S1E14: The Cursed Island of Galuna (Arc 2)

Y/n, Lucy, Gray, Happy and Natsu arrive at the top of the temple and once at the top they find a fallen pillar as cover. They see a group of cloak figures around the magic circle that is melting the ice of Deliora.

Natsu: Who are those guys?

Lucy: Whoever they are they are definitely not good.

Happy: Maybe they do serve Deliora as a god.

Gray find this all wrong while Y/n noticed his disgust and then he tells them.

Y/n: I'll get closer and see if their leader is there.

Natsu: Don't think that's not necessarily.

Y/n: Why?

Natsu points over and he looks over to see a man wearing a helmet and looking like the leader of the group.

Y/n: Good spot.

Lucy: Who ever is he?

Happy: No clue but he looks intimidated.

Then three wizards from their leader came over with one which was a woman cam up to him.

??? 1: Have you find the intruders?

??? 4: I'm sorry but no. They were in the village but we lost sigh of them when they enter the forest.

??? 1: The villagers must have told them.

??? 4: What should we do with them?

??? 1:......Destroy the village. We will not allow anyone stop us.

She bows and she along with two male wizards make their leave. Gray couldn't help but recognise the leaders voice from somewhere and that's when he realised who it is.

Gray: (thought) That can't be!

Natsu: No way. They're going to destroy the village.

Y/n: We can't let that happen. Lucy, Happy head back to the village and defend the village.

Lucy: What about you guys?

Y/n: Ending this show.

He then disappeared into the shadows as he move towards their leader. He then appear behind the pillar near their leader as he pull out one of his daggers.

Then the leader was grabbed from behind and have a blade at his neck while the rest of the cloak figures turn towards them as Y/n have their leader as a hostage.

???: Who are you?!

Y/n: Doesn't matter who I am. I demand you stop this now.

???: Strange. They told me there were only three wizards. Where did you came from?

Y/n: I said end this ritual now!

???: You will never stop us.

Gray: Looo out!

Suddenly the leader breaks free and he immediately turn and shoots ice at him but he quick move to cover and hide behind the pillars as the pillar begins to freeze up.

Natsu: Hey jerk! Have some of this!

He unleashes his iron dragon roar at the leader but he dodges and then he fires ice sharps that hits Natsu ans soon his body became frozen.

Y/n: Natsu!

Natsu: Damn it! I can't move!

Y/n roll out of cover and then throws his Kunai towards the leader when Gray suddenly froze them which confused Y/n but then Gray called out.

Gray: (angry) What do you think you're doing Lyon!?

Natsu: What?

Y/n: You know him?

The leader let's out a smirk as he then take off his helmet and reveal his face and then reply.

Lyon: (smirk) Been a long time Gray.

Gray: (angry) Why are you doing this! Don't you remember Ur sacrifice?!

Lyon: I'm doing something that she failed to do. After all it was your fault that her life was short lived.

Gray: (angry) This ends here!

Then the two have a ice wizard battle while Y/n watches the battle and rushes to join when Gray blast him in ice, making him leap back.

Y/n: Gray!

Gray: This figut is between me and Lyon! Go and help out Lucy and Happy!

Natsu: Hey at least can I join?!

Y/n: Gray.

Gray: Just go!

Then Y/n heads off while Lyon and Gray have their battle with Natsu struggling to fight due to his body being in ice.


Y/n arrive back to the village and once there he spotted Lucy and Happy warning the villagers about a upcoming attack and they need to be ready.

Moka: When are you wizards gonna destroy the moon?!

Lucy: Um I don't think that isn't important right now.

Y/n: Lucy is right. We need to get ready for a upcoming attack.

Happy: Yeah but I don't think they are not much as fighters.

Y/n: Then we place a defence up. Maybe set up a trap.

Lucy: Trap Huh.......hey! I got a idea!

Then he took out one of her Celestial keys and summons Virgo which she appears.

Virgo: Is it my time for my punishment princess.

Lucy: Please stop staying that. Listen Virgo.

She then tells Virgo of the plan and thus she along with the rest get to work. Once they were done they look at the trap and then Happy said.

Happy: Lucy.

Lucy: Yeah?

Happy: I think your plan is kinda dumb.

Lucy: Oh give it a chance!

Then we see the trap which was a hole cover up with leafs  as Lucy explain.

Lucy: This trap would work 100%. This entrance is the only way for them to enter so they have to go through.

Happy: Yeah but it looks obvious.

Male village: Yeah I agree.

Female village: Same.

Virgo: I agree as well.

Lucy: Not you too Virgo!

Y/n: Give it a try. Besides if one falls and is outsold then we can take care the other two.

Lucy: Yeah exactly!

