Chapter 1: A guild civil war
(4 weeks ago)
We hear foot steps as we see ruble and dust as we see Y/n L/n walk into his peaceful village now burnd and destroyed with no one around. He stumbled upon his shop and see its all burnd into the ground.
Y/n: (shocked) No...
Y/n feel to his knees as he lost everything, his shop, the people he viewed as friend's and everything was gone. He look at his life hand and see the mark that he got from a cave after his pick up a mysterious sword.
???: You hold the mark of the one.
Y/n turn and see three cloaked figures who stand there ans stare at Y/n to wait for his response.
Y/n steps back a bit but one of them said.
Cloaked figure 1: No need to fear, we are not gonna hurt you.
Y/n: Did you do all this?
Cloaks figure 2: No we won't harm the innocent, a dark guild must of come here and burn it all down.
Y/n: Right then....why have you come here?
Cloaked figure 3: We have been waiting for someone Worthy enough to pick up the story and be a one that will save Earthland from evil.
Y/n: What are you saying that I'm....the chosen one?
Cloaked figure 1: Correct and now you must go on a journey to save Earthland and bring peace to this world and defeat the true darkness in this Earthland.
Y/n looks around at his burning village and thinks of what will happen to every other village so he turn to them and said.
Y/n: Ok I'll do it so one will every experience this just like me.
Cloaked figure 1: Good your first quest is in a town of Magnolia were there is a guild that needs your light and hope.
Y/n: Ok and what guild would that be?
Cloaked figure 1: The guild called.....Fairy tail.
( In the present day)
We see Y/n wearing his Cloaked with hood down as he stare down at the town of Magnolia and with his bag on his back and smiled and said.
Y/n: (smile) Right let's get thi started.
Y/n walks through the streets of Magnolia as people were walking pass by and minding there own business as Y/n looks around and try to find a guild but couldn't seem to find it.
Y/n: Damn it how I'm I gonna find this guild? Maybe I ask some people around.
Y/n walk up a few guys who are talking to each other and once there he asked.
Y/n: Excuse me sir? Can you ask you something?
Random guy 1: Sure what is it you want to ask?
Y/n: I was wondering if you know a guild called Fairy tail, I was hoping I would join them?
The guy and his friends look at each other in worry and Y/n find yhis weird until one said.
Random guy 2: Yeah you wather come back until this guild civil war ends kid.
Y/n: Guild civil war?
Random guy 3: Yeah Fairy tail is all out war with another guild named the Phantom Lords. At first it was a vandalise of the Fairy tails guild Hall but then three members were find out to be stuck onto a tree at the park by the Phantom Lord and that cost the beginning of the war.
Y/n: (thought) So three Fairy tail members were stuck onto a tree and left there until the next day. That's too cold and way too far.
Random guy 2: The Fairy tail members lead by there master go to Oak Town and later on came back without there master.
Y/n was worried if there master was killed or badly injured but one guy points at a huge building by the edge of the sea and said.
Random guy 4: There's the guild over there but you wather wait until this war is over and done with.
Y/n smirks and walks towards the guild while saying to the guys.
Y/n: (smirk) Thanks that all I need it.
Then Y/n walks off while the guys see him go.
Random guy 1: Poor kid.
Random guy 3: Yeah I bet he doesn't get hurt in this war.
Y/n stands at the entrance doors of the Fairy tail guild and it was badly damaged and board it up. Y/n walks over to the door and open it and he steps inside while closing the door behind him. The place was empty but hears many people at the basement so he walks over the stairs and walks down and once at the bottom he sees many guild member were planning and trying to strike back against the Phantom Lords.
Y/n: (thought) Those guys were not kidding. This place looks like a command centre.
Y/n reach the bottom step and looks around and someone spotted Y/n and walks up to him. The guy have short black hair with no shirt on as he reach to Y/n and asked.
???: Who are you kid and what are you doing here?
Y/n: Well this maybe sounds weird but I'm here to join your guild or help you in this war.
???: Listen kid we are in a middle of something so maybe its best that you come back later.
