Chapter 8: The trail

On the planet of Nur we see the Imperial Empire fortress of the Inquisitors. A large fortress that holds many Inquisitor's who were either training by older Inquisitor who were once Jedi after the fall of the Jedi order and the Republic or New Inquisitor that were once found by the empire and been taking by their families to be trained to be Inquisitor's to hunt and kill Jedi that they might encounter.

We cut to inside the Fortress as we see Imperial Stormtroopers patrolling the rooms and halls of the fortress ad well see in training rooms Purge Troopers practicing their fighting style and tyr to be as strong and as fast so they can aid their Inquisitor commanders in battle against any Jedi in life combat.

We then cut to a hallway where we see three Inquisitor's walking through the halls and heading towards a large door in front of them and once they have gotten to the door one Inquisitor press on a button and the door slowly open and we get to see the three Inquisitor's once the doors fully open and all three step into the room.

The three Inquisitor's walk over toward a holotable and once there the Same Inquisitor press some buttons and then the hologram lights up and all three bow down as a hologram of Darth Vader appears over them as he look at the three Inquisitor's and then he spoke.

Darth Vader: (hologram) Report on your progress.

Inquisitor 1: My lord, Inquisitor Apollyon went missing during his mission and our last contact before he disappeared says that he was on a unknown planet at the outer rim. Yet he report that the Kybersaber is on that location.

Darth Vader: (hologram) That is a disappointment. Has his Troopers locate him?

Inquisitor 1: No, my lord. They have been defeated by this mandalorian scum. Unknown death or alive.

Darth Vader: (hologram) Mandalorian? You mean he was not killed by a jedi?

Inquisitor 2: No, my lord. The Emperor wants him to go secretly to bring the Kybersaber from him.

Darth Vader: (hologram) I see. Any information about this unknown planet before Inquisitor Apollyon disappeared?

Inquisitor 3: Yes, lord Vader. He said people have some power that are called "magic" and those who use it are called "Wizard's."

Darth Vader: (hologram) Magic? Do you mean the force?

Inquisitor 3: Unknown my lord, this is our first time we've ever heard about.

Darth Vader: (hologram) What is the planets name?

Inquisitor 1: From tne information that Apollyon cab gather, the planet is called "Earthland", my lord.

Inquisitor 2: Should we go after the mandalorian, my lord?

There was a long silence as Darth Vader thinks about it. He have never heard about Earthland or this Kybersaber but he figures there is a possibility that there is a Jedi or a few on that planet. So he spoke to the three Inquisitor's.

Darth Vader: (hologram) I allow all three of you to go to this "Earthland" and track down this mandalorian and those who are with him. If by any chance a jedi could be on that planet, I want all three to locate both any jedi survivors and the Kybersaber.

Three Inquisitor's: Yes my lord.

Darth Vader: (hologram) And one more thing. Research anything aboit this "magic" and see we can use it to crush any Rebellion who stood against the empire. This magic will be far more useful for the empire.

Three Inquisitor's: Yes my lord.

Darth Vader: (hologram) And Remember, make no mistake, from now on....failure will put consequences.

When the hologram turns off, the three Inquisitor's dismiss, but what they don't know was a small prop droid inside of the vent and spying on them and their conversation. But still the three Inquisitor's exit out of the room to gather their troops and head towards Earthland.


We see Y/n returning back from a job he has completed ad he enter to Magnolia as he walk through the streets while having a bag of reward money on him after he completed the job as he make his way back to the guild while he noticed people looking at him as he glance over to see their eyes looking at him as he lend out a sigh and thinks to himself.

Y/n: (thought) Several days has gone by since I've joined Fairy Tail and it seems these people find me to be a bit scary because of my armor and gear. Well guess they have to get used to it since I might be here for a while.

Soon he made it back to Fairy Tail and immediately noria crowd of guild members cheering while forming a circle as he approach towards the crowd as he try to figure out what's going on until he sees what is going on.

He can see Natsu and Erza in the circle as they stare at each other and Y/n realised they are about to battle each other.

Y/n: (thought) That's right. Natsu challenged Erza for a fight after we helped Erza on taking down the Eisenwald guild. Seems like they are going to start the fight.

Gray: Yo Y/n welcome back.

He turn to see Gray and Lucy as they approach him.

Lucy: (smile) How was your job?

Y/n: Pretty easy. At least I have some money in my pocket at least.

Lucy: (smile) That's good to hear.

Y/n: So guess Natsu and Erza are gonna fight huh?

Gray: (smirk) Yep. I bet Natsu is going to be beaten within seconds. What's your bet on?

Y/n: Well I figure Erza will beat him with no problem. Erza is good in combat while Natsu just punches everything blindly without a plan of attack.

Lucy: Let's just hope they don't trash the whole town.

We then cut to Erza and Natsu as they stare at each other as Erza tells Natsu.

Erza: (smile) It's been a while since we have our battle.

