S1E15: The Cursed Island of Galuna (Arc 3)
The people of the village including Natsu, Happy, Lucy and Y/n looks up to see the three wizards working for Lyon on a gaint flying rat.
The gaint flying rat is using its tail to fly into the air while also holding a gaint bucket filled with something. Then the bucket move slightly and something green fell out of the bucket.
Lucy sees it falling towards her and she thought it must be slime. However before it can land on her Y/n quickly pull her away and the slime hit the ground and burn the ground where Lucy was standing.
Y/n: That's acid. They are going to use acid to destroy the village.
Everyone of the village begins to panic as they scramble around and then Y/n takes control the situation and calls out.
Y/n: Everyone! Move to the middle of the village! Natsu, get into the middle of the ground and when they release the acid, use your dragon iron fist.
Natsu: Right!
They begin to do so and then the gaint rat swings the bucket and acid begins to decent towards the village. Everyone is gathered but then Y/n noticed Moka standing near the village of her son.
Y/n: Moka come with us!
Moka: No! I rather die then letting my son's grave be destroyed.
Y/n looks up at the acid and then to Moka and he quickly dashes over and draws out his sword. When the acid was close, Natsu unleashes his iron dragon fist and blows a hole while Y/n use the blade to cut his finger as drips od blood drops into his sword.
His sword turns red and immediately he swing his sword and opens a slash like hole and the acid begins to burn away the village around them.
Sometime later they were safe while the village turn into a crater with two grounds still standing. Moka is amazed by what he saw as Y/n grabs his shoulder and immediately they appear in front of the village.
They were glade to see Moka okay while Moka turn to Y/n.
Moka: Thank you.
Y/n node then he sense something and looks up.
Y/n: Everyone get down!
Suddenly a gaint rat came flying down to drop off two wizards and then flies over them.
Lucy: Hey! What is this?!
Y/n looks over to see Lucy begin taking by the gaint rat and flying away.
Y/n: Natsu, I'll go and help out Lucy.
Natsu: Right. I'll deal with Lyon two wizards.
Y/n: Right. People od the village, go somewhere safe and take the injured Gray with you. He needs medical attention at once!
With that settles Y/n disappeared as he goes after the gaint rat. Seconds later he appear in the middle of the forest and looks up to see the gaint rat.
He then leaps up and use his sword to injure the gaint rat. This cost it to drop Lucy as she begins to decent but he falls after her and then he grabs her and lands on his feet.
Lucy opens hee eyes to see Y/n carrying her like a princess which made her blush while Y/n ask her.
Y/n: You okay Lucy?
Lucy: (blush) Y-Yeah. Thanks Y/n.
He noded and set Lucy down then the same gaint rat lands and a female wizard climb down and walks up to them.
???: You have skills wizard but you will not ruin our plans.
They turn to face her then immediately Y/n turn and xut a vine from a tree and then seconds later trees come to life and they begin to surround them.
Lucy: This isn't good.
Y/n: It seems she's using living magic.
Sherry: That is correct. The names Sherry. While Vuka and Toby handle with your dragon slayer friend, I will make sure you will never come out of this alive.
Y/n: This needs to stop. Unleashing Deliora is too risky. Lives will be lost if you release him.
Sherry: Do not worry, we will take care of the creature while you all will be dealt with right now.
The tree monsters makes their way towards them, Lucy was about to use her Celestial keys but Y/n stops her.
Y/n: Don't, she can take control of the Spirits as well.
Lucy: Really?! What should we do then?
Y/n: Let me handle this.
The tree monsters charges towards Y/n but he quickly cuts them down with his sword. They were cut in half which surprised Sherry.
Y/n walls towards Sherry but then a rock like fist came down and he immediately dash back to dodge its strike. A rock monster came out from the ground including several more.
Immediately he dodges one as he backflips and lands in front of the rock monster range and it throws its large fist and crushes him.
At first Sherry and Lucy thought that was hit when suddenly a rabbit came out of the ground, stare at the rock monster and immediately transform into Y/n and kicks it in the face while he back flips and lands on top of one.
The rock monster that he is standing tries to get him off but he dodges his swings, then another come over and throws a punch.
Immediately he leaps up just as the rock monster accidentally punches the others head off. Then he lands behind the second and immediately ducks to dodge a third rock monster and it punches a hole through the second rock monster.
Y/n appears behind the three rock monsters but then he turn to see Lucy trying to dodge their attacks so he rushes over and slice off one of the rock monsters arm and goes to swing again.
But the rock monster grabs his blade and then he throws him through the forest. He then flies out of the forest and lands onto a beach. He lays there for a second and then immediately moves as the rock monster crashes to the ground.
