Chapter 11: Y/n vs The thunder Legion

We see Y/n and Gray at Choles House as Y/n took out his spare key given by Chole and they were going in there just in case she mite be in there safe.

Y/n unlock the door and swing the door open and looks around the room to see it was completely dark but this hasn't stop them from going in and Y/n call out for her.

Y/n: Chole! Chole you there? Chole!

But there was nothing as they stand there in silence. Y/n start to get worried about her until Gray grab him by the shoulder and Y/n turn to him.

Gray: Don't worry, I'm sure she's fine.

Y/n: Hope so but Mira told me that Chole could be the next guild master so if Laxus did something to her then this is bad.

Gray: We fined her. She wasn't at the guild or here so maybe she must be in town.

Y/n: Right let's split up and find her. If we meet up by other guild members then we ask them for help.

Gray: Alright.

The two exit out of Choles House as Gray turn to Y/n and said.

Gray: Good luck and be safe.

Y/n: Same to you man.

Gray nods and they split up to find Chole and possibly stop Laxus before it's too late.


We see Natsu, Makarov and Happy still trapped at the guild Hall while Natsu try to break through Freed's magic shield but it was no use.

Natsu stumbled back as he take a breath and Happy said.

Happy: Woah Freeds magic shield must be very strong as we thought.

Makarov: Agree, what ever Laxus plans is we must find a way out and put a stop to this.

Natsu: (anger) Aw man I wanna go out there and fight somebody!

Then Makarov slaps Natsu at the back of the head with his grow hand while saying.

Makarov: Is all you care about is fighting!

Happy: What about Chole, surely Laxus didn't do anything to her right?

Makarov fold his arms not wanted to know what Laxus did to his own sister and thinking about it make him worry.

Makarov: Where ever Chole is, I'm sure either the guild or Y/n will find her. I just wish she be alright.

Natsu: Hey look!

They look up to see symbols appear on the magic shield as Makarov reads it and his eyes widen his shocked.

Makarov: (shocked) No. You gonna be kidding me!


We see Y/n running through the street as he looks around for Chole as he calls out for her.

Y/n: Chole! Chole where are you! Chol-

Then he hits faced first on something and he fell backwards and cover his face with his hand as it hurts. Y/n looks to see another Magic Shield being blocked as Y/n stands up and looks at it.

Y/n: Great another Shield made by Freed.

Azack: Hello Y/n.

Y/n quickly turn around and see Azack with his pistol on his hand as Y/n breath a sigh of relief and said.

Y/n: Azack thank god your here man. Seems like we're stuck her for a while huh?

Azack: Yeah looks like it.

Y/n: Common we gonna find a way out and find Chole.

Azack:......I'm sorry Y/n.

Y/n: Sorry? Sorry for wh-

Then Azack fired his pistol at Y/n but Y/n quickly dodge it as he stumbled backwards and turn to Azack in shock and disbelief.

Y/n: (shocked) Azack what are you doing man!? We're guild members!

Azack: I know but I gonna save Bisca, forgive me.

He then fired his pistol at Y/n but Y/n dodges the shots and even summon his shield and blocks the shot while he said to Azack.

Y/n: Azack this is what Laxus wants! We don't have to fight, we can still save the-

Then Azack runs up and kicks Y/n's shield costing Y/n to be sent back and hit his back on the magic shield. Y/n slowly stands up and looks up at Azack and Azack aims his pistol at Y/n's face.

Y/n see he was serious and looks at Y/n as Y/n don't want to fight him so he said to him.

Y/n: Azack don't do this. We're friends, you don't wanna do this.

Azack:........I'm sorry Y/n.

He then turn his pistol and wacks Y/n on the head and Y/n fell on the ground as Azack looks down at Y/n before the magic shield in front of him disappear and Azack walk off. Y/n slowly turn his head to Azack as he reach out his hand towards him.

Y/n: Azack......don't......don't fight your own.....friends.

Then Y/n fell unconscious as Azack turns to Y/n and he felt bad for knocking him out. Y/n hasn't done anything wrong and was try to stop Laxus like the rest. But Azack remind himself the only way to reach Laxus he must beat everyone.

