Chapter 13: Being interviewed

It was the middle of the night we see a small town were we see a bar as we see many guys in there drinking and having a great time. On a table we see four guys and one female person as they were playing poker as they place their bets on the table.

They have their cards in front of them and making sure either of them wasn't cheating or anything. One guy smirks as he placed his card onto the table and said.

Male guy: (smirk) Looks like I've won this match boys.

The rest faced defeated as the guy was about to reach his winning money but then the female grab the guys hand and show him her cards which was all kings and two queens.

???: (smirk) Looks like luck isn't on your side man.

The guy shake his fist in anger as the women take the winning money and stuff it into her beg as she stands up and said.

???: (smirk) See you next time boys.

The guys were pissed as the girl walks over to the front of the bar as the bat tender slide her a cup of bar which she drinks and said.

Bar tender guy: Whoa Leigh your getting good every night.

Leigh: (smirk) Yep it's great being the best.

Bar tender guy: So what are you gonna do now?

Leigh: Gonna head home and see what I can buy from all this money.

Bar Tender Guy: Cool because I find something that may interest you.

Leigh: What is it? Another guy said he is the best gambler in the world, because I sure as hell take that challenge.

Bar tender guy: Actually it's different. Look at this.

The bar tender hands her a news paper as she looks at it and it said "Fairy Tail Festival interrupted by The Thunder Legion!"

Leigh: Fairy Tail? I think I heard of them but why showing me this?

Bar Tender Guy: There is more at the bottom.

Leigh read through and as she reads through she stop when  she see two words "Dragon slayers" as she stands up straight and asked.

Leigh: (surprised) Wait, you get to tell me I'm not the only one with dragon slayer magic?

Bar tender guy: Looks like it. Thought I tell you before you get drunk and pass out.

Leigh: (smirk) This chances everything!

Then she pays the bar tender and walks away while the bar tender asked.

Bar tender guy: So what are you gonna do now?

Leigh: (smirk) Is it obvious, I'm gonna see this is true and as the two dragon slayers some questions. Hopefully they will give me some info. It's nic knowing you but this dragon slayer.....Is gonna join Fairy Tail!


A week has passed since Laxus was kicked out of Fairy Tail and the festival. When the news brought out about Laxus Natsu wasn't happy that he now can't challenge Laxus no more.

Chole was kinda mixed as she doesn't know to feel bad for Laxus or be grateful he is put of her life forever after everything he has done to her. Makarov told everyone the truth about both Chole and Laxus how they were not exactly dragon slayers but have powers of them.

Makarov even try to leave the guild for everything and many guild members and even Y/n and Chole try to make him stay when Freed convinced Makarov to stay.

Everything was normal now as Y/n goss out a few jobs with his friends and even S-Class jobs with Erza since the two were the only S-class wizards around. Erza even told Y/n about mystogan is actually Jellal which he was shocked but told Erza the past is in the past and no matter what.....he'll keep her and everyone else safe.


A week has gone by and Y/n brought himself a place to stay which was located on a small hill that leads down to Magnolia. It's a peaceful and pretty cool home as we see both Y/n and Chole sleeping in bed together as Y/n slowly wakes up first and open his eyes.

He looks at Chole sleeping peacefully as he smiles and gently touch her left cheek as he smiles. Then she opens her eyes after she feel the warm touch and looks at Y/n as she smiles and said.

Chole: (smile) Morning Y/n. It sure feels nice to feel your warm hand touch my cheeks.

Y/n: (smile) Same here Chole and good morning to you too.

Chole giggles with a smile until a voice behinds Y/n said.

???: (smile) Man it feels so good sleeping in your comfy bed.

Y/n and Chole looks over to see Cana as she sat up from Y/n's bed wearing her bra on her as she turns to them with a smirk.

Y/n: (surprised) How did you get into your house?

Cana: (smirk) Doesn't matter how I got in handsome. What's more important that you have a fancy house that I wish I could stay in.

She said that as she lick her lips while staring at Y/n as Y/n blushes a little as Chole stands up and said.

Chole: What are you, Natsu when he sneak into Lucy's apartment house?

Cana: (smirk) Hey, at least he's not the only one. If I remember, you often go to her place.

Chole: Yeah that's because I knock at the door like every normal person would.

Y/n: Ok let's calm down a little and let's get ready to head down to the guild.

Cana: (smirk) What ever you say, handsome.

