Chapter 25: Friends stay together forever

Within the Edolas castle we see the throne room where we see the Edolas King himself sitting on his throne with Coco beside him as Edolas Erza enter the throne room and walks over to the Edolas King and then show bow on one knee and inform him the good news.

Edolas Erza: My lord both Dragons slayers have been captured and they are now being used for our plan as we speak.

Edolas King: Good.

Edolas Erza: However there is also the Earthland Lucy in our holding cell. What do you want us to do with her?

Edolas King: We have no use for someone like her. Kill her, throw her off the castle if you have to.

Edolas Erza: Of course but I have also other bad news. There's this Earthland's version of Y/n who is way stronger and skilled then I have ever seen.

Edolas King: Could he be? Coco, was there a prophecy from Earthland about someone?

Coco: It appears so. According to Earthlands word, there is a Prophecy that there is a Chosen one that will end the true darkness and will be gifted unbelievable amount of magic. If that is the case then that would mean this Y/n from Earthland is in fact the Chosen one himself.

Edolas King: It must be the plot of this worlds Y/n. What a fool of him, trying to sent someone here to stop me?

He stood up and order Edolas Erza.

Edolas King: Find this Chosen one and end his life immediately! We muts not allow him to ruin our plans!

Edolas Erza: As you wish my King.

Edolas Erza stood up and make her leave while the Edolas King sat back down and knows his plan must succeed and have no one stop his plans for ruling Edolas forever.


We see the citizens of Edolas walking about while some are gathered near the Lacrima crystal in amazement while in the back ground we see Y/n peaking his heaf out from the alleyway and look at the Lacrima crystal while looking at the castle itself as he retreated himself back into the alleyway and figure of a plan to how he can enter inside.

Y/n: (thought) Okay think, how can I get inside the castle without alarting any of the guards? I could just use my magic and burst through but that be risky. I need to act smart here, there's got to be a way to get inside.

He decided to move to find another way in and when he turn a corner he bump into someone which cost the two to fell to the ground.

???: Hey watch where you are going brat!

Y/n: Hey don't have to be rude about i-

But then he look to see Gajeel and Gajeel see him as well and the two stopd up in surprise.

Y/n: (surprised) Gajeel?! What the heck are you doing here?!

Gajeel: (surprised) I should be asking the same thing!

???: Hey who are you talking to?

Then Leigh and Edolas Gajeel came around the corner and see Y/n which cost Leigh to hug him in excitement and joy.

Leigh: (smile) Boy it's great to see your cute and handsome face here!

Y/n: (smile) Same here Leigh and who's that guy who is with you?

Leigh: Oh this is Edolas world of Gajeel. He's helped us to get here to safety.

Edolas Gajeel: So your the Earthlands version of Y/n. Your look to be more friendly then this words Y/n.

Y/n: Tell me about it.

Leigh: (surprised) Wait, you've already met your Edolas self? Where is here?

Y/n: Best I'll tell you another time but now I need to get inside. They have Natsu, Lucy amd Wendy in there and I need to rescue them.

Edolas Gajeel: Well you can't get in, there is tones of guards.

Gajeel: (smirk) But we can distract them and lower them away while you sneak your way inside.

Y/n: You sure?

Leigh: (smirk) Yeah we hot this. Besides we were told that our dragon slayer can free everyone inside that Lacrima. Once that the guild is gonna be pissed.

Y/n: Okay. But even so there is too many guards inside and it might take me a while to find either of them.

Gajeel: (smirk) Good thing I brought this guy here.

Then he tossed a unconscious Edolas Captain Knight onto the ground in front of Y/n as he see what is Gajeel is thinking and strap the Edolas knights armor and once that puts it on. It was a perfect fit as he show this to the rest.

Y/n: Looks like I can blend in quiet well. You sure you guys can do this on your own?

Leigh: (smirk) Yeah just go in there and rescue them.

