Chapter 21: A long trip
It was morning within Magnolia and we see the small building called the Fairy Hills, an all girls dormitory where girls stay at if they don't have a house to stay on.
In one of these rooms we see Aria lying on her bed sleeping for a while until she yawn and slowly open her eyes and turn to the window and see it's morning time. She smirks to herself and leap out of her bed and get herself a shower and after that brush her teeth and then get herself change.
She walk pass a mirror which she look at and smile as she dose a spine to check her clothes and smile once more and said.
Aira: (smirk) Alright girl. Time to go get out there. You know about the guild and people around you, so I think it's time......
She then opens her door and rias her fist into the air and calls out.
Aira: (smirk) time to get a job and get some money! I cannot wait.
We see Aria at the job board within the fairy Tail guild Hall and looking for a perfect job for her and her team to take. At the background we see Y/n, Danielle and Leigh playing cards and placing down some bets onto the table which Leigh is shown to be winning.
Aria looks deeply at the job and with her was Nab who was also looking for a job.
Aria: (thought) Man picking out a job is a lot more harder I thought it would be.
Wendy: (smile) Hey Aria.
She turn to see Wendy, Carla and Dalila walk over to her and Aria turn to them.
Dalila: So what are you doing at the job request board?
Aria: (smile) Looking for a job for us of course. Since we are now members here and there is a lot more jobs to do, I figured we pick out a job and take it.
Wendy: (smile) That could be fun. Any jobs you picked out?
Aria: Sadly no but there has to be a good job we can go to.
Carla: You always wanna rush through things, do you?
Aria: (smile) You know me Carla.
Mirajane: Any luck for a job yet girls?
Then Mirajane walks over to them and Aria turns to her.
Aria: Nope nothing yet. Gonna say, you guys have a lot of jobs on this board as I thought.
Mirajane: (smile) Yep, if any of you need help, let me know I can help.
Aria: (smile) Right, thanks Mira.
Then Mirajane walk off while Wendy walks over to the board and picks out one job and she looks at it.
Wendy: Look at this job.
Dalila: What dose it say?
Wendy: The fro tbof it says "Need help."
Dalila: That's it? That's odd?
Wendy: There's more. "I have been working for as an owner of the studio for a while and need some help with my job. Please help me. From: Rabin."
Aria: Rabin? Hmmm I think I know that name from someone before.
Y/n: Hey girls, what's happening?
They turn to see Y/n walk up to them and Aria asked him.
Aria: Hey Y/n, do you know the name Rabin?
Y/n: Rabin? Oh yeah, I know that guy! He knows this studio within Onibus Town. I think Natsu, Lucy, Erza, Gray and Happy took a job for him a long time ago.
Then Natsu, Happy and Gray appear behind Y/n with one of them said.
Natsu: Yeah and it was a disaster.
Happy: Aye.
Gray: It was a whole mess and we cost a lot of damage there.
Y/n: I don't know, Erza liked it and to honest, I would like to be a part of a play.
Dalila: That would be fun and a dream to see Y/n as maybe a Prince or a brave warrior on stage.
Aria: (smile) I guess we're taking this job then, let's do this girls!
Wendy: (smile) Awesome.
Carla: Should we take things easy before we take action?
Aria: Nope!
Y/n: (smile) Well I'm not gonna miss my opportunity of being part of the next play, mind I join.
Aria: (smile) Sure thing. Come on team, let's go!
So they left to Onibus Town to complete this job whole Natsu, Happy and Gray watch them go.
Gray: How long you think they be back very tired?
Natsu: Maybe days.
Happy: I hope they be back with some fish in hand.
(Short while later)
They arrive at the train station and they were about to enter one so they cab head to Onibus Town but they see a crowd of people tahr were going to Onibus station and soon they realised the train ride to Onibus Town is close unril it will be fixed.
Aria: Aw man, that sucks.
Dalila: So now what?
Carla: I suppose we have no choice but to head back and get another job.
