Chapter 23: Welcome to Edolas
The wind blow at the sands of Edolas as we see Y/n and Edolas Y/n making there way through the desert in order to reach to the capital of Edolas to free the Fairy Tail guilf Hall and return them back to Earthland. They were wearing dark cloaks with hood over their heads so no one will not recognised either one of them as they walk through the desert.
Y/n was behind Edolas Y/n as the two were silent while they walk for a while so he walk up to Edolas Y/n and start to ask him some questions.
Y/n: So if this world has no magic then how did you end up to Earthland without any magic?
Edolas Y/n: I made Anima crystals that can allow me to transport from both Edolas to Earthland. Unfortunately I've uses them up so now we are stuck here until we rescue your guild.
Y/n: Right. Okay another question, if there is a counterpart of me which is you then....what about other counterparts of everybody else from Fairy Tail?
Edolas Y/n: Best you don't ask me that again.
Y/n: Wh-
Edolas Y/n: (anger) I said don't!
Y/n: Okay! Man calm down.
Edolas Y/n sigh and walks off while Y/n thinks to himself.
Y/n: (thought) Okay so this Edolas Y/n is the more aggressive one. Guess that make sense but I can tell he knows about the other counter parts of Fairy Tail guilf members and if so, why isn't he telling me about them?
Edolas Y/n: We're here.
He sees him standing on top of a hill so he walks over and stand next to him as they look down to see a town.
Y/n: We make our stop there?
Edolas Y/n: Yes. Try not draw any attention while down there will you.
Y/n: Right.
They slide down from the hill and make their way to town to rest there and plan out a way to save Earthlands Fairy Tail from the Edolas King.
We see the two walking through town making sure they will not draw any attention as they have their hoof over their heads while they make their way through town. Y/n glance around to see less people here and see many buildings boarded up as Edolas Y/n see him glaring around and explain.
Edolas Y/n: There have been some people that have magic however the king banned anyone from using it. In case there will be a uprising or something like that. Either way he sent his knights to go to town to town, shutting down any magic store or even burn any store if the owners refuse to.
Y/n: That's horrible.
Edolas Y/n: That's what the king wanted. He wanted for no one to use magic while in his rule. Those who stand up against him will be destroyed. Now the only thing that still is magic is magic weapons that is basically pointless in battle most of the time.
Y/n: So what is your if you have one?
Edolas Y/n: I just have a sword. Nothing important, just a sword.
Y/n: Still why our world? Isn't there another way to rain magic to this world?
Edolas Y/n: No. He believes that bringing something from a world that holds magic is the only way possible. Still he is insane about it which I believe he just want the magic to himself and those who are loyal to him.
Y/n: Like his knights?
Edolas Y/n: Some but those who are higher ranked. Still That's the reason why I bring you here, I want to have a fighting chance against him and get my revenge for all the people he has hurt throughout his rule.
Y/n: I see. You think anyone of my guild members might have not been captured by them?
Edolas Y/n: That's high likely, your friends was in a guilf there is no possible way they would-
???: Hey! Let go of me!
Y/n: (thought) Lucy?!
He rushes off while Edolas Y/n sighs and chase after him. Soon they arrive to an alleyway where they see Lucy being grabbed by one Edolas knight while the rest surrounded her.
Male Edolas knight: Hey your apart of Fairy Tail!
Lucy: Yeah i am! Let go of me!
Y/n: (whisper) That's Lucy! We got a help her!
Edolas Y/n: (whisper) No way. She is just gonna slow us down, let's go.
Y/n: (whisper) What?! I can't let them take her! I refuse to let that happen!
Edolas Y/n: (whisper) If you go out there swinging your magic and powerful sword at them, they will know that the Chosen one is not captured! Now let's go!
He turn back to Lucy and decided to screw it and summon his sword and charge into action while Edolas Y/n turn to see him rushing inro action.
Edolas Y/n: (thought) That fucking dumbass.
Before one of the Edolas knights knock Lucy out Y/n came over and slice the Edolas Knight away while the rest ready their blades while Lucy is surprised and relieved to see Y/n.
Lucy: (surprised) Y/n?!
Y/n: (smirk) In the flash!
Male Edolas knight 2: Oh no! The Chosen one isn't captured!
Male Edolas knight 3: Get him!
Lucy: (smirk) Let us help you.
