S1E20: The Phantom Lords strike (Arc 1)
We see the fairy Tail guild damaged with large metal spears sticking out with the windows broken and inside was a huge mess. Y/n sees this on the roof across from the guild.
He is surprised that someone can do such a thing. He then looks over to see Natsu and his team arrive back from a job only to see the mess. Natsu is pissed that someone can do this while the rest are shocked.
Y/n leaps down and walks over to them which they turn to see him.
Y/n: You four okay?
Lucy: Yeah but what happen here.
Y/n: An attack.
Gray: By who?
Mirajane: By phantom.
They look over to Mirajane who came out of the guild. They follow her inside as they go down to the basement where the other members are down there.
A lot of guild members were mad about their guild being trashed as they walk by everyone.
Makarov: Hey there kiddos!
They see that Makarov is drunk as he wave to them with bear in hand as he then drinks it.
Y/n: Any idra how can this happen?
Mirajane: It happen last night when everyone left the guild for the night.
Erza: At least no one isn't hurt.
Y/n: Out of curiosity who are the Phantom Lords?
Makarov: (finish drinking his beer) They are a bunch of trouble makers that gives us trouble.
Mirajane: They usually make fights with some of the members of the guild. We didn't realise they'll do something like this.
Y/n: I see.
Natsu: (angry) Then we need to go there and beat them up for trashing our guild!
Y/n: Natsu, don't let your rage blind you. Although our guild is trashed, no one isn't hurt.
Natsu: (angry) But we can't just let them get away with it!
Y/n: Unfortunately he can. The Magic Council will get involve if they find out two guilds are fighting each other. Both guilds will be in trouble.
Erza: He's right. Right now there's nothing we can do except to wait till out guild is rebuild.
Natsu wants to argue more but he couldn't. Still he is mad while Y/n still wonders why would the Phantom Lords trash the guild.
Night came and everyone of the guild is sticking together in case a Phantom Lords member is still around at Magnolia. All except Y/n who is on top of the Twilight Orge Building.
He stood there as he thinks about the Phantom Lords and wonders why would that go out of theie way to trash the guild Hall.
Then he felt something as he turn to the area then vanished. Soon he appears on a roof seeing Levy, Jet and Droy walking through the street together.
He had a bad feeling about this and his guts was proofing right when he looks over and sees someone on the roof on his right.
He stare at the figure as he leap down and charges towards the trio. Y/n dashes over and before the figure could strike on Levy Y/n kicks the figure back and he lands in front of Levy, Jet and Droy.
Levy: (surprised) Y/n?
Y/n: You three good?
Jet: Yeah thanks.
Droy: Who the heck is he?
Y/n: One way to find out.
He turn to the man as Y/n draws out his sword and points of him.
Y/n: My name is Y/n L/n from Fairy Tail. You must be responsible of trashing out Guilf Hall. Tell me, who are you and why?
The man smirked then turn his arm into a metal blade and then charges towards him. Quickly he blocks his strike as the two enter a blade lock.
???: (smirk) So you find out huh? Good, cause once I'm done with you. You and your other three will be a sign to your guild members.
Y/n: I do not think so.
Luckily the area they are in as many dark areas so he knocks him back and hides within the darkness. The Phantom Lord member looks around for him then Kumais was thrown towards him.
However he turn and blades a few with his arm blade then caught one and then he eat it. Seeing that he can eat metal he puts away his sword then came out of the shadows and strike a kick at him.
He stumbled and tries to swing his arm blade at him but he swiftly dodges the attack. He gets mad and has enough so he tells Y/n.
Gajeel: Your making a big mistake messing with me, Gajeel the iron dragon slayer. Next time we meet, your dead.
Then he disappear within the alleyway as Y/n let's him go. Levy, Droy and Jet came over to him.
Droy: Thanks for the save Y/n.
Jet: Yeah. We didn't see that coming.
Levy: But why would the Phantom Lords target us?
Y/n:......I believe there is a pattern here.
Levy: What is it?
Y/n: I'll explain tomorrow with the rest. In the meantime, you three should get home as soon as possible.
Levy: Good idea and thanks again Y/n.
He node to them and the trio hurry home and so does Y/n.
