Chapter 10: The festival
At some dark guild within another village we see one guild member getting blasted with lighting by Laxus as the dark guild member gets thrown back and crashes into a wall. The rest turns to see Laxus and get into a battle stand ready for a fight.
Laxus: Yous call our guild weak, calling us pathetic. You shall not call us weak any more!
Dark guild member: Get him!
They all charge at Laxus ready to face him but then Laxus fired a bolt of lighting and taking everyone in the guild out as all fell onto the ground unconscious and badly hurt as Laxus looks at them before he turns to leave.
He meets up BIckslow, Evergreen and Freed outside as Laxus walks up to them and Freed walks up to him and asked.
Freed: Are they taking out?
Laxus: Yes. They shall not call us weak. We are strong, we are powerful.
Evergreen: Agree But what else can we do?
Brickslow: (smirk) Is it obvious, we take anyone who dare call our guild or us weak.
Laxus: No.
They all turn to Laxus as he walks pass them all and looks up at the night sky's and said.
Laxus: I have enough with my gramps stupidly and how he never seem to care how strong I am. It's time for a new change, it's time for a new guild master, and it's gonna be me.
Freed: What about your sister?
Laxus was silent when Freed ask him that but he turn his head to him and said.
Laxus: Never say her name, she's nothing to me. Let's go.
Freed and the rest nods as they leave the area and do what must be done so Fairy Tail will be stronger once more.
It was a beautiful day at Magnolia as Y/n enters the fairy tail guild Hall and see everyone was setting up some decorations up as Y/n see Mirajane at the bar and walks up to her and asked.
Y/n: Hey Mira, what's with the Decorations?
Mirajane: (smile) Hey Y/n, a festival is gonna be happening tomorrow and we're setting up the decorations to celebrate.
Y/n: (smile) That's cool, by away have you seen Gajeel anywhere?
Mirajane: I think he's away on a job but I think he'll be back, why?
Y/n: Just wanna see him and maybe we can be friends. I seens how everyone has giving him a hard time cause how he is a phantom Lord member so I wanna see we can be friends.
Mirajane: (smile) Aw that's so kind of you. Natsu and Gray have a hard time getting along with Gajeel including Erza a little.
Y/n: Yeah just hope they gang his trust soon.
Mirajane: So are you gonna watch the beauty contest?
Y/n: What's that?
Mirajane hands him a paper of it and Y/n read through it as Mirajane explains.
Mirajane: All female members will dress up something pretty or do something incredibly and who ever get the most wins.
Y/n: That's a lot of jewels, bet Lucy will take part of this so she can pay her rent.
Mirajane: (smile) Yep, so you gonna watch it?
Y/n: Sure it be fun.
Mirajane: (smile) Great, oh I think Delilah needs some help setting up some decorations at the game room, will you help them out?
Y/n: Sure I'll give them a hand.
Mirajane: (smile) Thanks Y/n.
Y/n nods and heads off and gone down the steps to the game room and see Delilah, Emery and Julia setting up decorations with some help with Elfman, Macao and Romeo.
Y/n: (thought) Woah this place is pretty huge, hope they didn't spent too much with some equipment.
Y/n touch the ground floor and see Romeo struggling to hang one of the decorations up so he walks over and asked.
Y/n: Need a hand Romeo?
Romeo: (smile) Yeah thanks.
Y/n helps Romeo hang the decorations up as Macao walk up and pet Romeo on the head.
Macao: (smirk) Hey Y/n, see your here to us decorated the place.
Y/n: Yeah, your son ready for the festival tomorrow?
Macao: (smile) Yep and my son is been waiting to see you after I told him what happened during the battle against phantom.
Y/n: Really?
Romeo: (smile) Yeah you were awesome facing their leader and how cool you were when you block that massive cannon without losing your magic. On ebay I be just like you and everyone else here.
Y/n: (smile) Keep on believing Romeo and it will come true.
Romeo smiles and Y/n walks up to Delilah and help her with the decorations as she asked.
Delilah: Never knew you like kids?
Y/n: I have a few kids come and visit my shop back in my village. They mostly hand me cookies for a way to say thanks to repair and fixing their parents swords and weapons.
Delilah: (smile) That's pretty kind of them.
Y/n: Hey have you seen Chole anywhere. Hadn't seen her when I gotten up?
Delilah: Nope I haven't, it's kinda weird actually. She hasn't come into the guild or hasn't singed in to take part in the beauty contest.
Y/n: Maybe she took a job without anyone knowing.
Delilah: Maybe.
???: (smile) Hey Y/n!
They turn to see a girl with brown long hair as she runs up to him and shake his hand.
Danielle: (smile) Its very nice to meet you, names Danielle I came to this guild two days ago and I heard a lot about you.
