Chapter 26: The hero in need
At the capital we see Edolas knights running towards where Gajeel and Leigh battle as they try to outnumber them as best they can so they can take them in for question. While this is happening one of the Knights accidentally bump into someone but runs off without an apology. The cloak figure turn and we see the Edolas Y/n watching the guards leave and then he make his move.
He walk slowly through the capital with many people wondering whats going on while not noticing the cloak figure walking by as he make his way to the capital entrance and he look at the entrance while also looking around for any guards but see no one protecting the entrance as he turn back to the entrance and remembered what Y/n told him about friends and how he won't abandoned them.
He thinks that Y/n is an idiot who cares soo much about his friends and the people around him and how he'll sacrifice anything for them.....but on the other hand he's the idiot who not only act selfish towards those around him but his vengeance and want change cost him to lose everything all because what he believe while his guild doesn't want to be part of anything.
He just lend out a sigh thinking for once in his whole life.....he was wrong and that Y/n was right, and so he try ti make things right by helping him and so without world he enter inside the capital ready for any guards that come at him and not only stop the King and his crazy plan....but also make things right for his new friends.
The hallway shake as Erza and Edolas Erza battle as we see Y/n, Gray and Chole as the two explain to Y/n what happened and how they are here.
Y/n: So let me get this straight. The Lacrima we've saw when we first got here was you three?
Gray: Yeah that's right. Leigh told us and also told us you were inside rescuing Lucy, Natsu and Wendy.
Chole: I just hope they are alright.
Y/n: Well I've managed to rescue Lucy with the help of Happy and Carla. I think the trio might be where Natsu and Wendy at right now.
Gray: Well let's get there and see.
Y/n: Hang on a minute here! If that Lacrima was you three then where is our guild?
Chole: I think it's that large Lacrima floating over this city that Leigh mentioned. That must be it.
Y/n: We can figure out getting our guild but to our world but now we're here.
They arrive to where Natsu and Wendy would be at and once inside they see Natsu and Wendy laying unconscious with Lucy, Happy and Carla around them as the trio rush up to them.
Y/n: Are they okay?!
Lucy: Yeah they are unconscious but I hope they can wake up soon.
Happy: Natsu I'm so sorry.
Carla: Wendy. Please forgive me.
Chole: What are they talking about?
Y/n: Long story but we need to tell Gajeel and Leigh about this. Those two are outside right now and they might be the only two freeing our guild.
Happy: Let me do it!
They turn to Happy as Y/n smile and node to him. Once Happy fly off Gray pulls out a bottle filled with pills while she said.
Gray: Well guess we give them these.
Lucy: (surprised) Wait those are the same pills that Jellal give me.
Gray: Gajeel give us this and told us to give them to both Wendy and Natsu. Hope this works.
He place the pills into each of their mouths and after a while Natsu start to cough and slowly gets up while Y/n garsb him and help him up.
Y/n: You okay?
Natsu: (anger) Those bastards. I'M GOUNG MAKE THEM PAY!
He burst into flames seeing now he has his magic back and then runs off yelling and leaves the room.
Y/n: Um...should we go after him?
Chole: I have a feeling he might come back.
Y/n: You think?
Gray: If he get captured again then that's his problem.
Then Wendy start to cough and slowly start to wake up. Carla was glad as Wendy slowly open her eyes and slowly gets up, Lucy and Chole help her up as she stood up on both legs.
Lucy: You okay Wendy?
Chole: What did they do to you both?
Wendy: is bad. Really bad.
Gray: What do you mean?
Wendy: They're planning to destroy the Exceeds home and our guild at the same time.
Y/n: You mean that other floating island named to the large Lacrima crystal?
Carla: Indeed and where I and Happy were born.
Y/n: (shocked) Wait what?!
Carla: I'll tell you that in time but Exceeds see themselves as gods to these humans. According to them, they show to have magic unlike humans down below.
Wendy: They are going to use the dragon slayer magic to speed up the two island and soon they will collect and destroy each other.
Y/n: (shocked) The hell are they thinking?!
Chole: (shocked) But why?
Wendy: They believe once they crash to each other there will be a hugs explosion and magic will rain down into the capital.
Lucy: (shocked) If that's true then everyone we knew!
Gray: (shocked) Will be gone!
They are shocked by this as Y/n slowly forms a fist and then looks at everyone and tells them.
Y/n: Okay guys this is now getting serious. The only way to stop that from happening is be finding the king and force him to stop all of this and return us back home.
Lucy: Yeah but how can we find him? This is a huge place he could be anywhere.
Gray: True there is no way we can find this king if we don't know where we're going.
Chole: Then we split up. It's possible we can find the king easy if we-
Suddenly they hear rushing footsteps heading towards them so they turn at the door and hear it getting closer and closer. They were ready but then Natsu came into room screaming while having a terrified face on him.
