Chapter 14: Who do you care more?
Within a forest we see both Y/n and Lucy taking up a job as it involves taking out a group of bandits hiding in the forest . We see them fighting the bnadits at their camps site as Lucy summons Leo the lion as he destroys a group of bandits in front of them.
While we see Y/n swinging his sword and blocking the bandits attacks with his shield as he summons lighting balls ams take out the bandits with no problem.
After a while of fighting the bandit camp was taking out as Lucy and Y/n exit out of the bandit camp as Lucy stretch her arms while saying.
Lucy: That was hard work but we done it.
Y/n: Yep, let's head down to the village to get our reward.
Lucy: Yeah been a while since I've gotten paid.
Y/n: I kinda see why with Natsu along.
Lucy: (smile) Yeah but I'm glad you here for once.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah no matter what.
Lucy smiles as the two head back to the village however. We see a mysterious cloaked figure looking at Lucy as Lucy suddenly feels she is being watched.
She turned and the cloaked figure was gone as Lucy find this weird while Y/n turns to her and asked.
Y/n: Hey Lucy, is there something wrong?
Lucy: Oh no, I'm alright. Let's go.
Lucy catch up with Y/n and they continue on but Lucy can't help but ask herself about thsi weird and creepy feeling that someone is following her.
(Short while later)
We see them back at the Fairy Tail guild Hall as Lucy was with Y/n as he plays Leigh with cards and Leigh wins twice and Y/n hands her a few of his money as promised.
Y/n: You sure are good at this game Leigh. Have you ever lose?
Leigh: (smirk) You and anyone can try but no one can't beat me.
Lucy: So how did you get into gambling?
Leigh: Oh guess it all started when I was 7 years old.
Lucy: (surprised) You started gambling when you were 7?!
Leigh: (smirk) Yep, at first I never understood the games until I get better and better. I made a few money during that year which was great.
Y/n: So you gamble everyone you met over those years?
Leigh: (smirk) Yep, no one can't beat this girl if anyone tries.
Y/n: I see.
Natsu: (smile) Hey Y/n.
Natsu and Happy walk over to their table as Happy flys onto the table with fish in hand as he asked before taking a bite of it.
Happy: How was that mission with Lucy?
Y/n: It was pretty good.
Lucy: Yeah and I got paid after we completed it.
Natsu: Man your lucky yous got paid. Me and Happy didn't get nothing.
Y/n: Yeah I think I know why.
Y/n chuckles and little as Lucy smiles but at the entrance of the guild was that same cloaked figure from before and as soon Lucy turns around the cloaked figure was gone.
Y/n: You alright Lucy?
Lucy: Yeah I'm fine.
Leigh: Yeah I have a feeling that "fine" thing isn't fine. What's up?
Lucy: It maybe sound crazy but I getting a feeling someone is stalking me.
Y/n: (shocked) What, who?
Lucy: No clue and I find it creepy and weird.
Leigh: Do you have a enemy that is coming after you? I have a lot over the years.
Lucy: No and I don't want to.
Natsu: Or is some kind a ghost?
Y/n: I don't think Ghost due exist.
Happy: It's highly possible that a Ghost must be stalking her and probably trying to add her soul to it's collection.
Lucy: Are you trying to scare me!
Y/n: This maybe serious. Who knows what this stalking wants and why?
Leigh: Can we form a party to find this stalking?
Y/n: No point. Who ever this person is must have magic and must be very strong.
Natsu: Who ever this person is I'm gonna beat him or her up!
Happy: Aye sir!
Y/n nods as he turns to Lucy to see her a bit worried about this but he grabs her shoulders asureing her things will be alright and he'll keep him safe.
We see Gray over hearing the conversion as he turns and walks off.
We see both Lucy and Y/n walking together through the night as they can feel the silence of the night.
Lucy: You really don't have to do this for me Y/n.
Y/n: Who ever their stalking is may have plans for you. I'll go with you so you'll be safe.
