Chapter 29: Surprising back up
Within the capital of Edolas we see explosions and huge thuds as we cut to Y/n flying back but he lands on his feet and slide back while both Natsu and Wendy use their dragon slayer roars at the Edolas King inside his dragon mech but both wind and flames bounced off and the Edolas King swipe his claw at them, sending them flying once they were hit.
Y/n leaps up and catches both Natsu and Wendy and lands on the ground while Gajeel and Leigh charge at the Edolas King and Leigh slammed her fist onto the ground, creating large hills that hits the Edolas King while Gajeel used iron dragon roar and blast the Edolas King onto the ground. The two land on their feet while the Edolas King get his dragon mech stood up while Y/n, Wendy and Natsu race over to Leigh and Gajeel to see their attacks didn't do anything to dents it.
Leigh: Jesus how tough is that thing?
Gajeel: No idea but we gonna do something to take that mech down.
Wendy: We can't allow him to get to everybody else including the Exceeds.
Natsu: Yeah they are counting on us so let's not let them down!
Y/n: Agree. Okay guys let's show this King to never mess with us.
Four dragon slayers: Right!
The Edolas King just laughs along with his dragon like mech roared as the Edolas King tells them.
Edolas King: You could never defeat the might of my army! You Earthlander's have no chance against us and our power!!!!!
The dragon mech roars even more as Y/n and the rest stare at it while they stood there ground and then they charge towards the Edolas King in hopes to deal enough damage so they can end his rule once and for all.
At the desert in the middle of the night we see the Edolas Fairy Tail guilf Hall which is a large plant like building and inside we see the Edolas versions of the guild as Edolas Lucy came back and we can see them all gathered around the bar while Edolas Lucy stood above and tells everybody.
Edolas Lucy: Listen up people! I just heard that the capital is under attack and I thinks its the Earthlander's attacking the capital right now.
The guild members were shocked by this news and talked to each other.
Edolas Mirajane: I can't believe they've managed to strike on the capital of Edolas.
Edolas Elfman: Hope they be okay.
Edolas Lucy: And I know this might sound crazy but i believe we should help them. We gonna try to help them as best we can.
They were all shocked of Edolas Lucy's suggesting of going to the capital and help them.
Edolas Wendy: (shocked) Are you nuts?! If we go there, we be good as dead.
Edolas Jet: Yeah and remember how Y/n try to fight them. He got the master killed!
Edolas Droy: Yeah it's best we let them do it rather then helping them.
Edolas Levy: Besides we only have one last magic teleport to go so if we go somewhere, we won't go anywhere else after that.
Edolas Natsu: I-I really don't wanna fight anyone.
Edolas Lucy: So we're just not gonna do nothing?
Edolas Alzack: Look Y/n brought himself when he go out to take on the king and thanks to him, our master is killed. He should learn it's a bad idea to take on the king right honey?
Edolas Bisca: That's right sugar. Look maybe it's best to admit it that Y/n is wrong and we should just stay away form the battle.
Edolas Lucy: Well maybe Y/n is right! We can't just keep running away like a bunch of cowards! Listen, are younall sick and tired of running away from them? The Edolas King and his army? Well maybe Y/n is right and we can't just keep on running and allow them to ruin our lives any longer. Y/n is like a family to us and we should be a shame of even blaming him for something he was trying to do was right. He was trying to make things a difference and yet will blamed him for getting us in trouble. Well maybe he was right, maybe we are cowards that always run away because we're not as brave as he is and we use kicked him out because of what, fighting for others, protecting our guild, trying to overthrow a corrupt and cruel king? We should have agreed to him but our fears, frustration and anger got the best of us and now he is out there fighting along side the Earthlander's and are we really gonna just keep on running? We should help him because......because.
Edolas Lucy gets even more flashes of Edolas Y/n as he smiles including his time around everyone and then ends with him yelling at everyone for kicking him out and then leaving the guild. Edolas Lucy slowly have a tears onto her right eye and then tells everybody.
Edolas Lucy: Because....we loved him. We all do....and we want to show him how much we miss him and how sorry we are by making this right for him, as a family.
