S1E23: The Phantom Lords Strike (Arc 4)
We see the fairy tail guild members fighting off the shade troopers that is flying around them. Whenever they pass through them they suddenly get weaken and collapse to their knees.
A lot of them is doing their best to take them all out with every magic they have. We see Cana throwing explosion cards at them.
Cana: Don't let them overwhelm us! Keep them back!
Then one dives down towards Cana while Cana sees it but was too late to avoid it. Suddenly there was a slash which the shade trooper. Then Y/n came up next time Cana then cuts down more Shade troopers.
Cana: (smirk) Thanks. I owe you a drink after this.
Laki: There is just too many of them!
Loke: No kidding! These things are starting to piss me off!
Y/n quickly aboids the shade troopers attacks and when another comes up behind him he sinks into the ground which collate the two together info one.
The shade trooper looks around then Y/n came out from the ground and slice it on half. He land on his feet then looks over to see more coming towards them.
Levy: I have an idea! Everyone cover your eyes!
Then she use her magic to create a holy light that immediately cost a large amount of light and immediately fates all of the shade troopers away.
Once all were gone the light disappear and both Jet and Droy cheered for Levy.
Jet and Droy: You rule Levy!
Y/n: (smile) Great work Levy.
Levy: (little blush) Thanks.
Suddenly there was a large explosion coming from the Phantom Lords guild and they see the Jupiter cannon destroyed which cost everyone to cheer.
Y/n spotted both Gray and Elfman heading over to check on Natsu and Happy. Once gone he walks back into the guild to see Mirajane with Erza still unconscious.
Y/n: How is she?
Mirajane: She'll be okay. Lucy is safe. Reedus will keep her safe till this is all over.
Y/n: I'm thankful for him. I saw Gray Ns Elfman going to the Phantom Lords guild. I believe the two are checking on Natsu ans Happy.
Y/n noticed the worry look on Mirajane so he sat down near her and tells her.
Y/n: Everything will be okay Mira. Don't you worry.
Mirajane: I feel useless. You all are sighting out there while I'm here not doing anything. I wanted to help, I want to keep everyone safe.
Y/n: I understand why you wanted to help and join the battle. It may have something to do with Lisanna isn't it?
Mirajane: Yeah.
Y/n:.....Mira.....your one of the most kindness and most pure hearted person I have met. You've shown great compassion towards everyone in this guild and to your older brother. If you wish to help then do so. Just because your no longer a S-Class wizard that doesn't stop you from trying to help. Either if you fail or succeed as long as you think you are doing the right thing for the guild then I cannot stop you of doing so. Your still a wizard and if you wish to help them do so.
Mirajane: Th-Thank you Y/n.
He smiles while he lend out his hand to her. She blushes but smiles as she goes to grab his hand when suddenly there was another shake follow by Cana bursting into the guild.
Cana: Theie guild is changing!
Y/n gets up and rushes out. Mirajane follow and stood at the door and her along with everyone is shocked to see the Phantom Lords guild changed into a massive, mechanical machine.
Wakaba: (shocked) You gonna be kidding me?!
Warren: How can we suppose to beat that?!
Jet: Well I can't get any worse.
Then the arms of the guild suddenly begin to move. The arms slowly moves to make a spell.
Cana: Are they trying to create a magic circle?!
Y/n: A massive magic circle like that can destroy not just our guild but most of Magnolia.
Droy: You just have to say that Jet!
Jet: Hey how was I suppose to know they can do that!
Levy: That is enough you two.
Then more Shade troopers came out od the guild ans flying towards them. Everyone gets ready for another attack while Mirajane sees that she has to help now.
She change hee face into Lucy and she walk out of the guild and walk up to the edge.
Cana: Mira no!
Mirajane walks up to the edge then calls out to Jose with Lucy's voice.
Mirajane: (Lucy disguise and voice) I'm here Master Jose! Leave everyone alone and take me!
There was a moment of silence then Jose spoke.
Jose: Nice try but I know your trick.
Mirajane is stunned that he knew hee spell. Hee face returns as she is left disappointed that she failed.
Y/n: Mira look out!
Then she looks up to see a gaint arm reaching towards her so quickly Y/n dashes towards her but then gets tackles by a few shade troopers.
He was thrown back and land onto the ground then he looks over to see Mirajane taking away as she scream.
Cana: Miea no!
Y/n gets up only to see a few shade trooper firing their magic at him. Y/n was about to avoid them when suddenly a large wall of ice blocks the attack in front of Y/n.
???: Looks like I came here just in time.
