Chapter 28: Together we can do this

Within the Palace the Edolas King is seen opening two doors and making his way through the second hallway while the Palace shakes a bit as the Edolas King walks further and deeper to the hallway until he reach another door which he opens with both hands and step inside a room that contain something to combat against the Earthland invaders as he walks over to the controls and switch some switches and push some buttons while he said to himself.

Edolas King: I will not allow them to ruin our goal for ever lasting magic rain down above us! It's time to show those Earthlander's not to mess with the King of Edolas!

After he pushes the final buttons he looks up at the glass window and at the other side the lighst suddenly turns on and we can see a large machine like mech at the other side as the Edolas King smirks as the machine is turned on while the Edolas King says.

Edolas King: (smirk) Lucky for me, I have something to punish those Earthlander a lesson!


Y/n arrive to the Exceeds capital city and he must say the capital is a bit smaller as he walk through the streets while coming across Exceeds as they look up at him in shock ad Y/n make his way through town.

Y/n: (thought) Wow so this must be where Carla and Happy used to live when they were eggs. Guess that also explains why the Exceeds veiw themselves as gods since they live in a large floating island and looking down at the people below.

Soon he nearly reach the Exceeds Palace and there he sees Wendy and Carla with a crowd of Exceeds around them as he rush over to them.

Y/n: Yo Wendy, Carla!

The two turn to see Y/n along with the other Exceeds as he rush over to the two.

Wendy: Y/n, thank goodness your here!

Y/n: Hey guess they already see a large Lacrima island going to crash into this island?

Wendy: Yeah but they refuse to run away.

Y/n: (smirk) So they're a bit stubborn huh? I'll fix that.

He turn to the other Exceeds and bend down to them and tells them.

Y/n: Okay look I know you all see yourselfs as God's to the humans down below but now those same humans down below are planning to kill you all by crashing that large Lacrima at your island. So it's probably best that you all get away now before it be too late.

Male Exceeds: You think you'll tell us what to do!

One throws a rock at him which Y/n immediately catch and stood up and try to explain to them once more.

Y/n: Do you all not see what is happening! Pur friends are trying to stop the Lacrima from crashing this island right now and if you all don't leave then all of you will die!

They refused to listen and yells at the trio to leave as Y/n try to find a way to convince them to leave when someone called out.

???: That is enough everyone.

They all turn to see what looks like the Queen of the Exceeds as well as her advisors. All the Exceeds bow for her while Y/n, Wendy and Carla look at her.

Y/n: So I can guess your the queen of this island then?

Shagotte: Indeed. The names Shagotte and you must be this chosen one from Earthland correct?

Y/n: Yeah that's right.

Shagotte nodes while she turns to her Exceed people and tells them.

Shagotte: Everyone you all must listen to what I'm aboit to say.

She then took off her massive royal clothes and puts them on the floor. Once that she once again looks at everyone around her and said.

Shagotte: You must know the truth about your queen. The truth is......I am no powerful goddess like you all see me as. I'm actually a normal Exceed just like all of you. You see I only have one wing while having two wing symbols true magic.

She then show her one wing to everyone which shocks every Exceed. Then Y/n asked.

Y/n: So that's why you made up those goddess and how Exceeds have power stuff. Because the Exceeds were viewed as weak from the eyes of the people in Edolas so pretending to have one powerful and true magic will not cost the humans to attack your people.

Exceed advisor: That is correct. It took us time but soon the humans soon fear us and never dared to attack any one of us. We only done it to protect each other.

Carla: (anger) Then how about the order to kill my friends! You've given me false memories and planned to kill my friends! Not only that but you've also sent many young Exceeds to Earthland just to kill our friends!

Y/n was shocked when Carla mentioned about young Exceeds being forced to go to Earthland and all that stuff she said. Then suddenly he look over only to see Shagotte pulled out her sword and tossed it in the middle as she bow in front of Carla and said.

Shagotte: I understand your anger and suffering. You are right, I am responsible for every evil deed I have down. IF you wish to punish me....then I'll allow you to do it.

Everyone was shocked by this as the Exceeds started to cry for their queen while Carla looks down at the sword for a bit and soon she picked up the sword and walks over to Shagotte.

Wendy: Carla do-

Y/n grabs her shoulder and watch as Carla walks over to Shagotte and once close she looks at Shagotte and rasies the sword up in her air.....and then stabbed it onto the ground near Shagotte which surprised everyone while Y/n smiled, seeing Carla did a right thing and not let her anger and vengeance get to her.