Gray: (shocked) Jeez you scared us Natsu!
Chole: Knew he'll come back.
Then Natsu stare at Chole and Gray while the two were confused and then Natsu asked.
Natsu: (shocked) Are you both our Gray and Chole?!
Gray: What are you talking about?
Chole: Um yes we are why?
Lucy: It's a long story but there is a Edolas counterpart of you both.
Y/n: (smirk) Actually now I think about it, you never tell me the Edolas Fairy Tails versions of them. I know Lucy's counterpart but I wonder what Gray's counterpart might be?
Lucy: He's the guy who has tones of clothes on him. Basically the opposite of ours.
Y/n: (smirk) Neat.
Wendy: (surprised) Huh you both are the real Chole and Gray! Why didn't you say so?
Gray and Chole were confused by this as Chole scratches her head while she said.
Chole: Okay I'm starting to get confused right now.
Carla: Wait you've just realised that now?
Natsu: Oh hey Lucy, Y/n you both are okay!
Lucy and Y/n: (thought) He just realised that now?
Wendy: (panic) I'm sorry if I upset you both! Thank you for saving us!
Chole:......Um no problem I guess? (Mutter) I can not wait to get out of this confusion world.
Wendy turn to Carla and then said.
Wendy: (smile) And thank you as well for saving us as well Carla.
Carla doesn't say anything while Y/n nodes to her with a smile which she saw and doesn't know what to say back. Soon they exit out of the room and once that Y/n tells them.
Y/n: Okay me and Chole will go over there and see what we can find.
Lucy: (smirk) Right! Good luck you two.
Y/n: (smirk) Same to you guys.
And once that they split off with Wendy and Carla decided to head off to do their own mission while we Chole and Y/n runs through the prison room and soon made it out. There was a veiw of the capital at the right side as they stop and look a the veiw.
Chole: Disbite this world a bit weird it's pretty cool.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah bit would you rather be in here or earthland.
Chole: (smirk) See your point. I rather pick Earthland then here.
Y/n: (smile) Agree.
The two walk while Y/n see Chole bothered by something so Y/n ask her.
Y/n: You okay?
Chole: If this is the world that everyone have a swap personality.....dose that mean my counterpart my brother?
Y/n can see why she ask that and grabs her by the shoulder and tells her.
Y/n: Even if so, your always my Chole for sure.
Chole: (smile) Thanks Y/n. I-
Edolas Knight: Freeze!
They turn to see a singal Edolas Knight which they look at each waiting to see who will knock him out first when suddenly someone hit the Knight from behind and he fell onto the ground.
They look up to see the cloak figure and then he pull down his hood to reveal Edolas Y/n.
Edolas Y/n: H-Hey.
Y/n: You?!
Chole: (shocked) Wow! Now this is freaky!
The two Y/n's look at each other for a bit and then Edolas Y/n bow down in front of Y/n and Chole and then said.
Edolas Y/n: I' so so sorry. I was a fool, I should have gone with you but I was too selfish and only thinking about myself. I know your still mad at me but let me make things right, please. I'm very sorry for all the things I say and hope you will find forgiveness.
Chole was both shocked and confused while look at his Edolas self and then smiled and tell him.
Y/n: (smile) If you want to make things right then I'm okay with it.
Edolas Y/n is thankful as he stood up and turn to Chole.
Edolas Y/n: Your just like our version of Chole.
Chole: Let me guess? A jerk?
Edolas Y/n noded while Chole breath in a sigh while Y/n tells Edolas Y/n.
Y/n: We need to find the King and stop him before they destroy the Exceeds home and our guild.
Edolas Y/n: I heard there is a room that can control the island that your guild is on. Come on I know a short cut.
Y/n: Right, show us.
Chole: Yeah and please this day can't get any crazier.
Chole: You got to be kidding me.
We see the trio standing in front what looks the the entrance of a theme park as they walk inside and see many rides around them as they walk through the theme park.
Y/n: So what's with the theme park type of thing here?
Edolas Y/n: To be honest no idea. The Edolas King must be nuts since he has all of this in his castle.
Chole: And this is a short cut how?
Edolas Y/n: There is a hallway that can take us to the room. If we hurry we might-
Suddenly a little girl turn a corner and bump into Edolas Y/n and fell onto the ground. They see her as she sat on the ground and look up to see them.
Chole: Who's that?
Edolas Y/n: That's Coco, she's the captain of the 1st magic war division.
Chole: (shocked) Huh?! You mean this child is apart of the Edolas royal army!
Y/n noticed not only she have a large key with her bit her legs look ti be hurt so he approaches her.
Y/n: Hey you okay?
She was scared and crawl back a bit but Y/n bend down to her and tell her.
Y/n: (smile) No need to be afraid. We're here to help you.
Coco: (scared) Y-Y-Your the dangerous warrior from another world aren't you? The one that is here to destroy us all.
