Chapter 9: The extreme dangerous job
It was anther day at Magnolia as at Fairy Tail we see Natsu, Erza and Y/n return back from the guild after what has happened at court in front of the magic council as we see Natsu cheering and running around, being glad to be free while we see Lucy, Gray, Y/n, Elfman and Happy as they sat around a table as Lucy sighs in relief.
Lucy: I can't believe all that was just for show.
Gray: So the magic council was only using Erza to make as a example to the other guilds?
Elfman: Then why did they arrested you?
Y/n: Probably because of the rumours and the weapons I have. Luckily I got them back before I burst into the room and take them.
Gray: Good thing they give your weapons back.
Y/n: Yeah. Still why are these guys even on the council if all they do is using guild members that were trying to help to make as a example to the other guilds? It just ain't right.
Elfman: I know but it's best to not talk bad about the magic council. I'm maybe manly but those guys on the council will get us in deep trouble.
Y/n: Still leader like them should focus more about the people they are suppose to protect then showing off how mighty and powerful they are and snow some respect.
He squeeze his cup a bit which the four sees he is mad and they don't blame him. Then Natsu runs by them so Elfman calls out to him.
Elfman: Hey Natsu are you not gonna finish the match with you and Erza?
Lucy: Oh no.
Natsu: (smile) Oh yeah! Say Erza let's finish this fight right now!
Erza is seen sitting on a table eating her cake as she tells Natsu.
Erza: I'm not in a mood to continue our fight.
Natsu: (smirk) I won't take no for a answer! Let's fight!
Natsu charge at Erza which she sighs, stood up and punches Natsu in the stomach very hard. He then fell onto the ground unconscious while the rest were shocked except for Y/n who just smirked while he thinks to himself.
Y/n: (thought) That's for putting us in jail because of your reckless.
Happy: (smile) And he's out!
The other guild members laugh while we see Makarov and Mirajane as Mirajane giggles when she noticed Makarov not saying anything and look to be tired.
Mirajane: Is there something wrong master?
Makarov: I'm alright, just a bit sleepy.
Then Makarov sense something coming towards the guild and he said.
Makarov: He's coming.
Mirajane suddenly feels tired and then Y/n heard a thud and turn to see Mirajane laying on the floor as he quickly stood up.
Y/n: Mirajane!? What happened to h-
Suddenly he felt tired as he stumble as he grab the table while he can't seem to stay awake and looks around to see the other guilds fallen asleep as well as Y/n struggled to stay awake as his vision was blurry but he can't fall asleep.
Y/n: (thought) The hell is going on here?! Are we under attack or-
Then he heard footsteps as he slowly looks over to see a man wearing all cloak with his face being cover by cloth as he walk pass Y/n as he slowly turns to see him walking towards Makarov but turns and head to the job request board and pick out a job and then walk up to Makarov.
???: I'll be leaving.
Makarov: Release your sleeping spell before you go.
He nodes but then the two heard something and the cloak figure turn to see Y/n barely standing while aiming his blaster rifle at him as he slowly ask him.
Y/n: Wh-Who are you?
Makarov: It's okay Y/n. He's apart of our guild.
Y/n: Wh-What?
Then the cloak figure walks up to Y/n as he steps back while he aim his blaster at him as the cloak figure looks to be amazed that he is stay awake, even witgout magic he is still awake. Y/n can't hold his blaster rifle any longer and drops it to the ground and fell on both knees as the person sees this and make his leave.
Once he disappeared outside everyone started to wake up apart of Natsu as Y/n finally feels alright and quickly stood up and turn to see him gone. He stood there for a bit as Alzack and Bisca said.
Alzack: Damn was that mystogan?
Bisca: I think he was here. That dude really needs to stop putting us to sleep when he comes here.
Y/n: Mystogan?
Gray: Yeah that was Mystogan. He never like anyone to see his face so he cast a sleeping spell when ever he comes here.
Lucy: That's creepy.
Y/n: So the person I saw walk in here while everyone was asleep was Mystogan?
Gray: (surprised) Wait you saw him?!
Y/n: I struggled to stay awake and disbite the blurry vision I can still see him enter the guild and then walk out.
Elfman: (surprised) Wow that is soo manly!
Gray: You must be one tough guy to fall asleep. The only person who can stay awake is Makarov.
???: He's not the only one who sees Mystogan.
They all look up to see a spike blond haired guy resting on thw wooden railings on the second floor.
Jet: (surprised) Laxus?
Macao: Never know he was here.
Gray: And here's another unsuspected guest.
Lacus: (smirk) Mystogan is just shy about his face. You should all respect his decision.
Then Natsu woke up when he heard Laxus as he stood up and called out to Laxus.
Natsu: (smirk) Alright Laxus let's fight right now!
Gray: Didn't get beaten by Erza isn't enough for you?