She winks at him which making Y/n blush a little as he got out of bed and head to the bathroom to get himself clean up while Cana and Chole also got out of bed to get changed.

Chole: Look Cana, just because we love Y/n, that doesn't mean we sneak into his house like that.

Cana: What ever you say Chole, at leastI have a early tour of his house. By away how is leader of the thunder legion been doing with you?

Chole: I'm still getting use to it. They are showing respect like I told them to but I still need to get used to.

Cana: (smile) Hey, I think your doing great and Makarov is proud of you of that.

Chole: (smile) Yeah your right. Thanks Cana.

Cana nods as Y/n finish got change and got out of the bathroom including the rest of the two girls as Y/n asked.

Y/n: Ready?

Cana: (smirk) Ready as always.

Chole: (smile) Same.

Y/n: (smile) Let's go.


We see Y/n at the guild Hall as he sat down on a table eating his breakfast when Lucy walks over to him feels disappointed as she sat down across from Y/n and place her head on the table.

Y/n: You alright Lucy?

Lucy: (aigh) Yeah, I'm fine.

Y/n: You don't sound find. Is it because of Natsu and Happy trashing your place?

Lucy: Lucky no but it's about the beauty contest. I lost to Erza.

Y/n: Oh yeah I kinda forgot about that.

Lucy: Yeah and I need to find a way to pay for my rent before the landlord kick me out.

Y/n: If you wanna to pay off your rent, I can hand you some of my money if you like.

Lucy: Oh no, I don't want to take your money, that wouldn't ne right. I just need to find away to pay my rent some how?

Then Erza runs pass them wearing a fancy dress as they see her go. Then Gajeel runs over wearing a rock star like suit without guitar as they see everyone getting ready for something as Y/n asked.

Y/n: What's going on?

Mirajane: Oh, you two didn't hear.

They turn as Mirajane walks up and hands Y/n his coffee as Lucy asked.

Lucy: Didn't hear what?

Mirajane: Someone is the social weekly magazine is gonna come to Fairy Tail for a interview us.

Lucy: (shocked) Someone is the social weekly Magazine is gonna come here!?

Y/n: (surprised) I never knew you have interviews with them?

Mirajane: Since we are number one guild, we have many visits with them and take pictures of us.

Y/n: That sounds pretty cool. No woundee everyone is getting ready all of a sudden right Lucy.


Y/n: Lucy?

He turn to see her gone which surprised Y/n cause how fast she was.

Mirajane: (smile) Looks like Lucy is off to get ready as well.

Y/n: Yep, looks like it.

Delilah, Emery and Julia: Hey Y/n!

Then Delilah, Emery and Julia as they all walk up to Y/n as Y/n and Mirajane turns to them and Delilah asked.

Delilah: (smile) Hey Y/n, me and the rest of the girls are gonna head out to do some shopping for the interview. You wanna join?

Y/n: Sure, that sounds fun.

Delilah: (smile) Great, let's go.

Y/n drink his coffee and after that they head out of the guild Hall as Mirajane smiles as they head out shopping before she go to a different table to serve orders.


We see them at the street filled with shops as they go into different clothes shop to try out a few clothes. Delilah and the rest of the girls try out new clothes out.

We see Y/n try out new clothes for nit just for the interview but for new style as he tries on new clothes and Delilah and the rest likes it as they buy out the clothes and they walk through the streets of Magnolia.

The girls were in front talking and chatting about the interview and how exited they are for this day. Y/n smiles as he enjoys the nice fresh air of Magnolia as he likes it.

Y/n: (thought) Can't believe a week has gone by si ce Laxus try to destroy Magnolia and the Fairy Tail guild. It was one hell of a fight but at least the festival wasn't ruined and everyone is alright.

Then they stop by a shop as they see this was a all put girls clothes shop.

Delilah: Do you mind we go in a quick second Y/n?

Y/n: (smile) Sure, I don't mind.

Delilah and the rest nods as they enter into the shop while sat down on the bench and set their stuff beside him as he feel the wind blowing by him.

Behind him we see a women carrying a few stuff as she tried to carefully carry them until she trip on something and fell. Y/n turn to see the accident as the women tries to stand up as a hand reach out in front t of her and Y/n asked.

Y/n: (smile) Hey, need a hand?

The women looks up at him and blushes when she sees his face and the way he smiles. She grabs Y/n's hand and Y/n helps her up.

