Chapter 22: The opening of Anima
We see Y/n sat on a chair unconscious with a candle light next to him as he slowly start to wake up and slowly he start to open his eyes and lifted his head up and looks around. He looks around to see that he was inside what looks like a basement or somewhere underground. He try to stand up but he can't, he realised he is tied up so he try to use his magic to summon a sword to break free but nothing was happening.
Y/n: (thought) What the? Why can't I summon a sword or anything? What on earth is going on, was I....kidnapped?
Y/n: Hello is anyone here? Natsu! Happy! Lucy! Anyone? Hello!?
There was silence as Y/n sees that he is all alone and needs to get out on his own so he try to untied himself which he nearly got I until he heard what sounded like a door open and closing as he turn to the steps and see a q cloak figure with a hood over his head came down the steps and once made it to the last floor he looks over to Y/n as he glare at him and asked.
Y/n: Who are you? Why have you kidnapped me?
???: You should be thanking me for saving you.
Y/n: Saving me? Yeah right, I don't recall a guy knocking me out and kidnapping me just to save me.
???: You don't understand. Look, do you know where you are?
Y/n: Magnolia of course.
???: Wrong.
Y/n: Wrong?
???: Can you feel something different here. Something that us new to you?
Y/n: Well.....yeah I see feel different here. Almost like I've been sucked into another world.
???: Not just you....but your guild and friends as well.
Y/n: Just......Who are you?
The cloak figure reach over to his hood and pulled down his hood and step out of the light and what Y/n saw shocked him in disbelief.
Y/n: (shocked) No. No that can't be possible! It can't be possible!
(A few hours earlier)
It was a nice day at Magnolia as we see Y/n at the guild just having his morning breakfast as he eat his pancakes that Mirajane made just for him while he read through the news to see if there is anything going on. He set his news paper down and continues eating while Dalila sat next to him and lend her head onto the table.
Dalila: Man I'm so bored.
Y/n: You alright Dalila?
Dalila: Yeah I'm just feeling bored thats all. There is nothing to do but sit around and do nothing.
Y/n: Yeah it seems to be quiet for a while. What about you take on a job with Wendy and the rest?
Dalila: I would but I don't mean by that.
Y/n: Huh?
Dalila: I mean like, going on epic adventures and saving the world type of stuff. I've heard many awesome adventures you and this guild take on, battling the Eisenwald guild, facing down a large monster within a cursed island, going to war against Phantom Lords, stopping a tower to bring back Zeref, battling Laxus while taking part of the battle Royal and stopping Oracion Seis from using Nirvana! Now its nothing more but sitting around at the guild, drink, take on jobs and watch Gray and Natsu fight each other, which is getting old now. Funny but old.
Y/n: (smile) Guess I see what you mean by that. I mean I wish I was apart of a few adventures before the guild civil war but I guess we just need until the adventure comes to us.
Dalila: Oooorrrr we can find our own adventure and go for it!
Y/n: You mean just go out and find a new adventure to take on?
Dalila: (smile) Yeah! Usual you guys go on adventures when ever you guys go somewhere for a normal job right! Maybe if we walk around town, an adventure will come to us!
Y/n: Huh that could be interesting. So what do you think that will come as our adventure?
Dalila: I'm picking some mysterious cloak figure or maybe a troubled women that needed help. Yeah that's right! Come on Y/n, let's grab Wendy, Carla and Aira and let's go and find ourselves some adventure!
Just after she said that Carla storm pass them and they notice how mad she is while Wendy gose after her as Aira walks up next to their table and shake her head.
Aira: (sigh) Carla why do you have yo act like this.
Dalila: Yo what's up?
Aira turns to see the two and explain to them.
Aira: Just Carla getting mad by Happy thats all.
Dalila: So she's still not getting along with everyone else?
Aira: Apparently not.
Y/n: (smile) She'll feel comfortable here sooner or later. I mean you two and Wendy like being here.
Aira: (smile) Of course, this guild is pretty neat. Say what are you two up to?
Dalila: (smile) We're going to find our own adventure! But not just a normal short adventure, I mean a long adventure that really challenge us and make us stronger.
Aira: (smirk) Sounds fun. Okay I'm gonna go and get Carla back. See you two later.
She winks at Y/n before she head off and soon Y/n and Dalila head off while we see Lucy, Erza, Juvia, Danielle and Chole as they see them walking out of the guild together.
Juvia: Are they going on a date without me!?
Chole: I don't think so. I think they are searching for a new adventure since Dalila is boring and heard our own adventures before they join.
Lucy: (smile) Guess I don't blame her. After everything we been through, I'm dieing to know what's next.
