Chapter 19: A new guild members (Lemon)

Within the dark forest we see the magic  Council's guards taking away the Oracion Seis and taking them away.

Within the deep forest watching this was Yoshi watching them taking away the Oracion Seis as he smirks to himself and turns and walks off.

He rise his dark crystal and a voice spoke within the crystal as he person on the other side asked.

???: What happened?

Yoshi: It seems that they have manage to stop Nirvana and stop the Oracion seis plans. But I have some news for yous. The chosen one lives.

???: (shocked) What? How is that possible? We destroyed everyone in this village?!

Yoshi: It seems one lives and now he has join Fairy Tail.

???: This isn't good. Return to the guild at once and we can discuss this with the rest.

Yoshi: Understood.

Soon Yoshi vanished into the darkness to returns to his guild to discuss the situation about the chosen ones survival.


The magic council lead by Lahar handcuffs Jellal for crimes against the council while everyone else watch this in shock and can't believe their arresting Jellal for something he can't remember.

Y/n: You can't arrest him! He didn't remember what he did!

Jura: Indeed you can't do this!

Lahar: It is ordered by the magic council and I'll shall do what necessary.

Natsu: But he helped us! Can you not just give him a second chance or something!?

Lahar: This is ordered by the magic council itself, now yous will stand down or we will use force!

They all couldn't believe this as they watch Jellal getting taking away while Erza watch in disbelief which Y/n noticed this. He looks down to think of anything to let Jellal free when suddenly Natsu punches one of the guards which shocked everyone.

Aira: (shocked) Did he just punch a guard in the face?!

Lucy: (shocked) This can't be good.

Natsu: We won't let you take Jellal away!

Then eveyone join in as they fight the guards. Y/n turn to see a few guards tey to gets Wendy, Aira and Dalila so he push them away and summon his sword so one guard will step back.

Y/n see this going on and he was about to join in when Erza yells out.

Erza: Everyone stop!

They all stop and turn to Erza as she looks up at Lahar and said.

Erza: My apologies aboit everyone. We won't step in line again.

Natsu: What are you doing Erza?!

Erza: I said that's enough!

Natsu backs off and Lahar nods and take Jellal away. Before Jellal get on the cart he turns to Erza ans said.

Jellal: Now I remember why I somehow know you. It's because of your red hair.

Erza never heard that for a long time and this upsets her more then ever ad Lahar and his guards take Jellal away while eveyone else watch them leave.


Everyone was sitting down by either the grass or a rock in silnce while Erza is away to be alone for a bit.

Eveyone was sadden by Jellal arrest and wish they could have done something to stop it. Y/n looks over by the destructions and see the cliff with a few pillars that where Erza is at.

Y/n sighs before he stands up and walks off as they watch him go.

Happy: Wonder where Y/n is going?

Lucy: Probably checking up on Erza. It's best we leave them alone.

Happy: Aye.

Natsu: This ain't far. Jellal didn't do anything and they just take him away like that.

Ren: It's hard but we can't argue with them.

Eve: Agree it's best to not used up our engery snd rest now.

Wendy was sadden by Jellal's arrest and wanna spend some time with him and possibly thank him for taking care of her as a child.

Then we cut to Y/n as he walks up by a cliff side and turns to see Erza sat down on the floor and looking at the view with tears of sadness in her eyes.

Y/n sat down next to her and the two sat there in silnce before Y/n turns to Erza and place his hand onto her shoulder to comfort her.

Y/n: Erza I'm really am sorry for this. It....must be hard to see your old friend being taking away like that.

Erza: (tears) I know.

Y/n:.....If you...want me to leave then I'll understand.

He was aboit to stand up to leave but then Erza hugs Y/n with tears dripping down out of her eyes and onto Y/n's clothes. Y/n doesn't mind it and hugs her back as she cries.

The sun shines on them as Erza let's out the sadness that has been bottling inside of her and let's it all out as she cries while hugging Y/n.

Y/n hugs her even more while she cries before she calms down and looks at Y/n in the eyes. Y/n see the tears in her face and gently wipes it away before saying to her.

Y/n: I promise at the bottom of my heart I will make your life a better place then ever. That's a promise.

Erza: (tears) Thank you Y/n. Thank you so much.