Y/n: (smile) Well nice to meet you Danielle, how much have you heard about me?
Danielle: (smile) A lot, how you face down the phantom lords, taking out the iron dragon slayer and phantom lords guild master. I must say you are very strong.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks, I get that a lot but glad to meet you Danielle.
Danielle: (smile) Same, you need some help setting up the decorations?
Delilah: (smile) Sure, go right on ahead.
Danielle smiles and they help them setting up the decorations for tomorrow's festival.
Y/n and Danielle were walking around Magnolia just chatting as Danielle told him her magic.
Y/n: So you can control animals and use animals powers.
Danielle: (smile) Yeah it's a pretty neat power. I can't transform into animals like Mirajane dose it but I can use their abilities and power. Still it's pretty cool.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah, so what brings you here to Fairy Tail?
Danielle: I used to be in a guild far away from here but a dark guild attacked and a few of us survived but we go into different lives. I decided to join a new guild and when I heard of Fairy Tail that's I knew I wanna join there and that's why I'm here.
Y/n: Woah must be hush losing your last guild Hall like that.
Danielle: (smile) That's alright, just glad I have a new family and I get to met the one who take down The Phantom Lords.
Y/n: You know I'm not the only one who took down Phantom.
Danielle: (smile) Yeah I know but you were the one that ended it and that's awesome.
Y/n: Guess so.
They stumbled a park as they look over and see Jet, Droy and Gajeel there along with Levy standing behind a tree.
Danielle: Wonder what's going on?
Y/n: No clue but let's check it out.
Danielle and Y/n head down the steps and walks up to them and asked.
Y/n: Hey guys, what's happening here?
Jet: Y/n, glad your here.
Droy: We're just gonna make Gajeel pay for what he did to us.
Y/n: (shocked) Wait what?!
Danielle: (shocked) Hold on, you can't do that to a new member. Sure he maybe was a phantom lord member but he's changed.
Gajeel: Look I have no time for this, I'm just gonna go home.
Gajeel turns to leave but then Jet dashes over and punches Gajeel in the pack and Gajeel was sent flying and crash onto the ground.
Y/n: (shocked) Jet stop!
Droy: (anger) You gonna see who you're dealing with!
Then Droy throw seeds and plants strikes on Gajeel and Y/n has enough and summon his sword and slice the plants up and turns to Jet and Droy.
Y/n: You two are going too far now! It's not Gajeel fault for what ever he did to yous, give him a break!
Jet: (anger) Are you with his side!
Droy: (anger) I thought you were one of us?!
Y/n: I am but would Makarov would expect this?
Jet and Droy stare at each other knowing Y/n was right but then a voice from behind said.
???: I see you giving a new guy a hard time.
They turn and Laxus walks pass Danielle and Levy and then Jet and Droy and stare at Y/n and then behind Gajeel who was his knees as he said.
Laxus: (anger) You should have agree to them Y/n. He was the one that trashed out guild Hall and we became the laughing stock in many guilds. I stop by a few punks and they laugh at me telling me that Fairy Tail was pathetic and weak all thanks to Gajeel.
Then a bolt of lightning strike at Gatwick from behind which cost Gajeel to scream out in pain as Y/n turns to see this. Gajeel fell one knee and Laxus walks over to him but Y/n blocks him and poiny his sword at him and said.
Y/n: No more, I won't let you hurt Gajeel any more.
Laxus: So your on his side? Why do you defend him after what he did to our guild!
Y/n: I believe people can deserve a second chance! If Gajeel wants a second chance of redemption then I will allow that. Makarov also believes that Gajeel deserve a second chance and that's why he is here. If you gonna hurt Gajeel then you gonna get pass me.
Danielle: Y/n.
Laxus:.......Fine then.
Y/n quickly summon his shield and blocks a surprise attack lighting bolt from the sky and then Laxus runs over to punch Y/n but Y/n blocks his punch with his shield but the blow cost Y/n to skidded back.
Y/n stops himself and looks up as Laxus fires another bolts of lightning at him but Y/n blocks it with his shield and fire the some lighting bolt attack at Laxus and it hits him.
Laxus gets mad and rush at Y/n and Y/n dodge his blow and continue dodging his blows unrik Laxus kicks Y/n that sent him flying and crash onto the ground. Y/n slowly stands up and Laxus glares at Y/n.
Droy: Stop this Laxus!
Jet: Yeah leave him alone!
Laxus: (anger) Yous don't tell me what to do!
He fired a bolt of lightning at them but it missed and was gonna hit Levy instead but Gajeel got in front of her and blocks the attack with his arm turn into iron.
Levy: (shocked) Gajeel.
They were shocked as Danielle runs up and help Y/n up. Y/n looks over and Gajeel lower his arm and looks at them and said.