Azack walks off leaving Y/n laying on the street unconscious until a figure appears over Y/n and then the figure picks up Y/n and drag him away to safety.


Natsu, Happy and Makarov see that the words have changed on the magic shield which shocked Natsu and Happy.

Natsu: (shocked) Y/n lost to Azack! How?!

Happy: We see him beaten Gajeel, Jose and Jellal but he was beaten by Azack.

Makarov: Y/n probably doesn't want to fight his own guild members and what I know from Y/n. He cares more to his guild and never wants to fight no one.

Laxus: Yep and I thought he was stronger then everyone in thsi guild.

They all turn to see Laxus but it was just a hologram of him as he have his arms folded with a smirk on is face.

Makarov: Laxus I give you one change to stop all this and give yourself up!

Laxus: (smirk) Not a chance gramps. I haven't have this much fun for years. You have your own fun gramps but it's my turn.

Makarov: (anger) This ain't fun Laxus. You gonna get your guild members hurt, is that what you want?

Natsu: (anger) Yeah and what did you do to Chole!

Laxus: Nothing much. I told her about this idea and when she try to stop me.....let's just say she needed to be punished.

Makarov: (anger) I swear Laxus if you even hurt your own sister I will be mader then ever before.

Laxus: (smirk) I like to see you try gramps. Now sit here and watch as the show is only the beginning.

Then Laxus disappeared as Makarov shake his fist in anger. Natsu and Happy were worried about both Y/n and Chole until someone said.

???: I'll go and find Y/n.

They turn to see Gajeel as he step out of the shadows and walk over to them.

Natsu: What are you doing here?

Makarov: Natsu that's enough.

Gajeel: I search around town and look for Y/n or Chole and get them back here.

Makarov: I see. You never seem to care about your guild mates but why Y/n?

Gajeel: Because.....he's the only friend I can actually trust. Besides I returning him a favour by finding Chole.

Natsu: (surprised) Woah never knew you start to consider Y/n as your friend.

Gajeel: (anger) What the hell is that suppose to mean!

Makarov: What ever the takes then go and find them, I beg of you.

Gajeel: OK, won't take long.

Gajeel walks over to the doors to leave but he was blocked by the magic wall as Nstsu, Happy and Makarov realise that Gajeel can't get out as well.

Gajeel: The hell is this?

Natsu: Don't tell me your over 82!

Gajeel: (anger) Do I look 82 to you?!

Happy: Now Gajeel can't go through, this ain't good.

Makarov: indeed. I just hope everyone will be alright and hopefully, they stop Laxus soon.


We see Y/n laying on a bed as he suddenly wakes up with a gasp as he quickly sat up and looks around. He was in a warehouse which was odd for him cause he was at the streets of Magnolia when he last remembered.

Y/n: How did I get here?

???: I bring you here, your welcome.

Y/n eyes widening when he recognised that voice. He looks over and was surprised and relieved to see Chole facing away from him looking at herself through the mirror.

Y/n hops off the bed and walks over to her while saying.

Y/n: Chole I'm so glad your alright. I thought you were-

Chole: Don't get close to me!

Then Y/n stop in his tracks when she said that. He doesn't understand why as Chole was silent and then she start to cry as Y/n asked.

Y/n: Chole, what's wrong? Are you alright?

Chole: Yes I'm fine now get out!

Y/n: Chole I was worried that Laxus did something to you. Please let's stop him before it's too late.

Chole: I.......I tried.

Y/n: What?

Then Chole start to try once more as she slowly turn stop Y/n. Y/n was shocked to see a black eye on her face but nothing too serious but Chole start to cry once more.

Chole: (tears) I tried to stop him. I did but......but he was.....he was too strong and beat me and told me.....I'm...I'm no longer his younger sister.

She then cover her mouth as she fell to her knees and cry once more. Y/n been down to her stick shocked and angry at the same time. How dare Laxus hurt his own sister like that and tell her she's no longer his younger sister.

He pulled her over to a warm hug as Chole cried as she try to tell Y/n she was sorry so many times but Y/n calms her down and looks at her.

