Prologue: A warrior from the sky
After three years of blood and battles in the Clone wars, the war has finally ended but not only that but the rise or the empire. The Republic has now transformed into the empire and spread fear and terror to the galaxy in hopes war will never enraptured ever again. It has been five years since the empire became the most powerful military force ever and we see the planet called Nal Huttq within the Hutt space and at the surface we see a small town and within this town we see a guild filled with many bounty hunters and mercenaries ad they talk to each other while drinking as they cheered.
On the booth we see one mandalorian sitting down and waiting for someone because this person called him to tell him something that can make his life even better and get him lost of credits. This mandalorian's name is Y/n L/n and he take on many jobs for different clients across the galaxy but he was nobody to anyone around him. The bar tender slide over a drink to him which he catch it just as a person enter the bar and look around and soon see him.
He walks over to him and sat down next to him while he order a bar tender a drink as well which he node as Y/n take a drink while the mysterious person introduced himself.
Ben: (smile) Glad to finally meet you. The names Ben, I used to work for the Imperial archaeologists group until me and my colleague found something that the emperor wanted and....I may fear this might doom the whole galaxy.
Y/n: So your betraying the empire? You know the empire will mark you as a traitor and try to kill you and me.
Ben: Yeah but listen. We believe there is a ancient weapon that is capable to destroy everything and if the emperor has it, who knows what he will do.
Y/n: So why hiring me?
Ben: Because I've read through your files and I see you have some incredible luck when it comes to situations in jobs. Especially when you escape from you sla-
Y/n: Don't said that....please.
Ben:....Oh um right sorry. But still, you also have incredible skills so I needed you to get this weapon before anyone else dose.
Y/n: How much will you pay me?
Ben: A lot of credits just please, don't let the empire get it first.
Y/n finish his drink and set his cup down while grabbing his mandolin helmet that was beside him the whole time and puts it on and turn to Ben.
Y/n: You got yourself a deal.
Ben: (smile) Thank you, your making things right for the galaxy.
Y/n: Whatever. Best you get out of here before any Imperial spies might see you here with me.
Ben: Good idea. Good luck bounty hunter.
Y/n just nodes and make his way out of the bar and the dose Ben as the try split off as Y/n walk through town and arruve to his ship and gets on.
He enter the cockpit and once he sat down he turns on the engines and gets the shuttle up into the air and then leave Nal Hutta. Once at space Ben sent him the coordinates within his computer so he set the coordinations to his shuttle and jumps to Hyper space. He jumped into Hyper space and soon after he exit out of Hyper space and fly towards a unknown planet and enter the planets atmosphere.
The surface was filled with nothing trees after trees below him but still need to complete this job so he land his ship somewhere and once landed he exit out of his ship and look around. Everything was quiet with some wildlife sounds around him but still he make his walk through the forest.
He was on guard in case of dangerous wildlife might attack him out of nowhere as he have his hand on his holster ready to pull out his blaster if he gets attacked. He must admit this planet seems to be peaceful to him and wonder why this planet is unknown to the galaxy but then again it is a large galaxy so there must be some planets that are uncovered yet.
After a while of walking he sees something in the distance and soon break out from the bushes and see what looked like a very old Jedi temple that has vines and other plants around the stones walls like nature is taking over.
Y/n: (thought) Looks like the empire hasn't arrived here yet.
He walk up the steps of the temple as he look left and right to see status of jedi around him as he climb up the steps until he made it to the top. Once at the top he was made by a large stone door with a old jedi logo at the middle of the door that dated back to the Old Republic years. Y/n looks around to anything to open but sees the only way to open it is by using the force.
Y/n: Great. Well guess I need to find another way to get in.
He looked around until he finds a hole that might fit for him to squeeze through so he use his jetpack to fly over and get through the hole without any problems. He land inside a dark circular room which he cannot see so he turn on us flashlight and shine around. Then he shine on something that suddenly glow which nearly blind him. The light died down and he shut off his flash light and sees what looks like a light saber but nothing he never seen before.
It was made out of crystal rather then pure engery as he walk over to the saber and look at the saber while he looked around for anyone here and turn by the saber. He reach out his hand and grab the saber and looks at it and thinks this saber is interesting as he swing it around thinking this looks cool and wonder why this crystal saber a powerful weapon.
Before he could turn any father the entrance blows open and dust fills the air as Y/n step back as Stormtroopers enter the temple and aimed their blasters at Y/n as they enter.
Stormtrooper Commander: Don't move!
Y/n doesn't move while the Stormtrooper Commander sees he has the saber and demands him to drop it. All Stormtroopers have their blasters aimed at him while Y/n looks at the saber and slide it into his back and said.
Y/n: Sorry but ain't gonna give it to bucket heads like you lot.
Stormtrooper Commander: I said drop it! Now!
Y/n: Sorry but finders....keepers.
Stormtrooper Commander: Open fire!