She hugs Y/n once more as she cries again while Y/n hugs her back before they head back to the rest and to the caut shelter guild.

(A while later)

They were given fancy dress and clothes given by the cait shelter guild members. Y/n exit out of the tent and outside was Chole, Aira and Dalila as Aira claps before saying.

Aira: (smile) You look great!

Y/n: (chuckle) Thanks but you really don't have to do this.

Chole: (smile) Yeah he's right. You don't have to give us your clothes.

Dalila: Don't be nonsense. Yous saved our guild so it's the least we can do.

Y/n: (smile) Well thank yous for helping us. Yous were great help against the Oracion Seis.

Aira: (smile) No problem and beside, yous are the best and maybe one day, I'll get stronger just you wait.

Y/n: (smile) Can't wait to see that.

Aira smiles once more and they join up with the rest in front of the cait shelter guild with Roubaul, Aira, Dalila, Carla and Wendy standing in front of eveyone else as Roudaul said.

Roudaul: I thank yous all for saving us from Nirvana and the Oracion Seis. Our guild would have completely destroyed if it wasn't for yous. Including you Y/n, your strong will of Portecting us and bravery stop Nirvana from ever destroying our guild. We are thank you snd your friends for yous actions.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks but I can't take all the credit. We all did our job and show they might be arguments between us in the beginning but together we are strong and guilds stick together, no matter what.

Ichiya: Indeed and now let us separate our victory with a party!

Eve, Reb and Hibiki: Yes boss!

Ichiya and the rest of Blue Pegasus dance and Fairy Tail join in while Chole and Y/n smiles and laughs as eveyone has a dance.

Then Y/n noticed Roubaul and the rest except for Aira, Dalila, Carla and Wednt seem to be troubled by something.

Y/n: Is everything alright?

There was silence for a bit as eveyone else stop dancing snd turn to Roubaul. Then Roubaul spoke ans said.

Roubaul: My apologies my friends but I think it's times yous know the truth about Nirvana.

Aira: Say what now?

Dalila: What do you mean master?

Roubaul: You see. Nirvana was actually our creation long ago.

Y/n: (shocked) What?!

Eveyone was shocked by this and even Wendy, Carla, Aira and Dalila as Roubaul explains.

Roubaul: Nirvana was created as a city for people to feel safe and uses as transport to one place to another. It was peaceful until....a dark engery within Nirvana triggered eveyone to go inoy a violent rage and fight each other to the death. A group of people managed to survive snd seal Nirvana away so no one will not suffer what we been through.

Eveyone was in silnce by this news and Aira shakes the shock out of her and asked.

Aira: Wow wow wow! Wow! What about The angel Guardian? You said that he defeated the darkness away and saves yous?

Roubaul: Yes I have told yous that story but that story was actually a prediction of the future.

Dalila: Wait so you told us about what happens in the future?

Roubaul: Indeed. I have seen the future years ago about Nirvana's rise and the Amgel Guardian saved us from this ultimate doom.

Y/n: Wait so....dose that mean?

Roubaul: Indeed. You were this Angel Guardian that would have saved us from this doom.

Natsu: (shocked) Wow your joking right?

Gray: (shocked) Wow I never knew.

Roubaul: Indeed.'s times.

Then one by one each member of the cait shelter guild vanished while the rest watch in shock.

Chole: (shocked) What is going on?!

Dalila: (shocked) Their.....not real.

Eve: (shocked) What?

Dalila: (shocked) Their just spirits that used their magic to make it look like their alive but now....their vanishing.

Aira: No! This can't be happening!

Wendy: No! Please come back! We need yous!

Each member of the cait shelter guild vanished as Carla, Wendy, Aira ans Dalila watch as tears start to form in their eyes as they watched.

Roubaul: (smile) I wish of yous the best of luck and I know your paths will be great. I know it can.

Then Roubaul vanished into the air as the Wendy, Aira, Dalila and Carla's cair shelter guild marks vanished as well. Aira fell to her knees ans slams her fist onto the ground as tears drops onto the floor as she cry.

Eveyone felt sorry for them including Y/n as he knows how it feels to lose a whole people that you know of for years suddenly vanished like that. Y/n walks up to them and said.