Y/n quickly dashes over and slice off the rock monsters other arm off, then his legs and lower body and it fell. He breaths a sigh but then the gaint rat came flying and there was a large blast.
Sherry appears and so does Lucy and sees Y/n might need some help. He then noticed they were near an ocean and had an idea.
Y/n dodges the gaint rats attacks and quickly kicks it back. He lands on his feet and stare at Sherry.
Sherry: Your good but I afraid this is the end.
Suddenly sand came to live and quickly consumes him sith sand. Y/n tries to cut his way out but there was no good and he begins to lose air and thought he was abiyt the die.
Then Sherry noticed a flash and turn to see Lucy summon Aquarius.
Lucy: Show her what happens when she mess with us!
Aquarius: I can't believe you summon me for this.
Sherry: (smirk) Guess you didn't hear what Y/n said to you. Too bad.
Then she takes control of Aquarius and plans to wash away the battle. However what she didn't realise is how powerful Aquarius it is with water as a massive wave of water comes towards them and washes them all away.
The sans monster turns to mud and then slowly dies. The water quickly clears up and then Y/n sticks out his hand out of the mud and quickly came out.
He was dirty and was catching his breath. Then he rushes over to Lucy and helps her up. She was a bit dizzy but she then shake her head and sees Y/n in a mess but okay.
Y/n: (smile) You save my life. Thank you.
Lucy: (blush) S-Sure. You saved mine as well.
Y/n: (smile) Agree.
Then he turn to Aquarius and tells her.
Y/n: (smile) Aquarius, I'm I right?
Aquarius: Yeah? So, what do you want?
Y/n: (smile) Just want to say thank you for your help. Even though you maybe under Sherry's control but still, thank you.
Aquarius then kinda blushed as she turn away and said.
Aquarius: (blush) Sure, whatever, bye.
Then she vanished to the Celestial world while Lucy is a bit surprised.
Lucy: (surprised) Huh....didn't suspect that.
Y/n: What?
Lucy: Oh nothing.
They turn to Sherry unconscious and defeated, then Y/n said.
Y/n: I don't think they were going to release Deliora because they worship him.
Lucy: Huh?
Y/n: She said "We will take care of the creature." It would mean they were planning to kill it.
Lucy: But why doing that?
Y/n:.......Maybe Gray can tell us about Deliora and his relationship with Lyon. I have a feeling this might not end well if Deliora is unleash.
???: That includes Natsu when he and the rest will come back to the guild.
They turn and to their surprise sees Erza so Lucy rush over to Erza with joy.
Lucy: (smile) Erza!
Then she glare at her and she realise she is mad because they go on an S-Class job without promotion. Then Y/n walks over to Erza.
Y/n: I'm guessing Master Makarov told you about the situation?
Erza: Indeed. After he did I immediately head out to try to find them and you. I was worried you might needed help.
Y/n: I appreciate you coming here.
Happy: Hey guys!
Happy finds them and flies towards them but quickly gets scared when he sees Erza. He tries flying away but Erza grabs his tail and holds him upside down while Lucy tries to explain.
Lucy: Look we're sorry we took on the S-Class quest but we can't leave now. The people of the village has suffered from this mysterious curse......we just thought we can help.
Y/n: I'll talk to Erza.
Lucy agrees so after Erza hands Happy to Lucy they step away to have a private chat.
Erza: I don't care if their actions is noble, they broke guild rules and they should be brought in.
Y/n: I understand that but if we leave while all of this is going on, lives will be lost. Especially since we have a bigger problem.
Erza: Explain?
Y/n: There is this creature called Deliora. Judging Gray's reaction towards the creature, I can tell that the creature is highly dangerous and can wipe out everyone and everything on this island. But not just this island, but move to civilization and cost chaos from there.
Y/n: I agree, guild rules most be followed and those who broke the rules must be punished but if we abandon the people of the village, we'll be known as a guild who allows innocents to die. Do you want our guilds reputation be ruined?
Erza thinks about it and then she tells him.
Erza: Your right. Even if Natsu and the rest broke the rules, we can't simply abandon the job and the people. It's best to finish it.
Y/n: Thank you. Oh and one more thing. Go easy on Lucy, she may have gone with them but I think the only reason she is here is because Natsu dragged her into it.
Erza: I suppose your right.
The two then return back and Erza then ask them.
Erza: So, where to now?
Happy: They took Gray to a camp site somewhere near the village.
Y/n: And that where we go. Let's hope Gray is alright.
Lucy: What a out Natsu?
Erza: I'm gonna bet he's going to confront who is responsible for all of this mess.
Y/n: Agree. But once first Gray, then Lyon and Natsu. Let's go.
And so they head off to find the village people and Gray so all awhile the sun begins to rise for a new day.
To be continued..........................................
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