Y/n: Chole I am so so sorry for what Laxus did to you and I swear Laxus will pay for everything he has done.

Chole: (tears) Th-Theres no point (sniff) he's gonna kicked everyone out of the guild and the girls will be killed.....because of me. (Sniff) it's my fault I wasn't strong enough, it's my fault for try hard to change Laxus (sniff) IT'S MY FAULT FOR BEING A AWFUL SISTER! (Sobbing)

Y/n:......Your not a awful sister.

She looks at Y/n as Y/n looks at Chole and told her.

Y/n: All this isn't your fault. Your not a awful sister, it's Laxus. He is the one who is a awful older brother. You and Laxus maybe siblings but you are smart, loyal to your guild, helping others when ever they needed. You smile with them, cry with them and that shows your different to your older brother. Your the person that everyone likes and if Laxus beats you, abuse you and telling you nasty stuff like that.......then he's gonna have to face not just me but to everyone in the guild.

The words within Y/n echoes into Choles eyes as a single tear poured down her cheek before Y/n wipes it away and looks at her black eye. He then use his healing magic to get rid of the black eye while saying.

Y/n: (smile) Your one of the greatest member of Fairy Tail and our first mission together was awesome, of I wanna bring anyone to jobs, I ask you first because.....your awesome.

Chole cheeks bluches when Y/n said all that. Her heart race a beat as she stare at Y/n and as soon Chole's black eye is gone she lend in and kiss Y/n on the lips.

Y/n was surprised and caught off guard but he kissed her back and after a while they stop kissing and look at each other and Chole hugs Y/n and said.

Chole: Thank you......Thank you so much Y/n.

Y/n: (smile) No problem Chole.

The two huged for a while before they stop and stand up and Chole touch her face to feel the black eye is gone and said.

Chole: Woah your healing magic is pretty strong.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks, just call me doctor Y/n for anything Ma'am.

Chole: (Giggle) Your silly must of the time.

Y/n smiled and Chole smiled back.

???: It seems I've have interrupting the moment.

They quickly turn to see Freed on top on a few boxes. He leaps off and lands on the ground safety as Y/n got in front of Chole and summon his sword as Freed stare at them.

Freed: There is no point to beat me Y/n. I'm one of Laxus greatest team member. You will surrender or else.

Y/n: (smirk) Yeah I wather I pass on that.

Chole: Freed don't do this! Don't you think this has gone too far!

Freed: Your not in charge Chole, Laxus is.

Chole: Freed.

Freed pulls out his sword and said to Y/n.

Freed: I've been waiting for this moment. The reason why you've lost is because you don't wanna fight your own guild members. Now let's see what you have against me.

Y/n: I refuse to fight my friends but if you are with Laxus then your my enemy. Let's do this.

Freed: Agree.

Then Freed dashes towards Y/n and Y/n blocks his blade with his own. They have a blade lock before Y/n leaps back. Freed charges at Y/n and the two clash their blades at each other very fast while Chole watch this.

Freed kicks Y/n back and Y/n crashes through the warehouse walls and slide outside. Freed slowly exit out of the warehouse as Y/n stands up and charge at Freed but he was blocked by Freeds Magic Shield.

Then Freed swing his blade through his own Magic shield and it hits Y/n. Y/n stumbled back and then Freed dashes over to try to strike at Y/n but Y/n blocks his blade. The two struggled until Y/n upper kicks Freed in the chin and Frees stumbled back.

Y/n summon his hammer and slams it onto the ground and a bolt of lightning was about to hit Freed but Freed summons his magic shield above him to block the lightning attack.

But Y/n swing his hammer and throws it towards Freed. Freed dodges it but the hammer returns back and strike Freed in the back. Y/n coaght is hammer and he charge at Freed and try to slam his hammer at him.

But Freed use his magic shield once more to block Y/n attack and he kicks him. Y/n skidded back as Freed stands up and turn to Y/n and said.

Freed: You are strong I give you that. But you don't stand a chance against the Thunder legion.

Y/n: Freed you gonna stop this. Don't you see Laxus has gone too far, I know your loyal to him but are you really gonna follow his orders by hurting yoru own guild members?