Natsu: (smirk) I was a kid back then but now I'm ready to end this and proof that I'm the strongest.

Erza: (smile) Well then, let's begin.

She then requiped into her flame empress armor and once that the two start to battle everyone cheered ad they watch them fight. Y/n watch this when Cana approaches him and wrap her arms around him and ask him.

Cana: (smirk) Wanna beer?

Y/n: I'm fine, thanks.

Cana: (smirk) Suit yourself. You know, I've seen many guys and none suit my interest....until I met you.

Y/n: What do you mean?

Cana: (giggle) Maybe after this I can invite you to one of my favourite bars to hang out and drink. If you can handle the alcohol hot stuff.

He blushes under his helmet while Lucy who is near him gets a bit jealous to see Cana flirting him. Natsu and Erza continuing their battle as everyone cheered but then a female voice calls out.

???: Stop this battle!

Natsu and Erza stopped and everyone turned to see a female human like frog wearing what looks like uniform as she get into the circle and tells eveyrone.

???: My I have your attention please. I have been sent by the magic council themselves to tell you all this.

Levy: (surprised) The magic council?

Droy: (surprised) What do they want with us?

Lucy: (shocked) I'm I the only one to be surprised that she is a frog!

???: The Magic council have heard about these reports about the attacks about the Clover town and Oshibana Station and sent me to sent two of your members under arrest.

She then look both at Y/n and Erza and tells them.

???: Erza Scalet and you Mandalorian are under arrest.

Everyone was shocked by this but Y/n wasn't scared as he approach her and tell her.

Y/n: And if I refuse to go with you?

???: Then we will take you in by force.

Y/n: Like to see you try.

Y/n grabs his holster when Erza came over and grab Y/n's shoulder and tell him.

Erza: It's best we obey to her. You have no idea what the magic council are.

Y/n: You know we were trying to stop a rogue guild right?

Erza: Yes but trying to do anything will anger them more. Just please, don't do anything that will cause us trouble.

There was silence for a bit and soon Y/n sighs and let's go of his holster and says.

Y/n: Fine. I'll come peaceful.


We see the Natinoal council fiore branch where the trail for Erza and Y/n will take place. We see the two having special magic cuffs on their arms while being taking by guards to the court room. Disbite Y/n not have any magic, he must admit the cuffs are pretty heard to take off. His weapons were also taking away from him as Y/n looks around and ask Erza.

Y/n: So these Magic council, are they might higher then the other guilds?

Erza: Indeed. They monitor other guilds activities and if one of them step out of line, they will punished them for it.

Y/n: So just like Eisenwald.

Erza: That's right.

Y/n: But they do know we're trying to stop them so why the hell are they arresting us?

???: They want to make it example to the other guilds who try to step out fo line.

They stop and see a man with blue hair and with a tattoo like Mark on his right eye as he is seen laying back on a wall as he looks over and stare at them.

Y/n: And you are?

Siegrain: The names Siegrain and you both are here is because of different reasons. The council wants to blame someone to what has happened at Clover Town and in order to do that they place the blame on someone else. Erza is our escape goat.

Y/n just glare at him while he walks up towards him and tells him.

Siegrain: And the other reason is you. A mysterious warrior came from the sky, killed 100 dark wizards and gose on to join Fairy Tail while also having a mysterious crystal like weapon that is powerful then any another blades. They want to know if you are a threat or not. To be honest with you I am interested of you as the only guild member without any magic within you, I must say I am surprised. Still just because your a visitor from another world, that doesn't mean you would suspect any respect towards the council. You'll be wise to not have your words slip for our sakes.

Y/n: I'm not afraid of either them or you.

Siegrain: (smirk) You might not at first but soon you might will.

Then he turns and walks off but not before telling Erza.

Siegrain: It's good to see you Erza. Hope you have a nice day.

Then he left as Erza was silent while Y/n sees she have some connections with him. Still they move on amd they arrive at the court where they look at the magic council sitting across from them and facing them as the room was silent a bit until the first member who is the leader calls out.

First magic council: Erza Scalet, member of Fairy Tail and S-Class Wizard. You are here because reports say they have saw a female wearing armor attacking the Eisenwald guild and these reports match the same to you Erza. If there anything you like to say?

Erza was silent and after a while the Magic council leader turn to Y/n and said.

First magic council: And you. Reports say of a mysterious warrior known only as a mandalorian has killed 100 dark guild disbite no magic within you and shown to aid Erza in combat. Not only that but you have armor and gear that non of us has ever seen. Tell us, where are you from?

Y/n: From a Galaxy far far away.

First Magic council: I see. Well you must understand that we have rules here that you must obey and since now you are a member of Fairy Tail you must comply to these rules or you will be punished.

Y/n: So....trying to stop a rogue guild is a punishment then?

The magic council were shocked by his attitude while Erza look at him in worry but Y/n gose on to say.

Y/n: You do realise we were trying to stop a guilf from killing hundreds or thousands of people and you all dare to blame us disbite the lives we have saved? Do you all have any idea what the Eisenwald's goals were?