Y/n: (smile) Seems you were carrying a button much huh?

???: (Little blush) Y-Yeah. Th-thank you sir.

Y/n: (smile) No problem. Hey, Your not from around here aren't you?

???: (little blush) N-No, just arrived here to buy a few things.

Y/n: (smile) Alright, here let me help you pick all you stuff up.

???: (little blush) Y-you don't have to. It's my mistake so I clean it up.

Y/n: (smile) No worries, here allow me.

Y/n picks up her stuff and after a whole he hands it to her and she was blushing a little as she take her stuff and said.

???: (blush) Th-Thank you kind sir. I just go on, I don't want my friend to be worried about me. Have a nice day.

Y/n: (smile) Alright, good luck.

She then walk off as Y/n watch her leave. Y/n realise she didn't say her name or anything about herself but he doesn't mind as Delilah as the rest came out and Y/n walks over to them.

Delilah: Where you talking to someone?

Y/n: Just someone drop her stuff so I help her with it.

Emery: Who was she?

Y/n: No cluse, she has blue long hair with a cat like Mark on her shoulder.

Julia: Is she from a guild?

Y/n: Maybe but she was nice as we chatted then she head off.

Delilah: Do you think we see her again?

Y/n: Maybe but let's head back to the guild and see if the guy from the Social weekly came.

Delilah: Right, let's go.

Delilah and the rest head back to the guild and after they left Leigh came into view as she looks around as she smirks and said.

Leigh: (smirk) finally, after a week of walking and almost getting lost I finally made it to Magnolia. Now.......where the hell is the Fairy Tail guild Hall?


We see Y/n back at the guild wearing a clear suit as she see Natsu, Happy, Danielle and Mirajane as he walks up to them and asked.

Y/n: Is the interview guy here?

Natsu: Nope, not yet. I think this is gonna be boring getting asked by some random guy about ourselves.

Happy: I know but we gonna do it so we can keep our guild up.

Gray: Yeah and try not to fight him. Lats time that happened, you sent the interview guy to a hospital.

Natsu: Not may fault for that! He was spreading bull crap about me!

Y/n: OK?

Danielle: (smile) I can't wait to be interviewed, it's my first time.

Y/n: (smile) Same here, bet this is gonna be grea-


They were surprised by that as a guy runs into the guild all hyper exited as he step into the guild Hall with camera in hand as he shouts out.

???: I am standing inside the Fairy tail guild Hall! This is so coooooooollllll!!!!

Danielle: (surprised) Wow, he's very exited like everyone else.

Y/n: (surprised) Your telling me.

Then the guy see Y/n as his eyes widen as he runs over to Y/n and once there and burst out saying.

Jason: (smile) You must be the new S-Class/ Chosen one of EarthLand, Y/n L/n! My name is Jason and I heard soooooo MUCH! About you and I must say, I am very exited to finally meet you!!!

Y/n: (surprised) Um....same here man. Tell me, how much have you heard about me?

Jason: A LOT! How you faced down The Phantom lords and defeated both a dragon slayer and their boss, how you destroy the Tower or heaven and defeated Jellal and you recently defeated the thunder Legion and Laxus in this epic battle WHICH WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!

Y/n: (surprised) Um....Well...whao that is a lot you were told about. I must say I am surprised.

Jason: SOOO COOL! Mind I ask you a few questions?

Y/n: Sure.

Jason: Awsome! So first question: What do you do in your free time?

Y/n: I mostly hang out a few of my guild members and enjoy the peaceful town of Magnolia.

Jason write down Y/n's words into his note book and ask him a few more questions. After a while of Y/n asking his questions, he thanks him and ask Natsu, Happy, Danielle and Gray a few more questions and after that, he head out to ask the rest more questions.

He looks all excited as he ask everyone some questions as Lucy runs into the guild wearing her dress as she asked.

Lucy: Hey did I miss it?

Y/n: Nope, he's over there asking everyone some questions.

Lucy: Thanks Y/n. Time for this girl to pay off her rent.

She then try to give Jason his attention but Jason didn't notice her as Lucy tried her best while Y/n and rest watch this and Y/n said.

Y/n: Looks like Jason hadn't noticed her.

Danielle: That must be sad.

Gray: Maybe he'll notice her in the end.

Natsu: Possibly.

Leigh: Finally I'm here!

They turn back to the entrance to see Leigh as she was breathing heavily as she stands up straight as Danielle walks over and asked.