He node and split off while Leigh and Gajeel head off to start their distraction as Y/n exit out of the alleyway as the Edolas knights walk towards him but they saluted to him, believing him to be their captain which he smirk underneath the mask and head off to find the entrance.

As soon he finds the entrance there was an explosion in the distance and many Edolas Knight head there while Y/n split by them and enter inside and make his way to find either Natsu, Wendy and Lucy. He decided to ask so he spotted two guards and walk over to them and they stood attention when he walks towards them.

Y/n: (thought) Okay then, here gose nothing.

Y/n: Where is the blonde women from Earthland at? The king wants her immediately.

Edolas Knight: At prison block C sir. But I thought Edolas Erza was suppose to get here?

Y/n: Have you not heard that shake outside? She's obviously gonna sort out what is going on outside and I rather you both go and help her otherwise....Well let's just say this spot will be your last.

They were shaking in fear and soon they head off with Y/n chuckle to himself and heads off to where Lucy is at first.


He arrive at the prison block and he looks through the cells for her and after a while he find her sitting on the floor strapped in sticky webs on her arm as Y/n open the cell door and she look up to see him but she thought I was a Edolas Captain so she stood up and ask with a smirk.

Lucy: (smirk) Aren't you a bit sort to be a captain?

Y/n: Maybe but at least I'm here to rescue you.

Lucy: (surprised) Wait, Y/n?!

He took off his helmet, letting her to show his face to her as he rush over to her and cut the sticky webs from her ahnd and once that she stood up and hugged Y/n. He hug her back and she let go while saying.

Lucy: (smile) Knew you'll come!

Y/n: (smirk) Of course I'll come.

Lucy: Wait where's Edolas Y/n?

Y/n: Oh....Well he wants to abandoned you so he can plan out another attack on the king.

Lucy: (shocked) Seriously?!

Y/n: Yep I refuse his idea so I left him so I can save you. We need to find Natsu and Wendy, where are they?

Lucy: I heard on of the guards say they are at the West Tower.

Y/n: Then that's where we're going. Let's go!

The two make a run for it out of the cell block and sneak their way through the castle trying to get to the west Tower. Soon we see them running along a open view of the capital when Y/n stop Lucy and they see Edolas Erza blocking their path.

Edolas Erza: We meed again. It seems you came to rescue your friends.

Y/n: Unlike my Edolas counterpart, I won't abandoned them.

Edolas Erza: Your such a fool. Coming here, risking your life just to save your pathetic friends.

Y/n: Like I said, I won't abandoned them. You may look like Erza but your not our Erza. Our Erza would never do such awful things for the sake of it's people.

Edolas Erza: Our king will bring endless magic to this land and i will follow him no matter what.

Y/n: By what, capturing our guild and us it as a sacrifice? Do you not care what will happen to those who are trapped into the Lacrima?

Edolas Erza: I don't. Now surrender or die.

Y/n glance over the veiw and turn to Lucy. He then turn back to Edolas Erza and smirk as he grab Lucy and they leap off and fell down from the castle.

Lucy: What the heck are you doing!?

Y/n: Don't worry, someone will come and catch us any second!

Lucy: I hope so?!

They fall and they were getting close to the ground when they were grabbed by behind and they stop falling. We see Happy and Carla as Happy is carrying Lucy while Carla carry Y/n as they take them up to the air.

Happy: (smile) Hey you two!

Lucy: (smile) Happy, Carla great to see you both here!

Y/n: (smirk) See I knew they come.

Lucy: (smirk) What ever you say Y/n.

They fly away while Edolas Erza is angry by this and rushes off. While they head to the west Tower Carla tells both Y/n snd Lucy.

Carla: We're sorry.

Y/n: Sorry? Sorry for what?

Carla: How we lower you into a trap.

Happy: Yeah, we basically betrayed you both.

Y/n: (smile) That's not what I've saw. You both were confused and shocked just like us and we would never believe that you both betrayed us. You both were with Natsu and Wendy for years ever since as children so I know you both would never betray both Wendy and Natsu.

Lucy: (smile) He's right. It doesn't matter what they say, you  both are always our friends.

