Chapter 18: The Angel guardian
(Years ago)
It was a bright ans sunny day within the forest with no people within the middle of the forest for a walk.
Then coming into view was a young Wendy walking through the forest crying and saying someone's name.
Wendy: (tears) Grandeeney! Where are you! (Sniff) Grandeeny!
She continues to walk while crying until a wind gently blow through her hair and she look up to hopefully see this Grandeeney but no such luck.
She cries once more until she heard the bushes rumble and a young Jellal came into view ans turn to see Wendy and the two look at each other until he asked?
Jellal: Are you alright there?
Wendy: (Tears) She left me! She left me!
She then run up to him ans hugs h while she cries. Jellal doesn't know what to do but he will not abandoned her like this so he bend down to her and said.
Jellal: I may not know what happened but you seem alone so you wanna come with me?
Wendy: (tears) R-Really?
Jellal: (smile) Sure, common let's go.
Wendy smiles in joy when she wipe the tears away and the two hold hands and they start to walk off together with now Wendy is not alone no more.
(Present day)
Y/n came out of the bushes after he look around to make sure this area is safe ans walks over to Wendy, Carla, Aira and Dalila sitting around near a cliff and resting.
Y/n sat down with them and breath in a sigh and said.
Y/n: Well we're all clear for now.
Aira: (smile) At least that's good. Those Oracion seis will not find us now.
Dalila: Agree but we must stay on our guard.
Carla: I agree.
Wendy: I'm sorry for making this mission more difficult now.
Y/n: Don't blame yourself Wendy.
Aira: (smile) Yeah it's those Oracion seis fault for all this.
Wendy: I know.
There was a long silence until Dalila looks up at Wendy ans asked.
Dalila: Wendy, how do you know Jellal? You never told us you used to have someone before you join the cait shelter guild.
Aira: Yeah what's with that?
Wendy: Well it's kinda a long story but you see, I was abandoned by my dragon name Grandeeney 7 years ago.
Y/n: (surprised) So your like Natsu and the rest?
Wendy: You mean their dragons disappear as well?
Y/n: Yeah but apologies, continue.
Wendy: Oh well I was alone when I was young and thought I'll be alone until he came. Jellal took care of me and we have some fun.
Y/n: (thought) That's odd, I thought Jellal was in the tower of heaven and turn evil? Was this before he was captured?
Wendy: We been together for whi knows how long until we split up. He told me I should head to the nearest guild and this upset me. He took me to the cait shelter guild while I was asleep and that was it.
Aira: Right and later on we came.
Y/n: Speaking of that. How did yous found the cair shelter guild?
Aira: (smirk) I'm glad you ask. You see, we were on a top secret mission to take our the most, dangerous and most powerful monster that ever existed within Earth-
Dalila: We've gotten lost.
Aira fell onto the ground and stood up and says to Dalila.
Aira: No we didn't!
Dalila: Yes we did. We enter a unknown forest until we were lost.
Carla: Yes I think I remember she told me this years ago.
Aira: O-Ok we were....kinda lost until we stumbled upon the cait shelter guild. At first it looked abandoned until we found Wendy and Carla and soon the rest of the guild members.
Dalila: We decided to be members there and help them making a guild a great place.
Y/n: Sounds nice. So you don't know what happened to Jellal after he was gone?
Wendy: There was rumours that he was a member of the magic council and then something happened that cost his disappearance.
Y/n: I see.......I'm sorry I have to tell you this Wendy but....Jellal became a dark wizard and trick the magic council to fire the Etherion to blast the tower of heaven but. He may have succeed his goal but I along with Erza ans Natsu manage to stop him before it happen.
Wendy: (shocked) Oh my.
Y/n: Yeah, it's true.
They were quiet for a bit until they felt dark magic and Aira stood up and look over in the distance and said.
Aira: Um guys, I think we have a big problem.
They stood up and look at her direction and see Nirvana within the distance and walking to it's location.
Carla: (shocked) That's impossible!
Dalila: (shocked) What is that thing?
Wendy: (shocked) That's Nirvana. They've active it.
Y/n: Where is it going?
Dalila: I think it's heading to the cait shelter guild!
Aira: Crap! Looks like we need to get there quick before it's too late!
Dalila: Right let's go.
Aira leaps off the cliff and grown into her titan size and they claim onto her hand and Aira stomps over to Nirvana and said.
Aira: (smirk) This is gonna be simple. I just ram it and we done our job. This is gonna be easy as-
Then something hits Aira by the waist and a purple glow appear around her and then she change back yo her normal size form and they all fell onto the ground.