Y/n: Look I heard what happened to your guild members and I think the Phantom Lords have gotten way too far and someone has to stop this. So I'm gonna join you even you like it or not.
The Fairy tail member stares at Y/n and see Y/n was serious and then a guy with pink hair with his blue cat said.
???: Why not he help us, he seems pretty confident of this fight. What's your name?
Y/n: My name is Y/n L/n and my magic is requip but not the normal kind.
Natsu: Sweet names Natsu and this is Ice brains named Gray.
Gray: (anger) Oh shut up fire breath!
Happy: And I'm Happy its nice to meet you.
Y/n: (surprised) Wow you can talk!?
Happy: Thats right.
Y/n: So was there a reason why they target at yous?
Natsu: One of our friends named Lucy is there target. Her father hired the Phantom Lords to bring her home.
Y/n: (shocked) What?! How would he do this?
Gray: Lucy's father is this rich man who has lots of money. That's why the Phantom Lords want to take this job.
Y/n: Damn that's terrible.
???: (distance) Why can't you help us!
They look over and see two girls there talking to a guy with yellow hair on a crystal ball.
Natsu: That's Mirajane and the other one is Chole Laxus young sister.
Y/n: By that reaction she hates him?
Gray: Everyone in this guild hates Laxus and his sister try to make him a better person but he just ignored her.
Y/n: That's just cruel.
Happy: Laxus never show respect to us and doesn't care about the guild members or his grandfather who is the master of this guild.
Y/n: I see.
Y/n walks over to them and hears there conversation.
Laxus (crystal ball): Come on sis, you can do this on your own, you have same abilities as me so why can't you do and we need you here now! We can't find mystogan and the your maybe our only chance in order to win this battle.
Chole: Why bother.
Mirajane: Please Laxus they are target Lucy and......
Laxus (crystal ball): Do I even now her? Oh you mean the blode chick. Well what about tell your master to hand over to leadership to this guild to me and I'll take care of her.
Chole shake her fist in anger and with tears on her eyes she said.
Chole: (anger) Fine, we do this without you.
Then a lightning strike hits the crystal ans shattering it. Mirajane was shocked and Chole starts to cry and said.
Chole: (tears) Why dose he treat us like this. We are siblings, he shouldn't have treat us like this.
Mirajane hugs Chole as she cry and Y/n felt bad not just for her but everyone in the guild as he looks around and fell there hope washing away.
Y/n: (thought) These guild members have no master, no support from any strong members and I'm maybe there only hope to end this war and protect Lucy. I guess I have to wait until we make our move or.....
Then suddenly there was a shake and everyone was wondering what's going on. Then one member came down and told everyone to head outside. Everyone stood up and Y/n followed them as they reach outside and on the sea they were shocked to see a Phantom lords guild Hall walking all four legs as it walks through the ocean.
Erza: (shocked) Are they going to the extreme to bring there whole guild here?
The Phantom Lords guild stop and then the middle of there guild opens ud and a large cannon was revealed to everyone which shocked everyone.
Y/n: (thought) This cannon is huge, if that thing fires it will destroy not just the guild but Magnolia as well.
The cannon start to charge up and with no time to lose he rush pass everyone and reach at the edge of the cliff.
Chole: (shocked) Who is that kid and what the hell is he doing?!
Gray: (shocked) Y/n get out of there now!
Everyone try to tell Y/n to get out of the way but Y/n ignore them as he summon his sheild and he puts it in front of him.
Y/n: (thought) This may drain a little magic from me but I have to do this.
The cannon was fully charged and everyone was horrified as Y/n wasn't moving and he hold his sheild in front of and said.
Y/n: Well...bring your best shot.
The cannon fired and reach towards the guild and Y/n but then it was stopped by a huge magic shield and Y/n's middle sheild was glowing and everyone was shocked about how huge is this magic sheild was as Y/n struggled to stand on his ground and soon the cannon stop firing and Y/n stood up and could feel a little of his magic was away and he smirk and said to the Phantom lords.