Freed: If I just then so be it. Fairy Tail will be reborn as a new and soon Laxus will be the guild master and we be the most strongest guild ever.

But then Freed use his magic shield from behind as a bolt of lightning came out and hits his magic shield. Freed turns to see Chole as Freed asked.

Freed: Do you think a single lightning bolt can defeat m-

Then Freed suddenly feel he has used too much magic as he fell to his knees as Chole smirked and said.

Chole: What's wrong, used up your magic?

Freed: Wh-Why you.

Y/n: Hey weirdo.

Freed turn and Y/n punches Freed in the face and Freed was out. Chole walks over as Y/n dust off his hands as Chole said.

Chole: Nice work. Without him his magic shield will fate away and everyone will be free to go after Laxus.

Y/n: That maybe true but everyone is gonna be busy fighting each other and not knowing Freed is down.

Chole: Right because they are trying to save the girls. We need to find Evergreen, she is the only one to turn the girls back to normal.

Y/n: Do you know she mite be?

Chole: If I remember correctly Laxus told her to stay at the shopping center to guard.

Y/n: Then that's where we go. Looks like you and I are gonna save Fairy Tail once again.

Chole: (smile) Yep.

Y/n: (smile) let's go.

Y/n start to run off but Chole called out to him.

Chole: Wait!

Y/n stop and turn to her. Her cheeks was filled with blush as she said.

Chole: (blush) Thank you again....for cheering me up and telling me I'm not a awful sister.

Y/n: (smile) No problem Chole, now let's go.

Chole nods with a smile and they rush off to find Evergreen and save Fairy Tail from Laxus.


We see Laxus at the church as he watch what is happening throughout the lacrima crystal balls as he was watching Fairy Tail destroy each other.

Laxus: (thought) Yes this is according to my plan. Once everyone in Fairy Tail is weaken I kick the old fool out and take over Fairy Tail.

Then he noticed something as he gos sto the next screen and see Y/n and Chole running through Magnolia which shocked Laxus but the shock turn into anger.

Laxus: (thought) No I can't let them stop me. If they ruin my plans everything I've worked up for will be ruined.

Then he blast the Lacrima with his lightning bolt and it shattered into pieces as Laxus calls Bickslow through the lacrima.

Laxus: Bickslow we have a problem and I want you to to get rid of the problem.

Bickslow (Lacrima Crystal): I'm all ears Laxus, what do you need?

Laxus: Y/n and Chole is heading towards Evergreen's location. Assist her and make sure Y/n will not get to me.

Bickslow (lacrima crystal): (chuckle) On it.


Y/n and Chole arrived to the shopping center and see people there burying stuff which was bad so they go over to an officer and said.

Chole: Officer you need to get everyone off the streets now.

Male officer: Why would I do that?

Chole: One of our guild member has gone rogue and you need to get everyone into homes and stay there until we get it done.

Male Officer: Um ok?

He and the rest of the officers call everyone to clear the area and they move the area and soon everything was clear as Chole and Y/n look around.

Y/n: Look there's one more.

They turn to see someone looking at the reflection of the mirror outside of the store. Y/n walks over to the person and said.

Y/n: Excuse me but you need to leave, this area isn't safe.

Y/n was about to touch the persons hand but Chole see in the reflection it was Evergreen as she have her glasses down which means she was gonna turn Y/n into stone.

Chole: Y/n look out!

Chole runs over and pushes Y/n away as Evergreen chuckled and turns around and said.

Evergreen: My My your one quick one are you Chole. I was close enough to have a strong and cute boy on my site.

Y/n: That was close, thanks Chole.

Chole: no problem.

Y/n: OK Evergreen give up am return the girls back to normal!

Chole: (laughter) Woah you really are cute trying to act all hero. But you gonna understand that not all hero's aren't gonna win and this is were you will be defeated.

Y/n: (smirk) You must be blind or something Evergreen because there is two of us and one of you.

Bickslow: Make that all of us!

Then wooden mannequins try to swipe at them but  the two dodge and see Bickslow on top of the roof as he controls seven wooden Mannequins.

Y/n: Why do I always jinxed things.