Lucy: (smile) Alright.
Y/n nods as they look at the night skys above them as Y/n said to ease the worry.
Y/n: (smile) It's a nice night don't you think?
Lucy: (smile) Yeah it sure dose.
Y/n: You know......I always wounder are we alone here?
Lucy: Huh?
Y/n: Like, what if there is more worlds like this one but different to the rest. What if they are looking down at us right now and wounder the same thing.
Lucy: Same, life has some mysterious.
Y/n: Yeah. Just a thought in my head but it would be interesting to see what else is out there.
Lucy: Yeah, it would beautiful to explore more up there.
Y/n: It would be a wonderful adventure for us and yi everyone else.
Lucy smiles as she grabs Y/n hand. Y/n turns to Lucy and smiles back as the two walk to Lucy's apartment hand in hand. Lucy feel warm around Y/n and thinks of Y/n as her Knight to her and to everyone else. She feels happy and joy to fall a love with a brave person.
Then they heard something better them that seem to be footsteps. They turn to see no one but Y/n feels someone is hiding within the alleyways.
Y/n: Let's keep moving.
Lucy nods as Y/n and Lucy keeps moving but the footsteps is heard once again and it gets closer and closer this time. Y/n glance back and see a cloak figure behind them. After a while Y/n summon his sword and quickly turns and aims his balde at someone behind him.
But when he did, the person was gone. Lucy and Y/n was confused on where this person is or where-
???: Lucy.
They quickly turn back to see the cloaked figure in front of them. Y/n point his blade at the persons neck and asked while Lucy hides behind Y/n.
Y/n: Who are you and why are you stalking Lucy.
???: You......your protection her?
Lucy: (thought) Wait tat voice? Why dose it sound familiar.
Y/n: Yeah but this doesn't answer on my question on why you stalking her?
???: because......I'm her father.
Then the person remove his hood to reveal a man with blonde like beard and blonde her. This shocked Lucy as she came out behind Y/n and asked.
Lucy: (shocked) that you?
???:'s me.
Y/n: (surprised) Your Lucy's father?
Jude: Indeed. My name is Jude Heartfila, it is very nice to meet you.
Y/n: Um same here sir?
Lucy: What are you doing here? If your here ti mess with Fairy Tail like you hired Phantom Lord to do so, then I told you not to mess with us!
Jude: I have no power to do that no more.
Lucy: What?
Y/n: What do you mean?
Jude: A group of people came to my mansion and told me that the Heartfila Konzern is no more and I've lost everything, the money, the mansion, all of it.
Lucy: (shocked) What, ever mother grave?!
Jude: They find a new place for her grave.
Lucy: I see.
Y/n: So why have you been stalking Lucy?
Jude: I was seeing if she has a great life and it appears she dose. Look Lucy, I know your still hated me after what I did to your guild but I've change now. I'm gonna start a new life by working at a bank in a small town called "Clover greens".
Lucy: But why come to here?
Jude: I.....I just needed 100,000 jewels to get their and I'll be on my way.
Lucy: I don't have that kind of money.
Jude: What! But you my daughter, surely you have enough money from all the jobs you've gotten.
Y/n: Hey!
Y/n gets in front of Lucy as Jude and Y/n share glares as Jude looks at Y/n in anger and said.
Jude: (anger) How dare you block my way to my daughter. Do you know who I am!
Y/n: Yes I do but what I see that you only care about money instead of your own daughter.
Jude: (anger) You dare tell me what to do! Your lucky I'm not rich otherwise you will-
Lucy: (anger) Enough!
Lucy gets in front of Y/n as Lucy looks up at her own father as she said.
Lucy: (anger) Y/n is right. You only care about money instead of me. You'll never change, come on Y/n.
Y/n nods as the two walk pass Jude to walk the rest home as Jude turns yo watch them go. He looks down his shame as he turns and walks off.