The two were surprised but smiled while Y/n look back and then ask.

Y/n: Um my eyes might be tricking me or something but are those your kind?!

They turn and see flying cats like Carla and Happy but wearing armor and weapons as they fly towards them. The leader who has a face of Ichiya call out.

???: We shall not allow the fallen to escape! After them!

Lucy: And why dose that cat have Ichiya's face!

Carla: We have to land before they catch up!

Happy: Um I don't think we can't! Look down!

They did and they see Edolas Guards down below as they spotted them and they were ready for them to come down.

Y/n: Crap we're surrounded!

Lucy: Now what?!

Suddenly around them they pull out mysterious cannons and start to charge them up. Carla realised this and tells them.

Carla: We need to find cover now!

Y/n: Get inside those higher buildings, hurry!

They did so and once they were inside they turn back to see the exceed knights get hit by the cannons and soon they were all turns into a gaint Lacrima cat as it fell and crash onto the ground. They were shocked by this but they keep on moving but while they were running through the castle Y/n ask.

Y/n: Okay can you two tell me and Lucy on what is with those Exceeds and how come there are more of them?

Carla: Well short part is those Exceeds are what this worlds humans worshipped them as gods.

Y/n: (surprised) Really? I know cats and kittens are cute and all but they are bit overboard about it.

Happy: They believe their queen is the only Exceed who shown to have magic and uses her magic to kill those who defy them.

Lucy: So why did they target at them? Are they planning to rebel them or something?

Carla: No idea but we should keep going and get to Wendy and Natsu.

Y/n: I think we're not that far, we need to be quick before the guards catch up to them.

They agree and quickly they rush through the castle and soon they were close and can hear Natsu and Wendy's cries but there was too many guards blocking their path. They hide themselves inside a storage room for hiding.

Lucy: So how can we get pass them all?

Carla: We need to lower them away, any ideas?

They think about it until Happy sees a bag of flowers and tells them.

Happy: I can use the flowers to distract them while you guys rescue Natsu and Wendy.

Y/n: You okay doing this on your own? It maybe dangerous.

Happy: I now but I have to do this.

Y/n understood and node to him. Soon after Happy flies out while spilling out flower at the guards which got their attention and they chase after him while Lucy, Carla and Y/n watch Happy leading them away. They rush pass with Y/n looking the path that Happy went and wishes him good luck.

He turn only to catch both Lucy and Carla that were blast back by Edolas Erza as her and the Edolas Knights appear in front of them.

Edolas Erza: Do you really think I'll be dumb enough to not see your true goal is.

Y/n: Jesus how can you catch up to us?! You must know you way around here more the us.

Edolas knight: We caught him.

Then the Edolas Knight throws Happy to hhe ground as he rush over and picked him up. He glare up at them and hand it to Lucy and tell the two.

Y/n: Go. I'll hold her off.

Lucy: You sure?

Y/n: (smirk) I've beaten her once before, I can beat her again.

He turn to Edolas Erza as the two stood up and were about to make their leave when Y/n calls out.

Y/n: Carla.

Carla stop and turn to Y/n as he tells her.

Y/n: (smirk) You may not show much respect to us when you first join us. Disbite that, I'll do what ever I can to protect you and Wendy. After are, your apart of our family as well and we stick together.

Carla is surprised by his words and nodes and make her leave while Y/n glance back to Edolas Erza and transform inro his upgrade armor form and his hammer and shield.

The Edolas knight were shocked 5he size of his armor while Edolas Erza just smirked.

Edolas Erza: (smirk) You have an amazing armor but I'll doubt that will not hold for long.

Then another army of Edolas Knights appear behind him and pull their spears at him. He sees he is completely surrounded but he just smirked and tell Edolas Erza.

Y/n: (smirk) Then let's see what you got!

