Chapter 17: The return of Jellal

Somewhere in the woods we see Hibiki, Lucy and Chole set up camp and set Erza on a met as Lucy and Chole see the poison within Erza's arm growing and giving her pain which worries the two girls.

Lucy: I hope they get back soon.

Chole: Same but I'm sure they can do it, I know it.

Lucy: Hope so.

Hibiki: Let's just hope they can make it back here with Wendy and Happy so Wendy can heal Erza on time.

Lucy: Yeah but I'm surprised that she's a dragon slayer like Natsu, Gajeel and Leigh.

Hibiki: Yous have two dragon slayers?

Lucy: Yeah, Leigh join us a while before we took on this mission.

Hibiki: I see. Hey, I wanna know about Y/n's dark magic. His dark magic is very strong then the Oracion seis themselves.

Lucy: Yeah and his sudden change of attitude when Lyon was about to cut off Erza arm, I never see something like that from him.

Chole: I think I have. During the festival when Laxus forced everyone in the guild to battle each other, everyone in the guild blames me and that cost Y/n to snap and yell at everyone and tell them what Fairy tail stand for. During that I notice a dark orb surrounding Y/n like he was in angered by them for blaming me.

Lucy: (surprised) Really, I never know.

Hibiki: Maybe there is something more about Y/n and his magic power as we thought. What ever he holds inside of him, maybe it's something he refused since dark magic might be additive or possible.....there is something dark in him that wants him to us in order to be strong no one can't stand against his way.

Lucy and Chole were concerned about Y/n and that he might have a bit of darkness within him that is telling him to do bad things to other people or wanna try to hurt them by any needs necessary.


We see Y/n with Aira and Dalila at some part of the woods looking for the Oration Seies guild and rescue Wendy and Happy from them.

Aira grow to her gain size to look over the trees and try to find their base. While Y/n and Dalila were on the ground looking up at Aira and Y/n calls out to her.

Y/n: Anything!?

Aira: Nope, just trees, trees and trees.

She shrink down to her normal size and once that she asked.

Aira: This is impossible, how the hell are we gonna find their base if this forest is filled with trees?

Dalila: Maybe they have a base deep in the woods.

Aira: But isn't that where that dark energy is coming from?

Dalila: I believe so.

Y/n: If that's where Wendy and Happy are at then that's where we go.

Aira: (smile) Right, let's go!

Then they walk through the forest and while they walk, Y/n could feel the dark energy around him and so dose Aira and Dalila as they continue on walking through the woods.

Aira: Soooooo Y/n, mind telling us about that dark blast you fired at Brains leader?

Y/n: I...I wather not wanna talk about that.

Aira: (smile) Come on, we all have a bit of darkness in us.

Y/n: Yeah but mine is.....different.

Dalila: How so?

Y/n: Remember the tattoo I have on my hand. Not only to symbols me the chosen one but where my magic is coning from, right?

Aira: Yep.

Y/n: Well.......not only I'm able to use any magic and armor but their triggered by my emotions. The armors I used can be summons depending on my emotions and how strong my emotions are. However there is one that I'm trying to not trigger but coming here makes it harder for me to do.

Dalila: And what's that?

Y/n: My anger. If I trigger that, not only I gian dark magic powers but the armor I used is....too unstable that I can't control it myself.

Aira: Sssssoooo it's your berserk armor, right?

Y/n: That's correct.

Aira: (smile) Well I guess that means we have to be careful on that and keep our chin up.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah guess your right.

Aira: (smile) Besides, I know that the armored angel guardian will protect us no matter what.

Y/n: The armored angel guardian? What is-

Then they stop when they see a dark cload coving their way. Aira grows big and picks up Y/n and Dalila and she walk through the dark clouds and she can feel the darkness but not strong enough to turn her. Y/n and Dalila sat on Aira hand and Y/n asked.

Y/n: What is this armored angel Guardian?

Dalila: Oh our master old us this story on how our guild was created and it's a interesting one.

Y/n: I'm all ears.

