Chapter 49: Facing Nirvana itself
The entire camp is moved to a cliff far away from the area where Nirvana is at. Y/n tries to get radio communication to anyone however no one responded. He gets concerned by this then R0-gr enter the tent and ask.
R0-gr: So got anyone?
Y/n: Nothing. Its gone silent.
R0-gr: That isn't good.
Y/n: I'm sure the empire must have jammed our communications.
R0-gr: That or everyone had turned evil and working with the empire. We're doomed.
Y/n: Don't think that R0-gr. I'm sure they are alright, we just need to wait. How is Wendy doing?
R0-gr: She's alright. But I think she is losing confidence of herself.
Y/n: (sigh) Where is she?
R0-gr: With Carla near the edge of the cliff.
Y/n: Right. If anyone gets in contact with us, tell me.
R0-gr: Even though they might be corrupt?
Y/n: Yes.
Then Y/n leaves the tent leaving R0-gr in charge as he sat down and let's out a sigh. It wasn't long for Y/n to find the two at the cliff and he approaches them.
Y/n: You good Wendy?
Wendy: Yeah.
Carla: She just finish telling me on how she know Jellal. Long story short they know each other since they were kids.
Y/n wanted to ask her about Jellal and how but he decided not to and tells Carla.
Y/n: Carla will you give me and Wendy some time alone?
She was about to refuse until Wendy ensures are she'll be fine. Then Carla flies off and Y/n sat next to her as the two stare at the veiw.
Y/n: Wendy.....about earlier.
Wendy: Your mad at me are you?
Y/n: No. I'm not. You haven't done anything wrong.
Wendy: Yes I did. I revive Jellal and thanks to me, Nirvana have been activated. Its my fault.
Y/n: It's the Empire and the Oracion seis that force you to revive Jellal.
Wendy: Because I was weak. I'm not as brave, strong or experience as you or anyone else on the team. I'm pathetic.
Then Y/n took off his helmet ans sat it on the ground next to him.
Y/n: All of us has weakness Wendy. It's not just you. I have weakness but that is okay. I have people like Natsu ans Lucy that help me up whenever I'm down. I know your young Wendy but you must be strong and overcome the weakness you have. You may have doubts about yourself but I know you have determination to help people, help others no matter how tough the missions are.
Wendy: You think I can?
Y/n: Yes. And even if you can't then I will help. I was like you when I was your age. I was weak, scared and never have the courage to do something. I know it's hard but I want you to be strong Wendy and never give up. Think about everyone in our team. They are not giving up cause they will not allow them to use Nirvana to kill incoming lives. You know you won't let that happen.
Wendy says nothing then Y/n gently place his hand onto her shoulder and tells her.
Y/n: Your maybe a kid but you have a heart to help people. I know you'll be brave enough to save lives. Not only I have faith with you, so does everyone else.
Wendy: But....what if I fail?
Y/n: It won't happen. We will win this. Even if that does happen.
He then gets up and then goes on to say.
Y/n: Then we all fail together. No one will not singal you out or blame you for the failure of the mission. But that will not happen. Cause we'll win, together.
He then lend out his hand to Wendy which she takes. Y/n pulls her up and once up Wendy gets a bit better and tells Y/n.
Wendy: (smile) Thanks Y/n.
Y/n: No problem Wendy. What are teams for.
He puts back on his helmet and before they can go back up they suddenly felt a thud. They turn and to their shock sees a walking city with spider like legs as it walk across the forest.
R0-gr and Carla arrive at the edge of the cliff to see it to which R0-gr ask.
R0-gr: What is that?!
Carla: That must be Nirvana. They must have finally fully awaken it.
R0-gr: Then it means we fail.
Y/n: No. There has to be a weakness so we can take it down.
R0-gr: Let me guess we have to go over there and find out?
Y/n: Yes. R0-gr stay at camp and mind the communications.
R0-gr: Well at least I won't be killed.
R0-gr walks away while Y/n turns to Wendy.
Y/n: Ready?
Wendy takes a deep breath then she turn to Y/n and node to him. He nodes back and activated his jetpack and flies off while Carla picks up Wendy and they take off after him and Nirvana.