Y/n: Huh?
Chole: Wait you got it all wrong! We're not dangerous, we're here to-
???: Coco!
They look over to see an old man rush over and stop when he sees Coco as he take a breathed while he tell her.
???: Coco hand over the key right now.
Coco holds the key tightly while she doesn't know what else to do when Y/n stood up and got in front of her.
Y/n: I may not know what that key is but your not getting either the key or Coco.
Byro: I see, it's you. Do you know who yo are talking to? Your talking to the Edolas royal army's Cheif of staff Byro!
Chole: More like a creepy old man.
Byro: (anger) How dare you mock me! You all shall pay and I will have the key for the king himself!
Y/n: (smirk) So if this is a fight you want then it's a fight you will get!
He summon his sword and shield and charges at him while Bryo pulls out a bottle and throws it at Y/n and once I hits the ground a large fire block hid path but Y/n use his shield to punch through it but he was punched by wind that sent him flying and land onto the ground but on his feet.
He looks up to see a bottle being thrown at him so he slice it with his sword and once it was sliced, a lighting bolt zaps him while Byro laughs.
Byro: (smirk) Disbite me not having magic at least I can use my liquid potion to attack you.
Suddenly the lighting bolt came out of Y/n and was absorbed by Chole and once that she closes her hand and then walk up next to Y/n and said.
Chole: Man that felt good. No wonder Gajeel and Natsu love a taste of their own elements.
Y/n: (smirk) Let's teach this old fool and thing about us.
Chole: (smirk) Right!
Coco was amazed by this which Edolas Y/n sees this and tell her.
Edolas Y/n: Their not bad people. They were forced here by the king to be used as a sacrifice. They're here to stop the King his plan.
Coco: (surprised) Really?
Edolas Y/n: Yeah and also. In Y/n's world, he's the Chosen one.
Coco is surprised even more while Byro pulls out a potion and tells them both.
Byro: (smirk) If you both want to play rough then fine then!
He throws the liquid all over himself and suddenly he start to change. Soon he got bigger and bigger and soon he was a huge Octopus as he slams his tentacles at theme park buildings while Chole and Y/n stare at him, not impress.
Chole: So he doesn't change something more threatening? I mean a giant Octopus is just too cliche.
Y/n: Agree. Wanna see we can cook him and give it to Natsu to try it?
Chole: (smirk) Sure, why not.
Y/n nodes and he changed into his fire armor right in front of Coco.
Coco: (surprised) Wow so cool!
Byro: You thinm you both can stand against me!
He swing his tentacle to strike at them but Y/n shots out fire out of his hand, burning his tentacle while Chole leaps onto his tentacle and rushes towards Bryo while she zaps any tentacles that come at her way and then zaps at both of his eyes, blindeding him a but while he leaps up and land on top of his head and then zap his head in full electricity as he scream in pain.
Then Chole stopped and leap off only for a huge hammer to hit him in the chine as Y/n grabs his returning hammer and then throw back at Byro which hit him once more and cost him to stumble back with surprise while Chole rush up to Y/n as Y/n ask her.
Y/n: Mind charging this up for me?
Chole: (smirk) No problem.
She crackle her knuckles and then fired a full bolt of electricity at his hammer and once that was done Y/n rushes towards Byro while Byro is shaking himself and looks over only for Y/n spinning around and around until he sworn his hammer that want soo fast it was like a arrow and hits Byro in the face.
It was soo hard that there was a shockwave that Coco and Edolas Y/n felt as Byro fell back and slammed onto the ground. Coco can't believe this as Y/n catches his hammer and changed back to normal as Chole walks over and the two high fived.
Chole: (smirk) Beat another villain once again!
Y/n: (smirk) That was easy! The king really needs to step up if he's ever going to stop us.
The two smile while Coco see them as her eyes sparking in amazement while she thinks to herself.
Coco: (thought) Wow they arr the coolets people I have every met! They are my hero~!
Soon after we see them as Chole patch up Coco's legs as she sat on the bench while was all done and tells Coco.
Chole: (smile) All done. I may not be Wendy but that will do for now.
Coco: (smile) Whoa your very sweet. Thank you very much.
Chole: (smile) No problem.
Y/n: So who did this to you?
Coco:.....It was....the king.
They were shocked by this while Coco show them the key she was holding and explain.
Coco: I never wanted to see anyone die, especially my best friend named Lily. I try to convince the king to stop this bit he refused so....I took the key and then.....he hurt me.
Chole: (shocked) My god, Coco I'm so sorry for this. I promise he will pay for this for sure.
Edolas Y/n: So why is that key important to him?
Coco was silent a bit but knowing they are the only once they can stop him she look at them and tell them.
Coco: This key is the only way to activate the dragon slayer magic he has in order to collect both your guild and Exceeds home island. This the one that will end both your guild and.....the Exceeds for good.
To be continued.................................
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