The other Edolas guilf members look at each other while we see a short white hair girl at the behind Edolas Mirajane and Edolas Elfman as she smiled a bit, almost like they are going to make things right for Edolas Y/n.
We see a open field and around it was a large forest as we see the Edolas knights charging at Edolas Y/n, Lucy, Gray, Chole, Happy, Carla and Coco as they battle the Edolas Knights as we see Edolas Y/n swinging his sword at them and taking a lot of them out. Lucy summons Leo and Leo blows up many Edolas knights.
Lucy: (smile) Nice work!
Leo: (smirk) No problem Lucy. Anything for a princess like you.
Edolas Y/n: Not to sound rude but is he always like this?
Lucy: Yeah a lot.
Gray freeze the Edolas Knight in place while he ice makes a large ice cannon and fires at the Edolas Knights and sent them all flying.
Gray: There is too many of them!
Chole zaps a Edolas Knight that was charging at Gray and land beside him and says whike seeing more along with the giant blue flying creatures carrying more Edolas knights coming down at them.
Chole: Damn it how many knights dose the king even have!?
Edolas Y/n: A lot but we need to stand our ground and-
Edolas Y/n was sent flying and crash hard onto a tree and fell onto the ground. He was bleeding our blood as he slowly gets up but he groan in pain and sat back down.
Lucy: You okay!
Gray: Crap! Can you get up!
Edolas Y/n coughs out blood while Coco, Happy and Carla rushes towards him.
Coco: You okay!?
Carla: Your hurt! You need medical help!
Edolas Y/n: I-I'm fine. J-Just....GET DOWN!
He grabs Coco, Happy and Carla and hugs them tight as more explosions hits where they are as Edolas Y/n uses his body as a shield while more and more Edolas knights charge at them.
Gray: We can't let them win!
Chole: Yeah we can't give up! We gonna keep the fighting!
Lucy: Yeah because us Fairy Tail will never give up without a fight!
Edolas Y/n slowly turn his head to see the trio continue to battle disbite the odds against them which shocked them as they try thier best. The Edolas knights fire their cannons at them as the area they were in blows up around them as they try to stand their ground and fight. Gray blast them with his ice attack but soon he gets hit and was sent flying by the explosion while Chole zaps them before she too gets blown up and was sent flying.
Lastly was Lucy and Leo but soon Leo disappeared into the celestial world and Lucy try to wipe them with her wipe but soon she too gets blown up and was sent flying.
Edolas Y/n watched as the Edolas Knights walks towards them as he knows they will surely die because of him. He was the one who brought them all to this mess, it was his fault for them to be hurt and now they all are going to die because of him. He turn to Coco, Happy and Carla and knows what he must do.
He slowly gets up and grab his sword and turns around to face the Edolas knights as the knights look up at him as Edolas Y/n breaths heavily while having blood on his lip and then.....he charge at them.
Edolas Y/n: (battle cry) AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
(Epic battle theme start)
The Edolas knights immediately see this and fire at him which land a hit at him but he still keeps on charging which shocked everyone to see Edolas Y/n keeps on charging at them. He dose not allow his pain hold him down and he keeps charging and then he tackles at a few Edolas Knights and sent them all flying.
He turns and quickly blocks a few sword swings and then he cut them down before they have a chance. A few manage to stab through his armor which he yell but he turn his pain into fury as he grabs the spear and snap it into two and kick the Edolas Knight away. He then hold the broken spear and tossed it towards one of of their cannons qhich gose through the barrel and when they fire, the cannon blows up, sending more cannons to blow up while Edolas Y/n breaths heavily and stood up straight and turns to Lucy, Chole and Gray.
Suddenly beams start to fly by them as Edolas Y/n grabs a fallen shield and use it to block the beams while the Edolas knights get closer and closer to them.
Edolas Y/n: You all need to go now! I'll hold them off as best I can!
Gray: No way man! We're not leaving you!
Chole: Yeah! If you stay, you'll die!
He just smirked to himself and then he said.
Y/n: (smirk) Well I guess this is how I die then. Help Y/n and the rest and get out of this world now! ALL OF YOU, GO NOW!
They all look at Edolas Y/n and with a heavy heart they stood up and make a run for it but then Edolas Y/n calls out to Lucy.