Carla: We can't all just give up! How can you call yourself a queen if you give up like this! Like Y/n said, our friends are out there stopping the Lacrima from crashing into this island and we can't just sit here and do nothings! We must help them, we can do this together!

Every Exceed stood there not knowing how until Y/n step up and tells them.

Y/n: Magic is difficult to learn and I understood why but in order to achieve magic is by open up to your hearts and believe in it. It doesn't matter what little your Magics might have, as long you believe in yourselves then you can do anything and achieve anything. Your time of being hardless and rude gods are gone now. Its time to show the Edolas King and his army the true power of magic! So let's do it!

The Exceeds soon start to believe themselves and suddenly wings start to appear on their backs while Y/n and Wdndy smiled and soon Shagotte have her second wing ad they take off in the air while Y/n turns and summons his sword and said.

Y/n: (smirk) Now then. Let's see what the rest are doing.


We see Natsu, Lucy, Gray, Erza, Edolas Y/n, Coco, Happy and Chole were sitting on the large Edola creature while doing their best to hold the crashing Lacrima before it can hit the Exceeds island. While that is happening we see Leigh and Gajeel battling Lily as the two dodged his massive sword and land at the edge of the island as they stare at Lily as Leigh says.

Leigh: Damn this kitty cat is tough.

Gajeel: (smirk) Yeah and I like tough cats like him. He'll be great as my partner.

Leigh: You totally forgot we are fighting him right?

Lily launches towards them but quickly we blocked by Edolas Y/n who blocks his sword strike and kicks Lily back. He lands between Gajeel and Leigh as he turns to them and said.

Edolas Y/n: Go and help the rest. I'll take care of Lily.

The two node as they leap down to help the rest while Lily and Edolas Y/n looked at each other as Edolas Y/n tells Lily.

Edolas Y/n: How can you do this? These Exceeds were your people, your own kind and you allow the king to destroy  them all?

Lily: I do what I must for the king of Edolas.

Edolas Y/n: Your only doing this is because you wanted revenge on the queen who banished you out of their land right? I've seen a look of vengeance within you and I know how that feels. But is this really worth it? You know once the King have completed his mission, he'll finish the last Exceed within his ranks and that will be you right?

Lily stood there as he start to think about it as Edolas Y/n lower his sword and tells Lily.

Edolas Y/n: I know you wanted revenge for those who ruined your life. Belive me I've gone down that path before but vengeance isn't always the answer. If I learn anything is to let go and accept it. We both can't chance things if our vengeance are done, the best way is to accept it and move on.

Lily soon lower his sword and drop it. Suddenly Exceeds came out of nowhere and help Natsu and the rest as they push back the Lacrima island and soon Wendy and Carla join with Y/n arrive to see the Lacrima island pushing back slightly.

Y/n sees this and summons a hammer and leaps over and then slammed his hammer at the Lacrima island and immediately the island was pushed back as everyone pushes the island away from the Exceeds home and they have managed to done it.

Everyone cheered for this as Y/n smiled bit suddenly there was a bright light and soon a blast that sent everyone back. An Exceed catches Y/n before he can fell and everyone looked over to see the Lacrima is gone.

Leigh: Um where is the Lacrima?

Chole: Crap! Is our guild gone?!

???: No not fear. Your guild has returns back to Earthland.

They turn to see the Edolas Jellal as he gose on to say.

Edolas Jellal: Your guilf friends has been safely transported back to Earthland. You all have done it, you all have won.

Everyone cheered once more as Y/n breath a sigh of relief as the Exceed lands him on the island where Edolas Y/n is at as the two walk over and shake hands.

Y/n: (smirk) Nice work me.

Edolas Y/n: (smile) You too me.

Then Edolas Jellal turns to Lily and smiled as he said to him.

Edolas Jellal: (smile) It's been along while Lily. It's good to see you again.

Lily smiles with tears in his eyes as he node to Jellal. Edolas Y/n walks over at the edge of the island and looks down at the Palace and knows the Edolas King is still in there.

Y/n: So what now?

Edolas Y/n turns back to Y/n and tells him.

Edolas Y/n: We might have stopped the Lacrima island from crashing into the Exceeds home, but the Edolas King is still in there and he needs to pay for his crimes.

Y/n: (smirk) Well we can't end off an adventure with a villain getting away right? Let's do this.

