Chapter 12: Fairy Tails strongest member (lemon)

We see Chole laying on a bed bad injured after she destroy all the Lacima crystal that were set to destroy Magnolia. She then slowly open her eyes as her vision was in a blarr but she see that she was in the medical room within the Fairy Tail Guild Hall.

She slowly sat up from her bed and looks around to see no one here but then a voice spoke out on the next bed next to hers.

Makarov: Are you alright my grandaughter?

Chole's eyes widen as she turn and see Makarov laying on a bed next to her as she was shocked to see he isn't feeling alright but she still asked.

Chole: (shock) A-Are you ok?

Makarov: I'll be fine. It is lucky Y/n give Mira the location where you are.

Chole: Yeah. Where is he?

Makarov: Gonna finish this for good. Everyone is inside the guild except for Natsu, Gajeel and Levy. I think they found your brother.

Chole: I see.

Then tears start to pour down on her cheeks as she said to Makarov.

Chole: (tears) I'm so so sorry for all this. It's all my fault, I try to stop him but he....he.

Makarov: Child.....don't blame yourself. Laxus has gone too far and you try to stop him.

Chole: (tears) B-But....grandpa, I....

Makarov: (smile) Don't worry about everything. Things will be alright and Laxus will be stopped. I'm sure Natsu, Gajeel or Y/n will stop him.

Chole: Yeah......(sniff) Hope so grandpa, I hope so.


Lighting bolts is seen flashing with the church as we see Natsu and Gajeel on their knees badly hurt and weaken as Laxus without his shirt on smirks as he said.

Laxus: Soon all of yous will be destroyed and I'll be Fairy Tails own guild master. YOU'RE TIME IS UP!

Then Laxus place his hands together as a large glow start to form as Natsu and Gajeel stands up and Natsu asked.

Natsu: What is he doing?

Gajeel: (shocked) Oh no, I think is gonna use Fairy Law on us including everyone within Magnolia. He's gonna kill us all!

Natsu: (shocked) What?! Are you crazy Laxus!

Laxus ignores them as he scream out as he charge up his Fairy Law magic while Gajeel and Natsu watch as there was nothing they can't do.

Levy: Laxus stop!

Gajeel and Natsu turn to see Levy at the entrance which Laxus looks up at her as Gajeel tells her.

Gajeel: What are you doing, it's not safe here!

Levy: Please you gonna stop this! You must see the master right away! If you don't, he's gonna die!

Laxus heard that last part as Natsu and Gajeel were shocked that Makarov will die soon.

Levy: Please Laxus, you must stop this!

There was silence in the room as Laxus was quite for a minute until he smirked and said.

Laxus: (smirk) That is good. With the old man out of the way, I can be Fairy Tails master.

Levy was shocked including Natsu and Gajeel as Laxus continues to charge up his fairy law and once that was done he said.

Laxus: I will rebuild Fairy Tail into scrap and once it's done I will let those are strong in and everyone will fear us and know that Fairy Taip is the most strongest guild alive!

Levy: Laxus, no.

Natsu: You can't do this! Don't you even care about gramps or your sister at all!

Laxus: My sister is just weak! I never understand why were are related but soon.....she'll won't be a problem to me after I get ride of yous once and for all! FAIRY LAW!!!!

It was complete as Laxus swing his arms back as he was about to clap his hands together to unleash Fairy Law to all his enemies and all hope is lost.

Then suddenly a hammer went by Levy, Natsu and Gajeel and it hits Laxus right in the stomach and sent him flying and crash into the wall.

Natsu, Gajeel and Levy were shocked as the hammer floats until he retracted back outside only to be grabbed by Y/n who is standing at the entrance behind Levy, Natsu and Gajeel as they turn to see him.

Gajeel: (surprised) Y/n!?

Levy: (surprised) Y/n, you came!

Natsu: (smile) Alright!

Y/n smiles at them and walks pass them all as Laxus shake it off with that attack and stands up and see Y/n right in front of him.