Y/n: I'm so sorry for what yous have to see.

Aira wipes the tears away and stood up and asked.

Aira: S-So....know what?

Wendy: (tears) I don't know.

Erza: I know.

They all turn as Erza walks up beside Y/n and she said.

Erza: You can come with us. Come to Fairy Tail.

The four of them look at each other and know their path now and agree to join their guild. They're gonna join, Fairy Tail.

(A day later)

They all returned to Magnolia and to the Fairy Tail guild as they head inside and see eveyone else there chatting and drinking and having a great time.

Juvia: Y/n!

Then Juvia tackles Y/n onto the ground as she hugs him while she cries in joy.

Juvia: (tears) I am so glad you have returned my love~!

Y/n: (chuckle) Same to you Juvia. I'm glad I'm back.

Juvia let's go and Y/n stand up and then Leigh wraps her arms around Y/n neck and tug his head a bit and his face was on Leigh's breast as she said.

Leigh: (smirk) Nice to see you back cutie. How was your mission?

Y/n: (little blush) D-Did Well and I see you too missed me as well.

Leigh: (giggle) It was alony without you but I entertain myself with some gambling and won a few money. Bet I trader you some one day if you like.

Y/n: (little blush) I-I'm good.

Wendy, Aira, Dalila ans Carla see this ans chuckle a little before Mirajane walks up to the four and asked.

Mirajane: (smile) Hello there you four. How may I help yous?

Wendy: (surprised) Oh Whoa it's Mirajane!

Aira: (smile) She's pretty in real life as I thought.

Mirajane: (giggle) Thank you. So are yous here to join?

Aira: (smirk) Yep. My name is Aira and I can use growth magic.

Dalila: My name is Dalila and I can turn things like sticks into weapons.

Wendy: (smile) And I'm Wendy and I use healing magic and I'm also a Sky dragon wizard.

Eveyone stop on what they were doing and stare at Wendy I shock. At first they thought they did something but then they cheered to see they now have four dragon slayers in their guild Hall now.

Leigh: Huh looks like we have fire, Iron, Earth and wind now.

Y/n: (smile) Seems like it.

Then Makarov walks up to the four and said.

Makarov: I was surprised to see another dragon slayer here. It seems know we have four dragon slayers know. You'd are welcome to Fairy Tail.

The four of them smile ad they celebrated for not only a four new members but also a new dragon slayer as they cheered and drink up. Y/n looks over to see Wendy and the rest smile and he is glad for that as he too enjoys the party with eveyonr else.


We see Y/n at a fancy restaurant and waiting for Erza to arrive. He was wearing his fancy suit just so he can blend in and not draw too much attention to anyone around the room.

Erza: Hey Y/n sorry I'm late.

Then Erza sat down across from the table and she too was wearing a fancy red dress as she looks up at.

Y/n: (smile) It's no problem Erza, you don't have to worry about how late you are.

Erza: (chuckle) Yeah guess your right. Still I'm surprised you invited me to dinner in this restaurant. You really don't have to do this.

Y/n: (smile) It's no problem ans besides I did promise that I'll make your life happier then ever.

Erza: (smile) Well thank you for trying to make me feel better. It's just hard for me to see him go like that.

Y/n: I know but we'll see him again, I know it.

Erza: Yeah your right.

The waiter came over and hand them their manu and after they give out their order to the waiter, he walks off and the two chat while they wait.

Y/n: So tell me about yourself?

Erza: Sure what do you want me to tell you about?

Y/n: Like is it true the first thing you did at the guild when you first join is stop Natsu ans Gray from fighting each other?

Erza: (giggle) Yeah. They were annoying and bathing eveyone so I teach them a lesson.

Y/n: (smile) I don't blame you one bit. They are a handful when it comes to them fighting each other.

Erza: (smile) Yeah but to be honest, I too fought something sometimes.

Y/n: Really who?

Erza: Mirajane.

Y/n:.........Wait what?

Erza: Has Mira not tell you that?

Y/n: (surprised) No. I'm actually surprised yous fought years ago.

Erza: (smile) Yeah we were rivals back then. We fought around the guild just like Natsu and Gray. But unlike them we grow up and we start to respect each other in the end.