Danielle: Hey there, are you here to join us miss?

Leigh: Yeah but first, which one of yous are dragon slayers?

Happy: That's Natsu also a fire dragon slayer and Gajeel among here and he's an Iron Dragon slayer.

Natsu: What's up to you?

Leigh: (smirk) Well let's just say, I'm also a Dragon slayer. A Earth Dragon slayer!

Natsu: (shocked) Wait seriously?!

They were shocked by this which everyone else in the guild head this and Jason also heard this and rushes over towards Leigh while saying.

Jason: Woah your another dragon slayer that came to the guild! THAT'S SO COO-

Then Leigh upper punches Jason in the face and Jason was sent flying and crashes onto the ground. Everyone was shocked by this as Leigh dust off her hands and Danielle asked.

Danielle: (shocked) Um....why did you punch him?

Leigh: (smirk) He was gonna to attack me.

Gray: He's actually gonna to ask you a few questions because he is the interviewer of the social weekly magazine.

Leigh: Wait seriously? Whhhooops. Sorry!

Then Jason stands up and start to laugh as he said.

Jason: Whao that is one powerful punch I've got from a dragon slayer! So cool! So cool! SO COOL!

Leigh: O....k?

She then see Y/n as she find him attractive as she smirks as she walks over to Y/n and asked.

Leigh: (smirk) Hey there, whats your name?

Y/n: Oh my name is Y/n L/n, I'm a S-Class wizard of Fairy Tail. It's nice to meet you.

Leigh: (smirk) Y/n huh? I like that name, sounds pretty cool and belong to a handsomely man like you.

Y/n: (little blush) Wh-what?

Leigh: (giggle) Your cute when yiur act all confused. Never met with someone who is like you.

Y/n was blushing deep while Leigh tries to hit on him while Danielle was folding her arms a bit jealous while Natsu, Happy and Gray look at each other and asked.

Natsu: Mind tell me what's going on here?

Gray: How should I know?

Happy: Guess that's Y/n for ya.

Jason: Say I wanna ask one last question.

They turn to Jason as he asked.

Jason: Tell me, who is the most strongest Fairy Tail wizard ever.

Natsu: (smirk) That's obvious, it's me. I'm the most strongest Fairy Tail wizard.

Gray: Yeah right.

Natsu: (anger) What was that Gray!

Gray: (smirk) Oh nothing, just saying that your "second" strongest Wizard.

Danielle: Or maybe third.

Natsu: (anger) What how?!

Gray: Come to think about it, I think Y/n is one of the most strongest faith Tail wizard in this guild.

Y/n: W-Well I don't say strongest, I just do what I do.

Natsu: (anger) Is that so?

Gray: (smirk) Yep, I believe so.

Natsu: (anger) Alright that's it!

He then points at Y/n and said.

Natsu: (anger) Let's see who is the strongest guild. Let's fight!


Natsu storms off as everyone wa surprised as now Y/n will fight Natsu as once Natsu left Y/n looks at Gray and said.

Y/n: Why did you convince Natsu to fight me?

Gray: (smirk) Eh, thought he'll be pissed.

Jason: This is gonna be so cool!!!

Danielle: Well....maybe it can't be all that bad.

Leigh: (smirk) This is gonna be great. Let's see how this fight plays out.

Y/n: (thought) How did I got myself into this?

(Short while later)

Everyone in Fairy Tail including Jason as they gathered around as Natsu was crackle his knuckles while Y/n kinda doesn't want to fight his own friend but he may have no choice.

Jason: Oh man this is gonna be soo cool!

Chole: If Natsu hurts him I swear I'll kill him.

Freed: Do you wish me to assist Y/n in battle.

Chole: (sigh) No, don't want you to get hurt.

Bickslow: (smirk) Oh man, can't wait to see how this will play out.

Evergreen: I hope his handsome face will not be ruined during this fight.

Elfman: This is gonna be soo manly.

Gray: Bet Natsu will be deafened very quickly.

Juiva: Win my darling Y/n!

Lucy: Do you think Natsu can even stand a chance?

Leigh: (smirk) Maybe but judging how people are saying about Y/n will win, surely Y/n be the winner.

Danielle: (smile) You can do it Y/n!

Natsu: (smirk) I've been waiting for this moment, you ready?

Y/n: You sure you wanna do this?

Natsu: (smirk) Sure I'm sure, I'm all fired up!