Laxus: (anger) YOU!

Y/n: It's over Laxus. Your team has fallen, your plan has failed. Give yourself up now and face justice.

Laxus: (laughter) Why do I have to listen to a weakling like you!

Then a Laxus fired a lightning bolt at Y/n and it hits him as smoke suddenly exploded in the room as Natsu, Gajeel and Levy were hoping Y/n was alright. While Laxus laughs and said.

Laxus: You call yourself Earthlands greatest hope even though you can't defeated a S-class wizard like me!

Y/n: Actually I can!

Laxus was shocked to hear his voice and once the smoke was cleared Y/n change into his lightning armor form as he looks up at Laxus as bolts of electricity sparks out his armor and onto the floor.

Y/n: You trapped the girls into stone, forced everyone in the guild to take part in your sick battle Royal game, hurt your OWN sister, hurt all my friends and try to destroy Magnolia. You Laxus......HAVE GONE TOOO FAR NOW!

Then Y/n shot out a powerful lightning bolt at Laxus. At first Laxus thinks he can take the hit but once hits him he feel extreme pain as the lightning was too much for him.

Once it stopped he looks up and Y/n was at his face in quick speed and he upper punch him in the face and then kicked him in the stomach.

Laxus crashes into the same wall again as Y/n lowe his leg. Laxus fell on one knee as he cough out blood as he looks at the blood on his hand and he slowly makes a fist as he glare up at Y/n and said.

Laxus: (anger) No one. NO ONE TELLS ME WHAT TO DO!

Then Laxus burst of lightning as Natsu, Gajeel and Levy step back but Y/n stand his ground as lightning hits him but he doesn't seem to feel it.

Then Laxus charge at Y/n with his fist ready to punch him but when Laxus did try to punch him, Y/n move his head to the side in quick speed. Laxus, Natsu, Levy and Gajeel were shockedas Y/n upper punches Laxus in the stomach.

Laxus went up in the ceiling and crash through the ceiling and lands hard on the roof. Y/n appears on the roof with a bolt of lightning as Laxus turns to see him now pissed like ever before.

Y/n summons his hammer and his shield and gets into a battle stand ready for a fight against Laxus.

Laxus: (anger) Once I'm done with you, your armor will be reminded to those to not make me mad.

Y/n: (smirk) I like to see you try, let's do this.

(Battle music start)

Laxus burst out with lightning and so dose Y/n as the two stare at each other for a second before Laxus charge at him. He try to land a punch at him but Y/n swing his hammer upwards and lands a hit at Laxus.

Laxus was sent up in the air but he looks down and fired a bolt of lightning bolt at Y/n. Y/n rais his shield up and blocks the lightning attack. He move the shield away and Laxus came down to try to stomp on him.

But Y/n leaps out of the way and Laxus lands on the ceiling with ceiling parts fly out as Laxus turn sto Y/n. Y/n spine his hammer around as he charge at Laxus and throw his hammer at him.

Laxus swings the hammer away with his fistbut the impact with his fist with the hammer made Laxus to stumbled back. He looks up and Y/n summon his sword and swing his blade to make a blue magic wave at him.

Laxus dodges it but Y/n land on his feet and swing his blade at him once more. This time Laxus tries to block it with his arms but it was too strong and he was sent flying. But he disappear by the lightning and the lightning struck behind Y/n with Laxus behind him.

Y/n turn and he was grabbed by the neck as Laxus lift him up in the air as he smirks at him. Y/n grabs Laxus hands as he try to break free but Laxus was not gonna let that happen.

Laxus: (smirk) This time you will not be a pain of my butt no more. THE FAIRY TAIL YOU KNEW OFF WILL BE GONE!

Y/n was not gonna give up not right now so he kicks Laxus by the stomach. It was a powerful kick as Laxus let's go of Y/n and Y/n punches Laxus in the face.

Laxus steps back as she shake his head but he glare up at Y/n filled in rage and he charge up his dragon roar attack on Y/n.