Dalila: Long ago, there was a ancient city that used to build somewhere around here before it was destroyed by this darkness. The darkness consumed the people who escape the city and fall to the darkness. Our master who was young including the survivors all began to lose hope until a bright light appear in the sky and this angel wearing all armor appear and destroyed the darkness forever and saved our master and everyone within it. This angel left and till this day, we hoped that one day we can meet him again.

Y/n: (surprised) That's some story.

Dalila: (smile) Yeah and that's why the cait shelter guild was  made, because in that area, that's where the armored angel guardian will one day will reappear and aid us when darkness fall on us once more.

Y/n: (smile) Well at least you have hope to believe in.

Dalila: (smile) Indeed.

Once they gone pass the dark clouds, Aira sat them down and shrink back to her normal size and they continue walking through the forest until they hear a waterfall in the distance. They rush over and hide behind the bushes an speed out and see they found the Oracion seis base.

The base was within a small canyon with waterfalls around it and they see no one around but they see a glow within the tunnel which looked like healing magic.

Y/n: Is that Wendy's healing magic?

Dalila: Looks like it. So what's the plan?

Aira: (smirk) I got one. So, Dalila you make a distinction to lower the Oracion Seis out while me and Y/n head down and beat up any bad guys awesome fighting style, once clear we enter the cave, rescue Wendy and Happy, return them back to Erza, she'll get healed, beat the Oracion Seis and celebrate at a fancy restaurant and the world is saved, Yay!

Y/n: Do you think it'll work?

Aira: (smirk) Well either that or I grow into my gain size and crash them once they are out. Although they might throw me into space once strong enough.

Dalila: So you have no plan then?

Aira: Uuuuuummmmm...No.

Dalila sigh while Y/n can't help but feel like someone else is on that cave other then the Oracion seis, Wendy and Happy. He feels like.....he know that type or magic.

Y/n: Jellal!

Then Y/n leap out of the bushes and lands onto the ground ran rushes over leaving Aira and Dalila confused on what Y/n said.

Y/n arrived at the cave and he was in shock to see Jellal not only awake but he was standing next to Brain with Wendy passed out and Happy turn to see Y/n.

Happy: Y/n!

Y/n: Jellal!

Brain and Jellal turn to see Y/n and he summon his sword and rush at him.

Y/n: I thought you were gone! How are you still alive!

He rise his blade at Jellal ready to strike at him but Brain fired a beam of magic at him and he was sent flying back. Aira and Dalila arrived and they were tackled by Y/n and the three fell onto the ground.

Brain: You fail to stop us, soon we will show those what we are.

Then him and Jellal vanished just as Natsu and Carla arrived and Natsu asked Y/n, Dalila and Aira.

Natsu: Hey you guys alright?

Y/n: Y-Yeah im fine. But why do my hands feel like I'm grabbing on something soft?

Then he looks up and realised he is grabbing Aira and Dalila breast by accident and let's go while blushing and get off of them and said.

Y/n: (blush) I'm so so sorry about that, I didn't mean to grab them honest!

Aira: (smile) Oh that's alright, I know that jerk blast you so don't blame yourself.

Dalila: (smirk) Though I don't mind of it, if you wanna touch them then be my guest.

Y/n: (blush) N-No thanks, I'm good.

Carla: Hey! If yous are done, we need to check on Wendy and Happy.

They realise that Wendy has passed out and they rush inside and Y/n bend down and picks up Wendy.

Y/n: Wendy! Wendy can you hear me! Wendy!

Aira: What did they do to her?

Happy: They try to use her to bring Jellal back.

Natsu: (shocked) What?! But I thought he was gone?

Happy: I thought so as well but it seems that the Oracion Seis rescued him.

Y/n: What ever their plan is, we must forced taking Wendy back to camp and have her heal Erza.

They nod and they rush out the Oracion seis base and head back to their camp while Y/n looks at the unconscious Wendy and wonders why they need Wendy to bring Jellal back from the dead.