Evergreen: (smirk) Now what are you gonna do Y/n? You gonna fight all of us?

Bickslow: Cause if so then you won't stand a change.

Chole: That's were your wrong. Y/n is not alone on this, he has me.

Y/n: Yeah, everyone maybe fighting each other thanks to Laxus but together, we're stronger and nothing is not gonna stand against us!

Chole lights up her hands with thunder while Y/n pulls out his twin blades as the two get into a battle stand.

Evergreen: (smirk) Well you hear them Bickslow. Let's show them what we are.

Bickslow: (smirk) Understood, get them my bodies!

The wooden Mannequin's charge at Y/n and Chole but this ain't gonna scare them. They charge at the wooden Mannequin's and Y/n start to slice the Wooden Mannequin's while Chole blast them with her lightning and taking time down.

Y/n throw his second blade at the Mannequin's and leaps backwards and lands behind one and alice one up and the kick the other from behind. He runs over and slide between the Mannequin's legs and pulls out his second blade out of the Mannequin's chest and slice the Mannequin's around him.

Chole dodges the Mannequin's attacks and fired lightning after lightning at the Mannequin's and then she slam her hand onto the ground and a bolt of lightning ruin down and take out all the Mannequin's as they burned into dust.

Bickslow: (smirk) Woah look at you, you seem stronger then before.

Chole: That's because I don't wanna hurt yous because we were friends. But if your gonna hurt the friends at my guild then I gonna use everyone I got!

Chole fired lightning at Bickslow but Bickslow dodges her attack and leaps down from the roof and into the ground. Bickslow controls more Mannequin's and they charge at Chole.

Chole charge up her magic and fired a powerful lightning at Bickslow and the wooden Mannequin's were taking out. Smoke covers Bickslow as he looks around for Chole until she appear out fo the smoke and kicks Bickslow in the face.

Bickslow stumbled back and Chole lands on his feet and fired a power lightning bolt and  hits Bickslow as he scream out in pain. Chole stop firming and Bickslow fell on the ground and he was out as Chole take a breather.

We cut to Y/n swing his twin blades at Evergreen but she dodges his attacks and she leap back and Y/n turn to her as she said.

Evergreen: You are pretty quick but if you remember, if I look at you in the eye then I will turn you into stone.

Y/n: (thought) Crap she's right. If I get near her, she just gonna turn me into close if I stare at her eyes. There is gonna be a way to fight her without looking at her in the eyes.

Y/n looks around and find a set of blindfolds near him as he smirks ansngrabs them and cover his eyes with them as he said.

Y/n: I that case I have to go blind then.

EverGreen: How adorable. Your already smart enough to cancel out my stone magic. Well that won't matter for me.

She then fired yellow beams at Y/n as they head towards Y/n. But Y/n use his ears to listen to when to dodge and then he dodge her attack and charges towards her.

Evergreen was surprised by that but she dodges his strikes and the she leaps up and disappear as Y/n looks around to try to listen to see were she mite strike next.

He then hear something coming towards him and he summon his shield and blocks Evergreen's yellow beams from the above.

Y/n lower his shield and then Evergreen came up behind him and strike him from behind. Y/n stumble forward and swing his sword at her but she dodges and she disappeare once more.

Y/n slowly and carefully listened to see where she will strike next. Then there was a slight crack and quickly turn and summon a lightning wall as Evergreen punch it and she was electrocuted.

She stumbled back before she look up and Y/n was in the air and he kicks her in the stomach she fell ormolu the ground. Y/n throw his blades through her sleeves to not have her escape and then take off his blindfold and cover Evergreen's eyes with it.

Y/n open his eyes to see he has done it and breaths in a sigh of relief as Chole runs up to Y/n and the two high fived.

Chole: (smirk) That was awesome!

Y/n: (smile) Yeah. Well done Chole.

Chole: (smile) Thanks.

Evergreen: Aww how cute you two are getting along.

Chole: OK Evergreen, change all the girls back.

Evergreen: Ha! Do what ever you want, I'm not gonna do it.

Y/n: In that case, I gonna give you something that I've been trained to do.

Evergreen: What do you mean?