Y/n: (smirk) What is that the best you got!
Natsu team: (shocked) What!?
Fairy tail members: (shocked) What?!
Chole: (thought) That cannon was too strong, how can he still stand after that shot and how can his magic wasn't complete drain after that block?!
The speaks of the Phantom Lords turns on and there leader answers.
Jose (speakers): I am impressed but that won't stop us unless yous hand us Lucy Heartfilia to us and we will leave.
Alzack: Like hell we gonna do that!
Bisca: Yeah Lucy is one of our and we won't surrender to you!
Everyone was shouting at Jose and never surrender as Y/n could feel there spirit fired up. He spotted a that he thinks is Lucy as she crys out ans she spotted Y/n stareing at her and Y/n smiles and nods as her telling her that things would be alright.
Lucy blush a little and Jose speak through the speaks once more.
Jose: (speakers) So be it, you have 15 minutes until my cannon will destroy you and this town!
The speakers turn off and Natsu, Happy and Gray rush over to Y/n and he turn sto them.
Natsu: That was awesome Y/n, How come you didn't tell us your strong?
Y/n: (smirk) Well can't ruin the surprise.
Gray: That was incredible strength, maybe you can help us in this war.
Then Erza and Chole walks up to Y/n and Erza asked.
Erza: That was requip magic wasn't it. Because I never see something like that before.
Y/n: Well not only I'm a requip user but I also have other magic abilities that could be useful in your fight.
Chole: Your magic wasn't even drain completely. Usually a blast like that would have drain all your magic and leave you unconscious.
Y/n: Well its a good thing I didn't end up like what you said.
Chole: Yeah.
Then ghost like Phantoms came out of the Phantom Lords guild and heads towards them.
Natsu: (shocked) What are they?!
Y/n: It looks like someone must of summon them to distracted us until the cannot is completely charged.
Macao: (shocked) Is Jose really gonna sacrifice his own troops just to be end up in cross fire?
Wakaba: I bet he's not gonna fire on his own troops.
Cana: No he's gonna do it. Those have no soul or body. There just evil spirit monsters that are summon to distracted us.
Y/n: Then we need to shut down that Cannon before its down charging.
Natsu: We only have 15 minutes right?
Y/n: (smirk) Yeah so let's mash his two.
Natsu: (smirk) I like the sound of that.
Y/n: (smirk) Race you there.
Y/n rush and jump off the cliff and they were shocked but then Y/n fly into the air and he appears with phenix like wings as he race over there.
Gray: (shocked) Wow!
Erza: (shocked) I never knew he could do that.
Natsu: (smirk) Well lets race him there, come on Happy.
Happy: Aye sir!
Happy grab Natsu's back and they head to the Phantom lords guild and try to catch up with Y/n.
Gray: We go help them out.
Elfman: I'll go with you.
Chole: Right we stay here and protect the guild hall.
Gray: Right good luck.
Chole: You too and be careful.
Y/n landed inside the barrel of the cannon followed by Natsu and Happy and point at the far end and said.
Y/n: If we head to the core of this guild, we should destroy it and everyone would be safe.
Natsu: Right let's go.
So Y/n, Natsu and Happy run to the end and once there they see four Lacrima and a huge one in the middle with magic in them.
Y/n: Looks like they just leave this here without no one around.
Nastu: Yeah which means we can smash this with no problem!
Natsu jump onto the air and initiate his fist in fire and was about to punch the large Lacrima but then Natsu suddenly punch himself and fell onto the ground.
Happy: What was that about Natsu? Why did you punch yourself?
Natsu: Its not my fault, my body just moved by it self!
???: So yous have came here to ruin our plan.
Y/n and Happy jump down and turn to see a member of the Phantom Lords walking up to them.
Nastu: We won't let you destroy our guild jerk!
Natsu rush over to the guy and was about to punch him with flaming hands when he punch himself and fell onto the ground. Y/n and Happy rush over and Y/n helped Natsu up.
Nastu: Not again! What's going on!
Y/n: I think that guy must of control your fire.