(A while later)

We see Chole, Lucy and Hibiki still at the camp as Chole place her hand over Erza and see it's getting worse and they hope someone will be back with Wendy so she can heal Erza on time.

They hear rushing within the bushes and they stood up and they were in their guard because they don't know if their gonna be attacked or not.

Then Natsu, Aira, Happy, Y/n, Dalila and Carla came out of the bushes with Y/n holding Wendy in their arms which they breath a sigh of relief.

Lucy: (smile) You found Wendy and Happy!

Chole: Wait, what happened to her?

Y/n: She passed out after  they forced her to bring Jellal back.

Lucy: (shocked) What?!

Chole: (shocked) But I thought he was dealt with?

Hibiki: Who is Jellal?

Lucy: He's Erza's old friend that betrayed her back at the tower of heaven. But why would the Oracion Seis need him?

Y/n: No clue but let's now forced on healing Erza.

Lucy: Right.

Y/n set Wendy down and shake her a bit while saying.

Y/n: Wendy if you can hear me, wake up. I don't know what they did to you or why they forced you to heal Jellal but I need you to wake up and help Erza, please.

Then Wendy's eyes start to move and she opens them and Y/n smiles including everyone else to see that Wendy is awake.

Wendy: Y/n? How did I end up here?

Y/n: (smile) It's a long story but I'm glad your awake.

Aira: (smile) Wendy!!!!

Aira hugs Wendy in joy to see her back. After that Y/n asked Wendy.

Y/n: Erza has been poisoned and we need your healing abilities to heal the poison away. Can you do that?

Wendy: I'll give it a try.

Y/n nods and Wendy walks over to Erza and use her healing magic on Erza. They watched and see the poison on Erza's arm goes away and soon it was completely gone.

Wendy: That's all of the poison gone. Erza will take a while to wake up and she'll be good as new.

Natsu: (smile) Awesome!

Happy: (smile) Erza is gonna be alright!

Lucy: (smile) I was worried for a second there.

Chole: (smile) But now Erza is gonna be alright.

Y/n walks over to Wendy and bend down and said.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks you Wendy, I knew you can heal Erza.

Y/n holds out a hand for a high five and Wendy blushes a little with her heart racing a bit but she high fives Y/n and can quickly feel his hane which is warm and nice. She wishes to hug Y/n to how feel it is but keep that thought to her own and Y/n asked.

Y/n: Wendy, why did they forced you to heal Jellal?

Wendy's eyes widen in shock and horror as she remembered what she did for them before she passed out and she start to shake in fear and Aira asked.

Aira: Um Wendy, is everything alright?

Wendy: (scared) I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to heal him, they made him do it.

Y/n: What do you mean?

Carla: What are you talking about?

Wendy looks up at them in fear and shame and was about to say something when they felt a massive shake and suddenly they felt a massive amount of dark magic immediately fill the area around them.

Natsu: (shocked) Wow what on earth is that!

They turn to see what Natsu was pointing at. In the distance was a massive magic beam that fired out of the sky and it's firing a large power of dark magic into the sky.

Lucy: (shocked) What is that?

Y/n: (shocked) That dark magic. What ever that thing is, it's firing a lot or dark magic into the sky.

Hibiki: This isn't good.

Natsu: I smell him.

Y/n: Who Jellal?

Natsu: Yeah.

Then Natsu runs off to find Jellal while Y/n calls out to him.

Y/n: Natsu wait!

Aira: It's alright I'm sure he'll be fine. Besides we have the most two strongest wizard right here.

Happy: Make that one.

Aira: Huh?

She turn to see Erza is gone too which Aira calsl out.

Aira: Oh come on! Can she at least tell us thank you or thanks but my people need me or someone instead of disappearing like a ghost!

Dalila: Where do you think she's going?

Y/n: Probably doing the same just like Natsu.

Chole: Now what?

Y/n: We need a new plan. What ever that thing is, we need a new plan to take it out.

Y/n: We need to find everyone else.