Y/n: What happened?
Carla: Why did you change back into your normal form?!
Aira: I-I don't know. I think my magic might be cancelled out.
Dalila: How is that possible?!
???: I can make it possible.
They turn to see a man with a hood over his head and looking around them and explains.
???: My crystals can cancel out anyone's magic within 12 hours.
Aira: (anger) You jerk!
Y/n: Who are you?
Yoshi: My name is Yoshi and I've hired by Brain and the Oracion Seis to stop you.
Dalila: We won't let you stop us then.
Yoshi: Use your magic if you dear. But my crystals can cancel out your magic and I'll be easy to defeat yous.
Y/n see how strong he might be so he tells the rest.
Y/n: Yous go, I'll hold him off.
Carla: You sure by this?
Y/n: Don't worry, I'll be fine.
He then summon his sword and swings it around until he gets into a battle stand and said.
Y/n: Yous stop Nirvana while I hold him back.
Aira: Ok. Be safe Y/n.
Dalila: Same here.
The two run off including Carla but Wendy looks at Y/n in worry but Y/n nods at her that things will be alright and she nods back and she runs off.
Now it was Yoshi and Y/n as they stare at each other and Yoshi spoke.
Yoshi: I know you for a long time Y/n.
Y/n: (smirk) So your also a stalker huh? Creep.
Yoshi: My crystals can tell me who the person I am facing. Not to mention their power, strength, weakness, their past and.....their future.
Y/n: (smirk) Sounds interesting. Hey let's see what you future say when I do this!
He dashes towards Yoshi and swing his sword at him once close but he dodges it and kicks Y/n back. He stumbled backwards which he said.
Y/n: Ok maybe I shouldn't say that.
Yoshi: You have a heart that is pure, how ever your pure will not be strong enough when the years come.
Y/n: And why is that?
Yoshi: Because your heart will turn into pure darkness and your be a monster instead of a hero.
Y/n: (smirk) Yeah right and how do you now how!
Y/n summon his hammer and throws it at Yoshi but he dodges it and looks up and see Y/n in ans air about to slash at him but Yoshi dodges it and Y/n lands on his feet and stood up ans face Yoshi.
Yoshi: Because i have seen your future and your future will end in a dark world filled with rage and suffering that you have to witness.
Then Yoshi crystal glows and sharp crystals appear and launch towards Y/n. Y/n summon his sheild and blocks the in coming crystal as it shattered once made contact with his sheild.
Soon he lower he sheild and rush at Yoshi and continue to slash at Yodhi while he kept dodging while he says.
Yoshi: I know your holding back the anger and revenge of your village destruction including the deaths within. All those people were killed by a dark guild and you were hopeless to stop it.
Y/n: That's enough talk!
Then Yoshi leaps back and stood up straight while he says.
Yoshi: (smirk) Do not be a fool, I know you have anger within you that is eager to be released. Your desire to kill those that destroy your village and everyone in it.
Y/n: Why are you saying all of this?
Yoshi: (smirk) Because I know who destroyed your village and the lives within.
Y/n eyes widen in shock and surprised. But he was on his guard and said.
Y/n: Do you have proof?
Yoshi: (smirk) Maybe or maybe not but they came to your village for a reason. They didn't came to your village because they feel like it, they came there for a reason and who ever they are.....they failed their objective.
Y/n was silent a little until Yoshi decided this fight was enough and turns and walks off.
Y/n: Hold on a second there! You didn't tell me who destroyed my village!
He stop and turn his head to Y/n and then said.
Yoshi: Beware hero, your friends will betray you, some will fallen, a tree will collapse and a monster and all will one....single....island.
Y/n was confused by this but Yoshi smirks and walks off and disappear into the darkness. Y/n lower his sword ans realise he needs to stop Nirvana so he rush to the cait shelter guild so he can get everyone out of there.
(A while later)
Y/n came out of the bushes and see within the distance the cait shelter guild and he breath a sigh of relief until he hear the roar and turns to see Nirvana and it's aiming at the guild.
Y/n: (thought) Shit!
Y/n rushes down of the hill and rushes quickly and this remind him running to his village when he see smoke in the air.
He will not let that cait shelter guild fall like his village. He refused that from ever happening. Soon he arrive at the guild and enter the tent to see the cait shelter guild there along with Roubaul there and he said to him.
Y/n: Yous need to leave now! Nirvana is gonna charge up and once that it's gonna fire and take out all of yous! Yous need to go now!
Y/n: What?!
Roubaul: This is our fate. It has been our fate and know our sins will be judge. It is best you leave Y/n. You must go.
