Chapter 7: Mandalorian vs Sith Inquisitor (Part 2)
The abandoned and empty town starts to shake follow by what sounded like a massive roar as we see Makarov and Erza discover an X that is straight out across town and they were wondering what it could it be when the whole town start to shake and made this massive roar as if it has been awaken.
Natsu: Makarov! Erza!
Then Lucy, Gray, Natsu and Happy race over to them with Happy still have the mushroom on his head as they rush up towards the two. The two face them but then noticed Y/n isn't with them.
Erza: Where's Y/n?
Lucy: I don't know, he wad behind us a second ago but what's going on?
Erza: I don't know.
Rifleman Stormtroopers: Hold it right there!
They turn to see rifle Stormtroopers as they aim thier blasters at them as the rest stood there while Erza ans Makarov were shocked.
Makarov: (shocked) Who or what are they?
Gray: No idea but since Y/n mentioned the empire I guess those guys are these imperial dudes.
Rifleman Stormtrooper: Don't move!
Rifleman Stormtrooper 2: Um sir look!
They turn to see the houses and other building start to shake as if they were dancing which shocks everyone as the Rifleman Stormtroopers were now aiming at the shaking and moving buildings.
Lucy: Okay now I'm freaking out right now!
Happy: (smile) It looks like the houses are having a party!
Lucy: I think your missing the point.
Gray ready his ice magic while he tells Makarov.
Gray: What should do gramps?
Makarov: We need to get to higher ground! There is something i need to see!
Erza: Right! Everyone let's go!
They make a run for it while the Rifleman Stormtroopers were distracted as the buildings start to move and then they stopped. Everything was silent as they look around as one says to the rest.
Rifleman Stormtrooper: What the hell just hap-
Then he screamed when something grab his leg and dragged him away as the rest turned and open gire at a large tentacle that came out of nowhere. Then another came out behind and grab another as half of them turn to open fire but suddenly a crack opens behind them and they all fell in.
Then a large lizard like head came out of it as more tentacles and heads came out of it as it roar and snatches any Rifleman Stormtroopers that is near town as they drag them away and eat them up. The Rifleman Stormtroopers open fire at it but they were taking out by the creatures while we see Natsu and the rest watching this on top of a hill.
Lucy: (shocked) What is that thing?
Makarov: That creature is from a forbidding spell call "Alive." It can turn thier while town into a large trap so the creature can eat who step into its trap. Erza and I discover a large X and its possible the village must have cast this spell but got themselves trapped by the thing.
Lucy: But why would they do that?
Erza: This village is homed to a dark guild.
Natsu: (shocked) What?!
Erza: We'll investigating I've stumble apon some tools hidden within a shed. I've got close to them and they are tools use to practice dark magic.
Makarov: They must have thought a stupid thing but using a forbidding magic but got themselves trapped instead. But! There is one thing we should be grateful for.
Gray: Oh yeah and what would that be?
Makarov: The spell cost most objects into bodies of the most so there is a possibility that most of them must be food.
Lucy: (shocked) Huh?!
Natsu and Gray smirked seeing that they can finally eat some food which Lucy points it out to Gray.
Lucy: That smirk while shirtless is creepy you know.
Gray: Huh?
Then their stomachs growl for some food as Natsu calls out.
Natsu: Alright Happy let's do this!
Happy: Aye sir!
Gray: Yeah let's see that thing could be good.
Erza leaps down from the hill which Lucy is surprised that she too is trying to eat it. Soon Natsu, Happy and Gray leap down as Lucy watch them go while she thinks to herself.
Lucy: (thought) Still I hope Y/n is alright. Where ever is he.
(Epic battle theme start)
We see Y/n crashed through a wall and roll onto the ground but stop himself before he gose off the edge as he slowly gets up gets up and quickly bend down to dodge a incoming light saber flying towards him at the saber gose pass him and returns as Apollyon catches his saber and walks towards him.
Y/n stood up while he ready his Beskar spear as Apollyon is ready to face him when he stopped which Y/n smirks a bit underneath his helmet but he sees his eyes was pass him as he turn around to be face to face with a large creature as the creature roars at both of them and slam its tentacles at them but the two dodge and leap towards the side as Y/n pulls out his blaster pistol and fire several bolts at it.
The creature roars in pain and retreated. Y/n turn back and blocked Apollyon's saber as the two go back of clashing each other as Y/n moves back while Apollyon walks towards him as the two continues to clash their melee weapons at each other. Tentacles shot out next to them as they continue to battle each other. Soon Y/n step back and his right foot nearly gone off the edge as he look down to see a long fall as he turn back and quickly blocks Apollyon's saber strike as the two enter a blade lock.
Apollyon: You do not deserve that Kyber saber! Hand it over!