Y/n: Right, Wendy let's go.

Wendy: (scared).......

Y/n: Wendy?

They turn to see Wendy shaking in fear and says.

Wendy: (scared) Th-This is all my fault. Erza and Natsu are gone, everyone is spread out and now the Oracion Seis is one step ahead to succeed their goal and it's all my fault.

Aira: Wendy, none of this isn't your fault. We can stop them.

Wendy: (scared) N-No! This is my fault and.....I shouldn't have come with yous. P-please, forgive me.

Tears came out of Wendy as she still believes it's he own fault that the Oracion seis will win. Y/n walks over to her and gently grabs her hands and she looks up at Y/n and Y/n says.

Y/n: Never blame yourself Wendy, this isn't your fault. The Oracion Seis are the once that kidnapped you and forced you to heal Jellal and bring him back to life. No matter what we will stop them no matter what and I will not let them win. That is a promise, I won't let you, Aira, Dalila or anyone else hurt by them. That's a promise!

Wendy was surprised by Y/n words and blushes a little to see Y/n doesn't blame her at all and she can feel his hands and they were warmer as she thought they were and blushes a little and says.

Wendy: (blush) Y-Yeah, your right. I can't always blame myself for all this, I have to stay strong and fight.

Hibiki: (smile) That's the spirit Wendy.

Happy: Yeah!

Aira: (smile) No matter how hopeless it might get, we stay strong.

Dalila: (smile) Agree.

Wendy nods with conversation and once that Y/n turn sto Hibiki and said.

Y/n: We should split up. We can find the rest more faster if we're split up.

Hibiki: Right.

Dalila: I'll go with you.

Aira: Same.

Wendy: Me too.

Carla: If yous are going I guess I'll go as well.

Lucy: Go luck, we'll look for Natsu and Erza.

Y/n: Alright, be safe.

Chole: Same to yous.

Then they split up and Y/n, Dalila, Aira, Wendy and Carla head off to find the rest and once that make new plan against the Oracion Seis.


Chole, Lucy, Happy and Hibiki stumbled upon a lake which looked clear from any Oracion Seis and they look around but no sign of no one.

Chole: I swear Natsu came through here.

Lucy: Same, where did he go?

Hibiki: Maybe he leap across?

Chole: Maybe but don't know.

Happy: Hey look!

They look over to see a wooden boat floating through the lake and bumps to a rock where Chole, Lucy and Hibiki are at and they were surprised to see Natsu inside and sick.

Lucy: Natsu?!

Happy: What is he doing in there?

???:I see yous are here.

They look across the lake to see a figure and the figure step out and they were shocked to see Y/n with a smirk on his face.

Chole: Y/n?!

Hibiki: But I thought you were with Wendy and the rest?

Y/n: (smirk) Let's just say there was change of plans and I how this weak fire dragon slayer who's boss.

Happy: Something isn't right about Y/n. He never acts like that.

Lucy: Yeah and he shows Natsu with respect, why dose he call him weak?

Chole: Wait a minute.

He looks at where the tattoo on his arm and it's not there and then said.

Chole: That's not Y/n.

Hibiki: You sure?

Chole: He have that tattoo on his hand but it's not there. So if your not Y/n then who the hell are you?

The fake Y/n starts to laugh and his eyes changed and then there was puff of smoke and it changed into Lucy now as she smirks at them.

Hibiki: You gonna be kidding me. We know your the fake Lucy so what makes you think your real?

Fake Lucy: (smirk) Oh I show you what's real.

Then the fake Lucy lift her shirt open to reveal her beast which Lucy screamed in embarrassed while Hibiki stares at them like a pervert and Chole shot a bolt of lightning at Hibiki while said.

Chole: (anger) look away pervert.

Hibiki: S-S-Sorry.

Fake Lucy: (smirk) Not only i can change into anyone but I can also use the user magic which means I can use your celestial spirit.

Chole: (smirk) Yeah right, I like to see you try.