Y/n: Wait your magic won't work in-
Suddenly Lucy's celestial magic dose work as she summon Aries and summons pink fluffy cloads to push them back which the Edolas knights find it very comfortable.
Aries: (panic) I think I might doing a bad job here.
Y/n: (smirk) Nope. Your doing an excellent job Aries now time to finish this!
He summon his hammer and slams it to the ground just as a large thunder bolt hits the Edolas knights and once that they were knocked out. Y/n stood up while he reach out his hand at Aries for a high five to which she blushed and gently high fived him.
Y/n: (smile) Nice work Aries. See you later.
Aries: (little blush) S-Same here. Goodbye.
She disappeared while Lucy smile to see Y/n but she was shocked when she sees another Y/n walk over to him and hit him at the back of the head.
Edolas Y/n: Your such an idiot. Once they wake up they will tell their king about you!
Y/n: That maybe so but at least Lucy is safe.
Edolas Y/n: You're really are an idiot.
Lucy: (shocked) Um excuse me?
He two turn to see Lucy being shocked that there is two Y/n to which Y/n realise this and tell her.
Y/n: Yeah this shocked me as well but this is Edolas Y/n. He brought me here before the Edolas King kidnapped the Fairy Tail guild Hall.
Lucy: (shocked) Is that what that was up in the sky?!
Edolas Y/n: Indeed and speaking of which, who come you were not captured along with the rest?
Lucy: It was Horologuim who was summoned and protected me. Then Jellal came and put something like pill into my mouth and sent me off to this world.
Y/n: (shocked) Wait Jellal?! But how, I thought he was in prison?
Edolas Y/n: Best to ask that for another time. Still if you weren't taking dose that mean there is some that weren't taking?
Y/n: Like who?
They quickly turn around and Y/n and Lucy were surprised to see Natsu, Wendy, Carla and Happy as Wendy rushes over and hug Y/n.
Wendy: (smile) Thank goodness your safe.
Y/n: (smile) Same here. But how did you and the rest were not taking?
Carla: Well I can explain that once we find a safe place. Still we should leave before-
???: You.
They look over and Y/n and Lucy were shocked to see another Lucy which must be Edolas Lucy as she walk Iver to Edolas Y/n and without a word she slapped Edolas Y/n in the cheeks which shocked everyone but Edolas Y/n wasn't phase by it and just look at Edolas Lucy.
Edolas Lucy: (anger) Thought I told you we never wanna see you again after what you did.
Edolas Y/n:....Not my fault that we cross paths.
Edolas Lucy: (anger) Still you shouldn't even be here.
Edolas Y/n: I can go where ever I want, how about you buzz off.
Edolas Lucy: (anger) Excuse me!
Lucy: (little scared) I can tell those two aren't happy to see each other.
Happy: Aye.
The two argue more until Y/n gets in between them and breaks them up.
Y/n: Wow calm down, both of you. Why are you both fighting each other, isn't Edolas Y/n apart of this worlds Fairy Tail if there is one?
Edolas Lucy: Yeah there is a Fairy Tail guilf of this world but he's not apart of our guild, not anymore.
Edolas Y/n: Your guilf is filled with cowards who are scared to even standing up against the Edolas King after everything he has done.
Edolas Lucy: (angee) We told you we rather run then fight but you ignored us and look how that turns out! Our master is dead because of you!
Edolas Y/n: (anger) He died sacrificing his own life for us and told me that I have a heard to lead others for freedom but you all start to blame me for his death and never listen to what you have to say! HE DIED JUST SO WE CAN STAND A FIGHT!
Edolas Lucy: (anger) YOUR ONE STUPID MOTHER FU-
Carla: That's enough! Both of you! We can argue this for another time but right now we need to save our friends!
Y/n: Carla is right. I may not know fully what happened between you two but now we have to work together, is that clear?
The two share a glare and the Edolas Lucy walks off while Edolas Y/n growl a little in anger and walks off as well, following Edolas Lucy while Natsu whisper to Y/n.
Natsu: (whisper) Promise that you or Lucy not argue each other.
Y/n: (whisper) I wouldn't even dream of it.
We see them taking a break in the woods as they sat around while Edolas Y/n wonder off, not wanting to be with Edolas Lucy while Edolas Lucy doesn't care. She looks over to Natsu and Wendy as they tell Y/n and Lucy about how they ended up here.
Y/n: So the reason why you both were not taking is because you both of dragon slayers?
Natsu: Yeah but for some reason we can't use our magic.