Y/n see this and he place his hands together and charge up his lightning ball attack. Natsu, Levy and Gajeel run outside and see the two charging up their magic.

Then the two fired their magic at each other and the two attacks collected followed by a huge shock wave that cost Levy, Gajeel and Natsu to step back a bit.

The shock wave cost some items on shelfs outside to fell onto the ground and some decorations to fall onto the ground. Laxus and Y/n struggled to have either of their attacks to hit the other.

Y/n stpes back as Laxus smirks as his attacks gose towards Y/n. Y/n will not let that happen as he made a battle cry and his lightning magic goes even further as Laxus frond and yells at Y/n.


Y/n: That's were your wrong Laxus! You may be stronger then everyone else but you just saying that because your not!

Laxus: WHAT?!

Y/n: (smirk) The true magic and strength is friends and family! Fairy Tail is a place that I will give my life to! Everyone treat me like a family back in my village and I fail to protect my village back then! But not this time, I won't fail on them, I won't fail the friendship I have as a Guild member! I will protect them I WILL MAKE THEM EVEN MORE HAPPIER THEN BEFORE!

As Y/n screan out his attack break through Laxus attack which Laxus was shocked. Then Y/n's attacks hits Laxus as Laxus skidded back and then he was thrown off the roof as he scream out in pain before he exploded.

The explosion was large and loud the everyone in or out of Magnolia heard it. Lucy and the rest of the Fairy Tail members were outside as they see the explosion.

Chole was looking through the window and see the explosion and was preying that Y/n is alright.

(Battle music ends)

Y/n leaps off the roof as Natsu, Gajeel and Levy came rushing out of the front and looks at were Laxus has landed as once the smoke was clear Laxus was laying on the ground unconscious and defeated.

Natsu: (surprised) Hell yeah, he defeated!

Levy: (shocked) That's impossible. Laxus is the most strongest Fairy Tail guild member around.

Gajeel: (shocked) Yeah....but the kid did it. He beat Laxus.

Y/n walks up to Laxus as Laxus opens his eyes to see Y/n glaring down at him as Laxus was too weak to do anything but lay there as he look sat Y/n.

Laxus: What do you want now?

Y/n shake his fist in anger ready to punch him for all the things he has done. But he calms down and break his fist and said to Laxus.

Y/n: I may not know all about you Laxus but I do know one thing. Your a jerk and selfish to others even though they did nothing to you but you still treat your friends, your family and even your damn sister. What did she do that made you this way!

Laxus stay silent, not knowing what to say to him as Y/n continues on saying.

Y/n: Fairy Tail is not just a group a wizards all piled up together so you can bully them, call them weak, not care about that and then force them to fight each other. No, Fairy Tail is a place were families are made and friendship are born. What you did Laxus was inescapable not to Fairy Tail but to the whole town as well. YOU NEARLY KILLED YOUR OWN SISTER!

Laxus widen his shock when Y/n said that. He didn't mean to try to kill his sister, he was trying to be Fairy Tail's guild master but he didn't to think he nearly killed his own sister.

Y/n: It's not me who will decide what to do with you. I think that goes to the REAL master of Fairy Tail which is Makarov. Goodbye....Laxus.

Then Y/n turns and walks off as he change back into his normal form and walks away as Laxus lays there alone to us thoughts and thinks about what he has done. He things he really did went too far.

(A few hours later)

We see everyone getting ready for the parade later at night as they were getting ready. We see Y/n sat on a table taking a breather after the fight against Laxus when a cup a bar was place on his table.

Y/n looks up to see Mirajane as she smiled at him and said.

Mirajane: (smile) Here you go, it's on the house.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks Mira, you really don't have to do this.

Mirajane: (smile) Don't worry. You did everything to free me and all girls in stone. It's a way to say thanks.

Y/n: Well I'm just glad you're alright including the rest of the girls.

Mirajane: Yep.

Cana: You did a amazing job Y/n.

Then Cana wrap her arms around Y/n's neck to pull in a warm hug as she smirked at him and said.