Gajeel: If yous are done, I'll get going.
Gajeel turns and walks away but Levy calls out to him.
Levy: Gajeel-
Gajeel: Just leave me alone.
Laxus was pissed as he looks at Y/n and glear at him before he turns to walk off. Gajeel slowly walks through the street still badly injured as he fell on one knee and was breathing heavily.
Then he felt someone helping him up and looks over to see Y/n helping him including Danielle as they help him to get him all healed up.
Gajeel: I told yous to leave me be.
Y/n: I'm not gonna take that crap Gajeel. Your maybe unliked by others but your still family to us and families do not leave other behind.
Gajeel was surprised by how Y/n thinks of Gajeel as family and how he completely trust him after what he did while he was in the Phantom lords. He felt kinda happy that he gang trust on one person and in return, he protected him.
(At night)
Y/n visit Lucy at her apartment as they have tea and Y/n told her what happened which shocked her.
Lucy: (shocked) Wow did they actually beat up Gajeel?!
Y/n: Yeah but Laxus was beaten Gajeel up the most with his lighting bolt attacks.
Lucy: That's awful, but glad your safe and not badly hurt.
Y/n: Yeah, now Gajeel is getting healed up and probably be alright tomorrow.
Lucy: You think he'll be there?
Y/n: No clue but hopefully he will.
Lucy: Well he maybe a member of the Phantom Lords, he's still one of us and I respect that.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks Lucy, must say you have a nice place. It's no wonder your trying to pay the rent.
Lucy: (smile) Yeah well I'm trying to keep it clean when Natsu and Happy comes and visit.
Y/n: (chuckle) I can probably understand why.
Lucy: (smile) Yeah.
Y/n: So you gonna take part in this beauty contest?
Lucy: (smirk) Yep, since I have some cute and sexxy dresses that will knock the sock of many guys.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah I'll bet.
Lucy: (smile) Wanna see them and you'll pick out which one is the best?
Y/n: You sure, I mean I don't want to be a creep or anything.
Lucy: (smile) Oh it be fun, I'll be right back.
Lucy heads into another room to get change into one of her clothes while Y/n waits for her as he drink his tea.
She came back wearing a cat ears and a tea as she move around like a cat and said.
Lucy: (smirk) Look at this kitty, moew.
Y/n: (little blush: W-Woah that looks cute on you.
Lucy: (smile) Thanks but I don't think this will do, I know one.
Lucy heads back into the room and after a while she cames back wearing a nurse outfit with a large needle as she said.
Lucy: (smirk) Hold still so I can inject you. (giggle)
Y/n: Mmmm too scary.
Lucy: Yeah your right, on to the next one.
Lucy head back in and after a while she came back with a swimming outfit with a volleyball as she dose a throwing poss.
Y/n: Too click.
She agrees and head back to the room and came back wearing a cheer leader outfit with pum pums as she dose a cheering pose.
Lucy: Go Fairy Tail!
Y/n: (smile) That will do. Shows your cheerful and I'm sure that you'll win.
Lucy: (smile) Thanks Y/n, I'll use it for the beauty contest.
Y/n: (smile) you're welcome Lucy.
After that Y/n head out of Lucy's apartment and Lucy step out as Y/n turns to her and said.
Y/n: Well I see you tomorrow Lucy and good luck withethe beauty contest, I'll be watching.
Lucy: (smile) Can't wait and thanks again Y/n, I was a great time spending time with you. Your a better guests then Natsu and Happy.
Y/n: Well I'm sure I talk to them and see how it goes. See you around Lucy.
Lucy: (smile) Bye Y/n.
Y/n walks off while Lucy watches him leave and her heart was beating faster then ever.
Lucy: (thought) Man he's such a nice guy, very cute also. Maybe I ask him out after the contest, it be great.
Lucy head inside her apartment and get some rest for tomorrow morning.
(Next day)
Today is here. The festival as arrived as we see everyone in Magnolia celebrating for this day. We cut to the Fairy Tail guild as we see many guys here to see the girls in the beauty contest and Y/n was among them next to him was Gray, Natsu and Happy as they waited for the show to started.
Y/n: Have any of yous seen Chole anywhere?
Gray: Nope, she still not at her place?
Y/n: Nope I woke up and she wasn't there.
Gray: Well what was the last thing you've seen her?
Y/n: Well she told me Laxus wants her and then she left. Hasn't bome back since.
Natsu: That's weird.
Happy: Maybe their away on a job or something?
Y/n: Still I'm kinda worried about it.
Max: Hello and welcome to the Fairy Tail beauty contest!
Everyone cheered as Max was on stage as Max said.
Max: The first of our beautys are new members to this guild. They are one of amazing girls around, if it up for the Neko Fairy girls!