Y/n: Yeah we should........or......
They turn to Y/n and he turn to the rest with a smile adn said.
Y/n: (smile) We can walk there.
Carla: (surprised) Walk there?! Are you mad?!
Y/n: (smile) Come on, walking is more fun and it be relaxing to walk through the forest while make our way to Onibus Town. Besides, it will take two days until we get there so it won't be that bad.
Wendy: (smile) Yeah it will be fun. What do you say?
The three look at each other and have a think about and think I won't be that bad so they agree.
Aria: (smile) Sure, I'm in!
Dalila: (smile) Same.
Carla: (sigh) I suppose I'll join you, but don't complain when all of you to to get tired.
Y/n: (smile) Come on Carla, light things up in time to time. It's not bad to have some fun during some adventure.
Carla just looks away while Y/n can take that as a maybe and they start to make their way out of the train station and make their journey to Onibus Station. They walk through the forest and can't help but already feel relaxed while they walk through the calm and nice forest.
Wind gently blow then while they walk through the dirt road with leafs gently blowing around them creating a relaxing sound that fills their ears. They seen a few wild life such as deers, rabbits and other friendly creatures whidh made them smile.
Wendy walks up to Y/n and the two walk ahead while Aria, Dalila and Carla were behind them getting distracted form nature around them while the two start to talk.
Wendy: So Y/n, have you ever walk this long before?
Y/n: (smile) Yeah and it's nice to clear my head away from anything around me and just enjoy the nature around me.
Wendy: (smile) Yeah I don't blame you.
Y/n: (smile) So are you, Carla, Dalila and Aria a team during your time in the cait shelter guild?
Wendy: (smile) Yeah. We go through a lot of adventures, mostly Aria cost those adventures and we have to either help her or stop something that she did most of time.
Y/n: Really? Guess that's Aria for ya.
Wendy: (smile) Yeah and she is the reason why we are together. Our bound never break, still thanks for allowing us to join Fairy Tail. We don't know what we could do since we know that our old guild was......wasn't there.
Y/n can see the sadness within her and understood how it feels to lose everyone you care for around them. But he gently place a hand on her shoulder that made her blush while Y/n assures her.
Y/n: (smile) Never worry about anything Wendy. You and yiru friends are welcome to our guild and we will never abandoned you after everything you did to us against the Oracion Seis and Nirvana.
Wendy: (blush) Y-Yeah, thanks Y/n.
Y/n smiles and they continue on walking through the forest so they can get to Onibus Town to complete their job and get paid.
Erza: (surprised) They left?!
We see Erza get surprised to be heard from Leigh who was sitting next to Lucy at the bar area within the Fairy Tail guild.
Leigh: Yeah, they left 4 minutes ago. Why, is there a problem?
Erza: I've been dieing to be part into play for a very long time!
Leigh: (surprised) Wait you like to stage play? Erza, I have no idea.
Lucy: Yeah and don't ask how was the ending because I was a huge mess.
Erza: I need to hurry and get my stuff ready and try to catch up to them as soon as I can!
Then Erza rushes off to grab her stuff while Leigh and Lucy watch her leave to get her stuff ready.
Leigh: (surprised) I never seen her like that before.
Lucy: (smile) There is a lot of things you'll be surprised from Erza.
Leigh: Hmmm although, taking part in a play can't be all that bad. Guess I might give if a try, hey Lucy you wanna come with us?
Lucy: Sure but I might be doing back stage next time.
Leigh: (smirk) Works for me.
As soon Erza returns with her cart of stuff they head off to Onibus Town to catch up to Y/n and the rest and help them out with their job.
Leigh: Hey Erza, is that a custom dragon on your cart?
Lucy also noticed it hanging at the back of her cart while Erza smiles and said.
Erza: (smile) Well yes, it is a souvenir I have and I've been waiting to use it once more.
Leigh: (smile) Bet Natsu was the one who have to wear it.