Cana: (smirk) Your really are our hero, saving all of us and Magnolia.

Y/n: (little blush) W-well it's not just me, Chole help me as well.

Cana: (smirk) We know but your so brave fighting laxus on your own.

She then lend in and kiss Y/n on the cheek which Y/n blushed as Cana chuckled before Juiva runs over and said.

Juvia: (anger) Don't kiss my darling like that! Only I can do that!

Cana: (giggle) Don't worry, we can share him. After all he is our bright and shinning armor after all.

Cana winks at him which made Y/n blush once again before Cana let's go for Y/n and walks away. Mirajane giggles a little before she walks off.

Y/n sighs as Juvia sat down next to him and see the wound on his arm and said.

Juvia: Here, allow me to patch you up.

Y/n: You sure, I don't wanna bother you.

Juvia: Not at all. You fought Laxus like a noble warrior, it is no problem of me to help you my love.

She then start to patch Y/n up as Y/n let's her, he smiled a little as he looks around yo see everyone getting good along well after what they have been through.

Azack: Hey Y/n.

Y/n turn to see Azack at his table as he scratch the back of his head and Y/n asked.

Y/n: Hey Azack, how is you?

Azack: Good but I wanna say I'm sorry. I know you don't wanna fight us including me and I know you haven't done anything to me or I didn't do anything to you. But I was trying to save the girls like everyone else. So I wanna say I'm sorry and hope you can forgive me.

Y/n: (smile) Don't worry Azack, I forgive you and know you weren't trying to hurt your friends but you have no choice. Just as long everyone is alright, I'm happy.

Azack: (little smile) Yeah I guess so. So....we're still friends?

Y/n: (smile) Yep, no matter what man.

Azack: (smile) Thanks man.

Y/n nods with a smile as Azack walks off. Lucy and Happy walks up to Y/n's table just as Juvia was done patching him up as they asked.

Lucy: How are you doing?

Happy: That fight must be tough.

Y/n: It was but I pull it off. What about Natsu and Gajeel?

Lucy: Their doing well. Even though Gajeel somehow understands Natsu when his mouth his sealed with bandages.

Y/n: How is that possible?

Lucy: No idea but I'm here to say thanks for saving me. I wish I could repay you anything?

Y/n: (smile) It's alright Lucy. I'm just glad everyone is ok and continue on with the festive.

Lucy: (smile) Yeah, your right.

Y/n: How's Chole and Makarov doing?

Happy: Makarov will be fine and Chole is also fine as well.

Y/n: Well that's a relief.

Erza: Hey Y/n.

They turn around to see Erza as she walks up to Y/n's table and said.

Erza: The master wanted to see you. He wants to talk to you.

Y/n: Is something wrong?

Erza: No just he wants to spake to you.

Y/n: Alright, thanks Erza.

Y/n stands up and walks away to see what Makarov wants as they watch him walk off.

Lucy: I hope it's nothing serious.

Erza: I think they be alright.

Happy: (smirk) Why, Do you Looovvvveee Y/n?

Lucy: (blush) Shut up stupid cat!

Juvia gets jealous as she shot a death glare at Lucy which Lucy was scared as Erza smiled while shaking her head.


Y/n enter the medical room where he see Chole and Makarov on the bed as Y/n runs up to Chole and asked.

Y/n: You alright?

Chole: I'm ok, thanks and thank you.....thank you for saving us.

Y/n nods with a warm smile. Chole blushes a little as she smiles back as Makarov see this and smiled and asked.

Makarov: (smile) So you shown to care for my grandaughter huh?

Y/n: Yes Sir.

Makarov: (smile) I'm glad for that.

Then Makarov gets out fo bed and he walks over to Y/n and said to him.

Makarov: (smile) When Laxus start this game I knew I have to stop him but when I was trapped within the guild, you said you and Gray will find Chole and stop Laxus. You kept you promise and find my grandaughter and you even heal her wounds from Laxus. At first I lost everything when I was weak and can't stop Laxus even I have the strength to do it. But you pulled everything you got and defeated Laxus. You not only save Fairy Tail but you saved Magnolia as well. I have nothing to say but.......Thank you.