Edolas Y/n: (smile) Right.

Y/n turns to Lily and call out to him.

Y/n: Hey Lily! Do you know where the Edolas King might be at!

Lily: I may not know but I can take you all inside and we can-

Suddenly a beam gose through Lily which shocks everyone as Lily screams in pain.

Coco and Jellal: Lily!!!!!

Lily fell while behind him in the distances was Edolas Erza along with the Edolas Royal armor riding on their creatures as Edolas Erza called out.

Edolas Erza: Do not let any of them escape! Destroy them all!

Y/n: Well guess things are never easy.

Edolas Y/n: Agree.

Suddenly the Edolas knights fire at the island Y/n and Edolas Y/n were in including everyone as and soon the island turned to it's side and Y/n snd Edolas Y/n start to slide down. They try to grab hold of anything but they were going too fast and they fell off the island and fall.

Before they can think of a way to stop their fall they were catches by Happy and Carla as Happy catches Y/n while Carla catches Edolas Y/n and the two set them down on the ground safely. Soon Natsu rest land their gaint creature on the ground and leap off and rushes over to Y/n and Edolas Y/n.

Y/n: Looks like this fight ain't over yet huh.

Edolas Y/n: This fight will not end if we take down the king once and for all.

Lucy: What should we do?

Edolas Y/n: Y/n take the dragon slayers and find the King and stop him before it is too late.

Y/n: Right.

Erza: I'll go and face my counter part before she harms any more Exceeds.

Edolas Y/n: Right. Good luck.

She nodes and hops back onto the gaint creature and takes off while Y/n and the dragon slayers rush off while it was just Edolas Y/n, Gray, Lucy, Coco, Happy, Carla and Chole ad they look over to see the Edolas Knights made their landing across from them as Edolas Y/n pulls out his sword and tells them.

Edolas Y/n: This might get ugly.

Gray: Yeah, way ugly.

Lucy: Still we can't give up now. Let's do this.

Coco: I'm right with you. For Lily.

Chole: Let's do this!


Y/n, Natsu, Wendy, Gajeel and Leigh arrive to what looks like a ruined arena as they look around and can't find the Edolas King here.

Y/n: You sure he is here Natsu?

Natsu: I can smell him alright. He is close.

Gajeel: Man your noise useless just like you.

Natsu: (anger) What is that jerk! You wanna fight iron face!

Gajeel: (anger) I can totally beat you flame head!

Wendy: Guys this ain't the time of fighting.

Leigh: Wendy is right. The Edolas King as to be here somewhere.

Edolas King: You all have finally came, at last.

Suddenly the floor below them collapsed so they leap away as the floors opens up to a hole while something large came rising out of it. It looks like a gaint metal egg but soon it open itself up to reveal a gaint robotic like dragon as it roars at them all.

We cut inside the metal dragon to see the Edolas King piloting the giant metal dragon as he smirks at them and tells them.

Edolas King: (smirk) Do you all think you can stand against me! No one will not stand a chance the might of the Edolas King! I AM THE MOST POWERFUL KING IN ALL OF EDOLAS AND YOU ALL WILL FEAR MY WRATH!

His gaint metal dragon roars once more at them, costing them to slide back a bit as Y/n tells the Edolas King.

Y/n: (smirk) Whoa not afraid to face us without a gaint metal dragon? If you are soo powerful, why not face us you crazy old guy.

Edolas King: (smirk) Mock me all you want but you all have no match against my might! Now come and face your doom!

Y/n: (smirk) We'll see about that. Ready guys?

Natsu: (smirk) I'm always ready Y/n! I'm all fired up!

Natsu burst two fist in flames while he smirked while Gajeel, Wendy and Leigh were also ready as Y/n smirks back and says while he changed into his upgrade armor.

Y/n: Okay Edolas King, let's see what your new toy can do!

Edolas King: (smirk) I'm glad you said that. This is my ultimate weapon, it is powered by dragon slayer magic and it is the most powerful weapon against invaders like you all!

Y/n: (smirk) "Ultimate weapon huh" Well get ready because your ultimate weapon will become a ultimate scrap pale!

He summons his axe as he and the four dragon slayers charge at the Edolas King with his large metal dragon as the Edolas King laughs crazy while his gaint metal dragon roared at them and charge towards them as well. Y/n leaps up while he swings his axe back as they battle the Edolas King and finishing this battle once and for all.

To be continued........................

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