After a while they arrive at Lucy's apartment as the two gets in and Lucy sat on the bed as she sigh while Y/n walks up to her and ask.
Y/n: You alright Lucy?
Lucy: Yeah....I'm fine.
Y/n: I guess I.....shouldn't butt in to you twos problems.
Lucy: No it's alright. You were protecting me and I understand that. I'm sorry about my father and the way he acted. He always act like this.
Y/n grabs a chair and sat down facing towards Lucy as Y/n sighs to himself and then asked.
Y/n: Do you.....want to talk about it?
Lucy: Yeah. Maybe I should tell you about my family.
Y/n: You sure?
Lucy nods as she takes a deep breath and start to explain.
Lucy: Many years ago when I was young. I live a happy life with my family. My mother was Layla Heartfila and she was one of the best mothers I could ask for. My father Jude Heartfila wasn't always like that, he was actually a very kind and loving father that acres deeply to me and to my mother. We were happy together and it's like nothing will change us. But......that's when my mother died. She died in natural cause that I can't remember. It broke me as a kid and so dose my father. He began to change as he grew distance to me and grow closer to his job, money and his company. We never spent time together and when I come to visit him at his office......he yells at me and tell me to get out that's scared me a lot as a kid.
Y/n: (shocked) Lucy.....I'm.....I'm so sorry for what you been through.
Lucy: It's fine. After a while I left him to begin my own journey and that's when I found Fairy Tail and then later
Y/n: If you don't me asking, but has your mother ever left anything for you to remember her by?
Lucy: One.
She then pulls out one of her golden celestial spirit keys which was Aquarius.
Lucy: My mother used to be a Celestial Wizard years ago and when she still alive, she told me about them and teach me how to open them. She left Aquarius for me to take care.
Y/n nods and truly understand Lucy's rough childhood as he reach over and grabs Lucy's hand as Lucy looks up at him.
Y/n: I'm truly sorry about everything and at the bottom of my heart I will make your life ten times better and you will not have to worry about your father anymore.
Lucy looks at Y/n in surprised but she smiles and lend in and kiss Y/n on the lips. Y/n kiss her back and after a while they pull off the lips and Lucy said.
Lucy: (smile) Thanks Y/n, I know you'll keep me and everyone else smiling no matter what.
Y/n: (smile) Your welcome Lucy.
Lucy made a small cute yawn which Y/n smiles as he can see Lucy is tired. He shut off the lights as he and Lucy lay on the bed together as Lucy cuddles with Y/n and Y/n dose the same to Lucy.
Lucy: (smile) I can't help but feel how warm and soft you are.
Y/n: (smile) Same to you Lucy.
Lucy giggles as the two fell asleep for next day.
(Next day)
It was another day at the guild as we see Y/n at the job request board looking for some jobs to take on. Danielle walks up next to him and asked.
Danielle: (smile) Hey Y/n, what job are you gonna take on?
Y/n: Not too sure. There is a lot?
Danielle: What about goblin slaying?
Y/n: (smirk) What I'm I, A Goblin Slayer?
Danielle: (giggle) Yeah fair point.
They look at the job board while behind them Wakaba, Macao and Jet talk to each other.
Wakaba: Have you heard what's going down at Clover Green's?
Macao: No what is it?
Wakaba: There is a group of bandits who call themselves the Naked Mummy is holding a group of people in the bank hostage.
Jet: (shocked) Seriously?
Wakaba: Yeah, the magic guards are there to deal with the situation.
Macao: Hope those hostages be alright.
Y/n over hears the conversion and can't help but heard that town somewhere. He realise that Lucy's father is going there and believes he is in one of the hostage.
Danielle: I think we go on a monster hunt so we can challenge ourselves. What do you thin-
Danielle turns to see Y/n gone as she looks around to see him gone from the guild.
Danielle: Um Y/n? Where are you?
Lucy: Hey Danielle, where's Y/n?
Danielle: I don't know. He disappear when I turn to face him.
Lucy: Weird. Wounder where he went?