Y/n: And then good friends.

Erza: (smile) Yeah and when one of the guild members talks about that we laugh and chatted aboit it.

Y/n: (chuckle) Must be a long while before you found peace.

Erza: (giggle) You have no idea.

The two share some laughter before their foods were given and they eat up. It was delicious then ever and after they finished their meal, Erza was about to leave but Y/n said.

Y/n: Aren't you not gonna stay here for dessert?

Erza: Dessert? What do you-

Then a waiter came up and place down a huge strawberry cake onto the table which surprised Erza and Y/n allows her to take the first bite and she did. She took the first bite and it was like heaven.

Erza: (smile) Yummy~!

Y/n smiles to see Erza happy and was glad that she is back to her normal self. Then Erza stick her fork onto the cake and pulls a chunk of it out and holds it over to Y/n with Erza saying with a smile.

Erza: (smile) Open wide.

Y/n smiles and open his mouth and eats the cake and it was delicious and they finished up half of it and take the rest into a box so Erza can have it later.

Y/n pay for the meal and exit out of the restaurant and it was know dark time and they decided to head to Y/n's place to chill for a while and they did so.

(Short while later)

They were at Y/n's place snd Y/n was sitting on the couch with his PJ'S on and watching the fire place until Erza join in and sat down next to him with a cup of tea in her hand while she set Y/n's on the table in front of them.

Erza: (smile) This is nice.

Y/n: (smile) You say it. It feels good to be home after a long mission.

Erza: (smile) Agree.

Y/n take a sip of his tea and so dose Erza as they sat there by the fire before Erza rest her head onto Y/n's shoulder and Y/n allows her to do so.

Erza: Y/n?

Y/n: Yeah?

Erza: (smile)  I wanna say thank you. Not just helping me but eveyone else as well. Your truly are the chosen one.

Y/n: (smile) No matter what Erza, even if darkness clouded all of us all, I will protect yous all and I'll do so even by using all of my magic I have just so I can see you and everyone's smiles.

Erza: (smile) Y/n.

Y/n: (smile) Erza.

The two look at each other for a moment before their lips touch and they kissed. Erza place her tea onto the table as the two make out on the couch as they wrap their arms around while they each share a few moans as they kissed.

After a while of kissing they stop and look at each other before a door bell ring which surprised Y/n and asked while he stand up and walks Iver to the door.

Y/n: I wonder who could it that be in this night?

Erza smirks as Y/n opens the door was see Lucy there with a bag on her hand as she smiled.

Lucy: (smile) Hey Y/n, how is you?

Y/n: (smile) Pretty good but what are you doing here?

Lucy: Erza invited me to come here. Mind I come in?

Y/n: Um sure?

Y/n let's Lucy on and he doesn't know what's going on as he close the door. Erza walks up to the two and she said to Y/n.

Erza: Do you mind waiting for us I your bedroom. Me and Lucy are gonna do something for a while.

Y/n: Sure?

Y/n heads up the stairs and enter his bedroom. He doesn't know why Lucy is here or better yet while Erza invited her here.

Y/n: (thought) I mean I don't mind Lucy being here but how come Erza didn't tell me? Maybe they're up to something but what is it?

All these thoughts of possible rushes through his head as he wonder whats going on. Before he could think anymore, the door behind him close and locked followed by Erza saying.

Erza: We're done.

Y/n: Oh Erza, I wonder why you-

He turns around and froze in place when he sees both Lucy and Erza wearing sexxy cat outfits as they said together.

Lucy and Erza: Meow~!

Y/n face was blushed bright red and he suddenly have a noise bleed which he quickly cover up.

The two slowly walks over to Y/n sne they were up close to Y/n snd Erza explains with a sexxy smirk.

Erza: (smirk) I invite Lucy so we can have a "Cat play" with you if you catch my drift.

Lucy: (smirk) We wanna surprised you so I got these clothes out of the market. So....what do you think Meow?

Y/n: (blush) Th-Th-They

The two smirk and they pinned Y/n onto thr wall with their breast onto Y/n chest which made Y/n blush even motr before Erza lend close to Y/n ans said.

Erza: (smirk) Now....let's play, Meow.