Y/n: You want it? Then you have to defeat me for it!
He kicked Apollyon back which cost him to stumble back while Y/n use his jetpack to fly to the other side and land at the other side. Apollyon sees this and use the force as he rushes towards the edge and then leaps across and land at the other side as he stood up and says to Y/n.
Apollyon: Your a strong Mandalorian. Usually I would have defeated you within seconds but you've managed to hold your ground. Someone must have taught you well.
Y/n doesn't respond as he ready his Beskar spear while Apollyon lend out a chuckle while he said.
Apollyon: Now this will be interesting. Let our battle be legendary!
He uses force lighting which hits Y/n but thanks to his Beskar armor he doesn't go down or feel the pain. Apollyon noticed this and forced pushed Y/n, sending him flying and slamming him at the wall. He then force dash towards him and read his saber to stab him but Y/n leaps over as his saber stab at the wall as Y/n use his jetpack to leap over him and land behind him. He then rushes towards Apollyon as Apollyon pulls out his saber and the two strike at each other and enter another blade lock.
Soon Apollyon force chocked Y/n as he gasp for her while he was lifted off of the ground as Apollyon ready his saber as he looked at the chocking Y/n while he tells him.
Apollyon: No matter how strong you might be. The dark side will always win. Now time to die.
He rasies his saber back, ready to strike at him and end him when suddenly Natsu came out of nowhere and fire punched Apollyon in the helmet which cost Apollyon to be sent flying and crashes onto a wall while Y/n drops to the ground and gasp for air.
(Epic battle theme ends)
He breaths heavily as Natsu walk up to him and reach out his hand to him. He take his hand and Natsu help him up as Natsu look over and ask.
Natsu: So who was that guy?
Y/n: A sith inquisitor.
Natsu: A what now?
Y/n: I'll explain later but thanks for the help.
Natsu: (smirk) No problem. At least I have time to save you before my lunch is done.
Y/n: What lunch?
Natsu pointed at the creature trapped underneath some rubble ad he walk over and pulls off a skin of it.
Y/n: You've got to be kidding me.
Natsu: You want one?
Y/n: I'll pass.
Natsu: (smile) Guess more for me!
He then take his first bite and then froze there while Y/n sighs and counted down in his head.
Y/n: (thought)
Natsu: GROSS!!!!!!!
He sigh knowing this would happen as he and Natsu return back to the rest and Natsu and Gray were mad at Makarov, thinking it would be food while Lucy and Erza approached Y/n.
Lucy: You okay?
Erza: What happened? You weren't with us when that thing was awaken.
Y/n: I'm okay. Say where's Happy?
Then they spotted Happy on a chair that is moving ad he can't control of it so Y/n quickly pulls out hid blaster pistol and fire a bolt and hit the chair. Happy land on the ground and his mushrooms came off.
Gray: (smile) Hey look, your mushroom came off.
Happy: I don't care about a mushroom! How come any of yous help! I thought we were friends Natsu!
Natsu: We are.
Gray: You were just goofing off.
Happy froze there while Y/n shake his head while they sigh since they are still hungry and they needed some food. Suddenly Y/n looks over and quickly aim his blaster pistol as the rest look at Y/n and turn to see Apollyon with a damaged mask as he stood there and look at them until he spoke.
Apollyon: How interesting. I can tell most of your friends aren't Jedi but something else. This planet.....this planet is different to the rest.
Gray: Who the hell is this guy?
Natsu: Y/n said he is a sith investor or something?
Y/n: He's a sith inquisitor. He and the rest are siths that tracked down Jedi survivors and kill them.
Lucy: (scared) So basically he kills anyone who stand against his way.
Y/n: Yeah. The sick part is they all used to be Jedi until the rise of the empire.
Apollyon: Your smart Mandalorian and I give you that. Yes, I was once a Jedi years back but when the order forced me to do something I refuse to, I cut myself from the light and pledge my legions towards the dark side.
Natsu: (anger) So you betrayed your own family and join the sith?!
Apollyon: Family? You have no idea what the Jedi are haven't you? They are not what you or what Y/n have told you about. They are selfish, cruel and believe anything that shows any emotions can lead those down to the dark side. I have every right to show my emotions but they told me emotions can lead me down to the dark side which I call that bullshit! If we don't show emotions then what makes us different to the sith huh? The galaxy already hated us during the Clone wars and now they are gone because of them! Including.......
He shake his fist as if he remembers something that hurts his heart. But he snap out of it and calls apon the force to pull Happy towards him and grabs him while he actived his saber and puts it at his neck.
Natsu: Happy!
Apollyon: Hand over the Kyber saber Mandalorian. Or else this blue annoying cat will get it.
Happy: Hey I'm not annoying!