He looks over ans to his surprise he sees Ur with her hand reached out while she smirked.
Y/n: Ur?! What are you doing here?
Ur: (smirk) Figure I return the favour and help out. Hope you don't mind.
He nodes with approval then hears Mirajane's scream once more.
Ur: Go. I'll help out here.
He node and so he leaps high towards Mirajane while Ur helps out the rest. Mirajane is stuck between two fingers of the guild as she try her best to get herself free but it was no use.
Suddenly Y/n landed in front of her and he draws out his sword and slice one finger off then gets Mirajane free as the two hug.
Y/n: You okay?
Mirajane: Yeah I'm okay. I'm sorry.
Y/n: No its okay. At least you did your best.
She smiled when suddenly a wall near them burst open and they see Elfman laying near the edge.
Mirajane: Elfman!
Elfman: Mira! What are you and Y/n doing over there?
???: Oh so this is your sister hm?
Then a man appear behaviour him and begin to torment him. Rocks appear around Elfman's body as he scream. Mirajane is worried when Y/n dashes over, leaps over Elfman then kicks the man away from him. He lands on his feet and draws out his sword.
Y/n: I will not allow you to harm Elfman in front of his sister?!
Sol: Ah so your the sneaky intruder who snuck into our guild. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Sol and I I the earth element and member of the element 4.
Y/n: If I have to take a guess they are basically the Phantom Lords version of S-Class wizard.
Sol: Spot on! How interesting for you. A guild member with a quite of a history.
Y/n: What?
Sol: You see when you kicked me I revive your memories and I must say you have done so many things in your past.
Suddenly statues of people appear around him. Y/n realise they were the people he has killed in the past.
Sol: A deadly assassin in a dark guild? You have killed so many people, so many lives were taking away by your blade. Your worse than Elfman....your a true monster.
Y/n looks down but he then points his blade at Sol then ask him.
Y/n: What do you mean?! Elfman would never kill.
Sol: Oh he has. There is one thing they didn't tell you. Who killed Lisanna? Let's me tell you that the person who killed her (points at Elfman) Is her own brother.
Y/n is shocked by this but he stood his ground as he tells Sol.
Y/n: I know Elfman did not mean to kill his little sister. He is a man that would never kill. I understand why they did not tell me and your words will not change me!
He then swing his blade which destroyed all the statues. Sol steps back while Elfman slowly begins to change while both Mirajane and Y/n watch while Sol wasn't aware as he gosw on to say.
Sol: In that case you and Elfman will die for the monsters you both have done! Say goodbye assa-
Suddenly a monster like fist came down amd crushes Sol immediately. Elfman has turned into a beast as he then lifted up his fist and Sol is defeated, but not dead.
Y/n: (looks up at Elfman) Elfman....are you still in there? Can you hear me?
Elfman:.........Yeah. I can hear you. This form was the reason for Lisanna's death. I lost control but now....I have control over it.
Y/n: That's good.
Then Elfman change back and once back Mirajane comes up to Elfman then the two embrace.
Y/n smiles then the two look over at Y/n then Mirajane ask.
Mirajane: Sol said a lot of things about you. Is all that true.
Y/n:.......Yes. I was once an assassin in a dark guild. I was......brainwashed when I was just a baby. But I broke free and now.....I seek to find redemption.
Mirajane: (shocked) Y/n.....that's horrible.
Y/n: I know. I'm sorry for keeping this secret. I feel it it may not be the right time to tell anyone my past. Sol is right.....I am a monster.
Elfman: No your not man. Sure you've done bad things in the past but right now your different. Your kind, loyal and friendly to everyone. For someone who keeps on fighting for good disbite their dark past is a real man.
Mirajane: (smile) You've helped us a lot Y/n and we understand why you kept your past from us. We promise we won't tell anyone until the time is right for you to tell.
Y/n: (surprised) Really?
Elfman: (smile) Of course.
Y/n is surprised by this as he then smiled and bows to them.
Y/n: Thank you. I appreciate your understanding and your kindness.
The two smiled then when Y/n sat up Mirajane came over ans kiss him on the lips. He blushes bright pink while Mirajane smiled and wink at him.
Mirajane: (smile) That's for saving me and Elfman.
Elfman just smiled while Y/n also blushes but smiled which Mirajane find his smile cute.
Y/n: Still there is one thing I should tell you two. Since this battle is getting extreme there is one thing I should told you just like I have told Erza and Makarov.
Elfman: What is it?
Y/n: There is one magic that I should warn you if the situation calls for it. A situation......that I hope I would never use but it is something you both must know.
To be continued..............................................
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