Happy: That's hard to believe.

Y/n: Right now we need to be ready when they come. Let's be on high alart.

They agree and so they have guards on top of the walls looking out od the forest while some stay in their homes while Y/n hands some weapons to some villagers who wish to fight.

Then Lucy came over to Y/n and after he was done he then ask Lucy.

Y/n: You alright?

Lucy: Yeah I'm good. You?

Y/n: Just a bit concerned about Gray. He knows who that leader is.

Lucy: (surprised) Really, who?

Y/n: His name is Lyon and it seems they must be students to Ur.

Lucy: You think so?

Y/n: Maybe. But I'm worry about him. I can feel the anger and suffering within him. It seems his past sith both Deliora and Lyon haunt him.

Lucy: What about Natsu?

Y/n: He's with him.

Lucy: That's good.

Then the two stood there for a moment and then Lucy tells Y/n.

Lucy: Hey I'm sorry for breaking the guild rules. I'm gonna be in serious trouble once we return to the guild.

Y/n: Maybe......but I'm sure Makarov will think of a suitable punishment that doesn't involve expelling you four from the guild.

Lucy: You think so?

Y/n: For what I've learn is that sometimes rules are ment to be broken if lives are involve. Sometimes we break rules to defend those who are endanger.

Lucy: Yeah but after that we might get punished for breaking it.

Y/n: (light chuckle) True but it will be worth it since we did save a life and to tell you the truth, I think Makarov would lighting the punishment if they have a good reason.

Lucy: Guess so.

Y/n: (smile) Don't worry. I may try to convince Makarov you were dragged here by Natsu.

Lucy: (smile) Thanks and thanks for helping us.

Y/n: I refuse to leave the village knowing they are cursed by something evil.

Lucy: (smile) Yeah. You know your pretty sweet.

Y/n: Sweet?

Lucy: (smile) Yeah. You have a good heart and show nothing but kindness and respect to everyone in the guild. Its no wonder the girls may have a crush on you.

Y/n: Crush? That includes you?

Lucy blushes deeply and looks away for a moment. Y/n find her reaction kinda cute.

Lucy: (blush) I-I mean can you blame us? Your just so cute and the total opposite to Natsu or Gray.

Y/n: (little blush) I'm flattered how you and the other girls see me. No one.....has never said that to me.

Lucy: (blush) Never?

Y/n: (little blush) Never. But if I have to say anything about you. I think your smart and beautiful, plus interesting to be around.

Lucy: (blushing more) Th-Thanks.

The two blushes but Lucy and Y/n stare at other and smiled.

Happy: You two are in love~!

Then they turn to Happy who has been hearing their conversation. Lucy wants to kick him while Y/n reach info his pocket and pull out a large fish.

Y/n: Here, have a fish.

Happy: Yummy~!

He gave him the fish and he ate the fish while Lucy ask him.

Lucy: Where did you get a fish?

Y/n: Got it from the ocean while I was making my way to the island.

Lucy: Huh, did I not tell you your also cool.

Y/n: (chuckle) Thanks.

Male village: Hey! I saw some movement in the forest!

Lucy: Perfect! Open the gate.

Then the gate slowly begins to open while they walk towards the gate.

Lucy: (smile) Time to proof to them that my trap will work!

When they get to the gate however they were dumbfounded to see the still ice Natsu carrying a injured Gray towards the gate.

Lucy: Natsu! Stop! Don't get any closer!

Then Natsu begins to stop and he stop near the trap and at first Lucy breath a sigh of relief but then Natsu looks at the trap and ask.

Natsu: Hey what's this?

Y/n: Wait no-

Then Natsu step onto the trap and he falls in. He crashes onto the ground. They look down and see Natsu ice body is shattered but he ask.

Natsu: Hey! What was that for?!

Lucy: Sorry but that trap was for the enemy.

Y/n: At least we know it works.

Lucy: True.

Then Y/n and Lucy help Natsu out while he carries the unconscious Gray out. They see how badly injured he was and Y/n felt guilty for abandon him. However he knew Gray told him that he will handle him but he hopes he will be okay.

Then he realise something.

Lucy: (smile) Okay now we know the trap works time to set it up again.

Y/n: Hold on a minute.

Lucy: What is it?

Y/n:......I got to the village first and then Natsu and Gray came here second.

Happy: Yeah so?

Y/n: The thing is.....those three wizards Lyon send out was the first before us so.......where are they?

They realised he is right but before they can figure out one of the village people called out.

Male villager: What is that!?

He was pointing at the sky so they all look up and to their shock sees a flying gaint rat as the rat flies over the village with a gaint bucket in hand.

Y/n: This isn't good.

To be continued....................................................

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