S1E28: Fun time at the resort

At the guild Loke along with Lucy and Y/n as Loke or Leo explains about his past to Natsu, Happy and Gray which shocks the trio after Loke finishes his story.

Gray: So your a celestial spirit this whole entire time?!

Loke: That's right. Sorry that I have been keeping this secret from you guys.

Happy: That would explain a lot.

Natsu: So after Lucy have a talk with a celestial spirt kind, he allows you to return back to the spirit world?

Loke: (smile) Yeah.

Y/n: (smile) I'm very please for that.

Lucy: (smile) Not only that but he's my new celestial spirit.

Loke: (smirk) Yep, made the contract and all which mean we can spent plenty of time together as much as we want princess.

Lucy: Hate to disappoint but I've already been taking.

Loke: (smirk) True but I'll always look after you.

Lucy: (sigh) How's about you return to the celestial spirit and rest up.

Loke: Wait there is one thing I need to gave you.

He pulls out tickets and hands them to Lucy as he tells her.

Loke: This is a way to say thank you. Got these tickets for the that Akane Beach resort for you and to your team.

Y/n: (surprised) I heard about that place. Its one of the most famous resorts. You sure we can have them?

Loke: (smile) Of course. Enjoy and take care.

He then fates to return to the celestial spirit world and seconds after they heart Erza calling out to them.

Erza: What are you waiting for? Let's pack up and head there.

They turn to see her with a cart filled with suitcases and other stuff which Y/n ask.

Y/n: I guess you're already to go huh?

Erza: Indeed. I think it will be a nice vacation for all of us to go and get away for a few days.

Natsu: (smirk) I can just already think about the delicious food we'll gonna have!

Happy: (smile) All those yummy fishes, I can't wait!

Gray: (smile) I can go for a vacation.

Lucy: (smile) Same!

Y/n sees everyone's excited faces which he decided to go with them and earn some vacation.

(Sometime later)

We see the Akane Beach resort with a nice and clean beach along with a resort with rides and a casino inside to entertain the guest.

Y/n is seen outside of the changing room wearing his watershort as he feels a bit nervous wearing just his shorts in public.

Natsu: (smile) Looks like your ready to go to the beach!

He turn to see Natsu, Gray ans Happy came other also wearing their watershort with Happy even wearing a small float ring.

Gray: You look a but nervous? Something wrong?

Y/n: Just that never wear just my shorts in public.

Natsu: You mean you've never been on a beach before?

Y/n: Y-Yes but beaches that doesn't have any people or a lake.

Gray: That's kinds sad.

Natsu: (smirk) Nah no need to worry man and besides look at everyone else. They are enjoying themselves at the beach.

Y/n: Hhmm....I suppose you are right. I suppose I should be confident while I'm on a beach with people around.

Natsu: (smile) Yeah, besides you have us.

Gray: (smirk) Try not to get overboard while on the beach.

This tick off Natsu ans the two glare at each other when Erza calls them out.

Erza: Quite fighting you two

The two jump and immediately spread apart while shaking while Erza and Lucy came with their swimming bikinis as Erza tells them.

Erza: We are here for a vacation, not to battle each other. Let us behave while we are here, is that clear?!

Natsu and Gray: (scared) Yes ma'am!

Y/n: (thought) This is just like how we met Erza for the first time.

Natsu: (smirk) Well since everyone is here, let's have a race. First one gets to the ocean first loses!

Gray: (smirk) Your on!

The two then sprint towards the ocean and soon they sprint to the ocean while Y/n, Lucy ans Erza are dumbfounded of the two as Erza sighs.

Erza: Those two act like children.

Happy: (smile) That's Natsu ans Gray alright.

Y/n: Hey let's not let our frustrations get to us and let us enjoy ourselves. This is pur vacation after all and we should relax.

Erza: Your right.

Then Erza takes Y/n's other hand then Lucy take his other hand as two girls take him to the ocean with Happy follow behind. Y/n happily joins them in the ocean as they have lots of fun of the ocean.

They swam around the ocean, have splash battles, have rafts ans take turns riding the raft while the other pushes the raft disbite Natsu most of the time gets motion sickness while on the raft. They play volleyball by the shore with Erza hitting hard on the volleyball but Y/n quickly dashes and hits the volleyball ball that goes pass Erza ans Lucy.