Y/n smiled back as he nods and said.

Y/n: (smile) I'll d everything to protect my friends and the people I cared for. No matter what I'll fight to protect my family.

Y/n looks at Chole with a smile and Chole smiles back with a little blush on her as Makarov also smiled and said.

Makarov: (smile) Yes...with that you deserve a reward for your action. I Master Makarov, guild master of Fairy Tail, promot you Y/n L/ S-Class.

Y/n was surprised by this and can't believe it. He turn to Chole and she smiled like she knew this would happen as he turn back to Makarov and said.

Y/n: (surprised) Th-thank you Master....I don't know what to say.

Makarov: (smile) Say nothing my child, you deserve it. Enjoy the rest of the festival my boy.

Y/n: (smile) Thank you Master Makarov.

He then walks over to the door and left the room. Chole smiled as he is proud of Y/n and thinks he deserves another reward maybe later on.

Then the door open and Laxus came into the room. Chole and Makarov were silent as they look at him with anger face.

Laxus closes the door behind him as the room was silent as Laxus start of saying.

Laxus: It's kinda noisy out there, isn't it.

Chole wanna yell at him and let her anger out but Makarov was the first to spoke.

Makarov: What you did is something I'm not proud of.

Laxus was silent as Makarov continues on saying.

Makarov: Fairy Tail is a place were everyone is expected and no matter how weak they are, they are always expected here to our guild to be stronger and better with their friends around.

Laxus: I know. It's just.....I wanna make the guild stronger. For all of us, I didn't mean to hurt everyone in he guild.

Chole: (anger) Hurt everyone huh?

Chole walks up to Laxus and slaps him hard in the face. Makarov may wanna tell her to stop but he understands she is mad as Laxus looks at his sister as he see tears running down in her eyes as she start to yell at him.

Chole: (anger) YOU HURT ME! I thought we were family, I thought we were brother and sisters, two siblings that will never be broken. But no, YOU HURT ME, BULLY ME AND CALL ME ANE MY FRIENDS WEAK ANE EVEN REFUSED MY HELP WHEN THE PHANTOM LORDS ATTACK OUR GUILD! BROTHERS ARE SUPPOSE TO HELP BUT YOU REFUSE! You even......hurt me physically when I try to stop you.

Laxus: Sis I-

Chole: (Anger) NO! Don't you DARE CALL ME SIS OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT! I was happy with my friends and I was proud at mt grandpa for being our master but you....YOU SEEMM NEVER GIVE A DAMN ABOUT IT, YOU NEVER CARE ABOUT HOW HAPPY WE ARE, YOU ALONG CALLED ABOUT YOURSELF! Your nothing but the worst brother I ever have. I JUST WISHED YOU JUST BE HAPPY FOR ONCE IN YOUR FUCKING LIFE!

Laxus was taking all in as Chole burst into tears and pushes Laxus out of the way and slam the door behind her as Laxus was standing there speechless as Makarov looks at him as Laxus sigh.

Makarov: She really cared for you Laxus but you never see that. If you spend more time looking at the flowers or take time looking at the sky maybe you can change. Where have we gone so wrong but the past is the past. I have no choice but to do this.

There was silence as Makarov looks at his grandson and said.

Makarov: Laxus......I here by expelled you from Fairy Tail.

Laxus was shocked by this but he understands what he has done and he understood as he looks at Makarov and said.

Laxus: I understand....take care gramps.

Makarov turns as he fold his arms as Laxus turns the door to leave but before he leaves he said.

Laxus: Tell Chole......I said I'm sorry....for everything ok?

Makarov have tears in his eyes as he said.

Makarov: (tears) J-just go!

Then Laxus left the room as now it was just Makarov alone in the room as he gets flashbacks of him, Chole and Laxus as kids as they were smiling and happy together as a family.