Y/n: (evil smirk) You see, there is a secret forbidden technique I can only use to torture my enemies. It seems know I have to use it.

Evergreen: (nervous) W-Wait your joking right?

Y/n doesn't say anything as he walks over to her and Evergreen doesn't see what he was doing but she feel her shoes taking over and her socks as well as she was now scared.

Then Y/n make a evil laughter and this scared are and she suddenly feel something she cannot control. Something that will sure make her do what ever Y/n wants and that was...................tickles.

Evergreen: (laughter) please st-stop! I-I can't...breath. (laughter)

We see Y/n tickles her feet as she laughs while Chole shakes her head and doesn't think this will not work.

Y/n: I won't stop until you free those girls who were in stone.

Evergreen: (laughter) I-I won't I, Hahahahahahahahah! Ok Ok I do it! I do it!

She the dose it asnthe girls at the guild Hall were free as Y/n stop tickling her as he turn to Chole.

Chole: (surprised) I can't believe that actually worked.

Y/n: (smirk) Hey if you wanna torture someone to do what ever they want, just tickle them.

Chole: Remind me to not ask you for a tickle fight with me.

Y/n: (smirk) Maybe I would but never know when.

Chole: Ok let's try to find Laxus and stop this.

Y/n: Right.

Laxus: Good luck you two.

They turn to see a hologram of Laxus as Laxus said.

Laxus: You two may have ruin my game but I have plan B.

Y/n: And what Plan B would that be?

Laxus: (smirk) Look up.

The look up to see Lacrima circling around Magnolia with lightning inside of them.

Y/n: What are they?

Laxus: (smirk) Those things are set to destroy Magnolia if my plans failed. If yous try to destroy any of them, the lightning will hit on who taking one down.

Chole: (anger) You can't do this Laxus!

Laxus: (smirk) I'm sorry but if I can't be Fairy Tail guild master then no one dose. Farwell Y/n! (evil laughter)

Then Laxus disappear as they look up at the Lacrima lightning and they try to think of a plan until their hear.

Warren: Hello dose anyone hear me over?

Y/n: Warren? Is that you, where are you?

Chole: He's using his telepathic magic to communicate to us.

Warren: Glad I hear your voice you two. Yous alright?

Y/n: Yeah I'm good, what about everyone else?

Lucy: I'm here as well. You alright Y/n, I heard you were defeated in battle.

Y/n: (surprised) Lucy, I'm so glad your free.

Erza: Same here.

Juvia: I'm also aright my love.

Elfman: I'm here man, nice to hear you again.

Gray: Same here as well.

Y/n: What about Makarov, how is he?

Levy: No good. He's not feeling well I think he's deing.

Chole: (shocked) Oh no!

Wakaba: So what's with the floating Lacrima surrounding Magnolia?

Y/n: Those are used to destroy Magnolia. It's Laxus way to see goodbye old Fairy Tail and hello a new.

Wakaba: (shocked) What?!

Macao: He's gone too far now!

Warrem: Yeah I know but we gonna work together and destroy those Lacrima before it's too late.

Max: (anger) Hold on! Why should I listen to you. You were the one that beat me!

Y/n: Max are you for real?!

Warren: Oh sorry man, I didn't wanna hurt you I just wanna sav ethe girls.

Max: (anger) Hey Azack are you there, talk!

Azack: Yeah I'm sorry.

Max: (anger) Say your crap, once this is all over I'm gonna show you some business!

Then everyone start ti argue at each other as Y/n, Chole and rest were not in the fight can't believe there was arguing in the middle of the situation in hand.

Chole: Everyone stop arguing, we gonna work together and stop Laxus before-

Max: (anger) You mean your older brother. Right, I can't stop to think it's your fault for all this.

Chole: (shocked) Wh-What? But I-

Azack: (anger) If you have try hard to change Laxus, this wouldn't have happened.

Jet: (anger) It's your fault for not trying you hardest to change Laxus.

Droy: (anger) Yeah and now he festival is gonna be ruined because of you.

They all start to blame all this on Chole as Chole couldn't believe this as she start to cry and fell to her knees as she listened to everyone blaming her and telling her it's all her fault as she cried.

