ice wall appeared in front of them and block Jose attack and save Erza, Mirajane and Elfman.
Erza: (shocked) What Gray?
Y/n: Nope me.
Jose turn and see Y/n on yop of the stairs while wearing his fire arms form as he jump down and Jose turns to him.
Jose: So your the boy who stop my Jupiter Cannon.
Y/n: Yeah and you've gone way too far Jose, your best idea is to turn back now or else.
Jose: (smirk) Do you really think I would do that!? Once I defeated Fairy tail once and for all I'll used the Heartfilia's wealth to make me an unstoppable guild ever!
Y/n: So your only do this job just for the money huh?
Jose: (smirk) Yes I can even steal there whole many if I want to so I can be even more......
Then Y/n quickly punch Jose and sent him flying into a wall and Erza, Mirajane and Elfman were shocked of Y/n's speed as Y/n said.
Y/n: Your not gonna ruined not just Lucy's life but her familys. But I will not let yous ruin Fairy tail!
Jose stood up and with anger he blast a full power of his dark magic but Y/ quickly summon his sword and swing a white fire like wave towards Jose dark blast that collided together but the break through Jose datk magic blast and hits Jose that sent him crushing through a wall.
Y/n charge at Jose and Jose stand up but Y/n punch Jose in the face twice and grab Jose by the shirt and throw him across the halls and Jose landed onto the ground. Jose stood up and turns to Y/n as Yn turn his armor back into base form and Y/n charge up towards Jose.
Jose: (anger) You'll be sent into darkness!!!!
Jose summon two skeletons like creatures and they charge at Y/n. Y/n ready his sword and slice both skeletons which Jose was shocked and Y/n charge up at Jose and once close Y/n was about to land a strike at Jose but Jose use his dark magic to block Y/n's strike with his arms and Y/n jumps back and summon his sheild.
Y/n: Time to end this once and for all!
Y/n place his sheild in front of Jose and Joss see what he was about to do so he charge up his dark magic and so as Y/n as the two charge up there magics together. Then the two fired there massive blast all together and the two magics collided and the two wizards have a push off to try to posh one of there magic to hit the other.
Then Y/n's glows bright as Y/n moves away his sheild and swing his sword down and fired a white wave that collided his own beam and the two of Y/n's magics were too much for Jose and then both of Y/n's magic attacks break through Jose dark magic and hits Jose.
The left side of the Phantom Lords guild hall made a huge exploded as everyone else on the ground saw it and wondered what happened.
We see Y/n back into his normal form as he stare at the smoke and once the smoke clears up he see Jose down on the ground and the Phantom Lords guild mastee has been defeated.
Y/n sigh in relief and fell onto his butt and rest for a bit until he head another voice behind him.
???: You there boy.
Y/n turn and see on old man with white hair and beard.
???: Did you defeated Jose by yourself?
Y/n: Yep that's right and if I'm right your Master Makarov right?
Makarov: That's right but you managed to defeat Jose all by yourself. It must be scary for you.
Y/n: (smirk) Not really it was kinda easy for me.
Makarov: Well Erza told me everything and I would like to say thank you for saving my children.
Y/n: (smirk) No problem but sorry about your guild hall though, wish I could have stop it.
Makarov: Its all right, as long everyone is save we could rebuild it.
Y/n: Yeah your right.
Y/n stood up and wipe the dust off him and Makarov asked.
Makarov: So have you come here to help us?
Y/n: Well that but I was hoping to join your guild after this war is over.
Makarov: (surprised) You want to join us?
Y/n: (smirk) Sure your guild seem fun and I got no where else to go so yeah.
Makarov: (smile) Then welcome to fairy tail Y/n.
Y/n smiles and we see Erza, Mirajane and Elfman behind Makarov as they also smile as everyone have one the war against the Phantom Lords.
We see every gathered around the destroyed guild hall as Makarov and Y/n look at the damage done by the Phantom Lords.
Makarov: (sigh) This is gonna be a while to repair the damage.
Y/n: Yeah I agree.
Lucy: Master I'm really sorry.
They turn and see Lucy was still upset.
Makarov: Lucy, do not worry about anything.
Levy: (smile) Yeah Lucy smile.
Lucy turn and see Jet, Droy and Levy have bandaged but were healed.
Lucy: (surprised) Levy your ok?
Levy: (smile) Yeah and we won so there is no reason to be sad about.
Lucy: No It was my fault that this happen.
Levy: We know about your past but nun of us is not blaming you for all this.
Jet: Levy's right.
Droy: Yeah and a member to our guild.
Y/n walks over and place his hand on Lucy's should and she turn to Y/n and Y/n said.
Y/n: (smile) Don't blame yourself for what Phantom Lords did. It was there fault who cost this mess, not you. I maybe new here and kinda don't know about everyone here yet but your one of us and we always welcome you as a part of our family.
Lucy start to have tears in her eyes and hugs Y/n ans burst out crying. Y/n was kinda surprised and blush a little but he hugs her back and convert her while everyone else smiles.