The Stormtrooper open fire at him but their bolts doesn't phase him as his Beskar armor protected him from the blast whike he pulls pit his blaster pistol and takes out a few Stormtroopers. They fell to the ground so Y/n active his jetpack and fly out while Stormtroopers and scout troopers see him getting away so jet Stormtroopers fly after him and open fire at him.
He dodges the bolts before he return gire and take down two jet Stormtroopers while another pulls out a rocket launcher and fires at him. Y/n flies down to dodge the rocket while he turn back and fire several mini rockets at the jet Stormtroopers which hit them and they go down while he flies towards his shuttle and enter inside his shuttle.
Once inside he starts up his engines and gets it into the air. Once that he make his leave from the planet as he gose up high in the air and thinking he have gotten away when suddenly green bolts rain down from the sky as he dodges the green bolts with one of them landing a hit at his shuttle and smoke appears from the shuttle.
Y/n: Crap! How the hell did they arrive here so soon?!
He break out if the cloads and sees a star destroyer hovering over the planet as Y/n turn shis shuttle to a different direction while the star destroyer open fires at Y/n's ship.
The star destroyer land some serious damage to his shuttle and the alarms were blurring out from his computer as he try to set a coordinates to get away from the empire.
Y/n: Fuck it. I make a jump to a random location, hopefully the empire will not follow me.
His shuttle gets hit a lot while he grabs holf on the lever qnd with a deep breath he pulls the lever forward and make a jump to Hyper space. The star destroyers cannons stop as we cut to the bridge were we see the imperial Commander Lennox seeing his escape while an imperial officer walks up to him.
Imperial officer: Sir we lost him. He made a random jump and we have no idea where he want.
Lennox: (anger) Blast it. We cannot allow this bounty hunter have the Kyber Saber. The Emperor will have it.
Imperial officer: We will do our best sir. We will place down bounty for anyone who will find a Mandalorian with a Kyber Saber.
Lennox: Good.
Imperial officer: Should I inform the Emperor about thsi news?
Lennox:.......No. We will track down this bounty hunter no matter the cost.
Imperial officer: Yes sir.
He turn to leave while Lennox shake his fist in both anger the fear that he have failed and it's unknown what will the
Emperor will do to him if he ever find out.
At a unknown section of space we see a unknown planet that looked yo be very peaceful with land and ocean within it while we see Y/n's ship exitbout of Hyper space follow by an explosion within the engines as his ship is going down. He try his best to fix the engines but no good so he holf on as his shuttle make it's approach towards the plant.
He can't control his ship any longer as he try to hold on whike the ship burst into flames while down below we see a small town in the middle of the night with torches around as we see the people wearing very old clothing while we see a young boy playing with his friend when his friend look up so he turn to look up. Soon every village look up as they see a large fireball crash landing near their village and soon it made a rough crash onto the ground.
The some of male villagers grab armed weapons like staffs of pitch forks as they head over to check up out. Soon they arrive to the crash and see a large ship that looked ti be very damaged as they question what this could be.
Then a hatch above the ship opens and Y/n step out from the ship and he looked injured. He cough while he gets out and looks up to see people as he was breathing heavily while he took off his helmet and they were surprised to see a human under the helmet before he falls unconscious due to the injuries he got from the crash and the village people decided to take him to get him healed.
(Next day)
It was a morning time as we see Y/n without his armor laying in bed with some bandages around him when he slowly wake up and sat up. He looks around and see he was in what looks like a very old village when a doctor came into his room and see him awake.
Ian: Ah I see your awake that's good to see. My name is Doctor Ian and I need to see if your feeling alright.
He gose over to check his injuries while Y/n calms down a bit but still ask.
Y/n: Where the hell I'm I?
Ian: Your in Stone Hill village. You've made acrqsh landing on that thing you were on.
Y/n: You mean a ship?
Ian: A ship? Hm, I've seen ships float over water but not ships that can fly.
Y/n: Whatever I need to get off this planet, what ever this is.
Ian: This is Earthland. This is the planets name, tell me do you have magic?
Y/n: No and I don't even know what you ment by that?
Ian: You see, this planet have some people with magic that can do other stuff such as breathing out fire, freezing people and so much more.
Y/n: So like the force?
Ian: I....I don't know what you ment by the force but I don't think so. Well anyways I seems like you didn't break anything, that armor fo yours must have protected you when you crash.
Y/n: That's good. Thanks doc.
Ian: (smile) It's no problem. Just glad you are safe and-
There were screams coming outside so Y/n peak over the window and see people running away while a large group of people wearing purple or dark cloaks appear and blast dark magic around the place which Ian sigh as he tells Y/n.
Ian: Those are the Ramapger guild, they terrorist this village and kidnapped the children to turn them into slaves. It's maybe best you stay away from them as best you can.
When Y/n heard the word "Children were turned into slaves" he gets flashbacks of his parents deaths and him working with the mines with B1 Battle droids around him whike being tortured by them. He slowly makes a fist while the rampager guild gather as much children they can find and load them all into the carts as their guild leader named Lorenzo smirks as the children cry while being dragged inside.