Lucy: Yeah and note to self: Never have him played as any dragon light creatures.
Leigh: (chuckle) Let me guess, didn't go well?
Lucy: Yep. Hey Leigh?
Leigh: Yeah?
Lucy: There is something in my mind that has been bothering me and I wanna get it out.
Leigh: Sure, ask away.
Lucy: Natsu can eat fire including Gajeel right?
Leigh: Yeah?
Lucy: If your an Earth Dragon slayer, dose that mean you eat dirt?
Leigh: No! Ew! Okay, true I MAY do that but to be honest it's kinda weird and disgusting. Natsu eating fire, that's cool. Gabriel eating iron, also cool but me eating dirt, gross.
Lucy: Yeah sorry for asking.
Leigh: It's cool, at least you were being honest about it.
Lucy: (smile) Yeah. Wonder what Y/n and the rest are up to?
Leigh: No clue, bet they are having some fun out there.
We see Y/n and the rest stop by a lake as they set up their tents for the upcoming night. The sun was about to set down and we see Aria trying to catch some fish with a fishing rod but no such luck.
She throws the line over and over to the lake but it seems like the fish are ignoring it. Aria sighs while Y/n walks over to her and sat next to her and asked.
Y/n: Having a hard time?
Aria: Yeah. I don't know how Natsu and Happy manage to catch a few fishes, this is hard as heck!
Y/n: Here, let me try.
She hands him a fishing rod and Y/n throws the line into the lake and waits there and after a while there was a tug and he railed it up and a fish came out of the lake ane Y/n catches it.
Aria: (surprised) Wow, how do you fo that?
Y/n: (smile) Guess I'm what Happy calls "Fish caller."
Aria: Fish Caller?
Y/n: I somehow catch fishes out of nowhere whidh seem to impress Happy and Natsu.
Aria: (smile) Awesome, will you teach me someday?
Y/n: (smile) Sure, now let's catch some fish and return back to the group.
Aria nods with a smile and Y/n start catching some fish while Aria puts them into a bucket and once the bucket his full, they take it to the rest and they sat down around the fire and wait for their fish foods to keep.
It came around night time when they start to eat the fish and they chatted to each other and share some laughs.
Aria: (giggle) So Natsu, Lucy, Happy, Gray, Leo and Erza swap bodies?
Y/n: (chuckle) That's what they told me when I ask them their funny and crazy adventure. What make it even more funny, Levy only gotten Gray and Lucy back to normal while the rest stay where tehy were trapped and what's mow, some of the guild members have tier bodies swapped.
Aria: (laughter) Oh god that is funny.
Dalila: How did they manage to get their bodies back to normal?
Y/n: Actually, I have no idea. I think they just told me that and never tell me how they got their bodies back to normal. One say about a potion while some say another swap body spell. Hm, can't seem to remember.
Carla: Well that's what they get for reading something that looks suspicious.
Y/n: Hey Carla,I've been meaning to ask you something.
Carla: What is it?
Y/n: How did you met Wendy? Where did you come from?
Carla: To be actually honest, I have no idea. I was just hatched in a egg within the cait shelter guild and nothing else.
Y/n: Weird. Happy also have no idea where he came from back I'm sure you two will find out where you come from sooner or later.
Carla: Right.
Wendy yawns a little ane rub her eye as she said.
Wendy: I'm very tired from all the fun we having.
Y/n: (smile) Guess time flies.
Wendy nods and she lend her head onro Y/n's shoulder which made him blush a little while Wendy fell asleep on his shoulder.
Aria: Aww that's cute.
Dalila: (smirk) Seems like she found your body comfortable and warm.
Y/n: (blush) I-I-I Guess?
Dalila giggles and crawl towards Y/n and rest her head onto Y/n's lap which made him blush even more as she gently swizzle his leg and said.
Dalila: Mmmm your so warm and cosy. I think I might have you as a pillow instead. What do you think Cutie?
Y/n was blushing deeply and can't find the right words to say it while Dalila sees the blush and smirks to him.