Laxus: (smirk) Oh come on if you can't beat the red haired chick then what makes you thinm you can beat me?
Erza: (anger) What are you trying to say!?
Gray: (scared) Calm down Erza.
Laxus: (smirk) I'm saying this guild is weak and pathetic. No one is strong as I am.
Natsu: (anger) How about you come down here and proof it!
Laxus: (smirk) You come to me.
Natsu: (anger) With Pleasure!
Natsu rushes over and leaps over the counter as he was about to take the first step when Makarov grows his hand and crush Natsu onto the ground, stopping him before he gose up the stairs as he tells Natsu.
Makarov: Your not allowed on the second floor Natsu. At least not yet.
Laxus: (smirk) I think you made him mad grumps.
Natsu: (anger) SHUT UP!
Makarov: That's enough Laxus!
Laxus: (smirk) Like I said this guild is filled with weak wizards. You wanna know who's the strongest around here, your looking at him!
The other guild members just look at Laxus when there was a chuckle and turn to see Y/n lend out a chuckle and then he said with a smirk.
Y/n: (smirk) adorable. How adorable indeed.
Laxus: What are you on about?
Y/n: (smirk) You try to say your the strongest guild member around? Please, I've seen Erza fought off many dark wizards with no problem, use all her magic to get to a town and fought disbite her running low on magic and Mystogan just walk here, put everyone a sleep while I struggled to stay awake while Mystogan walk out like a badass. And here you are, saying that your the strongest guild ever and yet I've never see you fight or even show how strong you are. I gonna say....its cute to think your the strongest guild member disbite not showing us how strong you maybe are.
All jaws in the room were dropped by everyone while Natsu laughs while Laxus grind his teeth in anger as he glare at Y/n while Y/n grab his helmet and before he puts it on he tells Laxus.
Y/n: (smirk) You can fight me if you wish Laxus but don't go easy on me.
He then puts on his helmet and looks up at Laxus and continues by saying.
Y/n: Because I won't do the same to you if we do battle.
He then turn and walk out of the guild while everyone was just shocked by this while Laxus just turn and walk off.
We see a bar within Magnolia as we see Y/n ans Cana sat on the booth together as the bar tender alide in two glasses of beer for the two as Cana take one and have a drink.
Cana: (sigh) Now that hits the stuff.
Y/n: You really don't need to invite me here Cana.
Cana: (smirk) Oh please I told you I'll take you to this bar did I? Still i can't stop thinking about what you said to Laxus, you must have guts to tell Laxus that and I like guys who isn't afraid of anything.
Y/n: Please if seen many tough guys before and they are easy to take down.
Cana: (smirk) I like to see that in the future.
Y/n: Say Cana how come we're not allow on the second floor?
Cana: Well the second floor is of S-Class wizards. The jobs we have on the first floor is like for guild members like us but S-Class one's are not only dangerous but the rewards are crazy. These jobs will take months or maybe years to complete and only S-Class wizards like Erza, Laxus and Mystogan can take on.
Y/n: I see.
He takes a drink of his beer while Cana also tells Y/n.
Cana: (smile) You know Mira was once a S-Class wizard many years back?
Y/n: Really? What happened that cost her to work as a waiter and bar tender?
Cana: Oh....Well let's just say something happen on one job.
Y/n: I see.
Cana: (smirk) But anyways i wanna know, are you singal?
Y/n: Been singal throughout my life. Never have someone with me throughout my life including my bounty hunting jobs.
Cana: (smirk) Must be sad to be all alone. Still what type of girl would you like to have? Maybe someone sexxy and hot, maybe a girl that dose anything for her handsome boy.
She gets close, close enough that her breast were at his arm which made him blush which Cana lend out a giggle and then touch his nose with her finger as she lend back and said.
Cana: (smirk) Still I don't mind what girl you like, because at the end of day you will have one girl that falls for you....or maybe more.
Y/n blushes even more which he stood up and tells Cana.
Y/n: (blush) I-I best be leaving. See you tomorrow Cana.
Cana: (smirk) See you tomorrow my handsome man.
She wink at him which made him blush even more as he make his leave as Cana stay at the bar and have a drink while Y/n make his way back to Lucy's home and get some sleep and hopefully tomorrow will be a normal day.
(Next day)
Y/n enter the guild while he wonder how Lucy isn't home. At first she thought she is staying with Levy since the two are best friends but when he enter the guild he sees everyone making a lot of noise and saying something as he walk over to Levy, Jet and Droy and ask the three.
Y/n: The hell is going on? It looks like everyone is here panicking about something.
Droy: Yeah because someone stolen one of the S-Class job request!
Y/n: (shocked) What?! When!?
Jet: Just this morning. Mira was just heading up stairs when she found that one of the jobs was stolen.
Y/n: Any idea who took it?