Erza: (smile) Agree. It be nice to go on a few when ever it comes.
Danielle: Say got any world from your brother yet?
Chole:......I rather not.
The girls turn to Chole while we see Makarov sitting on the bar and looking over to Chole as she sigh while Mirajane walks over to Makarov.
Makarov: I know Laxus has done terrible things in the past but I worry that Chole will not forgive Laxus for what he did during the festival.
Mirajane: It's sad to see siblings fought with one of them wishing to never see each other again.
Makarov: Indeed. I just wish Chole will one day forgive her older brother, I just hope she dose.
We see Y/n and Dalila walking through Magnolia searching for a new adventure to find as they ask around seeing there is any important adventures that they can help. But no one hasn't and some who dose were just small jobs which of course they help to fix but after a while of asking and searching around they sat on a bench to take a break.
Dalila: (sigh) What kind of town filled with many people and none of them don't have any important and world changing adventure?
Y/n: Guess they have been living Magnolia for a long while they weren't bother to go somewhere.
Dalila: Still there has to be some awesome adventure that we can take on.
Then there was loyd noise coming from the alleyway follow by cats coming out of the alleyway as Dalila face lights up and race into the alleyway with Y/n catching up to her.
Y/n: Where are you going?!
Dalila: Adventure rule 101! If there is loud noise in suspicious alleyways, that means there is an adventure calling out to us!
Y/n: Do you think so?!
Dalila: (smile) Yep! And our adventure is right around this corner!
They turn a corner suspected for someone so they can uo on a awesome adventure but they see Gajeel grabbing some cats and looking over to see the two. They stare at each other awkwardly for a while. Then Dalila start to chuckle a bit which made Gajeel pissed and yells.
Gajeel: (anger) WHAT'S SO FUNNY?!
The cats got scared and they scratched Gajeel and run off. His face was covered by scratches while Dalila laughs even more while Y/n also find it a bit funny but hold his laughter as he walks over and help Gajeel up.
Y/n: What are you doing here! More importantly why are you picking up so many cats?
Gajeel: W-Well I was just.....Well.....I FINE, I want a kitty cat of my own okay!
Y/n: You want your own cat partner? I never know you like cats?
Gajeel: IT'S NOT LIKE THAT! You know how Natsu and Wendy have their own flying and talking cats with them right?
Y/n: You mean Happy and Carla, yeah why?
Gajeel: Well it ain't that fair for me to have own! How come they have their cats while I don't!
Y/n: No idea but besides your not alone, Chole doesn't have a flying talking cat even thought she is a Dragon slayer.....Well kinda but still, you don't see her arguing about it.
Gajeel: Still I want my own little cat as my own partner alright. AND IF YOU TELL ANYONE ABOUT THIS, THEN YOU BOTH GONNA REGRET IT!
Y/n: Sure thing. Our mouths will be shut.
Gajeel nodes and slowly leaves while he keep saying "Ow" because of the cat scratches while Dalila finishes laughing while she walks over next to Y/n.
Dalila: (chuckling) I don't know if I could find this funny or cute.
Y/n: (smile) Still that is something new about one member of our guild.
Dalila: (smile) Yeah but too bad there is no awesome adventure we can take on.
Y/n: (smile) Hey maybe that time will come. I know it will, say what about we both take on a job that you like. I saw one job about a large abandoned castle we can take on.
Dalila: (surprised) Really?! Sounds awesome! It might not be a awesome adventure but at least we can possibly find something out there! Thanks Y/n, your the best.
She kiss Y/n on the cheek and rushes out of the alleyway with a smile on Y/n as he was about to leave but a drip of water land on his head and he look up to see cloads forming which confused him.
Y/n: Odd, I don't remember any rain today?
???: That's Anima, it's opening and I'm not gonna let him take you.
Y/n: Who in the-
Suddenly a cloth was placed on his mouth and nose while someone behind him grabbing him as Y/n struggle to break free and was about to summon a weapon but it was too late as he feel himself getting tired and and his eyes getting heavy and soon he falls unconscious while the mysterious figure drag Y/n away while the rain starts as Dalila rushes back to the guild while thinking Y/n is right behind him.
Soon she meet up with Wendy and Carla up ahead as she rush up to them.
Dalila: So much for a nice weather around here.
Wendy: (shocked) We saw him!
Dalila: Saw who Gajeel trying have cats as his partner. Yeah me and Y/n were the first one to saw h-
Wendy: No we saw Jellal! Mystogan is Jellal!
Dalila: Wait what? But wasn't he arrested?
Wendy: I don't know anymore!