Second magic council: They able a ancient flute that once played, it will kill many people who ever listened to the magic.

Y/n: That's right and their goals were?

Third magic council: Their goal is to kill the guilf masters to proof a point to us.

Y/n: That is right. Now just think how thankful you all should have if weren't for us. If we haven't stopped them then many guild masters would have been lost. You all should be thankful but instead decided to pick the blame on us or even Erza for trying to save lives. If anything you should thank her for protecting so many lives.

Erza: (surprised) Y/n.

Y/n: So here is something you all should do, don't pick blames on others who are trying to do what's right and thank them rather then making an example to the others. I don't care if you free us after this court or not, I'm saying is to ACT like a actually council and treat other guilds with respect instead of putting fear into them. Because at the end of day, who knows who long until one day a guilf member or a few will burst into these doors behind us and start to stand up against you.

After he said that the doors behind them burst open as Erza and Y/n turn to see Natsu wearing a junk like armor with fake red hair on his head as he yells out.


Everyone in the room stare at Natsu in silence as Y/n sighs and thinks to himself.

Y/n: (thought) Shit.


We see the trio in the prison for tonight and Natsu was surprised that both Y/n and Erza were not actually arrested but if weren't for Natsu bursting and yell they would just let them go.

Erza was mad at Natsu which scared Natsu while Y/n just sat down and sigh. His armor was taking off so now he is wearing his body suit as he sat down on a wall while he sigh. Time has pass and Natsu was asleep except for Y/n and Erza as Erza sat next to him and turn to him.

Erza: Doing alright?

Y/n: Yeah I'm fine, you?

Erza: Same.

Y/n: Sorry for what happened earlier. It's just those people need to learn not to use their power to do whatever they want.

Erza: (smile) It's fine. It's actually very brave for you to stood up for them. No other wizards has never dared to stood up and told the magic council off. Still I should be the one to apologise about Natsu's actions, he's always reckless and a him or others in trouble.

Y/n: It's fine. Still Natsu gose out of his way just for us. I can't tell he is either brave or a fool.

Erza: (chuckle) I can say both. Besides that's what Nstsu is, caring for those in Fairy Tail.

He looks over to Natsu snoring and then turn back to Erza.

Y/n: Say I was wondering, how did Natsu join Fairy Tail? More importantly how did he got the nickname "Dragonslayer?"

Erza: (smile) You see, when Natsu was a child he was taking care by a dragon names Igneel. Its shocking I know but its true but I don't blame enough for not believe me. But still, he and Igneel get along very well, Natsu sees him as like a father to him and Igneel teach him many dragon slayer magic while Natsu teach him many things as well. They been together for years.

Y/n: I see. What happened to this Igneel?

Erza: Natsu doesn't know. One day he was gone and he never seen him since. He disappeared seven years ago and still is too this day. Natsu was sadden but plans to find him and soon he finds Fairy Tail and soon joins the guild.

Y/n: So he lost someone he cares for but he never gives up on finding him?

Erza: (smile) Indeed. Disbite Igneel gone, Natsu always dose his best to be stronger and never allow to lose anyone else ever again.

Y/n was silent as he turn to look at the floor as he was thinking about something when Erza lend her head at his shoulder which made Y/h turn to her as she lend out a nice and warm smile.

Erza: Your pretty warm without the armor.

Y/n: (blush) Th-Thanks.

Erza smiles more to see him blushing is cute. Soon she too fell asleep as Y/n turn to see her sleep and thinks about what Erza tells him about Natsu's past and how he cares for everyone in Fairy Tail especially Y/n. He lend back against the wall and thinks to himself.

Y/n: (thought) It has been soo long since I have people that carded for me. Just.....soo long since I have.....a family.


In the middle of the night we see the desert as we see the people who were eating by a creature they have made cheering and celebrating as they continue their party while we see some rubble stacked. Then suddenly a hand burst out of the rubble and Apollyon exit out of the rubble and he breaths heavily once he escape out of the rubble and slowly he gets up.

He looks over to see the village and see that night has came as he look around to see Y/n and his friends not here. He was in anger by this so he pulls out a button and pushes it.

Soon lights shine on him as his personal tie fighters arrived and make it's landing near him as he walk towards it once it lands.

He climb inside and once inside he opens his coms but there was nothing. He slammed his fist onto the controls and start to push and switch some buttons and switches as he tells himself.

Apollyon: You might win this battle mandalorian but once I find you I will kill you along with your friends. Once that the Kybersaber will be mine and i will take it to the Emperor. Mark my words Mandalorian, the hunt is only the beginning.

Once that he lifted his tie fighter up in the air once it was on the air he takes off to track down Y/n and his friends and kill them and take the Kybersaber to the Emperor. But little Foss he know.....more Inquisitor's will come to complete the mission that he has failed to do but this time....with a bigger fleet.

To be continued.........................................

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