Aria: (smile) Hey, don't leave me hanging!
Aria crawl over and grabs the other arm of Y/n and get cosy which made Y/n blush even more. Know all three girls are sleeping around Y/n while Carla just looks at this and sighs to herself.
Carla: Why do I even bother?
(Next day)
Back at Magnolia we see Chole and the thunder legion as they were asking Mirajane if she see Y/n around and Mirajane told them about the job they took.
Chole: Huh, didn't Natsu ans his team take that job when the guild is on construction?
Mirajane: (smile) Indeed but I seems like Y/n and the rest are gonan go there and help them and I think Leigh, Erza and Lucy are also going there as well.
Freed: Seems like some or the group are going to Onibus Town then?
Evergreen: (smirk) It would be great to be part of a stage play, I've been looking forward to it.
Bickslow: (smirk) Yeah and we start the party there.
Chole: Well we can head there and see if they needed help.
Mirajane: (smile) That would be nice, take care you four.
Chole: (smile) You too Mira.
Soon they exit out of the guild and arrive at the train station. Lucky for them, the problem was fixed and they hop on and the train take off to Onibus Town.
The four sat down with Chole ane Freed looking out of the window while Freed look at her trying to find the right words to say but he start it of by saying.
Freed: Are you alright?
Chole: Yeah, why wouldn't I be?
Freed: Just wondering. Listen, we just wanna to apologise for what we did at the festival a few months back.
Chole: It's's all in the past now.
Bickslow: Yeah bit what about your brother?
Chole gets flashbacks about Laxus and the way he treated her and others. She makes a fist and she and the rest was silent before Chole sighs in a calm voice.
Chole: I just wish.......I could have stop him sooner. Sometimes I was my fault for Laxus to be what he is you know.
Freed: Never blame yourself Chole.
Chole: I know but still........When we learned Makarov kick out our father, Laxus was furious by this and in that day, he changed.
Evergreen: You or Laxus never told us about your father.
Bicslow: Yeah. I know this might be rude but, can you tell us who your father was?
Freed: You two need to respect her and her brothers family life!
Chole: It's okay Freed. Our father is named Ivan Dreyar and he is the son of Makarov and father to me and Laxus. He seem to care about Laxus more then his own daughter. One day, I draw a nice picture and show it to him. He just destroy it right in front of me and said "Stop being a child and be like your brother!" That made me cry unril Makarov noticed this ane took care of me after that.
Evergreen: So that's why you care more than yiru grandfather then your own father.
Chole: Yeah. I never liked my father, but Laxus sure as hell dose. But I'm good he is gone, at least he won't torment me or anyone ever again.
Freed can see the anger within her and see she still haven't forgiven Laxus for her he did to her.
Freed: (thought) You may hate your brother Chole, but deep inside of you, I know you still worry for him and hope he'll come back someday.
We see Y/n, Wendy, Aria, Dalila and Carla walking through the desert. The heat was beating them like hell. Aria pulls out a water can and try to drink it but a drip of water came out of it which made Aria sigh and said.
Aria: Man I'm ready thirsty.
Dalila: Unfortunately that water can is our only one.
Aria: Crap!
Y/n: Hang on, I got an idea.
They stop and Y/n step forward and reach out his hand and shut his eyes so he can focus. Soon a large water burst oit from the sand ans sprinkle water while Wendy, Carla, Aria and Dalila were surprised while Y/n explains.
Y/n: Juvia was the one that teach me who to use this trick in case I'm stuck in the middle of the desert.
Aria: (surprised) That's awesome! Your awesome!
Wendy: (smile) Thank you so much.
Y/n smiles and they drink up as much water they can before it was gone. Then they feel something coming towards them and they look over to see a large tornado in the distance.
Aria: That can't be good.
Carla: It's wise we avoid that at all times.
Y/n: Yeah your right, we should-
???: (distance) Erza?!
Y/n: Erza?