Y/n: Ok then, if you assist.

Then Y/n requip into his fire armor which surprised Leigh and Jason as Y/n stands up straight.

Y/n: Alright I'm ready.

Makarov: Let the battle begin!

Natsu: Let's go!

Natsu's burst into flames as he charge at Y/n. Y/n dodges the first blow from natsu and dodge the second blow before he turns and swing kicks Natsu in the face.

Natsu stumbled back surprised of that attack as Y/n place his hand towards and charged his fire ball and fires it at Natsu.

Natsu smirks as he eats up the fire balls but this give Y/n a perfect chance. He stomp his foot into the ground and a hole below Natsu opens up and fire came out of it sending up into the air.

Leigh: (shocked) Whao, I don't believe it!

Jason: SO COOL!

Then the fire disappear as Natsu came down towards Y/n and fired his fire dragon roar at Y/n. But Y/n rais his hand and blocks the attack with his hand as he exorbed the fire dragon roar.

Natsu lands on his feet as Y/n swing his glowing first at Natsu and fire came out of it as Natsu quickly dodge the attack. Then Y/n copy his fire dragon roar and fired fire dragon roar back at Natsu that hits Natsu.

Natsu was thrown back as he stumbled backwards as he was smoking and was hit by the blast.

Y/n: Ready to call it quite?

Natsu: (smirk) Ha! Not by along shot!

Natsu's first bust into flames once more as he form a tornado liem circle with his hands and leads through it and pulls back his fist react to punch him.

Y/n pulls back his fist and the two fist made impact as a shock wave sent everyone back as Jason was holding for dare life bit still shouts soo cool!

After a while Y/n managed to punch Natsu in the fist and sent him flying back and Natsu fell onto the ground defeated as everyone see Natsu defeated and they cheered for Y/n.

Y/n walks over ti Natsu as Natsu was sitting up as Y/n walks over to Natsu and reach out a hand to him and said.

Y/n: That was a interesting fight. You were great.

Natsu smirks as he take Y/n hand and Y/n helps him up as Y/n turn back to normal as Natsu his hand onto his shoulder and said.

Natsu: (smirk) Same to you man, but you better watch out. I'll be back stronger then ever and I'll get my rematch.

Y/n: (smirk) I'll be ready.

The two smirks as everyone else runs up to them and congregation Y/n for his win while Jason jumsp around shouting how cool that was and how awesome Y/n was.

Leigh was surprised how strong Y/n was and she already have her eyes on Y/n as she smirks at him. Makarov who was next to her asked.

Makarov: So your a Earth Dragon slayer.

Leigh: (smirk) Indeed Sir.

Makarov: I bet you have many questions being your lost dragon.

Leigh: (smirk) Yeah.

Natsu: Wait also lost your dragon as well.

Then Natsu and Gajeel walks up to her as Leigh nods and said.

Leigh: Yeah, my dragon is named Anzan and she disappeared seven years ago.

Gajeel: So your dragon also disappeared on the seventh year of the seventh month of the seventh day.

Leigh: Jeez what's with all the sevens?

Gajeel: How should I know.

Natsu: So did you try to find Anzan?

Leigh: Actually.....I kinda move on with that goal.

Natsu: What?!

Leigh: I just realised there is no point looking for Anzan. I know she took care of me and I get it, but I just wanna live a normal life as a wizard you know. I theories I'm not the only one but I gone busy with a few stuff until someone told me about two Dragon Slayers here and I figured, hey....why not ask them some questions and now....I'm here.

Gajeel: Huh sounds interesting.

Natsu: Still you shouldn't have giving up looking for Anzan. What if she's out there.

Leigh: I understand that but what's the point? As we know they are dragons, they could be far away and no way we can't find them.

Natsu: I now but.....still....

Then Natsu just walks off with Happy following him as Leigh watch him go as Makarov said.

Makarov: Do not worry about that boy. He lost his dragon in a hard way then you.

Leigh: I see.

Makarov: So. Do you wish yo join us?

Leigh: (smirk) Sure, your guild Hall seems neat. Sign me up.

Makarov: (smile) Good, welcome to Fariy Tail Leigh.

Leigh smirks as she looks over to Y/n as Juvia hugs Y/n ams Cana kiss him by the cheeks making Y/n blush a little. Leigh smirks as she already have her eye's on Y/n.