Wendy: Which make things difficult for us since there is Edolas Knights around hunting us down.
Lucy: That's odd because me and Y/n still have our magics while in this world.
Natsu: (shocked) You kidding! No fair!
Y/n: Hang on a minute Gajeel and Leigh are also dragon slayers so dose that mean they could be here as well.
Happy: There is also Chole as well but you think they be alright?
Carla: I'm sure they will be fine.
Y/n: Let's hope so. So Edolas Lucy can I ask you some-
Edolas Lucy: What about you buzz off yo-
When Edolas Lucy realise it was the Earthland Y/n talking to her, she clear her throat and said.
Edolas Lucy: Sorry, didn't mean to be rude. What were you saying?
Y/n: I was wondering why you hate my Edolas self and what did he do that cost you and the rest to hate him?
Carla: If I remember correctly you said that he killed your guild master right?
Edolas Lucy: Well you see, unlike many of us he wanted to over throw the Edolas King. He said he has enough of us running away like cowards and we should fight. We refuse because no one can't fight the Edolas King but he gose for it and heads off. Our guild masted gose after him but he came back....but our guild master....was gone. We were sadden and we blame him for his death. He argued back, saying that "We shouldn't have fought along side them and they got themselves to blame." And just like that....he left, promising that one day we will feel sorry once he takes down the Edolas King.
Y/n: So the reason why he rescue me is because he believes I'm powerful enough to defeat the Edolas King?
Edolas Lucy: That's probably the reason.
Natsu: Still you can't put the blame on him. He was only just trying to fight for what he thought was right.
Edolas Lucy: Yeah, well his thoughts got our master killed. Now we are on the run with no master because of him.
Lucy: But you can't just blame him for what he did. I mean I would have fought along side him if I were you.
Edolas Lucy: (anger) Look the best way to survive is to run! We can't fight the Edolas King, there is no way!
There was silence from them as Edolas Lucy sighs while Edolas Y/n came out of the bushes and tell them.
Edolas Y/n: There is another town that has a hotel. We can spend the night there.
Y/n: Sounds good to me, let's go.
They head off to head to the nearest town so they can stay for the night. Once there we see them at room as Lucy and Edolas Lucy take turns taking a shower while we see the rest look at the map that Edolas Y/n have as they sat around the table and look at it.
Edolas Y/n: The Edolas capital is one of the most largest places ever and no one from the Edolas King's enemies will be immediately captured once they enter inside.
Natsu: So it be hard for us to burst in ans save our friends.
Wendy: Yeah and it will take weeks to get there.
Happy: Aye.
Y/n: So what's the plan?
Edolas Y/n: Once we get to the capital we look around to see there is a way to get inside the castle. Once inside we find the king and force him to step down while getting you guys along with your guilf back to Earthland.
Carla: It will hard knowing how magic Edolas knight they might be.
Edolas Y/n: Still we will take them on.
Edolas Lucy: (smile) You couldn't believe how the same we are.
They look over to see both Lucy's came into the room wearing the same pj's, making it a bit hard of them to know which one is which if Edolas Lucy doesn't have a tattoo on her arm.
Y/n: (surprised) Wow it almost like I'm seeing to same Lucy's.
Happy: (smile) Yeah it reminds me of Gemini.
Edolas Y/n: What is Gemini?
Lucy: (smile) It's one of my celestial spirits that can turn to anyone they want.
Edolas Y/n: I see.
Edolas Lucy: So I see your making your next moves on the capital again.
Edolas Y/n: I am, if you don't want to take part the door is right there!
Edolas Lucy: (anger) Why can you not expect the fact that we can't beat the Edolas King! There is no way we can beat him!
Edolas Y/n: (anger) And why do you say that? Is it because what he said, is it because of his speech? He's an old man, a man that is living inside a castle for years while his knights and his higher ranked knights do all the world!
Edolas Lucy: (angee) That's what I'm talking about! His higher ranked knights are more stronger then any of us! Especially Erza Knightwalker!
Y/n: Erza Knightwalker?
Happy: She's the Edolas version of Erza. She attacked the Edolas Fairy Tail guilf with her largeb beast.
Y/n: (shocked) Seriously?!
Wendy: It's true unfortunately.
Edolas Y/n: (anger) She and along with his higher ranking knights are just like the rest! We can handle them, heck I can even handle them myself if I have to!