It was the afternoon as we seen Laxus talking to the thunder Legion as Laxus tells them what has happened.

EverGreen: What?! He kicked you out!

Bickslow: That's unfair man!

Laxus: No it's understandable. I went too far and now I'm leaving.

Evergreen: But we're all held responsible so why haven't he expelled us?

Bickslow: Yeah and what about you sister, I'm sure she can convince Makarov to get you back in.

Laxus: I think......she won't forgive me but I understand. Which is why she'll be leader of the Thunder Legion for now on.

EverGreen: But Laxus.

Freed: Where will you go?

Laxus: No clue but follow Chole for the time being. She deserves to feel like a family and it's my way to say......I'm sorry. Take care.

Then Laxus turn to leave as EverGreen and Bickslow try to call out to him but Laxus continues on walking as Freed understand this and hopes he'll see him again.


We see Y/n opening the door of Choles House as he enter inside to try to look at her.

Y/n: Chole? Chole you here?

He walks into the house and hears something. He followed the noise and it was clear that someone is crying. He stop by Choles bedroom as he opens it and see Chole sat on the bed alone in the dark as she is crying.

Y/n: Chole!

Y/n runs up to her and crawled into bed and hugged her as Chole was surprised to see Y/n here but doesn't care as she hugs back at him and after she calmed down they vreak off hugging and she wipe the tears away.

Chole: I'm sorry, I guess I forgot to lock the door.

Y/n: Actually it was locked. I still got the spare key you give me.

Chole: Oh yeah I forgot. (Chuckle)

Y/n: But Chole, are you alright?

Chole: To be honest....I don't know. I feel angery, sad and frustrated all at the same time. I don't know what to do, I just don't know.

Y/n: Chole.

Y/n turns Choles head gently towards Y/n as Y/n stare at her in the eyes and said.

Y/n: If you ever feel like this or anything that upset you. Then tell me or anyone in the guild because no matter what we're here for you. Don't sat here and cry alone, we're here for you and no matter what.....I'm always here to help you.

Chole cheeks blushed as she nods and her heart was racing like nothing before as the tow stare at each other. Then they don't know why but they lend the heads close and close their eyes as their lips met.

They kissed but this time a bit longer and it felt so good to Chole as they make out on the bed. Chole pulled Y/n down as she was on top of Y/n as the two make out.

After awhile they stopped and they pulled away and look at each other and Chole asked.

Chole: How long is the Parade gonna be on?

Y/n: About 5 hours why?

Chole: (smirk) Wait there, I'll have another reward for you.

She the got out of bed and walks out of the room. Y/nnsat on Choles bed as he waits for her and wonder about the reward.

She then came back into the room as she shut the door behind her and locks it. She then turn on the lams next to Y/n as he turn and he was blushed to see Chole wearing a bunny outfit with bunny ears and tight rubber outfit on her.

She shot him a sexxy glare at Y/n as she walks up to him and sat on his lap facing towards him as she gives him a sexxy smirk which made Y/n blush even more.

Chole: (smirk) Here's you reward handsome, do you like it?

Y/n: (blush) I-I-I think it's good Chole.

Chole: (giggle) Thanks wide.

(Lemon start)

She then kissed Y/n on the lips once more and this time she moaned as she play around her tongue onto Y/n's mouth and was going at it.

Y/n was surprised by this as he never seen her act like this before before he suddenly turns on as he grabs her by the butt which Chole moaned and kiss her back.

Chole feel Y/n's tongue and it was wonderful as the two make out as their tongue play around in there before the two moaned as their mouths exploded.

The two fell onto the bed as they continue to make out while Chole pulls off Y/n's clothes away and throws them to the ground as they Y/n doss the same.

The two were near in there underwear and bra as they continue making out before they stop and pulled away to take a breather.

Chole: (panting) Woah, Erza wasn't kidding that you were a good kisser.

Y/n: (patning) Yeah but yours is more then mine and Erza's.