Y/n eyes widen in shock while Nirvana is charging up its cannon at the cait shelter guild. Y/n came this way to saved them but they didn't want to be saved.
Rather they wanna expect their fates and die. Y/n shake his fist in anger and turn to Nirvana and said.
Y/n: If yous won't leave. Then I'll block it's attack.
They were shocked by this while Y/n summon his sword and walks towards the edge of the river and looks at Nirvana while it's charging.
Roubaul: Don't be a fool boy! It will kill you! Just let us expect our fates and-
Y/n: NO!
They were stuned a little until Y/n said.
Y/n: I fail to protect my village long ago and I never NEVER gonna let anyone's homes or Village being destroyed! I REFUSE TO HAVE WENDY, CARLA, AIRA ANS DALILA SUFFER THE SAME THING AS I DID!
Then he change into his upgraded armor which shocked everyone in the guild except for Roubaul.
Y/n ready his sword ans ready for a powerful blast. Soon Nirvana fired it's massive magic beam and it comes towards the Cait shelter guild and Y/n but he pull his blade back and swing sit towards him and the sword makes impact to the beam.
Y/n struggle to hold the beam away from the guild and he felt it's power but he scream out at the top of his young that Wendy and the rest in Nirvana heard before he swings his sword upwards and the beam was shot out into the sky and soon Nirvana stop firing.
Y/n was breathing heavily that he have to block a powerful blast while everyone I the cait shelter guild were in shock that one singal wizard blocks a powerful blast and saved the cait shelter guild.
Roubaul: (thought) I knew that you won't let us die. Thank you Y/n....your really are...the angel guardian.
???: So your the one that block my attack huh?
Y/n looks up and a guy floats down and hovers close to the lake and looks at Y/n which Y/n asked.
Y/n: And you must be?
Zero: (smirk) I am Brain but with this final form you will call me....Zero.
Y/n: (smirk) That's a lame name.
Zero: (smirk) And your a fool to try to stop my plan!
Then he fired a powerful dark magic at Y/n and it hits him. Dust was filled in the air while Zero smirks that he finally kill him.
Y/n: And your a fool to dare attack the cait shelter guild.
Zero was shocked as the dust clear up ans see Y/n was alright with no damage of his armor anywhere. Then he take one foot onto the lake and another and he was standing on water while he says.
Y/n: Listen here Zero, I won't let you kill everyone in the cait shelter, including my friends! Wendy, Aira, Carla and Dalila care deeply to their guild and if they cry THEN I'LL BE PISSED!
Them he stomp his foot that cost a huge wave that splash on Zero while Y/n glares at Zero and yells out.
(Battle music start)
Y/n quickly appears on front of Zero and lands a powerful punch at his face that sent him flying and he crash onto the lake before he stood up and charge at him.
Y/n dodge a punch from Zero and then he elbowed him in the stomach that sent him up into the air. Then he came back down and Y/n sucker punch Zero in the face that sent him flying and crash into tones of tress until there was a huge explosion in the distance.
Y/n lower his fist for a moment but a dark blast appear in the distance and Zero rush at him in anger ans grabs him by the neck and drag him along the lake until they crash fown onto Nirvana's cities and they give blows at each other and Zero fire a few magic at him but Y/n dodges his attack before he summons his axe and swings it at him.
He leaps back and skidded along the path and looks up and Y/n slam his axe onto the ground and the floor suddenly turn into ice and Zero's feet was ice bit he broke free and charge at him.
Y/n blocks a few punches at Zero but he grabs Zero by the fist and spone him around and let's him go and he crashes into a few buildings until he crash onto Nirvana's lag.
The impact cost Nirvana to shake before Zero dashes back to Y/n and swings a punch at him bit he dodges it and he song his fist at him bit he ducks down and he reach out his hand and blast Y/n ans senting him flying.
Zero smirks but Y/n dive down and slams Zero through Nirvana and the two crashes at the core of of Nirvana and they swing punches and kicks at each other until they leap back and Zero fired his magic at him while Y/n copy his magic and fire it as well and the two magic collected and the two struggle to have their magic to go through.
They struggle for a while and during this Zero tells Y/n.
Zero: You think you can beat me! You are even more of a fool! YOU'LL NEVER STOP MY PLANS, JUST AS LONG I HAV NIRVANA WITH ME!
Y/n: Is that so.
Then Y/n leaps away from his blast ans summon his twin blades and then said.
Y/n: So what if I do this!
Then he throw the twin blades that shattered the core which shocked Zero as the twin blades continued to shattered motr of the cores until all cores were gone and Y/n grabs them and the whole place start to shake.