Then he spotted a father protecting his son so he gire a dark blast to knock the father back while he leaps down and walk towards him. His son was crying while he and his father look up at Lorenzo.
Father: (anger) Your gonna regret this! Someday you will pay!
Lorenzo: (smirk) Well I'm not scared. The magic council ain't gonna come and stop us all since this village is not within the magic councils maps! We can do what ever we want now, especially taking your son away!
He grabs his son and drag him away whike his father try to rescue his son but gets beaten up by two dark wizards as the son cries while Lorenzo smirks when suddenly blaster bolts hit the two dark wizards which stop everyone as they turn to see Y/n within his full mandolin Beskar armor as he turn to Lorenzo and tell him.
Y/n: Let the boy go.
Lorenzo: (smirk) And who are you suppose to be? This villages knight?
Y/n: I'm a mandalorian. I'm a warrior.
Lorenzo: (smirk) Is that so. I can already tell your not a magic user so want to do this the easy way....or the hard and brutel way?
Y/n: I can take the second option.
Lorenzo: (smirk) You have some balls. Don't you realise I have 100 members while your alone.
Y/n: Don't care how many your clan members have. I can take you all on.
There was silence from Lorenzo and his guild members and then they burst out laughing thinking he just be joking but Y/n was not as Lorenzo snap his finger while he said.
Lorenzo: Kill this fool and let's get out of here.
Five dark wizards charge at him with weapons in hand and thinking this will be easy but quickly active his jetpack to dodge their strikes and he lands behind them and blast all five of them with his blaster pistol.
Lorenzo turn back in shock and more Dark wizard members go after him which he dodges their attacks while he blast them with his blaster while he walks towards them taking down each member with hid blaster pistol until he throw down five detonators that rolled below them and they blow up as dust blinds them. They look around for him within the dust and one by one Y/n stab them all with his Beskar spear before he stab another right through the stomach once the smoke clears up. Lorenzo and his members were shocked by this and all together his guild members fire dark magic at him and there was a lot of explosions and they stop. They walk towards where Y/n was at and see that he might be dead.
Dark wizard member: Hey it looks like we killed him.
Then a jetpack sound is heard behind him as he turn around to see him staring back at him. He then slap his staff away before he quickly fire at the dark wizard with his blaster pistol and then takes out a few around him while more charges towards him so Y/n continues ti fire his blaster pistol while smacking them with his pistol when they get too close to him.
Lorenzo: (thought) Who the hell is this guy?! How can he manage to stand against my guild even though he doesn't have any magic. Damn, I can't allow our guild to be beaten by this none magic user!
Y/n swap his blaster pistol to his blaster rifle and fire a few bolts at a few members while he smack them with the butt of his rifle which one member fell to the ground as Y/n walks over and stomp on his stomach while he looks over and fire a few round of bolts at a few more before he jet jump back when a dark wizard try to stab him but he dodge and land on the ground and gire his jetpack rocket at them and they were sent flying within the explosion.
They fell onto the ground while the villagers were amazed to see one singal none magic user taking out all the dark wizards without no problems what so far while the children watch this in amazement believing him to be a Knight sent down from the sky to save them like in a fairy tale book.
Getting back to the fight Y/n took out his Beskar spear and trips the last dark wizard member to the ground and then stab him right in the chest. Once that he turn over to Lorenzo and stare at him while a still alive dark wizard charge at him but Y/n quickly blast him with his blasted pistol.
Y/n: Your move.
Lorenzo stood there in shock to see one singal warrior took do his whole guild even him not a magic user himself as he grind his teeth in anger and grab a child and pulls out his knife and stick it at the child's neck.
Lorenzo: D-D-Don't you move! You hear me! O-One more step and this kid gets it!
Y/n: You don't want to do that.
Lorenzo: WATCH ME!
There was silence between the two while tears appear from the child's eyes while Y/n ready his blaster pistol while Lorenzo ready his knife, ready to slit his throat but within one second Y/n blast Lorenzo in the head within seconds ad Lorenzo eyes widen as he drops the knife and slowly steps back with a bolt through his head as he stumble back and fell onto the ground while the child was let go and breath a sigh of relief.
Y/n slide his blasted pistol inro his holster while the other children exit out of the carts and rush to their parents and hug them while Y/n see this and just smile a little underneath his helmet.
It was the afternoon as the villagers thanked him so much and they will never forget his heroic thing and hand him as much money they have which he accepted and leave the village. He make his way on top of a hill and see the sunset in the distance as he pulls out the saber and looks at the saber and know that he must keep it safe so he wrap it with brown cloth and once that slide it behind his back and looks at the distance.
If he can't leave this planet so guess this means he must get to use to this planet living here here he make his journey, he doesn't know where but he will find something on the way and maybe join a guild that the villagers told him about as he make his journey to this unknown planet while the village people told passing by people about him and soon this rumour spread around especially many guilds with one of them called..........Fairy Tail.
To be continued.........................
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