S1E13: The cursed island of Galuna (Arc 1)

At the town of Hargeon we see Y/n on the roof looking down as he sees the people of Hargeon walking through. He hasn't spotted Natsu, Happy, Lucy or Gray which he conclude that they must have taken a boat and sail to Hargeon.

He make his way to the docks and once there he ask around a ride to Galuna Island but all refuse since they know about its cursed.

After a while of asking Y/n was running out of options. He turn to the large open ocean, take a deep breath and then begins to run really fast through the water. He run so fast his legs appear every second as he ran through the ocean.

He keeps running and running as hours gone by and soon he spotted the Island up ahead. He keeps running until he step foot onto shore.

He look around for a moment seeing nothing at first but then he spotted what looks like a boat up ahead. He make his way over and once there he sees that the boat has crashed onto shore.

He sees that the boat looks like it crashed here recently so they couldn't have gone far.

Y/n: (thought) This island is unknown and dangerous. I need to be very quiet and carful while I'm here. I can't let anyone or anything find me.

Then he vanished and appear on a tree branch as he leap onto tree to tree as he stick to the darkness. After 4 minutes he soon come across a large log like wall that blocks him from whatever is at the other side.

With this he leaps over and lands onto a roof which he looks over and is surprised to see a village filled with native people of the island. He sees they are living peacefully but he can't lower his guard down.

He scan around the village until he spotted the four of them inside of a hut. We then cut to them setting up sleeping mats since they will be staying in the village.

Natsu: There all done. Now what?

Gray: Guess we'll wait until night and see what happens.

Happy: Yeah but do you think Moka request is a bit crazy?

Lucy: I mean it sounds crazy enough but we can't be sure unless we see it for ourselves.

Gray: Yeah let's just do this quickly before they'll sent in Erza to get us. She'll be mad.

Happy: (scared) Don't remind me! I can't think the punishments she will do to us.

Natsu: (smirk) Relax it will be fine Erza will not know.

Y/n: No but the rest might know. In fact they probably already know.

Natsu: Maybe but I'm sure I'll talk to gramps, it's gonna be alright.

Lucy, Happy ans Gray agree while Natsu smiled. Seconds gone by and then.

Natsu, Happy, Gray and Lucy: Wait? (Finally noticed Y/n) Y/N?! WHERE DID YOU COME FROM?!

Y/n: I ran here.

Gray: (shocked) You ran through the ocean?!

Y/n: Indeed.

Lucy: Wait! I know you want to sent us back but hear us out! This island isn't right.

Y/n: Okay then, tell me.

They sat down and they begin to explain to him what has been going on and what is happening to the people who lived on the island. By the time they were done the sun was about to set and Y/n reply after they were done.

Y/n: So this moon causes people living on this island to be turn into monsters. So the moon is a curse rather than the island.

Gray: Yeah and Moka wants us to destroy it.

Happy: It sounds impossible.

Y/n: Indeed it is. But perhaps there is another reason why they are turned into monsters. Did they say anything about a temple on this island?

Natsu: Yeah but that temple has been abandon for years.

Y/n: And no one hasn't bothered to check it?

Gray: Nope.

Y/n: Then perhaps someone else on this island is causing this nightmare. I was sent here to bring you four back to the guild but I can't just abandon these people who have suffered this cause. (Sigh) Okay I will help but after this we'll go straight back to the guild, is that clear?

Lucy: Yeah.

Gray: Understood.

Happy: Aye.

Natsu: (smile) I knew you'll want to help us man.

Y/n smiles a bit and by the time night came they suddenly hear screams coming from outside so they look out of the window and they see the area glows red and the citizens of the village who were once humans slowly turn into monsters.

They run out and sees it happening. Once it stopped Y/n make his way over to one and check his body.

Y/n: This is real for sure.

???: You must destroy the moon! It is the only way to save us.

Then the village chief came over while Y/n walks over and tells him.

Y/n: Chief I believe this curse isn't cost by the moon but rather something else.

Moka: Huh? What sort you mean stranger?!

Y/n: If you point us to the right direction to this temple then we might find out the real cost of this curse.

Moka: Very well but I want the moon destroyed.

Y/n: You have our world we will not rest until the curse is lifted.

