Chapter 5: Lullaby awaken

Night came over Clover Town as we see the Kageyama looking down from the hill and seeing the building where the guild masters are at as he hold out Lullaby from his hand and stare at it while he thinks to himself.

Kageyama: (thought) Finally at long last I'm here. Now all I have to do is to play with this and all of this will be over. At last we will finally succeed.

???: Oh this one is very good.

Kageyama froze to hear a voice from behind and turn to see Makarov looking through the sorcerer magazine as the cover shows girls wearing sexxy outfits as Makarov looks through them.

Makarov: (smirk) Back at my days these girls were pretty sexxy but I guess today they are even more sexxy right now.

He lend out a chuckle while Kageyama sees he hadn't noticed him but then realised something.

Kageyama: (thought) Say he's the guilf masted of Fairy Tail. Why do I always ran into those guys?

Makarov close his magazine and leaps out from the wooden stomp and says to himself.

Makarov: No time to get myself distracted, I need to find Erza and the rest before they cost some trouble.

He turn to leave and then noticed Kageyama as he panic thinking he saw him reading something perverted so he try to explain.

Makarov: (panic) Wait it wasn't what it looks like I swear! I-I was just doing some research that's all I swear!

Kageyama: I don't care what you are doing.

Makarov breath a sigh of relief but then noticed he was injured and tells him.

Makarov: You look injured. You shouldn't have be walking through these woods at night you know.

Kageyama: (smile) Yeah I know but hey would you like to listen to a song. They never allow me to play it in the hospital so I feel very appreciate if you would hear it?

Makarov looks at him and the flute and said.

Makarov: That is some creepy flute there boy.

Kageyama: (smile) Yeah but it has a beautiful tone. Would you like to listen to it?

Makarov: I suppose I can listen for a bit.

Kageyama: (smile) Thank you sir.

He slowly move the flute to his mouth ready to blow the first tone when he stop a bit. He stood there a bit not knowing now if he should do this. Erigor's speech echo out I his head but when he was injured the Natsu and the rest make sure he is still alive.

He stood there thinking while we see Natsu, Lucy, Gray, Erza, Happy and Y/n arrive and they look down from the hill to see Kageyama and Makarov.

Natsu: There he is!

Erza: Master!

Y/n pulls out his sniper blaster and aims down his scope and aimed it at Kageyama's head.

Y/n: Got a clear shot. He's not getting away this time.

He has his finger on the trigger ready to fire when something block through his scope follow by a voice call out.

???: Oh my you must be the legendary mandalorian are you?

He lower his rifle to see Bob in front of him while Lucy, Natsu and Gray gets creep out by him while Y/n asked.

Y/n: Who the hell are you?

Erza: That's masted Bob from Blue Pegasus.

Bob: Erza it's been a while. Look at much you've grown.

Lucy: He's a bit creepy.

Y/n: You need to move otherwise all of you will die.

Y/n move a bit and aim down his rifle at Kageyama when another person block his aim so he lower his blaster to meet another guild master.

Gildmine: (smiek) My that is a fency weapon. Care to tell me about it?

Y/n: Look there is no time for that! Kageyama has a dangerous weapon and if he plays it, all of us are dead!

Goldmine: (smirk) Don't worry about that, Makarov can get out of this situation.

Y/n just breaths a frustrating sigh and aim down his scope at Kageyama while we cut back to Kageyama and Makarov as Makarov is standing there and waiting him to play while Kageyama tells himself.

Kageyama: (thought) I can do this. Just one song and everything will chance for sure.

Y/n slowly move his finger on the trigger and he was about to pull it when Makarov said like he just read Kageyama's mind.

Makarov: Nothing is going to change.

Kageyama was surprised while Y/n let's go of the trigger and lower his blaster rifle as Makarov gose on to say.

Makarov: You cannot change the fact that those who are weak will remain weak, now it maybe be me but I don't think that's a bad thing. I mean us humans are weak by nature. Our security is the reason guilds still exist and why we have friends.

Y/n hears this and gets flashes of him being weak as a child, being forced to work for slavery only to run away like a coward and leave everyone behind to die only for a mandalorian to take him under his wing and train him to be strong, train him to be better.

Makarov: When we're surrounded by allies it's easy to stay positive about the future. Think about it this way, if we are clumsy then we might and bump into things but as long we have faith of the future we can continue marching forward  our inner strengths emerges on it's own. But we have to choose that path and pledged to the fullest.

He then smirked at Kageyama in a friendly way and tells him.

Makarov: (smirk) Don't let that silly flute get in the way.

Kageyama stood there in silence and finally what seems like forever he drop the flute and fell to his knees in front of Makarov.

Kageyama: I.....I surrender.