Then Delilah, Emery and Julia runs up on stage wearing their cat bikinis as they leap up and calls out.
Delilah, Emery and Julia: Hello Fairy Tail, Meow!
All guys cheered as Delilah and he rest dose cat like poses and act like cats as the guys cheered even more. After they head back stage Max said.
Max: (smile) Now that's I like to call a Neko party. Up next is two other new members as their ready for a swim for the beach, give it up for Juvia and Danielle.
Then Juvia and Danielle came out with swim bikinis on as they wave at everyone while the guys cheered for them.
Juvia: (thought) I hope my live Y/n is watching me.
Then after them a few more girls take their turn. Erza change into her maid outfit which she winks at Y/n which made him blush a little and then Cana with another bikini which was very sexxy and a few girls takes turn sunrises lastly it was Lucy who step on stage.
Y/n: You can do this Lucy!
The guys also cheered for her as Lucy waves at all of them and said.
Lucy: For this act I'll-
???: Up next is a special girl that yous all been waiting for.
Lucy: Hey I haven't even started it!
Then the lights shuts off all of sudden and after a while it turns on and Evergreen appears on stage as she continues on saying.
Evergreen: (smirk) Fairy Tails beauty women of all time, Evergreen!
Y/n: Evergreen?
Gray: One of the Laxus thunder league.
Natsu: But why is she here, I thought she was away on a job?
Happy: Same.
Y/n: (thought) Wait if their not on a job then....where's Chole?
Lucy: Wait I see you never met before.
Evergreen turns to smirk as Lucy before pulling down her glasses.
Gray: Lucy don't look at her eyes!
Then suddenly Lucy was turned into stone which shocked everyone on stage.
Y/n: Lucy!
Makarov: What is the meaning of this Evergreen, I demand you to change Lucy back to normal right now!
Evergreen: (smirk) Oh light it up gramps, we're just getting started.
Then the curtains open and everyone was shocked to see all the girls have turned into stone. Y/n runs up next to Makarov and asked.
Y/n: Evergreen let them go now!
Laxus: Don't be a party pooper you two.
Then a bolt of lightning hits the stage and Laxus appeared with a smirk on his face.
Natsu: (anger) Laxus!
Makarov: Laxus I order you to tell Evergreen to turn these girls back to normal at once!
Laxus: (smirk) Can't do that gramps. You see I'm gonna make this festival more fun and Fairy Tail will take part.
Y/n: What are you paying at Laxus?!
Laxus: (smirk) This will be a Fairy Tail battle Royal and who ever defeat all members and defeat me will wins. You have a few hours to get to me, otherwise.
Then a bolt of lightning strike were Lucy was at which shocked everyone as Laxus rest his arm onto Lucy's shoulder and said.
Laxus: or that would happen.
Makarov: (thought) Laxus what on earth are you doing?!
Y/n: Where Choles! What did you do to her?
Laxus: (smirk) Oh you mean my weak sister. We have a chat and she doesn't like what I said so.....I make sure she won't step in my way.
Y/n: (anger) How dare you!
Y/n summon his hammer and leaps over to try to strike at Laxus but a bolt of lightning hits Y/n and sent him flying back and crash onto a wall. Y/n hits hard on the ground and slowly stands up as Natsu runs up and help him up while Laxus laughs.
Laxus: (laughter) I never understand why my own sis would just let you stay with our place, she must be a idiot or something like that.
Makarov: (anger) You dare to call your own sister weak! Laxus this has gone way to far!
Laxus: (smirk) Put a sock in it grumps, it's just the beginning. See yous around.
Then both Evergreen and Laxus disappear with a bolt of lightning. Everyone in the guild start to head out to find Laxus. Y/n was now worried about Chole and hopes she's not hurt or worse.
Gray: What should we do gramps?
Makarov: We can't let Laxus harm the girls. Go and find Laxus and bring him back.
Natsu: (smirk) Alright! Just you wait Laxus!
Y/n: Sam let's go.
Natsu and Y/n runs over to the door and Y/n gotten through but Natsu was blocked all of a sudden and Y/n turns back to see Natsu blocked by a invisible wall.
Natsu: What the he'll is this?
Gray got pass the door and turn and asked.
Gray: What is this?
Y/n: Look!
They look up to see a written on it.
Makarov: This must be Freeds magic.
Gray: What dose it say?
Makarov: Those who are over 82 will not take part in the Fairy tail battle Royal.
Natsu: What?! I'm not 82, that's not fair!
Y/n: Don't worry, we stop him Gramps.
Gray: Yeah count on us.
Makarov: Good luck boys and be safe.
The two nods and they run into town to search for Laxus so they can stop this and save the girls before its too late.
To be continued..........
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