Chole rush at the fake Lucy and try to land a lightning bolt punch but suddenly an axe came at her out of nowhere and she lands onto the lake and looks up to see Taurus.

Lucy: (shocked) Taurus?!

Happy: But I thought you own to Lucy?

Taurus: I-I don't know why this other fake but hot Lucy summon me but I can't control my body. Forgive me.

Chole: (thought) Shit, so she can summon spirits. That's just great.

Fake Lucy: (smirk) Let's see what you can do. Taurus get her.

Taurus charge at Chole and swings his axe at her but she dodges the strikes from Taurus axe before she leap back and fired a bolts of lightning at him but Taurus blocks it with his axe and looks Iver to see her gone.

She looks around and then looks up and Chole was in the air and fires a bolt of lightning at Taurus that hits him and once that he fell onto the ground just as Chole lands on her feet and said.

Chole: Sorry about that Taurus.

Taurus: No worries Chole, and thanks.

Taurus disappeared and Chole turns back to fake Lucy and says.

Chole: (smirk) Now, how is that you stop your transforming into different people and show us who you really are.

Fake Lucy: (smirk) If that's what you want.

Then another puff of smoke came out and two spirits hover over Natsu and the boat and Chole asked.

Chole: So yous are Celestial spirits like Lucy?

???: Indeed and I'm their matser.

Then Angel came out and summons the two celestial spirits back to their world and she say

Angel: I was hoping to see Y/n here but I guess yous might do for now.

Lucy walks up next to Chole and asked.

Lucy: Ready for this Chole?

Chole: Yeah I'm ready.

Chole spark out some electricity while Lucy pulled out one of her keys to summon a spirit while Angel smirks and said.

Angel: I think it's time to show you girls never to mess with the Oracion Seis.

She pulls out her celestial key and Chole and Lucy were ready to battle against Angel and her spirits.


We see Brain standing on a cliff looking at the beam of dark magic coming out of the ground and he ca feel the darkness within it. Some of his team might be defeated by the wizards but all their work will be worth it.

Brain: Soon we will show those who look down at us what we are and show the world we are the strongest group of wizards around.

Then there was shake and a large leg came out of the ground and slams onto the ground. Then more legs came out of the ground and suddenly the whole ground start to lift up and Brain watched as a large spider like city rose up from the ground and stop firing the beam and it stood as taller then anything else.

???: Do you think we can succeed, what if the chosen one will stop us.

Brain: Which is why I've hired you to deal with him. I know your strong enough to defeat him and we will succeed to our goals.

Then a dark figure appear out of the darkness and we see a young man holding a red crystal which is floating off of his hand as he says to Brain

???: I'll make sure he'll be gone, but I must wonder, what are you going to do with Nirvana?

Brain: It's simple, we will show one guild our might and they will pay for everything thay have done.

???: And that guild is?

Brain: The cait shelter guild, I want it destroyed.

???: Alright. You do your own thing while I do my own thing.

Brain: Do that.

Then the mystery man turns and disappear into the dark forest as Brain looks the Nirvana with proud and says.

Brain: After we're gone with Cait shelter, we will show the whole world our might and soon.....the Oracion Seis will be known as the most strongest guild around and now one will not stop us.

He laughs while Nirvana starts to walk towards where the cait shelter guild is and we cut to the cait shelter guild where guild master Rounaul senses Nirvana his been active and his guild members asked.

Cait shelter guild member: Whats wrong master?

Rounaul: I fear that Nirvana has been activated and it's heading towards here.

Everyone start to panic and scared about thsi news. But Rounaul was calm and tell everybody.

Rounaul: Remian calm my children. Let us not forget that hope will come in our darkness hour. Our savour, the Armoed angel guardian will soon come to our aid and help us in our darkness hour.

Cait shelter guild member: You sure about it master?

Rounaul: I'm sure about fact.....he is already with our four members as we speak.

They don't know what Rounaul ment but he knows himself as he know that "he" the armored angel guardian will come and show them the light once more against the Oracion Seis and win this battle once and for all

To be continued...........

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