Cana: (smirk) That kid sure did a great job taking care those Phantom Lords.
Chole: Yeah and he's powerful then even Master Makarov himself.
Cana: (smirk) I like him, he seem cute and pretty cool.
Chole: (whisper) to.
Chole blush a little and shake it off before they were surrounded by the magic Council soldiers as they surrounded them all.
Elfman: Oh man, this isn't good.
Wakaba: Yeah no kidding.
Natsu: Run! Let's break for it.
Natsu and Happy try to escape but there was frozen in a magic circle and after that the soldiers asked the Fairy tail guild some questions about the battle. After there questions were answered they decided to not punish the Fairy tail guild and expelled the Phantom Lords guild forever and so the battle between Fairy tail and Phantom Lords were over.
The Fairy tail members decide to have a party at the bar for there victory and we see everyone dancing around and drinking bear while we see Y/n checking his sword and cleaning it when Erza walks up to Y/n and asked.
Erz: I never seen that sword, where did you get it?
Y/n: Oh this? I got it from a cave and that's how I got this tattoo.
Y/n show Erza the tattoo and she sat down and ask him.
Erza: So what dose that tattoo mean?
Y/n: It means I'm chosen to save Earthland and be a hero.
Erza: (surprised) Seriously?
Y/n: Yep and I has these armor powers I've used to defeat some powerful enemies.
Erza: Thats interesting so how dose your armor forms work?
Y/n: Well each armor form I used can have different kinds of powers that I used. Such as I can shoot out fire with my fire armor form, shock enemies with my lightning armor form and blow them away with my wind armor form.
Erza: So each armor you have are based off different elements?
Y/n: Yep. But I have to gathered some element like for example, I need to be surrounded by fire so I can turn into my fire armor form or I need to be in a room with ice so I can turn into my ice form.
Erza: That seem tough.
Y/n: Well I used my base armor form which is almost powerful then the rest.
Erza: I see.
Y/n: So I heard that your also a Requip wizard as well.
Erza: Indeed I am.
Y/n: That's pretty cool, at least I'm not the only Requip wizard in the guild hall.
Erza: Yeah. Hey Y/n.
Y/n Yeah?
Erza: Thank you very much for helping us, even though its not your fight.
Y/n: (smile) No sweat it Erza, I'll always risk my life just to save you and everyone else.
Erza kinda blush a little when Y/n smiles. But it was cut short when Natsu and Gray start to fight at the bar.
Erza: (sigh) Here they go again. I'm sorry I'm gonna sort this out.
Y/n: That's alright take care.
Erza nodes and walks over to Natsu and Gray and then Chole walks up to Y/n's table and see Erza trying to stop Natsu and Gray from fighting.
Chole: Here they go again, its just like the good old days.
Y/n: Dose this happen a lot?
Chole: Yeah its kinda annoying sometimes. Hey do you have a place to stay?
Y/n: Nope I was hoping when I join the guild I can get my job started but I guess its probably close for now.
Chole: Yeah but your can stay at my place if you want.
Y/n: Really, are you sure?
Chole: Yeah but I have one rule. Don't go into my room ok?
Y/n: (smile) Cross my heart and hope to die.
Y/n laughs a little and Chole blushes a little and thought to herself.
Chole: (thought) I'm start to think that he is kinda cute and he has a childlike humour which is also cute.
Chole shakes it off and aftee the party was over they head home and Chole takes Y/n to her place and soon they arrived at her house. They enter Choles house and see her place is great.
Y/n: Woah you have a nice home.
Chole: Thanks I try to keep it clean.
Y/n: So is it just you that lives here?
Chole: No I used to live with me older brother named Laxus but during the years he changed and now....he lives on his own.
When Chole said that she became upset and Y/n noticed that and asked.
Y/n: Hey you ok Chole?
Chole: Huh? Oh yeah sorry about that, I'll show you your room.
Y/n follows Chole and she open the door and inside was filled with old stuff and Y/n enter his room and Chole explains.
Chole: This used to be Laxus room. But sense he's not useing it, its all yours until you get some money.
Y/n: (smile) That's kind of you for doing this Chole, thanks.
Chole: (blush) S-Sure, no problem.
She closes the door and Y/n place his stuff on the side and lay on his bed and he yawn as he gets tired.
Y/n: (thought) Man fighting some dark Wizards made me tired. Will tomorrow I'll help everyone rebuild there guild so let's get some sleep.
Y/n close his eyes and falls asleep Meanwhile we see Chole walking through the halls and heading to her bedroom until she noticed a picture on a table ans he pick it up and it was her and Laxus young and they were smiling in the picture.
Chole: What happened to you Laxus, why do you have to be such a jerk.
Then Chole start to have tears on her eyes for a second and drips into the picture. She then whipe her eyes and set the picture down and enters her bedroom and then gose to sleep for tomorrow.
To be continue.......
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