(Next day)
At the Guild after Levy and Y/n explain what happen last night everyone's is enrage by this. Y/n calms everyone and he explains.
Y/n: Please everyone calm down. I believe the Phantom Lords didn't do all of this just to full up our rage. I believe there is a bigger plot going on here.
Max: What bigger plot? It's obvious they wanted war.
Maxao: Yeah and I'll say we get them a war.
Y/n: I believe that's what they want.
Erza: Explain your reason?
Y/n: For what I can tell, they are trying to make all of us be blind of our rage so we can do something that give us an opening. When Gajeel trash the guild, it may have anger a few but not a lot. That's when he begins to target the members and target the someone or a group that are weak but important to the guild. No offence.
Jet: Nah we see what you mean. Even if me and Droy would take him on, we might get out hands handed to him.
Droy: Agree. He could have target anyone else but he knows we are not as strong.
Levy: Perhaps they are trying to get us out of Magnolia so they can go to their next phase of theie plan.
Alzack: But why?
Bisca: Well it's not like we can go over and find out.
Y/n: Actually I can.
Wakaba: How?
Y/n: I can use my transformation magic to disguise myself as a Phantom Lord member, infiltrate inside and look around to see what I can find.
Natsu: (surprised) That's so cool!
Happy: But would that be dangerous?
Gray: Yeah, you'll be alone in there.
Y/n: I have to. I can easily blend in without being spotted and gather some intel. If I'm not have in 5 hours, come and rescue me.
The other guild members were not sure but that's when Makarov step forward and tells Y/n.
Makarov: I'll allow you do this mission. If your not back when the 5 hours are up, then the entire guild will come to aid you.
Y/n: Thank you master. I promise I will return with intel.
Makarov: Just be safe.
He node then make his leave. He was about to walk out when Lucy came up to him.
Lucy: You sure about this?
Y/n: I'm very sure Lucy. I can't let anyone get hurt or be filled with rage.
Lucy: Still just come back soon, okay?
He came over and hugs her. She hugs him back as Y/n tells her.
Y/n: I can't always keep my promise in times like this. But I will try.
She accepted that and Y/n left the guild. She stood there for a moment with some worry while Cana came over and pay her on the back.
Cana: (smirk) Don't worry. I'm sure he'll be back to us.
Lucy: I hope so.
Then Erza, Mirajane and Levy came over as Erza tells Lucy.
Erza: I'm worried as well but I have faith that he will be okay.
Mirajane: (smile) Yeah. And if he's in trouble, then we can help.
Levy: (smile) That's right.
Lucy: Yeah your right.
Cana: (smirk) Besides we can have him something special when he gets back.
They blush when they understand what Cana means by that as Cana just simply smirks as they along with the rest waits for Y/n's return.
At Oak Town we see the Phantom Lords guild as we also see Y/n in the alleyway outside of the guilds gate as he stare at the entrance. Once he sees the emblem and the clothes the Phantom Lords members are wearing, he tranforms and becomes one of them.
He step out of the alleyway and make his way to the entrance. He step through and is surprised to see how larger their guild is. He focuses on the mission as he begins to look around.
Not wanted to be suspicious he walks over to the bar, sat down and order a drink. He then spotted two members talking and he listens in without looking suspicious.
Boze: They got a ninja?
Sue: That's what I've heard.
Boze: Huh, well you think this ruined Mastee Jose plan?
Sue: Don't think so. I think he's planning something else that would drive Fairy Tail here and away from Magnolia.
Boze: (smirk) Hope its soon.
Y/n: (thought) So they are trying to get everyone out of Magnolia? But why?
His drink came and he takes a drink. After that he leaves the bar and climbs upstairs to the second floor. He sees another door so without anyone looking at him he walks over and was about to open the door.
Gajeel: Hey you there.
He turn to see Gajeel as he walks towards him and then ask him.
Gajeel: Where are you going?
Y/n: I'm just telling Jose of my job being completed.
Gajeel: Is that so?
Y/n: Yes. He's suspected me so I'll be going.
He opens the door then walks through. Gajeel stood there as he take a few sniffs then smirks.
Gajeel: (smirk) Aren't you sneaky.
To be continued....................................................
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