Edolas Lucy: (anger) Then what about you do that then! Be a hero and maybe if you die, we won't cry because your nothing more but a selfish jerk who only convinced others to join in your suicide crusade!
Things have fall silent after Edolas Lucy said that as Edolas Y/n is shock by this but just turn and storm off as they hear a door slam while Edolas Lucy sigh in frustration and walks away to get some fresh air while everyone else gone silent.
Wendy: I still can't they kick Edolas Y/n out.
Natsu: It just ain't right. He's one of their family right, if anyone try to blame our Y/n I'll punch them in the face.
Y/n: Still i should talk with Edolas Y/n.
Lucy: Right while I'll go ans talk to Edolas Lucy as well.
Happy: Kinda weird that you both are gonna talk to your own self's.
Y/n: Yeah sounds crazy but that's how things play out if your stuck in another dimension.
Lucy and Y/n head off to speak with their Edolas self's as we see Edolas Lucy standing at the balcony and looking at the night sky while Lucy walk up next to her and ask.
Lucy: You doing alright?
Edolas Lucy: Dose it look like I'm doing alright.
Lucy: Yeah guess that was a dumb question.
Edolas Lucy: What ever.
Lucy: Still....I'm here to talk to you about you and Edolas Y/n's argument. Especially what you said about no one will not care if he dies. You know he is hurt by that.
Edolas Lucy: It's what he deserves.
Lucy: No that's not what he deserves! He's apart of your guild and you can't just kick him out for something he was trying to do.
Edolas Lucy: You don't understand how I feels to be on a run by someone who is tracking us down. We just want to survive, want to live but all he cares about his fighting the Edolas King and try to convince us to fight along side him. To me he's selfish.
Lucy: But why is he selfish? I mean, all he wants to make a world a better place, want to stop the Edolas Kings rule and want to make the world better. He's not searching to be a hero or to be famous, he really wants to fight for what is right.
Edolas Lucy:.....I-I.....I don't know.
Lucy: (smile) You know, no matter what happens we will follow Y/n as well in our world.
Edolas Lucy: But why? Aren't you not scared?
Lucy: Well I little but disbite that I'll follow Y/n into battle no matter what. Natsu, Gray, Erza, Wendy and everyone will help him even if it's just a small threat, we will fight along side him till the end.
Edolas Lucy: (small smile) Guess you guilf must be reckless.
Lucy: (smile) Maybe but we are the best guild~!
Edolas Lucy: I know.....not all members don't want him to leave. Mirajane, Elfman and Lisanna didn't want him to leave and even try to convince him to stay but he just left. For some reason I too sadden when he left, I don't know why I feel bad i mean he deserved for what he go but I feel like.....I shouldn't have forgiving but....damn it I don't even know no more!
Lucy: I guess you used to love him.
Edolas Lucy blushes while Lucy smile and tell her.
Lucy: (smile) I know what it would feel like if Y/n left the guild. I would feel hurt and broken without him just like you. I know you hate him but why though? He was trying to do something brave for Edolas and for your guild, even if you lost your guild master you still live him but you suddenly just hate him for the guild master death. But....why do you still hate him can you not find forgiveness and make things right for him?
Edolas Lucy gone silent while Lucy place her hand on her shoulder and tells her.
Lucy: (smile) I know your not the only one who lived Edolas Y/n this world. I'm sure there is other girls that loved him but after your guilf masters death, some suddenly just hated him without giving him a chance to explain. I think you and the rest need to understand that it's not his fault for anything and no matter what happens he is apart of your guild and that means he's apart of your family and family never blame each other for anything.
Tears start to pour out form Edolas Lucy's eyes as Lucy sees she needed some time alone so she did. She left the balcony while she cover her mouth with her hand which tears pour out of her eyes while he remembered the times they do go on dates and how happy they were.
She hated herself for even dare blaming him for their masters death and how cruel she was to him. She wipe the tears away and thinks to herself.
Edolas Lucy: (thought) I still remember the good times we have together. Every time I try to get ride of them but the always come back just to remind me. I know why you want to fight. You were only fighting just to protect us and we kick you out for that reason. Now....I think it's time that we no longer run any more. This is my way to redeem myself for you.
She turn and leaves the balcony and gone pass their room and continues on walk out of the hotel and walk into the streets of town.
Edolas Lucy: (thought) I'm going to try what you tried before. You were right, I'm sick and tired of running away any longer. It's time for join you in battle against the Edolas a family.
To be continued..............................
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