Y/n was not just surprised how Makarov managed to convinced Kageyama to drop the flute but was surprised on his words. How his words stuck into his head while he looks down a bit while Natsu and the rest race over and we're glad Makarov was safe.

They cheered they managed to stop Kageyama from playing the flute while Y/n finally walks over to them as Makarov turn to see him and the two met their eyes.

Makarov: So your the mandalorian I've heard about.

Y/n: Y-Yes sir.

Makarov: (smile) Well it's good to meet you in person and thank you for keeping my children safe.

Y/ problem.

He was thinking so many thoughts in his head when suddenly he felt something and looks over to see the flute eyes glow.

Y/n: Guys the flute!

He quickly pulled out his blaster pistol and fire several shots at it but the flute was sucked into a dark magic portal while it laughs as the bolts hit the floor.

Y/n: Damn it!

Erza: Where did I go?!

Suddenly a huge dark magic portal appear in the distances and then a large human like creature made out of woods came out of it and land onto the ground. It looked like Lullaby has involved as it lend out a loud roar.

They were all shocked by this while Kageyama was grabbed by Y/n as he demands to know.

Y/n: This was part of your plan is that right!?

Kageyama: (shocked) What no! I never know Lullaby can do that! Erigor has never told us that!

Goldmine: It must be a demon from the book of Zeref.

Y/n: Zeref?

Goldmine: A powerful dark wizard Earthland has ever seen. Legends say he created a book to summon demons and deadly creatures from it to spread chaos to the world.

Y/n turn to Kageyama and drop him to the ground and pulls out his blaster rifle while he tells Erza and the rest.

Y/n: Whatever that thing is we has to destroy it and fast.

Erza: Right. You sure you can handle this?

Y/n: I've dealt with creatures that is big. Taking down a large and involved flute demon will be easy.

Erza: Very well then. Natsu and Gray get everyone to a safe place!

Natsu: Quite barking orders!

Gray: Yeah your not the boss of us!


Gray and Natsu: (scared) A-Aye sir!

Y/n: I'll see you can distract it and keep it away from the rest.

Erza: Okay just be careful.

Y/n node and take off towards the Lullaby and fly around Lullaby while he start firing his blaster rifle at it. Lullaby get shot by Y/n and find it really annoying so it try to swipe him like a wasp but Y/n dodges the incoming swipes and he continues firing his blaster rifle at it.

Lullaby: You have no magic you foolish warrio! What makes you thinm you can beat me!

Y/n: I don't need magic to take you down. No matter how big and tough you are your going down!

He fire his jetpack missile at Lullaby and it exploded at Lullaby's next and then he fly over at her neck and throw three detonator through Lullaby's neck and then fly back as the detonators blow up. This hurts Lullaby turn and fire it's three eyes at Y/n, firing dark magic at him but he immediately dodges it and fire the flames out of his gauntlet at Lullaby.

Lullaby: You are soo annoying! Your just like a bee that you can hit!

Suddenly Lullaby was slashed by Erza who came along with Natsu and Gray as Gray makes a ice cannon and fired it at Lullaby that hit hear. Then Natsu used dragon roar and Lullaby was hit by his flames. Then Y/n lands on top of Lullaby's head as he pulls out his Beskar spear and once he gets near Lullaby's face he stab his Beskar spear at Lullaby top eye that cost it to scream in pain.

Lullaby then grab Y/n and crush him while he lower him to its face as Lullaby stare at him dead with it's twin glower eyes.

Erza: Y/n no!

Natsu: Hopd on there man!

Gray: We got you!

The trio do their best to free Lullaby but Lullaby just blast them with its roar, sending them flying while Y/n is getting crushed as he groan in pain.

Lullaby: Now you will listen as all life in this world will be gone and death will come for them!

Lullaby breaths in while the forest around Lucy and the rest od the guild masters dies as Lullaby was getting ready to sign while Y/n struggles to be free. He got one arm out and then he remembered Makarov's speech early as he turn to see Lucy and the rest and know no matter how weak he might get he will protect those that have been around him ever since he came to this planet.

Flashes of Natsu and many people he met in Fairy Tail appear in his head and how they show kindness towards him and care while he slowly forms a fist and reach into his back and pulls out the kyber saber as it start to glow bright.

Then with one swing he sliced off Lullaby's hand off that made Lullaby to stop and scream in pain as its hand fell to the ground while Y/n land on his feet while his Kyber saber glows bright.

Kageyama: (shocked) Is that crystal sword glowing?!

Happy: (shocked) Yeah and he just chop Lullaby's hand off like it was made out of butter!

Lucy: (shocked) That is one powerful sword!

Goldmine: No kidding. Let's see what it can do.

Bob: So existing.