Dalila: (smirk) Looks like an adventure as finally call apon us! Come on Y/n, let's grab everyone else and let's-
She turn to see Y/n but he wasn't with her as she looks around for Y/n.
Dalila: Wait? He was right behind me? Where did he-
Suddenly rumble of thunder as they look up to see a large portal opening with thunder strikes as they were shocked by this massive portal in the sky.
Dalila: (shocked) What in the world is that!?
Carla: (shocked) It can't be. This is it!
Dalila: I guess this adventure is way crazy now I'm I right, hehe.
Suddenly there was a flash of light that blinds everyone as the portal sucks the whole town through and once that the portal closed and eveyething was quiet now.
(Unknown world)
(A few hours later)
Y/n: (shocked) No. No it can't be possible! It can't be possible!
We see Y/n stilled tied up by the cloaked figure who kidnapped him as he revealed his face to Y/n and Y/n was shocked to see that the cloaked figure was.....himself. Himself stare back at Y/n as Y/n was confused by this as he shake his head and asked.
Y/n: No! This must be some sort of trick! Who are you really, you can't be me!
Edolas Y/n: Your right. I'm not you, but I am you. You may call me Edolas Y/n so we won't be confusing for you and me.
Y/n: Right bit how can I know your really me?
Edolas Y/n: (angry) Your such a idiot. I am you and I need your god damn help! Do you want me to leave you down here for the rest of your life!
Y/n: Wow take it easy man, look I believe you just tell me where I'm I and what is Edolas even mean?
Edolas Y/n sigh, walk behind Y/n and united him and once that Y/n is free.
Edolas Y/n: Go up those stairs and you can see it for yourself.
Y/n turns to the steps and dose what himself says. He walk up the steps and reach to a door. He open the door and step outside and it dose feel really different about this place.he looks around and was shocked to see floating islands around Y/n as he stood there in shock while Edolas Y/n step outside and stand next to him.
Edolas Y/n: This is Edolas. Another dimension that is different to yours.
Y/n: Different dimension? But how is that possible?
Edolas Y/n: The ruler of this world used Anima to transport your guild into this one in order to get what they want.
Y/n: What do they want?
Edolas Y/n: Unlike your world, this one doesn't have much magic here. This world needs magic in order to survive and with low magic, you suspected people will do what ever they can to get it. The Edolas King is mad of rain magic down to this world, he will do anything to achieve this goal, even by means being a dictator and ban all small traces of magic including guilds as well.
Y/n: (shocked) So he kidnapped my guild just so he can rain down magic apon the world?!
Edolas Y/n: That's right. Now I'm gonna give you something so you can use your magic again but I want you to trust me. I'm not your bloody kidnapper okay, for now on we are allies and we will not backstab each other, got it!
Y/n: Okay Okay I understand. We're allies jeez.
Edolas Y/n sigh as he give Y/n a pill which he takes and once he swallow it, he can feel his magic back again qs Edolas Y/n walk back inside as Y/n stare out of the floating island and wonder to himself.
Y/n: (thought) I just hope eveyrone is alright. Guess that means I'm on my own along with myself to save them. No, there has to be someone that escape, I know there is some that must have escape.
Then Edolas Y/n came back outside with a sword as he slide it onto his back and asked Y/n.
Edolas Y/n: Ready.
Y/n: Yeah. So where should we go first?
Edolas Y/n: We head East, there is a town we can hunker down a bit and grab as many supplies for the journey ahead.
Y/n: So where are we going exactly?
Edolas Y/n: To the capital. That's where your guild is being held captive. If we get there, we can save your friends.
Y/n: Okay but if I'm right, thete will be a lot of soldiers in the capital.
Edolas Y/n: In your world your the Chosen one right? You're very powerful so you can handle the soldiers that comes in our way.
Y/n: What about you? Aren't you the Chosen one in Edolas?
Edolas Y/n: No and even I was, everyone will not look up to me as hope.....not anymore.
Y/n: (thought) What dose that mean? Did something happened that made people turn against Edolas Y/n?
Y/n: So you got any more allies that can help us?
Edolas Y/n: No.
Y/n: Friends?
Edolas Y/n: No.
Y/n: Anyone that is close to you?
Edolas Y/n: No.
Y/n: So your alone with no one to talk to?
Edolas Y/n: Yes.
Y/n: That is....very sad.
Edolas Y/n: I've gone used to it. Now let's shut up and let's go.
Y/n: Right.
And so the two walk off with Y/n still wants to know more about his own self and wonder what happened to him that cost eveyrone around him turn on him while we see Edolas Y/n want to get this job done as they make their way through the open desert to reach the capital and rescue Fairy Tail before it's too late.
To be continued....................
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