Y/n smiles with all the fun ans soon he sat on a blanket with a umbrella over him along with Lucy and Erza while the play some challenges at the ocean.

Y/n: (smile) This is the most fun I have ever had.

Erza: (smile) I'm glad your enjoying it. Hey, can you put suncream on my back?

Erza roll over to her back while Y/n pour some suncream on his hands and begins to rub it onto his back which Erza enjoys his gentle rubs.

Erza: (smile) Mmmm that feels good.

Y/n kept going then looks over at Lucy seeing that she wants one as well so the next thing we wee Y/n puts suncream on both of Erza's ans Lucy's back with each od his hands while the two girls enjoys it.

Lucy: (smile) That feels so good~!

Erza: (smile) I agree.

The two let out some soft moans while Y/n felt a bit flustered of their moans all awhile we see Juvia standing behind a tree with her bikini on as she feels a bit jealous.

Juvia: (thought) I wish he rub my backs.


The sun was about to set so they spent the rest of the afternoon at the casino. While everyone is enjoying gambling for something big, Y/n who isn't much of a gambler decided to hang out at the bar and have a nice drink.

He say at the bar taking some sips of his drink when someone came over and get his attention.

???: Hello Y/n.

He turn and to his surprise sees Juvia wearing a nice aqua like dress with a fairy tail necklace around her neck.

Y/n: (surprise) Juvia. What a surprise to see you here.

Juvia: (smile) I'm pleased that you remember me.

Y/n: (smile) Of course. Oh I want to apologise about Gray.

Juvia: (smile) Oh don't be I deserve it for my actions anyways.

Y/n: Well wanna sit down? I can order you anything?

Juvia: (smile) Sure.

The two sat together and have a conversation which is when Juvia mention that she wanted to join Fairy Tail.

Y/n: You want to join Fairy Tail?

Juvia: Of course. I wanted a new start and make things right so I was wondering if it is possible for me to join Fairy Tail.

Y/n: If Makarov allows you to join then sure, although there will be people that may hold grudges.

Juvia: I promise I'll do anything to make things right.

Y/n: (smile) I'm pleased that you are willing to redeem yourself.

Juvia: (thought) He has the most charming smile I have ever seen! He's truly my darling love~!

???: Excuse me but are you Y/n from Fairy Tail?

Y/n froze for a moment as a large man stood behind him that has a metal plate that covers his jaw as Y/n sat there and then ask in a serious tone.

Y/n: Who wants to know?

After he said that the lights suddenly turn off follow by a blast that came from the direction where Natsu and Happy are at.

Sensing something wrong he grabs Juvias arm and the two two into the darkness as the man slammed his fist onto the table but realise he missed.

The two appear behind him with Juvia's face turn bright red how he hold her arm and save her while Y/n stare at his attacker.

Y/n: Who are you?

The man turn and stare back at them as the two have a intense stare. Then he look at the window where Erza ans Lucy were in and then he disappeared within the panic crowd.

Juvia: Who was that?!

Y/n: Not sure.

Then the lights came on and the place was empty as the two look around.

Y/n: Juvia stay here and find the guys. I'll check on Lucy ans Erza.

He then heads off and soon he burst into the room and finds Lucy tied up while being surrounded by cards.

Y/n: Lucy!

Lucy: Y/n! Are you okay!

Y/n rushes over to Lucy and suspect the rope which he seesit isn't a rope but rather a magic binding with he has seen before. Still he frees Lucy and helps her up.

Lucy: Thanks Y/n. I thought something happen to you guys.

Y/n: What happen here and where is Erza?

Lucy: She has been kidnapped by these wizards. They seem to cone here only for her.

Y/n: (thought) Only for Erza? Why and what for?

Y/n: Juvia is down there looking for Gray, Natsu or Happy.

Lucy: (shocked) Wait Juvia?! The one that was apart of Phantom?

Y/n: Yes but I'll explain soon but right now we need to regroup and locate where those kidnappers are taking Erza and bring her back.

Lucy: Right but there is one thing you should know about those kidnappers.

Y/n: What is it?

Lucy: I think they know Erza because.......one of them call her..."big sis" and they also said they are taking her home.

This deeply concerns Y/n through he questions about their relations with Erza. Still the two leaves the room and head down to meet up with Juvia so they can regroup and find the kidnappers so they can rescue Erza.

To be continued.....................................................

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