They were confused snd tehy follow the sound. Soon they rush up a hill and look down to see Lucy and Leigh there along with Erza who was stuck on quicksand. They slide down and rush over to them.
Y/n: What happened?
Lucy: We were just walking through the desert unrik Erza fell inro quicksand.
Aria: Okay, that's not good.
Leigh: Wait? I thought you take the train ride to Onibus Town?
Y/n: There wasa problem whe we arrive at the train station so we decided to walk.
Leigh: Guess we're not the only once.
Erza is starting g to sink which panics Lucy.
Lucy: Quick! We need to get her out of there.
Carla: And hurry. That tornado is coming towards us.
Leigh: Hang on!
She then slide down the hole and once near Erza she take her hand and try to pull her but she wasn't moving.
Leigh: Jeez Erza, how many cake did you eat?
Erza: (anger) Are you telling me I'm fat!
Leigh: Not at all.
Y/n: What's wrong?
Leigh: She's ain't moving. Something is pulling her down.
Erza: I think I know what it is. It's my cart filled with things I needed of Onibus Town.
Lucy: You gonan be kidding me.
Aria: Yeah it's maybe best you let go.
Erza: Your right. (Sniff) far well, my dreams.
She let's them go and the cart fell into the darkness while Leigh pulls her out and leaps out of the quicksand.
But a strong wind blows over them and they look over to see the tornado was right in front of them.
Carla: We're too late!
Y/n: Not in my watch!
He required into his wonr armor form and stood in front of everyone.
But then Wendy rush up next to Y/n and said.
Wendy: Let me help. We can combine our wind Magic together.
Y/n: Right, let's do this!
The two charge up their wind Magic and windo dragon slayer magic at the same time and once it was do they fired a massive wind attack at the tornado and after a while of holding ut the Tornado started to fate away and soon it was gone.
Lucy and the rest were saved and they cheered for them while Wendy turn to them and smiled while Y/n turns to Wnedy and nods to her which made her blush a little.
They all finally arrive at Onibus Town ane they stood in front of Rabin's stage show studio but they were confused to see that everything is alright ane there was a line of people there.
Leigh: I thought he needed help?
Aria: I thought so too?
Lucy: What's going on?
Then Rabin peeks out behind the pillar with a smile on his face and he sees them and said.
Rabin: (smile) I am thankful for your arrival. You see, I've heard about the legend of the Chosen across town ane I decided to put up a stage show about it. The reason why I place up that request board up is so this Chosen one can stand there while people have his autograph.
Y/n:......So the reason why you put up that request boardup is so you have me stand I front of many people ane sigh their autographs?
Rabin: (smile) Yes and I am thankful you have came.
Lucy: You mean we risk our own lives just so we just have to do nothing!
Leigh kinda chuckles while Lucy and Erza fell to their knees and felt extremely tired of the long walk they have been through while Y/n and the rest sigh but at least they have some fun.
(Short while later)
They sat on the steps after their easy job was done and at the same time Chole and thunder legion arrived and they walk up to them and Y/n explains what happened.
Chole: (smile) Whoa, seems like you lot have some adventure.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah, the job maybe easy but at least we have some fun.
Leigh: (smirk) Yeah and Lucy and Erza's reactions was funny.
Bickslow: And that's why they are on their knees?
They look over to see them still on their knees still tired.
Freed: That would explain a lot.
Wendy: (smile) Yeah but I have a great time and I bet we can do this together, right Y/n?
Y/n: (smile) Sure, I'll be happy to go with you all on the next job.
Wendy: (smile) Can't wait!
Aria: (smile) Same here!
Dalila: (smile) Me too.
Y/n smiles and them and so dose Chole and the thunder legion. Badk within the bushes we see a mysterious cloaked figure spying on them and looking at Y/n whidh he glares at him before he turns and disappear into the bushes while he said.
???: Soon Y/n.....they will come and we both will destroy them.....once and for all.
To be continued.............
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