He then slammed his armor onto the floor, creating a large crack and soon the floor collapses below them and they all fell to a large room with pillers around them ad both Y/n snd Edolas Erza land on their feet with rubble and rocks still fall around them. Then Edolas Erza charges at him while he swap put his hammer for a spear and clash his spear with Edolas Erza's spear as the two clashed at each other as sparks fly around them as they battle.

The Edolas knights are seen laying around unconscious as the two battle. Edolas Erza kicks Y/n away which he slammed onto one the pillers as Edolas Erza leaps up to strike at him but summons a lighting wall to block Edolas Erza from striking him while he fires lighting balls before summon his axe and swings towards towards her, creating a ice slash that travels towards Edolas Erza but she changed her spear to Mel force to blow both Y/n's attacks and her attacks towards him but he dodge her attack and summosn both hid hammer and mace and throws both of them at her.

It hit her, sending her flying and crashing into a few pillers which cost rubble and rocks to fall down while Y/n grabs the mac and hammer when they return back to him and stood there to see if she is defeated. But then she leaps out and changed her spear into Silfarion and dashes towards him. Y/n summons his twin swords and also dashes towards her ad the two clash blades at each other. They were going soo fast, too fast in fact there was only sparks when they clash blades at each other that anyone can see as they battle each other.

Then Edolas Erza kicked Y/n back, sending him flying and crashing into a wall and he fell to the ground. He looked up onky to dodge her spear that she thrown and quickly moved out of the way. Edolas Erza grabs her spear and charges towards him and the two clash blades once more while she gose on to say.

Edolas Erza: Your very strong! Very skilled as well, I have never met a warrior with so much skill and magic power in my life.

Y/n: (smirk) Guess you need more training then!

He strike a upper punch in the chin and sending her flying and then he leaps up and summons his axe and pulls it down while Edolas Erza see this and two blades clashed, creating a powerful shock blast that sent everything away as the two enter a blade lock at each other in mid air.

Edolas Erza: Why do you continue to fight! Your counterpart self would never risk his life for thw weak so tell me, why do you care about them!

Y/n: Because they are family to me! I won't lose them just like I've lost mine!

He strike a kick at her, sending her crashing to the ground while Y/n raised his axe back and calls out to her.

Y/n: They are the people that I will fight for! The people I can call family! AND I WON'T LET YOU OR YOUR KING TO USE THEM AS A SACRIFICE!!!!

He slammed his axe to the ground, creating a wave of string magic thet hits Edolas Erza, sending her flying as the blast blows everything around Y/n. Y/n stood up straight and look around to see that Edolas Erza is defeated and breath a sigh of relief as he changed back to normal and turn away.

Y/n: Now with that done, time to catch up with the rest and-

Suddenly Edolas Erza burst out of the rubble and see him walking away calls out.

Edolas Erza: (anger) You will not get away from me!!!!!

She throws hear spear at him as he turn to see her spear is too fast and he doesn't have much time to dodge it. Then suddenly a ice wall blocks Edolas Erza's spear strike which surprised both of them.

???: Hey there Y/n. See you've been busy.

Y/n turn and was surprised to see Gray, Erza and Chole which surprised him even more.

Y/n: (surprised) Okay now this has to be the last surprised I can get in one day.

Chole: (smile) Still good to see you. So who's that women who looked like Erza?

They turn Edolas Erza who is picking up her spear as Y/n turn to face her but Erza walk up next to him.

Erza: You go and find Lucy and rescue Natsu and Wendy. I'll take care of my counterpart.

Y/n: Sure thing. Wish you good luck.

Erza: (smirk) Thanks. Now go.

He node and go with Gray and Chole to catch up with Lucy and the rest while both Erza's look at each other.

Edolas Erza: So your my Earthland counterpart. You will pay along with Earthlands counterpart of Y/n.

Erza: I will not allow you to harm anyone else. What ever plan you and this kingdom is doing this ends here.

Erza changed into her Black wing armor while Edolas Erza ready her spear. The two looked at each other and then they charge at each other and start their battle in hopes Y/n and the rest will rescue Natsu and Wendy just in time.

To be continued..................................

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