Chole giggled and she lower herself down to Y/n's underwear and takes it off and throws it away as she see Y/n's dick and it was big.

Chole smirks as she gently grabs Y/n's dick and start to rub it slowly and gently. Y/n was blushing bright red as he grabs tightly on the bed as she gose a bit faster and faster.

Chole: (smirk) How dose it feel Y/n?

Y/n: (blush) It''s great, very great.

Chole giggles as she continues to go faster until Y/n can't take it and his dick exploded with white liquid as it splash onto Chole as Chole caught a few into her mouth.

Some where on her face but she didn't mind as she licks them off while giving Y/n a sexxy glare. Y/n smirks at her as she crawled over to his waist as she said.

Chole: (smirk) Which do you think has the biggest breast.

She said this while taking off her tight suit exposing her breast which has no bra on. Y/n blushed when she said this and he understand what she ment by that.

So he grab two of her breast and start to squeeze them as Chole hold back the moans as Y/n continues to rab them and said.

Y/n: I don't know, guess they both her great.

Chole: (giggle) I don't blame you.

She let out a little moan as Y/n continues rubbing her breast as her breast gets bigger and bigger until Chole said.

Chole: (moaning) Here they come!

Then white liquid exploded out of her breast and lands onto Y/n's face and some onto Choles bed. The two were catching their breath as Chole lay down next to him and cuddle with him and Y/n cuddle her back.

(Lemon over)

They were catching their breaths while they cuddle as Chole looks at Y/n and asked.

Chole: So, how was your reward?

Y/n: It was wonderful Chole.

Chole: (smirk) More girls may have plans for you one day so it's best you be ready for that.

Y/n: Still I care for you and everyone in the guild and I'll do anything to make yous happy.

Chole: (smile) Yeah and I thank you for everything you did to Fairy Tail and to me. I love you.

Y/n: (smile) I love you too, Chole.

The two kissed for a second before they stop and they close their eyes and take a nap before the parade will begins later on.

(5 hours later)

It was night time as the parade as began with citizen's of Magnolia were there as they watch Fairy Tail take part in the parade as they show off their magic to celebrate.

They weak through the streets as hey show off their magic to everyone as they cheered. Y/n was with Erza as they change into different armor as Y/n shot out lightning and fire into the sky to make fire works with the symbol of Fairy Tail into the sky.

Everyone cheered for this as we see Laxus at the far back of the crowd as he remembered him, Chole and Makarov as they were young. Chole was upset for not seeing the crowd but Laxus pick up her over by his shoulder so she can see the crowd and she was happy and smiling.

Makarov was also happy and so dose Laxus when they were young. Now Laxus was alone as he turn to walk away but he turn back and his eyes were widen as everyone points their finger into the sky including Chole and Makarov.

Makarov: (thought) I know you didn't mean all this to happen and we may not see you now but know matter how far you are, we're always there for you, always.

Laxus have tears in his eyes as he really wnat to make things right. He wants to apologise to Makarov and Chole but all that was too late as he turns and walks off.

Laxus: (thought) Goodbye Makarov and little sis. Please....forgive me.

Natsu: (smile) Haha! The fun is about to begin! Who wants to join Fairy Tail rais your hands!

Everyone cheered as Y/n looks around him to see everyone happy and he himself is smiling as he is glad he is apart of a guild he is proud to be in.

In the distance we see the same three cloaked figures when Y/n first met on top of a cliff as they stare down at Y/n and one said.

Cloaked figure 3: He is getting stronger by the minute.

Cloaked Figure 2: Agree but do you think he is ready to face them?

Cloaked Figure 1: Only time will tell. He is the only one who can save the world against the most powerful wizard ever to be unleashed.

Cloaked Figure 2: How long do you think he'll find out who destroy his village?

Cloaked Figure 1: Not for a long while, but for now we must sat and watch as he grows and gets stronger and stronger, and once he is strong enough......He'll be able to defeated both Zeref and Acnologia.

To be continued...........

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