Edolas Y/n: Lucy!
She stopped and turn back as Edolas Y/n looks at her and then says with a warm smile.
Edolas Y/n: (smile) Good luck with you and your relationship with my Earthland self. I know you and many other girls will show love towards him no matter what.
Lucy nodes back and once that they all left as Edolas Y/n turns back and then charge at them while using his shield to block their attacks and then once close he start to cut them down on his own. As he lend out a battle cry while many Edolas knights were cut down by his blade and were sent flying and even crash towards each other.
Then one of their blue creatures came down and land hard on the ground, sending Edolas Y/n flying and land hard onto the ground as he felt under arm is broken as he slowly gets up and feel his arm to be broken. The Edolas knights charge towards him which he grabs one of their spear cannons and fired at them, taking them out as they charge at him. He slowly gets up and then use the staff to wreck them, shattered their helmets as he yells out one more time to show them that unlike them, he has no fear, no fear of death, no fear of sacrifice and no fear of fighting a large army on his own.
He gets stabbed, shot, blown up and every injury he can imagine around him and soon after a while of fighting and battling he lost all of his engery as we see him kneel down on the ground as he breaths heavily while blood drips off os his body and mouth as he slowly looked up and quickly he was kicked in the chin by a Edolas Knight he a fell backwards and slammed onto the ground.
(Epic them ends)
We see Edolas Y/n laying on the ground looking up at the sky above him to see the stars up in the air as he lend out a small smile while a Edolas knights set him up onto his knee as he have his head down but he finally looks up to be met with a Edolas Knight holding a sword whioe the others appear behind him as the Edolas Knight ask Edolas Y/n while he swing his sword back.
Edolas Knight: Any last words.
Edolas Y/n just look at the Edolas Knight and then smirked as he shut his eyes and then said.
Edolas Y/n: (smirk) For Fairy Tail, and to the freedom of Edolas.
Flashes of everyone he ever cared and loved appear in his head as he smiled one final time as the Edolas Knight was ready his sword and was about to slice off his head clean off.
But suddenly plant like vines appear out of the ground and attacked the Edolas knights and their creatures as they scramble by this surprised attack while Edolas Y/n immediately opens his eyes and was shocked because he has seen those vines before.
Suddenly something came out of the ground behind Edolas Y/n and they all turn and Edolas Y/n couldn't believe it and see the Edolas Fairy Tail rising up from the ground which shocked the Edolas knights and even Edolas Y/n.
Edolas Y/n: (thought) They came!
Then the doors open and every Edolas Fairy Tail guild members came out holding their weapons in hand. Once out they charge at rge Edolas knights with a battle cry and start to battle them while Edolas Y/n sat there in surprised by all of this.
Edolas Lucy: Y/n! You okay!
Then Edolas Lucy and Edolas Wendy rushes over to Edolas Y/n as he looks at the two and ask.
Edolas Y/n: (surprised) You came to help us?
Edolas Lucy: Yeah idiot, we can't let you and the rest battle against the king and his way on your own.
Edolas Y/n is surprised which she starts to cry and tells them.
Edolas Y/n: (tears) I am so so so sorry for everything I said to you all. I'm truly am sorry for everything.
Edolas Lucy kneel down and then hugged Edolas Y/n as she also tells him.
Edolas Lucy: No, we should be the one who should be sorry. We shouldn't have kicked you out. You were right, we can't hide any longer, we have to fight.
Edolas Wendy: Yeah and we're sorry for blaming you for the masters death. We shouldn't have blamed you.
Y/n: (sniff) Thanks. Just....thank you.
They helped him up and the two join in on the fight when someone call out to him from behind.
???: Hey Y/n!
He turn to see a short white heart girl as she tossed him another sword as Edolas Y/n smiled and said.
Edolas Y/n: (smile) Thank you Lisanna.
Lisanna: (smile) Anytime. Now, shall we help them out?
Edolas Y/n: (smile) Yeah. Let's go!
The two join in the rest in battle as Edolas Y/n feels happy to fight along side his Edolas guilf but rather fight as warriors....they fight as a family.