(Sometime later)
The trip soon catch uo to Nirvana and in the distances they see what looked like a village which Wendynand Carka immediately recognise.
Wendy: (shocked) That's Cait shelter!
Carla: (shocked) Are they going to use our guild as a test fire!?
Y/n: Then we don't have time! We need to get on there and-
Suddenly a blast sent Y/n flying as a few tie fighters Came down and fly by Wendy and Carla which they immediately land onto Nirvana.
We then cut to Y/n spinning out of the control and soon he skidded onto the lake and then crash into Cait Shelter guild grounds.
Y/n was dazzled from the shot but he slowly gets up. He soon stood up straight and looks over to see Tie fighters flying towards him.
He was abiut to pull out his Kyber saber when suddenly they turn away and fly away. Then there was a noise coming from Nirvana and he turn to see Nirvana about to fire.
He then turn back and see all the Cait shelter members gather at the main building with their guild master inside. Even if he gets everyone out, it will be too late.
He thought of a idea that is dangerous and highly risky but he doesn't have much of a choice. He pulled out his Kyber saber and make his way at the edge of the lake.
He stare directly at Nirvana, take a deep breath and lifted his kyber saber and stood strong as he stare at Nirvana and call out.
Y/n: Bring it.
Then Nirvana fired and the beam travelled towards Y/n and the Cait shelter guild. The beam was about to hit when Y/n swing his Kyber saber and then blocks the incoming beam.
He skidded back but he stood strong as he holds Nirvana's firing as long as he can. He can feel it's power but he continue to stood his ground.
He keeps going until finally Nirvana stopped firing and the beam fates. Once it's stop Y/n collapse onto his knees from exhausting. He then strip off his helmet and throws up a little.
He let's out some coughs as he bend down taking some breaths. Then suddenly he felt something sharp at the back of his head and we see it is a small Imperial droid as it take his blood then flies off.
Y/n was too tired to go after it. He stay there for a bit then he slowly gets up and looks over at Nirvana. Y/n wipe his lip then pick up his helmet and puts it on.
At first his jetpack refuse to work then after a hit his jetpack actives and he flies over to Nirvana. Soon he landed onto the Nirvana just as his jetpack gone out and he crash hard onto Nirvana.
He lay there for a bit when two stormtroopers approaches him. Seeing him tired they rais theie blasters at him and was about to finish him when two bolts hits the two stormtroopers.
Nick along with Apollyon, Wendy, Carla and Erza came around the cornor and rush over to Y/n and Nick and Apollyon help him up.
Apollyon: That was stupid! You could've died!
Y/n: I know but didn't have a choice.
Nick: Still good job.
Y/n: Still how is everyone?
Erza: We'll good. Sorry for running off earlier.
Y/n: It's alright. Wendy, Carla, you two good?
Then Wendy came over and hug Y/n. She then look up at him with tears in her eyes and tells him.
Wendy: I've come to say.....thank you.
Y/n gives her a node then he looks over to see Jellal. Quickly he draws out his blaster and aims it at him. Immediately Erza gets in front of him.
Erza: Stand down! Jellal is good now.
Y/n: What?! You have any idea what he did to you. What he tried to do at the tower of heaven?!
Erza: I know but Jellal has no memory of it.
Nick: She's right. When Erza confronted him he had no memory of events that happen at the tower of heaven and the actions he has done.
Y/n stare at Jellal and seeing his face of confusion and worry he lowee his blaster.
Y/n: Alright. But I'm warning you try anything suspicious then things will get ugly.
Jellal: I....I understand.
Y/n: (sigh) Where is everyone?
Nick: Natsu, Gray, Happy and Lucy are in that tower at the top. They were fighting Brain when we lost contact from them. We think something bad may have happen to them.
Apollyon: The rest are still in the forest. Hopefully they can catch up and aid us. But for now, we are on our own.
Y/n:......Alright then.
He then turn to the tower that they told him as he pull up his blaster pistol and says.
Y/n: Let's end this party.
To be continued.....................................................
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