(Lemon start)

Erza lend in and kiss Y/n on the lip and made some sexxy moans. Soon Y/n kisses Erza back and they make out while Lucy watch this and thinks this is so hot.

Lucy: (smirk) Hey, save some room for me.

The two stop kissing and Y/n turns to Lucy and they two kiss as the two make out while Erza start to lick the left side of his cheek and move slowly to his neck before she kisses it which made Y/n gasp in surprise but with pleasure as well.

Y/n and Lucy make out while Erza kisses Y/n neck snd they did so and taking turns for a while until they decided to move thsi to the bed.

Y/n was thrown onto the bed and both Erza and Lucy crawled onto the bed like cats as they light their hands as cats.

Then the two took off his trousers and throw it and his underwear aside and the two see Y/n dick and Erza have a first go at licking his dick. Then Lucy join in and two girls were licking Y/n's dick while Y/n holds tightly on the blanket and try not to moan as the two were licking his dick until he can feel it and said.

Y/n: (panting) There it comes! Fuck there it comes!

Then his dick exploded wity milk as Y/n led out a loud moan while Lucy and Erza were covered by Y/n's milk.

Erza turns to Lucy and wipes one mill off of her cheek and puts it onto her mouth and said.

Erza: (smirk) My my we have milk all over us.

Lucy: (smirk) Indeed. Let's lick them up.

Then Erza gently grabs Lucy by the arms and start licking her face and soon the two look at each other before they lend in and kissed just so to turn Y/n on even more as the two make out right in front of Y/n.

Lucy: (moaning) Oh Erza~!

Erza: (moaning) Lucy~!

The two fell onto the bed as they make out. Y/n gets really turned on by this and gets behind Erza and stick his dick into her which made Erza moan in pleasure and Y/n thrust it in while Erza moans before her mouth was sleaed by Lucy's and the two make out.

Erza even reach down and stick her fingers into Lucy's pussy just so she can moan in pleasure as they share a few moans while doing it before they all exploded milk out of them and were breathing heavily.

They were soo warm that they took off all of their clothes and they were naked now. The trio were sat up and  making out on the bed as they each share tongues as they make out. Then Y/n stick each of his hands into Erza ans Lucy's pussy and start to move around it inside snd they share maons as Y/n dose it.

Erza: (moaning) Oh Y/n don't stop!

Lucy: (moaning) Yeah that felt so good~!

Y/n dose it harder and faster before cum exploded out of their pussy and they yell out in pleasure.

Then Y/n buried his face into Lucy's breast and start to shake them snd squeeze them which made Lucy moan before he start sucking her breast.

Erza join in and suck Lucy's breast as the two made Lucy moan louder and louder before milk exploded out of Lucy's breast and Lucy has enough and passed out on the bed.

She was breathing while she was knock out while Erza and Y/n see this and turn to each other before the two kissed and the two fell onto the bed and make out more until they stop and Y/n sat up snd stick his dick onto Erza's pussy and thurst it in and out.

Erza holds tightly onto the bed as the bed moves a bit and Y/n gose faster and harder before Y/n yells out with a moan

Y/n: (moaning) Erza there it comes! I'm letting out the cums!

Erza: (moaning) Don't stop! Jesus christ don't fucking stop!

Then the two lend out a loud moan that should be hard throughout Magnolia but luckily it wasn't.

The two were breathing heavily and the two collapse onto the bed and Y/n pulls over the blanket over Lucy, Y/n and Erza and shut off the lights around them.

(Lemon ends)

The trios were very tired and very naked as they lay on the bed with blanket over them in the dark as they were close to falling asleep.

Lucy snd Erza cuddled with Y/n and nuzzle him before Erza opens her eyes a little and said.

Erza: (smile) How was your surprise?

Y/n: This was a surprise?

Erza: (smile) Of course. You did so much for us and we thought we do a little something for you.

Y/n: (smile) Well thank you and I like you two's surprise.

Erza: (smile) I'm glad.

Y/n lend over and kiss Erza on the forhead before turning to Lucy and kiss her on the forhead as well which made her smile and nuzzle Y/n even more.

Erza: (smile) We love you Y/n.

Y/n: (smile) I love yous too.

Then the three fall asleep as they have a nice night together in peace.

To be continued...............

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