Y/n looks down as his fist was shaking in anger and there was a orb of darkness circling around him as he listened until he have enough and yells out.

Y/n: (anger) ALL OF YOUS SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!

His voice eched through everyone as they all stopped and Chole looks up at Y/n and Y/n said to everyone in both anger and rage.

Y/n: (anger) Chole have tried to change Laxus over and over through out her years, she really did! But Laxus didn't change and now you blame her for all this? YOUS ARE JUST BLIND TO BLAME ON SOMEONE YOU TRUSTED ALL YOUR YEARS!!!!

Chole: (tears) Y/n.

Y/n: (anger) Have yous forgotten the times she helped yous. Times that she make yous laughs, make yous feel like a family and make yous apart of something you really are? She is different to Laxus. She is caring, she is smart and she is very nice then Laxus himself! If you wanna blame someone for all this then blame Laxus and not her!

Chole was surprise how he is defending her like that. She actually never seen him mad ever in her life and this wa she first.

Y/n: Fairy Tail is a guild to not to get jobs or shown who the strongest guild member around. It's about making friends and most importantly.....being in a family. That's the main reason why Lucy join Fairy Tail because she finally finds a guild that treats her right and treat her like she is important. Now Chole here has done many things to help Fairy Tail and she will do anything to protect Fairy Tail. Hell if she is the grandaughter of Makarov then I sure as hell allow her to be the new guild master then Laxus! So the next time you gonna blame Chole, Lucy or anyone else who you've been through all your life......remind yourself what Fairy Tail stands for.

Everyone was silence after Y/n speech and no one has no idea what to do or say.

Max: Chole......I'm sorry. He's right, all this isn't your fault.

Azack: Yeah I apologise for blaming you.

Jet: Y/n is right. Your one of us and we shouldn't fight each other.

Droy: We're family and no matter what we be on your side.

Everyone start to apologising to her which made Chole feel better and she looks up at Y/n and Y/n reach out his hand to her and smiled at her.

Chole smiled back while wiping the tears away and grab Y/n's hand and he help her up and looks at the Lacrima crystals and said.

Y/n: So how are we gonna destroy them without any of us getting hurt.

Chole: I think I know.....but this mite hurt.

She then rais her hand to the air and clouds appear as thunder is hurt as Y/n looks up at the clouds and asked Chole.

Y/n: What are you doing?

Chole: I can take the lightnings damage that is comes at my way. will also hurt me if too much.

Y/n: (shocked) Chole no!

Chole: It's the only way! I'll sacrifice my own life to save everyone I cared.

Erza: No Chole we do this together!

Happy: Don't do this Chole!

Chole: (smile) I'm sorry guys......yous took care of me and make me feel like a family without Laxus around. This.....this will be my sacrifice for all of yous!

Then multiple lightning bolts hits the Lacrima crystals and they shatter into pieces. Without a second later electricity blast Chole as she scream out in pain.

Y/n: Chole!

Chole takes the lightning bolts as she fell on one knee but she was stronger and slowly stand up and Y/n try to run to help but a lightning bolt zap Y/n back.

Y/n stumbled back as Chole slowly turns to him and give him a smile before she scream out in pain once more and soon it stopped.

Chole was smoking as she fell onto the ground and Y/n runs over to her and bend down to her and hold her.

Y/n: Chole! Chole! Please talk to me! Please!

Chole slowly opens her eyes and looks at Y/n as she smiled and gently and slowly touch Y/n's cheek with her hand and said.

Chole: (smile) I'll be fine Y/n.....Go.....and

She then passed out as her hand hit the ground. Y/n was shocked by how she sacrifice her own life for her own guild and did everything to make sure it's safe.

He hugs her as a way to say thank you and he carry her to a bench and lay her down and said.

Y/n: Mirajane, Chole is alright bit I need you to pick her at the shopping center.

Mirajane: Ok.

Erza: What about you, what are you gonna do?

He turn to the unconscious Chole and lend in and kiss her on the forhead before he walks away while telling Erza.

Y/n: I'm gonna find Laxus and put a stop to this, once and for all.

To be continued.........

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