After a while Y/n arrive at the village and once there he looks around town and find the bank which was called "Love and Lucky". He see a crowd of people there there along with magic guards there trying to control the situation.
Y/n move through the crowd and try to get in but he was blocked by one magic guard as he said.
Male magic guard: No one can not enter.
Y/n: I'm from Fairy Tail. I can deal with the bank robbery in there.
Male magic guard: You sure?
He nods and he let's him through as he walks into the bank and slowly closes the door behind him. He sneaky walk through the halls trying not to be spotted form any of the bandits.
He see a door open on his right as he hugest the wall and peeks out to see the bandits along with the hostages.
Y/n: (thought) There they are.
The hostages were scared as bandits were making sure they won't escape. Y/n see it's now or never so he kicked the door open and everyone turns yo see him as he stab into the room as he said.
Y/n: Alright, surrender or else.
???: It seems we meet again Y/n.
Y/n recognise that voice as he turns and was shocked to see Noah as he alide over the desk and stands there stareing at Y/n.
Y/n: (shocked) Noah! How did you survive that fall in the towerof heaven?!
Noah: I managed to survive thanks to my magic. After I escape I make my way to the Naked mummy's and join them as their leader. It seems that you came to stop me.
Y/n: Yeah and I'm gonna make sure you won't hurt any of the hostages here.
Noah: Is that so?
Noah summons a dark portal underneath a women as she fells through and another portal opens next to Noah as the women came out and Noah grabs her by the back as Y/n said.
Y/n: Let her go!
Noah: Or what? If you step one close I'll give this one nightmare like ever before.
Y/n: Your mad Noah.
Noah: (smirk) I know but there is nothing you can do about it.
The women was scared as he looks around to see the bandits smirking as Y/n try to think of a plan of action. He then thought of something which this mite work.
Noah: (smirk) There is no way you can stop me now. Not ever a-
Then sowing kicks Noah from behind as Noah let's go of the women and he fell onto the ground and turn to see.....Y/n but there were two fo him as the bandits were shocked as well.
Noah: (shocked) The hell is this?!
Y/n smirks as he turn to the bandits and summon more of his clones as they change at the bandits and taking them out. Noah see this and charge at Y/n.
But he see a statue next to him and he use his living magic as a statue of a Knight comes to life and kicks Noah away form Y/n.
Noah crashes into the wall as a statue runs towards Noah but Noah blast the statu through the chest that crumble to the ground as dust fills the air.
Then Y/n came out of the dust and grabs Noah by the shirt and throws him across the room. Noah crashes into a few chairs as he stands up and fire his dark magic at Y/n but Y/n summon his shield to block the attack and then Y/n summon his spear and charge at Noah.
He stab his spear towards Noah but he dodges it a few times before he kicks Y/n back. Y/n crashes into the wall as Noah stands up and walks over to him but he turns yo see his bandits were taking out.
This angers Noah as he turns to Y/n and try to charge at him. Y/n moves out of the way and took out his hammer and lands some blows to Noah.
Y/n upper hits Noah that sent him flying and crash through the wall and irno the hall. He was weaken and badly hurt as he slowly stands up and see Y/n at the other side. Noah stands up about yo continue when the front entrance burst open and one magic guard calls out.
Magif guard: Freeze!
Noah see this and try to make a run for it but Y/n throw his hammer and it hits Noah's legs and he fell onto the ground as he groaned from the pain before he was knocked out.
Y/n gtab his hammer and the magic guards came in and free the hostages and arrested Noah and his bandits.
(Short while later)
We see Y/n outside of the bank as he watches as Noah and the bandits were loaded up to the cart. Noah glares at Y/n seeing that he will have revenge. Once that the cart rides off as the people who was hostages thanks Y/n for saving them.
Y/n looks around to the crowd trying to find Jude, making sure he was alright but he can't see him as he thought to himself while teb crowd moved away.