Y/n, Natsu, Wendy, Leigh and Gajeel were now having a hard time taking down the Edolas Kings huge mech as he launches many dragon like attacks at them and sent Natsu, Gajeel, Wendy and Leigh flying and they crash onto thr ground. Y/n lands on his feet and immediately summons a shield and blocks the Edolas king slash and then he swap his shield with hid mace and swings it at the Edolas King, which hits him and sent him barely back but he stood his mech and straight but he was immediately struck struck a sudden thunder strike by Y/n's mace and then he summon his hammer and pulls back his mace towards him and then combine both lightings together and strike down at the Edolas Kings mech.
Y/n: Guys do it now while you have a change!
Natsu: Right!
All four dragon slayers leap over Y/n and all of them used dragon roar to create a powerful blast that strike at the Edolas Kings mech as he struggles to stand on his feet but then Y/n summons both his axe and sword, then he charge towards the Edolas King and then use his axe to freeze bith the legs of his mech and slice them off with his sword and then freeze his mech's arms and slice them off as well.
Edolas king: No! This can't be possible!!!!
Then all four dragon slayers attacks gets even more stronger and then sent his dragon mech flying back and crash into the pillar. The four stop their attack and then Y/n appear in front of the Edolas King and grabs his mech's head and leaps up into the air while Y/n calls out.
Y/n: You make the biggest mistake taking us here and using our guild as a sacrifice for your selfish desire! YOU WILL NOT HARM ANYONE OR ANYTHING EVER AGAIN!!!!!!!
He then slammed the Edolas Kings mech onto the ground, creating a large explosion that made the four dragon slayers stumble back. After that they only see smoke but then they see a figure within the smoke and soon Y/n came out of the smoke whoe dragging the Edolas King as he tossed him in front of them as the Edolas King turns and looks at Y/n as he look down at him and point his sword at his neck.
Edolas Jellal: You did it.
Then Edolas Jellal came up to them as they turn to him and Natsu ask him.
Natsu: How's Lily?
Edolas Jellal: He's doing fine. He's getting healed up by the other Exceeds.
They smiled whik3 Edolas Jellal walks up next to Y/n as the Edolas King looks at him.
Edolas king: (anger) I should have killed you.
Edolas Jellal: And yet you didn't. It's over, your rain ends here.
The Edolas King looks at him and slammed his fist onto thr ground while he said.
Edolas King: I-I just want every lasting magic for all of us. How can we survive without any magic running through our bodies?
Y/n: You don't always need magic to survive.
Y/n lower his sword while the Edolas king turns to Y/n as he tells him.
Y/n: In our world we do have magic yes but there is many people who doesn't but they can live and survive without it. Magic is great to have yes but do you really need magic to a world that doesn't need magic? Your world have been surviving without magic all these years and still is to this day. You don't have to have magic to survive, you just have enough belief and will power to rule your people with kindness and joy, not with fear or terror. Magic is never really gone in your world if you believe in it. As long many people believes magic then that will bring joy to many people across Edolas.
The Edolas King sat there a bit as he slowly stood up and turn to Y/n and ask him.
Edolas King: You mean.....there is no reason to have magic as long people believes in it.
Y/n: (smile) That's right. The only magic this world has is believe and hope.
Edolas King:: (shocked) I-I see......I did all these terrible things all because I was trying to bring magic to this world but I was soo blind that I didn't realise we already have magic within us.
He fell onto his knees as he have his head down and then tells them.
Edolas King: I.....I surrender. I will step King of Edolas.
They all smiled and were glad that they have won. Suddenly they heard something from the sky and looked up to see Anima appear above the sky and it start pulling everyone who is from Earthland towards it as they were going towards it.
Natsu: (surprised) Wow what's happening?!
Leigh: (smile) Seems like we're going back home everyone! Finally!
They were all flying towards Anima whne Edolas Jellal calls out to them.
Edolas Jellal: Earthlander's! Thank you for brings peace to Edolas!
Y/n: (smile) No problem! Good luck and tell myself thanks, for everything.
Edolas Jellal nodes with a smile as Y/n and the rest gets close to Anime and soon they gone throw and then everything was filled with white as they all return home, they are going back to Earthland at long last.
To be continued...................................
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