Y/n looks at the Kyber saber surprised by this but he turn back to Lullaby and swings his Kyber saber and sliced off Lullaby's feet off as Lullaby fell back like a tree and slammed onto the ground.

Lullaby: What?! I don't understand! How is a crystal sword managed to take me down like this!

Y/n jetjumped onto Lullaby's chest as he clear at it as he raised the kaber saber to the air and then said.

Y/n: Sorry but your show is cancelled!

He stabs the Kyber saber at Lullaby's chest as a massive glow appeared out of Lullaby as Lullaby start to scream in pain while everyone cover their eyes to see how bright it was. It felt like morning was up earlier as the people of Cliver open their windows and see the massive glow.

Soon the glow fated away and all what's left was smoke as everyone stood there and wonder they have won. Then they see a figure in the smoke as they see Y/n coming out from the smoke while holding the now flute of Lullaby ad he stop and show the flute to everyone and then breaks it into to and drops the two pieces to the ground.

Y/n: Job done.

Everyone cheered by this as Natsu, Lucy, Happy, Erza and Gray race over to him.

Natsu: (surprised) That was amazing! That crystal sword was soo cool!

Happy: (smile) Aye and very pretty as well!

Gray: (smile) Glad that thing ain't gonna bother anyone else again.

Lucy: (smile) What a relief!

Y/n just node to them while Erza walks up to him and then hugged him which surprised Y/n as Erza hugged him while Lucy gets a bit jealous.

Erza: (smile) You did a brilliant job today. Thank you for coming with us and saving the guild masters.

Y/n: S-Sure thing Erza. No problem.

We see the guild masters seeing this as they were shocked by this.

Goldmine: (smirk) Your guild is strong Makarov. You should be proud of them.

Bob: Not to mention lucky. They've just gotten help with a stronger warrior ever.

Makarov: (smirk) Yep. That's what we are.

Goldmine: And it seems they didn't go overboard for once. Guess this was your lucky day.

Makarov: (sigh of relief) Thank goodness for that.

Natsu and the rest walk over to the guild masters as they cheered with the rest while Y/n stand next to Makarov and look at him and he can't help but just ask.

Y/n: Sir.....when you said about us humans being weak but you never find that bad to Kageyama.....where you also telling me this as well. Somehow you saw me and know I've been through something and that's way you made that speech to Kageyama?

Makarov was silent a bit to Y/n and then tells him.

Makarov: Maybe I have or maybe I haven't. The truth is Y/n not all of us are strong. We may have weakness here and there but as long we have friends along side us then we be stronger. You may once be a solo warrior but you have a dark past that may have mean you weak but we all have terrible or dark past that we may not overcome but when we're with friends, we overcome anything including our deep darkness past and come out strong but not to ourselves but to each other.

He then look at Natsu and the rest cheering together as he gose on to say.

Makarov: That is why I created Fairy Tail to be part of a family and together with friends we can succeed and overcome anything that comes our way.

Y/n: I see....Still Fairy Tail. Why Fairy Tail as your guilds name?

Makarov: Well we may not know if Fairy's have tales or not but that is the reason for us. We wonder for answers but more important adventure with friends and bound with them. True they may fight a lot in time to time but that how we roll. We are a family no matter what we are or do.

Y/n was silent a bit as Makarov walks off while Y/n stood there a bit and then call out to Makarov.

Y/n: Sir!

Makarov turn to him as Y/n bow down to him and then ask him.

Y/n: I.......I-I wish to be apart of your guild. For years I've been alone all my life and I want to be apart of something. Something I can break the chains of my darkness and find a new purpose to fight. I want to join your guild, please.

Makarov stare at him a bit while Y/n thinks he would denied his request but to his surprise he tells him.

Makarov: (smirk) Of course. Yoru welcome to join our guild.

He looks up at Makarov in surprise whioe Makarov gode on yo tell him.

Makarov: (smile) I don't care you have no magic but what I do care is what you fought for. You wish keep others safe even if you don't know them. You may have been through something but your heart of protection of people is not hurt. Your a strong and honorable warrior and I respect that.

This shocked Y/n as Makarov walks off as he slowly gets up and watch Makarov make his leave as he stood there in surprised but glad. He walk over to everybody else and feel something he never felt in a long time and it felt good. He sees everyone smiling and cheering felt good to him as he thinks to himself.

Y/n: (thought) I maybe weak in the past but I can get stronger and be better but this time......I won't do this alone

And so Makarov, Natsu, Erza, Gray, Lucy, Happy and Y/n head off back to Magnolia so they can relax while have Y/n be apart of Fairy Tail. He may have been through many guilds across the galaxy but Fairy his best guild he can ever join.

To be continued...........................

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