Y/n: (thought) Where is he? Don't tell me one of them took him? Damn it, if only I was here sooner I would.
Jude: Y/n?
Y/n turns to see Jude with bag in hand as the two stare at each other as Y/n realised.
Y/n: (thought) Wait. Did he just come into town?
Y/n: Um....Mr Heartfila, did you first walk into town?
Jude: Well yes. I didn't have enough to a ride so I walk here instead.
Y/n: (thought) Annnnd I feel kinda stupid now. But at least I saved everyone in that bank from Noah and his bandits.
Jude looks over to see the bank and seing guards there as he ask.
Jude: what happened here?
Y/n: Oh well there was a bank robbery in there and I was worried that you were in there so I came to save you and everyone else there.
Jude: (surprised) You risk your own life to save everyone in that bank and me as well?
Y/n: Yeah. You're Lucy's father and she'll be upset if her own father was in there. I promise her I'll make her ten times happy no matter what. She may not forgive you but if you were gone......she'll be alone.
Jude was surprised by Y/n's duty is to make Lucy happy even meaning saving her mean father. He looks up at the sign of the bank and said.
Jude: Would you like to know why we named her Lucy.
Y/n: No, why sir?
Jude: When me and Layla gotten married, we have little Lucy in her mother stomach as he try to think of a name for her. We look up at that "Love and Lucky" sign and that's how we name Lucy. Cause she is very lucky to have her and we love her when she was born.
Y/n looks at Jude seeing the regret in his eyes as he looks down on the floor once more.
Y/n: Who do you care more?
Jude looks back up to Y/n as Y/n walks ivee to him and he goes on to explain.
Y/n: I understand you and your family is rich. You have lots and lots of money and that makes you, your wife and daughter happy. But......the truth's not money that makes them happy. It's being a family and be with them that makes Lucy and you wife happy. I know years ago you lost your wife but you still have Lucy back then. You two would be happy together and nothing will change, she would have help you with your work and your lost because Lucy was your only daughter. But decide to throw that away and focus on yourself and your money that cost Lucy to not just to fear you but cost her to run away and join the only place that accepts her as family, which is Fairy Tail.
Y/n place a hand on Jude shoulder as he continues on saying.
Y/n: Lucy was happy with Fairy Tail. They treat her like family and instead of going up to her and apologising for everything you did to her, you let your pride get to you and hired Phantom to destroy Fairy Tail and try to capture Lucy. You need to learn sir that money isn't everything and money can't buy you happiness or buy happiness to Lucy as well. Caring and being a great father is true happiness and she really be happy for it. So I ask you Mr Heartfila.....Who do you care most? Money or Lucy?
Jude was surprised by his world's as he looks down being silent for a while. The he start to cry as he fell to his knees and start to sob as he said to himself.
Jude: (tears) Your right. Your so so right. I was a worst father to Lucy and I've ruined the family that I only have! I let my pride, greet and selfishness take over me and I have nothing now! I'm......I'm truly am sorry Y/n. I am so so so sorry!
Jude start to cry as Y/n helps him up and Jude wipe the tears away off his face.
Y/n: Give Lucy some time and once your ready. Apologies to her and make things right with your daughter. I'm proud of you trying to start a new life without money or riches that makes you happy. Just remember......Lucy is your only family that you have now.
Jude nods as Y/n walks off back to Magnolia but then Jude turns back and calls out to him.
Jude: Wait!
Y/n stops and turns back as Jude said.
Jude: I know it's nune of my business but I've seen you and Lucy together and believe that Lucy really really likes you a lot.
Y/n nods as Jude smiles and said.
Jude: (smile) Please boy. Keep Lucy happy and take care of her.
Y/n smiles back and nods again as he said.
Y/n: (smile) Yes sir.
Jude smiles as Y/n walks off heading back to Magnolia while Jude will restart his new life and hopefully, he will have the guts to visit Lucy once more and apologies to her so he and her will be a family....once again.
To be continued.........
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