Apollyon: What is it going to be? Do you wish to keep the most powerful weapon to yourself and allow this cat to die, or will you sacrifice the ultimate weapon for this cat. It's your choice.
Y/n stood there thinking the options as he pulls out the Kyber saber and looks at it and back to Apollyon and knowing he can't allow anyone to die because of him so he step forward and with a deep sigh he tells Apollyon.
Y/n: won. Here.
Apollyon smirks underneath his helmet thinking he has won. When suddenly there was a massive roar as a tentacle came out of nowhere and nearly slam both Apollyon and Happy but Apollyon move out of the way while he accidentally let go of Happy as he fly towards the rest as they turn to see the creature as it roar and then a large and colourful magic circle appear on the ground which shocked everyone.
Happy: (surprised) Whoa so beautiful!
Lucy: Your missing the point again! What is with you in your head!
Gray: This ain't good.
Y/n: We need do move, no-
Suddenly the edge below them breaks and they all fell into the magic circle as they scream while Apollyon slowly gets up and looked over to see them fall and then enter the magic circle. He walks up to the edge and look around for them but he can't see them. He was angered now the Kyber saber his gone for good so he call all force to retreat and once that he too was about to leave but suddenly he sense something powerful behind him as he turn back to see a massive golden glow as it gets brighter and brighter as Apollyon was shocked by this.
Apollyon: (shocked) What is this?!
Suddenly there was a shock blast that sent Apollyon flying and slammed onto the wall while the golden glow gets bigger and bigger until all we see is just brightness.
We then cut to Magnolia as we see Y/n and the rest return safely and sound as we see Natsu, Happy and Gray eating eveyr food the guild have as they are seen sitting on the table with a mountain of food while the other guild members watch them eat.
Then we cut to Y/n getting his Fairy Tail mark on his left shoulder armor by Mirajane as he look at it while Mirajane smiled and said.
Mirajane: (smile) There. You are now the member of Fairy Tail.
Y/n: Thanks Mirajane.
Mirajane: (smile) No problem.
She make her leave as Y/n sat down and can't stop thinking about what has happened. All he remember he was on the ground and the magic circle was gone and the village people were alive and well and they apologise for using a forbidding magic and they promised to never do it again. But he can't stop thinking about this power he felt that was powerful and what ever it was destroyed the magic circle but still, he looked over to Makarov thinking he might have done it when Erza came up behind him and ask him.
Erza: You okay?
He turn to see her as she sat beside him as he noded to her.
Y/n: I'm fine it's just......when we fell into that magic circle....I can't help but feel Makarov did something because I felt this power that never felt in my life. I mean i though Makarov's magic is he and make himself grow his size?
Erza: Makarov has many magic that you've never seen him do. It's rare to see his other magic in person.
Y/n: Have you?
Erza: Some yes but still Makarov is a powerful but wise man. He'll do what every he can to keep us safe.
Y/n: I see.
Erza smile at him and gose on to tell him.
Erza: (smile) Thank you for helping us Y/n. We wouldn't have succeed if weren't for you.
Y/n: I was just doing my job, that's all.
Erza: (smile) Still you'll fit right in with us even if you have magic or not, your always welcome to be here with us.
Y/n is surprised by her words as he turn to her while she give him a warm smile. Then Natsu and Gray start to fight which Erza walks over to settle this while Y/n watch her when Lucy approaches to him.
Lucy: (smile) Feels great to be apart of Fairy Tail right?
Y/n: Y-Yeah it dose.
Lucy: (smile) Yeah I too liked to join Fairy Tail and my wished came true.
Y/n: Really? How did you join?
Lucy: Well let's just say I was tricked by someone who told me he was apart of the guild but Natsu and Happy came and I was accepted into the guild.
Y/n: Sounds interesting.
Lucy: (smile) But joining Fairy Tail is the best decision I have ever made. Now I'm in a guild that I can call family, disbite them making a lot of noise and always start fights but I love Fairy Tail no matter what.
The world "family" was echoed into his head ad he gets flashes of his home planet and his town he lives in, the friends he play around with until dawn and the parents he truly love as they laugh at the dinner table and smile together like a happy family. Then flashes of explosions, screams and blaster fire ring out in his head follow by marching as he remembered his parents being shot in front of him as they scream while he froze there in place as the droids took him away.
He snap back to reality as he sat there and look over to Lucy and back to everyone else as they laugh while watching Erza breaking Natsu and Gray off from fighting any longer as he sat there in silence and then tells Lucy.
Y/n: Yeah.....I think so as well.
Lucy smiled while foe the first time ever he too cracked a smile as he feel joy being around his new family and I'll do anything in power to not allow to lose anyone from his family just like he lost his family years back. He was filled in determination, soo much so that the Kyber saber on his back start to glow a bit brighter either sensing his determination or.....something else.
To be continued..........................
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