Zero (anger) NO!
Y/n: Game over.
Zero: (anger) You fool! I'LL KILL YOU!
He launch at him but he charge at Zero and there was a slash and Zero was behind Y/n and Y/n was behind Zero facing away.
Y/n slowly stood up while Zero fell onto the ground and he was defeated while Y/n said.
Y/n: No matter what Zero. I'll risk my life to save everyone I care for. Even those that I will do what's necessary to save them, if they refuse or not....I. Will. Safe them all!
The whole place start to fall apart around them and soon Nirvana fell and crumble into pieces while everyone in the cait shelter guild cheered and Happy. Roubaul smiles ans thanks Y/n for saving them and hopes he and the rest are alright.
(Battle music ends)
Gray manage to escape Nirvana's collapse along with Lucy, Happy, Natsu and Chole. They turn back and Gray asked.
Gray: What the heck happened?
Chole: I think Nirvana fell?
Happy: But how?
Erza: Guys!
They turn to see Erza, Aira, Dalila, Wendy, Carla and know Jellal as they run up to them.
Erza: Is everyone alright?
Lucy: Yeah but what happened back there?
Aira: I think it must have run out and died?
Dalila: Have yous seen Y/n?
Lucy: I heard his cries when it fired but I don't know what happened.
Wendy: Do you think he might be?
Natsu: No! We gonna find him!
Soon Jura and the rest of the wizards arrived and wonder what happened that cost Nirvana to collapse. Then a foot came inot view and voice calls out.
???: Hey guys.
They turn and they were surprised and relief to see Y/n as he carries the unconscious Zero that he defeated.
He sat him down and stumbled forward a but before he collapse to his knee's which Chole, Natsu ans Erza run up snd help him up.
Chole: You alright Y/n?!
Erza: Are you hurt?!
Y/n: Just a little weaken that's all. That blast did a but of a beaten out if me.
Aira: (shocked) So you were the one that stopped Nirvana from destroying the cait shelter guild?
Y/n: Y-Yeah I was.
Everyone was shocked by this but this wasn't the first time he done something like this but taken a blast from Nirvana was so dangerous but he survived.
Aira and Dalila were soo thankful for saving their guild they they run up and hug Y/n that cost them to fell onto the ground and they hug him while saying.
Aira: (surprised) Dude We can't thank you enough for saving our guild!
Dalila: (smile) Same. Thank you so much.
Y/n: (little blush) No problem girls.
They smiled and let go of him which he stood up and Wendy walks over to him and bend down to him and said.
Wendy: You saved our guild. But why?
Y/n: (smile) Because I won't let you suffer the same way as I did. Besides were friends after all, and friends help each other no matter what.
Tears start to come out of Wendy's eyes and she hugs him while she cries of joy ans says.
Wendy: (tears) Th-Thank you very much Y/n! Thank you so much!
Y/n smiles ans hugs her back while the rest smiles. She let's go and Y/n stood up and he turns to see Jellal. At first was gonna attack him but he realise something was wrong with him. Erza noticed this and walks over to him ans explains.
Erza: Jellal have forgotten everything and can't remember his past or anything.
Y/n: No wonder.
Jellal looks at Y/n and they lock eyes at each other then Ichiya says.
Ichiya: Guys. It seems that we are trapped.
Then they realised they were trapped by a magic circle and they can't break through.
Lyon: What is this?!
Eve: We can't get out!
Aira: Oh come on, we defeated the Oracion Seis and stop Nirvana so now who's wanna challenge us?
???: There will be no fight here wizards.
They turn to see a armor of magic council guards along with a man wearing glasses in front and looks at them before Y/n asked.
Y/n: And who are you?
Lahar: My name is Lahar and the magic council have sent here to arrest the Oracion seis for their crimes against them.
Y/n looks down at Zero ans he picks him up and hands him to them and they take him away.
Y/n: There is also another wizard out there by the name of Yoshi. I don't know where he went though.
Lahar: No need for him. Now we need you to hand over one more criminal.
Y/n: One more criminal?
Lahar: The one that entee the ranks of the council and trick us to use our weapon and destroy the building.
Y/n eyes widen in shock and he slowly turn to look at Jellal and realised.....their here to arrest Jellal as well.
Lahar: We will be gladly to take this dangerous criminal away. If yous stand against our way we will use force.
Then his guards ready their spear while the rest were shock to see their here to arrest Jellal and know Y/n doesn't know what to do. Will he allow them to take Jellal as a criminal....or will he fight for something that he didn't know he have done but simply been controlled by the Oracion seis?
To be continued.............
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