Totomaru: Your correct I can control any fire as I pleased. My name is Totomaru a member of the Element four.
Natsu: Element what now?
Happy: Natsu don't you remember? They are those S-Class teams that serves Jose.
Y/n: (smirk) So you can control fire and even Natsu's fire? I must say I am impressed but let's see what your fire magic can do against me.
Totomaru: Do your best boy, but you'll never defeat me.
Y/n: Natsu, Happy try to destroy those Lacrima while I hold this guy off.
Natsu: You sure?
Y/n: (smirk) Please your talking to a guy who stop that huge cannon blast without my magnificent gone, I can handle this guy.
Natsu: (smirk) Right.
Y/n walks over to Totomaru and summon a lance and got into a battle stand.
Totomaru: You'll really gonna challenge me? You must be a fool or an idiot.
Y/n: Let's see about it.
Y/n rush over to Totomaru and he fired his fire magic at Y/n but Y/n dodge to the left and then jump over the fire and landed on the right with quick speed as he rush over to Totomaru and once close he hits Totomaru with his lance and spjne his lance around and kicks Totomaru on the chest that made him skidded backwards but Totomaru stand his ground.
Totomaru fired a huge fire ball at Y/n but Y/n lifted his hand and a water wall came in front of Y/n and it burn off the fire and he push the water wall towards Totomaru and Tomoe gets hit and he was wet.
Totomaru fired his fire balls at Y/n and Y/n dodge and fired his fire balls at Totomaru but Totomaru's smirks and turn the fire ball back on Y/n. Y/n spone his lance around and around and he blocks the fire balls and he switch his lance with an mace and Y/n dash over to Totomaru and swing at him but he jump over Y/n and landed behind Y/n.
Y/n grib his mace and turn around and throw it at Totomaru and Takeru move and Mace missed him.
Totomaru: (smirk) There is no point of fighing me? I wil defeat you no matter what and protect my masters cannon.
Then Y/n's chuckles which confused Totomaru and Y/n said with a smirk.
Y/n: (smirk) You know our goal is to destroy this cannon for about....12 minutes is that right
Totomaru: That's right but you'll never defeat me.
Y/n: (smirk) Who says I was trying?
Totomaru was confused and caught Y/n's eye and he turn and his face was shocked to see Y/n's mace stab on the huge Lacrima and it was cracking.
Totomaru: (shocked) THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE!
Y/n: (smirk) So how dose it feel to fail on one job that is soo important that made your master mad.
Totomaru: (anger) Why you little brat!
Y/n: (smirk) Natsu time to wrap this up!
Natsu: Right!
Totomaru turn back and Natsu jump near the huge Lacrima and light up his flames on both on his hands.
Totomaru: You'll will not destroy it if I'm
Then Totomaru fell onto the ground cost by Y/n's sleep air and Natsu smash the Lacrima and there was a huge explosion and the cannon is destroyed.
Y/n walk up to Happy and Natsu while carrying the sleeping Totomaru and drop him in front of them.
Natsu: Why is he all all of a sudden?
Y/n: I used sleep air magic so he won't try to control your fire magic.
Happy: Why couldn't you use it in the first place?
Y/n: That would be cheating and besides, I like some action after all that journey just to come here.
Natsu: Your pretty strong, what about after this you and I would fight and see who is strong.
Y/n: Sure.
Gray and Elfman arrived amd they jump down and walk up to them.
Gray: Now the cannon is gone there is no way the Phantom Lords would win.
Y/n: I don't know Gray, they may have a back up plan.
Gray: Like what?
Then suddenly the whole guild around them start to move and shake. Natsu got sick because od it and it continues on until it stop ans they stood up.
Gray: What was that?!
Y/n: That sounds like they do have a back up plan.
Happy: I'll head outside and check it out.
Happy foy through the broken cannon and once outside he turn and was shocked to see the whole Phantom lords guild has turn into a large machine like bot and is magic a huge magic circle.
Happy: (shocked) Oh no, this isn't good.
To be continue.......
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