It was night time as Y/n was at Lucy's place as Lucy lay on her bed tired and even more disappointed then before as Y/n sat on a chair as he asked.

Y/n: Guess Jason didn't notice you then huh?

Lucy: Yeah which sucks. That interview will do me great with the rent.

Y/n: That sucks.

Lucy sighs in disappointed as Y/n felt bad for her as he pulls out a small envelope and walks over to her bed and place it next to her.

Lucy noticed it and takes the envelope as she was confused on what it was until she open it and see it was money in it as she was surprised and looks up at Y/n which was his money as he smiles at her.

Lucy: I.....I can't take this. It's not right.

Y/n: (smile) It's alright Lucy, I have plenty of money since I'm an S-Class member. Besides you need that then me.

Lucy blushes deep by this as she looks at the envelope with money in it. She doesn't want this but Y/n let's her so she place the envelope next to her and said.

Lucy: (blush) Whoa, Th-thanks Y/n your really are the best.

Y/n: (smile) No problem Lucy.

Lucy: (blush) H-Hey, I wanna show you something. F-for a way to say thanks.

Y/n: Sure, what is it?

Lucy walks over to her desk and pulls out a piles of paper and walks over to Y/n still blushing and hands it to Y/n. Y/n takes it and start to read it. This is a story Lucy is making as he asked.

Y/n: Is this a story your making Lucy?

Lucy: (little nervous) Yeah, I've been writing it for a while since I like books. I dreamed to be the wolds greatest author ever.

Y/n read through Lucy's story and he start to find it very interesting. Not interesting actually.....Very VERY interesting as he reac through the story and said to Lucy.

Y/n: (surprised) Whao this story is is pretty interesting and cool.

Lucy: (surprised) Wait, really? You think it's great?!

Y/n: (smile) It's not great, it's.....Wonderful and very awesome. I believe you be a best Author ever.

Lucy: (smile) Thanks Y/n, I'm very happy you enjoyed it.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah.

The two smiled as Lucy suddenly have a feeling to do it for someone reason. It's maybe because how happy she was but she lend in and kiss Y/n on the lip.

Y/n was surprised by this and Lucy blushes very deep as she pulled away and said.

Lucy: (blush) I'm very sorry, I was soo happy I couldn't help but to do that!

Y/n: (little blush) I-It's alright Lucy. I it.

Lucy: (blush) Really?

Y/n: (little blush) Yeah.

Y/n stands up and wraps his arms around Lucy's waist which made Lucy blush a little bit their eyes were locked as they stare at each other with live in their eyes.

Their heads get close and Lucy's heart was beating fast as their lips were close as they were about to kiss which will be wonderful for the two.

Natsu: This is romantic.

Then the two stop as they slowly turn to see Happy and Natsu in her house as Happy said.

Happy: Ooohhhh looks like they were gonna kiss.

Natsu: Huh Guess you were right about Lucy loves Y/n.

Then a dark orb surrounds Lucy as Natsu and Happy turn to see Lucy scary now as she give them and death glare as the two got scared.

Lucy: (anger) Get. The. Hell. Out. Of.......MY HOUSE!!!!!!!!

Then Lucy kicks the two out through the window as they were sent flying into the night sky as Lucy was still pissed how both Natsu and Happy ruined their moment.

Y/n was surprised about her kick but he smiles as he walks over to her and wrap his arms from behind and kisses her on the cheek which snap Lucy off of her anger and felt all warm in her heart as Y/n wrap his arms around her.

Lucy: Sorry about them.

Y/n: (smile) That's alright. I'm still wondering how they gotten in though?

Lucy: No clue but who cares when I'm around you.

Y/n: (smile) same here Lucy.

Lucy turns to Y/n and the two lend in as they kissed on the lips. It felt wounder to Lucy as she can feel Y/n's lips as she have her left leg up.

After a while of kissing they stop and Lucy hugs Y/n as she lend her head to Y/n's chest and Y/n hugs her back as he rest his chin on Lucy's head as Lucy said.

Lucy: (smile) This feels wonderful. Do you mind you stay with me for the night?

Y/n: (smile) Sure, that would be wonderful.

Lucy: (smile) I love you Y/n.

Y/n: (smile) Love you too Lucy.

After that Lucy shut off the lights and they crawled into bed as Lucy cuddles Y/n and immediately falls asleep. Y/n cuddles her back as he smiles to see her happy before he too fell asleep as the two have a nice night together.

To be continued..........

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