Makarov: Natsu, Lucy and Happt stolen it.
Y/n: (shocked) What?!
Mirajane: It's true. Laxus said he saw Happy sneaking by him and took one of the jobs from the board.
Y/n: (shocked) And he just did nothing!? Where is that stupid idiot at!
Levy: He's away to do his own thing before you came in.
Y/n: Damn that fucking idiot. Which job did they took?
Mirajane: A cursed island named Galuna Island.
Y/n: Then that's where I go.
Makarov: Gray is on his way to bring Natsu, Lucy and Happy back.
Y/n: Either he is or joining them just so he can be stronger then Natsu. Either way I'm going to get them back.
Makarov: Your still new here and I will not allow you to go.
Y/n: I'm a Mandalorian sir. I've been through dangerous situations and I've come out of those situations alive. I'll be fine.
He then make his way out of the guild while Makarov can't stop him but hopes that he will bring them all back before it is too late.
Y/n arrived to Hargeon where he can get a boat and set sail to Galuna Island as he walk into town and a lot of people look at him as he walk through town. He doesn't have time for this and make his way to the docks and ask many fisher man or anyone who had a boat to get to the island. All refuse to since they have already known about the island and doesn't want to go there.
After a while he fund it frustrating that no one cannot take him to Galuna Island when suddenly while he was walking by one man on the boat, he looks up at him and he looked surprised and called out to him.
???: Hey you there!
Y/n stop and turn to the man as the man on the boat ask him.
???: Your new around here? What brings you here?
Y/n: I need to head to Galuna Island. There is four guild members I need to find and bring them back.
???: I see.....get in.
Y/n: (surprised) What? Really?
???: (smile) Of course. I can take you there, hurry.
Y/n was glad as he climb on and once that they set sail to Galuna Island. It was a long trip to get there so to pass the time Y/n ask the man.
Y/n: What's your name?
Bobo: The names Bobo, your name?
Y/n: Y/n. Thanks for the ride.
Bobo: No problem. They be glad to see you once your on that island.
Y/n: Yeah and I really gonna punch Natsu and Happy for bringing Lucy into they mess.
Bobo: (smirk) Well hope those two have time to prey once you found them.
He lend out a chuckle while Y/n just say nothing and look out from the ocean. Soon they see the island up ahead and it looks to be a peaceful island but Y/n needs to stay focused but before they can reach the island they heard something behind and they turn to see something flying in the distances, heading towards them.
Y/n: Damn it. Why now.
Suddenly green bolts fire at the two as the bolts hit the water around them, creating a splash as water hist them while a tie fighter flies over them and turns around for another strike attack.
Y/n: Looks like this my stop. Thanks Bobo.
Bobo: (smirk) No problem. Take care Y/n.
Y/n nodes ans actived his jetpack and flies towards the island while the tie fihter was now behind him as we cut to the cockpit to see Apollyon as he lock on to him and fire at him.
Y/n dodges the incoming shots as the two fly over the island while Apollyon continues to fire at him until Y/n has a risky idea. He turns around and flies towards the tie fighter and he manged to grab the tie fighter while Apollyon struggled to get him off while Y/n gets onto one of the wings and fires his blaster pistol at until it blows up.
The wings came off as the tie fighter gose down while Apollyon try to gain control over it but he can't as Y/n leaps out as the tie fighter crashes at the village as it slide across and then slammed onto a wall of the village.
Apollyon forced pushed the tie fighters doors and along climb out of itas caught while crawl out of it until Y/n land on the ground and walks over and stand over him while he aims his pistol at Apollyon as he look up at him.
Apollyon: (anger) You mandalorian scum.
Y/n just look at him and then stun him as he fells unconscious and once that is done Y/n hears whispers so he turns around to see the village people around Y/n, Apollyon and the crashed tie fighter as they whisper to each other when suddenly Natsu, Gray, Happy and Lucy came out of the crowd.
Lucy: (surprised) Y/n?! What are you doing here?!
Y/n: Here to bring you guys back. Have you all got any idea how dangerous this job is!? And Natsu and Happy, you both are in a lot of trouble once we return back to a-
Suddenly a old man came out of the crowd and look up at Y/n as he walk around him while Y/n is confused and wonder what the hell he is doing. Then he stop right in front of him and his eyes widen in shock.
???: (shocked) It's you! After soo long of begging our saviour has come and free us!
Y/n: Say what now?
The old man turns to the village people as he tells everyone.
???: He has come! The prophecy has come true! The warrior from the skies will free us and bring hope to this island! ALL HAIL THE WARROR OF THE SKY!
Suddenly all the villagers bow down in front of Y/n while Natsu, Gray, Happy and Lucy were confused by this and so dose Y/n who just stood there while many villagers bow down in front of Y/n as their saviour and their only last hope.
To be continued.....................................
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