Happy: Really? I want to take a cat nap.

Natsu: Come on Happy, we have a job to do!

Happy: Aye.

(Sometime later)

We see them walking through the forest as they head to the temple. While walking Lucy came up to him and ask him.

Lucy: So what makes you think a temple has something to do with the curse?

Y/n: Not the temple itself but rather someone else. If there is someone on the island they could have made a temple as their base or find something isn't like a relic.

Lucy: Let's hope so.

Y/n: So how did Natsu drag you into doing this job?

Lucy: Oh.....I came with him....willing?

Y/n: Why?

Lucy: Well once a job is completed I'll get a Celestial key and some jewls to pay off my rent but the Celestial key is really great to have.

Y/n: Huh any idea what kind of Celestial key is?

Lucy: Nope but can't wait to....Oh right, i shouldn't have done this since its against guild rules, sorry.

Y/n: (smile) It's alright. Besides I bet they'll just punish you lightly since your new to the guild.

Lucy: You think so?

Y/n: (smile) Yeah I'm sure.

Lucy smiles and find it comfortable being with Y/n which made her heart skip a beat. Soon they arrive at the temple and they walked in to see written on the walls.

Natsu: Man this temple hasn't been use for years.

Happy: Yeah.

Gray: So what are we looking for?

Y/n: Anything that is out of place.

Natsu: Dude I think everything is out of place.

Natsu takes a step ans suddenly the floor beneath them collapses and they all fell. Happy catches Natsu while Y/n catches Lucy by his arms and land on his feet.

Gray use his ice magic to make a slide so he lands safely while Happy slow Natsu's fall with his wings and once close to the ground he sets him down.

Lucy blushes having Y/n hold her by the arms as he then set her down and then ask her.

Y/n: You alright?

Lucy: (blush) Yeah I'm good. Thanks.

Gray: Now where are we?

Y/n: Must be deeper to the temple.

Then he noticed something glowing through the cracks so he make his way over. He squeeze his body through until he made it to the other side.

He is stunned seeing it and soon Natsu, Happy, Lucy and Gray get to him and they are shocked to see what Y/n is seeing.

In front of them was a gaint ice and inside looked like a demon trapped inside.

Lucy: (shocked) What is that thing?

Happy: (scared) Can this be the cost of the curse?

Y/n: Perhaps. Whatever this demon is, it seesm to be trapped in ice for years.

Gray: (shocked) That's Deliora.

They all turn to Gray who is even more shocked then the rest as he stare at it.

Y/n: You know this demon Gray?

Gray: Yeah. This....this was the creature that my master trapped.

Lucy: Your master?

Gray: Her name is Ur. It is a long story but she use a spell known as Ice Shell to trapped Deliora inside. The ice itself isn't normal ice. There is nothing to melt it, not even breaking it.

Happy: So there is no way to break it.

Natsu: Seems so.

Gray: But why is it here?

Y/n: Or who brought it?

Suddenly there was a shake and suddenly a large magic circle appear above the iced Deliora and then shoots down a beam that slowly melts the ice. This shocked Gray as Y/n figure out.

Y/n: I see. They must be using the moon to try and melt the ice to free Deliora? The spell must have cost a side effect that turns those who live on the island into monsters.

Natsu: If that's true then why freeing Deliora?

Happy: Could have they worshipped Deliora as like a god?

Gray: (angry) Don't be stupid! Why would anyone worship this monster!?

Happy: I'm sorry.

Y/n: Gray calm yourself, Happy might be right. Monsters like Deliora may be seen as gods to those who witness its power. It wouldn't be surprised there is a cult worshipping Deliora.

Lucy: If that's true then where are they?

Y/n: (points up the ceiling) They must be on top of the temple performing the spell. If we follow the magic circle, we may find them.

Natsu: (smirk) Then let's go! I'm all fired up!

Natsu runs off follow by Happy and Lucy. Y/n turns to Gray who stare at the frozen Deliora as he place his hand onto his shoulder.

Y/n: Let's go.

Gray:.......Yeah.....let's go.

The two catches up with Natsu, Lucy and Happy as they make their way to the top of the temple and confront whoever is trying to free Deliora and costing the islands curse.

To be continued...........................................................

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